Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

This isn't a war on drugs. It's a war on violence.

Just like alcohol prohibition, the laws themselves are the cause of the violence. You're right though, it's not a war on drugs, it's a fascist policy-war on American Citizens who use non-government approved (non-taxed) recreational substances. Unlike Prohibition, the violence is mostly in other countries that the US press doesn't cover, so there is hardly any US outrage over that violence.
Plus, prescription drugs kill way more people every year than illegal drugs, but they have teams of high-paid lawyers on K Street running up and down the halls of Congress, so the fucking government actually PAYS BILLIONS FOR the more dangerous drugs and hands them out to medicaid recipients and everyone else, but these drugs over here, who don't have lobbyists , and are less dangerous, and people WANT to take them, and will pay for them themselves, the fucking government SPENDS BILLIONS to lock those people up in fucking cages (which have their own armies of lawyers on K St making sure the lawmakers create more lawbreakers, i.e., customers.

It is so sick and corrupted people don't even know. But 98% of the population grew up seeing the government's this-is-your-brain-on-fried-eggs propaganda and that's as far as it goes. Like robots. DRUGS. MUST. BE. ILLEGAL.
--------------------------------------------------------- i just watch news from areas like Denver Colorado and all i see is dopers [legal] and that can't be good for the USA except for the legal store owners and the states tax collection . Doctors and their over prescribing is also something that should be stopped CNelson .
A good deal of the news out of Denver has to do with being the first state in the country to legalize pot, so it makes sense they are showing pot users for the b-roll. Significantly, the news coming out of Denver is NOT about runaway violent crime, nor is it about how society has collapsed since drugs were legalized.
--------------------------------------------------------- they look like bums all over the streets and i imagine its the same in other states where pot is legal . One state that i'm thinking of has a small town , maybe 15. 000 people and there must be 20 - 30 legal weed shops in town , maybe more , Can't be good for the USA a nation of dopers CNelson .
What's wrong with dopers?
Just like alcohol prohibition, the laws themselves are the cause of the violence. You're right though, it's not a war on drugs, it's a fascist policy-war on American Citizens who use non-government approved (non-taxed) recreational substances. Unlike Prohibition, the violence is mostly in other countries that the US press doesn't cover, so there is hardly any US outrage over that violence.
Plus, prescription drugs kill way more people every year than illegal drugs, but they have teams of high-paid lawyers on K Street running up and down the halls of Congress, so the fucking government actually PAYS BILLIONS FOR the more dangerous drugs and hands them out to medicaid recipients and everyone else, but these drugs over here, who don't have lobbyists , and are less dangerous, and people WANT to take them, and will pay for them themselves, the fucking government SPENDS BILLIONS to lock those people up in fucking cages (which have their own armies of lawyers on K St making sure the lawmakers create more lawbreakers, i.e., customers.

It is so sick and corrupted people don't even know. But 98% of the population grew up seeing the government's this-is-your-brain-on-fried-eggs propaganda and that's as far as it goes. Like robots. DRUGS. MUST. BE. ILLEGAL.
--------------------------------------------------------- i just watch news from areas like Denver Colorado and all i see is dopers [legal] and that can't be good for the USA except for the legal store owners and the states tax collection . Doctors and their over prescribing is also something that should be stopped CNelson .
A good deal of the news out of Denver has to do with being the first state in the country to legalize pot, so it makes sense they are showing pot users for the b-roll. Significantly, the news coming out of Denver is NOT about runaway violent crime, nor is it about how society has collapsed since drugs were legalized.
--------------------------------------------------------- they look like bums all over the streets and i imagine its the same in other states where pot is legal . One state that i'm thinking of has a small town , maybe 15. 000 people and there must be 20 - 30 legal weed shops in town , maybe more , Can't be good for the USA a nation of dopers CNelson .
What's wrong with dopers?

Remembering when.

Kid, Why do you think they call it Dope?

There's only one way to stamp out drug abuse.


Take all you want for FREE!
But...before leaving the premises eat all you take.
Think of it as an all-you-can eat buffet on steroids!
Just like alcohol prohibition, the laws themselves are the cause of the violence. You're right though, it's not a war on drugs, it's a fascist policy-war on American Citizens who use non-government approved (non-taxed) recreational substances. Unlike Prohibition, the violence is mostly in other countries that the US press doesn't cover, so there is hardly any US outrage over that violence.
Plus, prescription drugs kill way more people every year than illegal drugs, but they have teams of high-paid lawyers on K Street running up and down the halls of Congress, so the fucking government actually PAYS BILLIONS FOR the more dangerous drugs and hands them out to medicaid recipients and everyone else, but these drugs over here, who don't have lobbyists , and are less dangerous, and people WANT to take them, and will pay for them themselves, the fucking government SPENDS BILLIONS to lock those people up in fucking cages (which have their own armies of lawyers on K St making sure the lawmakers create more lawbreakers, i.e., customers.

It is so sick and corrupted people don't even know. But 98% of the population grew up seeing the government's this-is-your-brain-on-fried-eggs propaganda and that's as far as it goes. Like robots. DRUGS. MUST. BE. ILLEGAL.
--------------------------------------------------------- i just watch news from areas like Denver Colorado and all i see is dopers [legal] and that can't be good for the USA except for the legal store owners and the states tax collection . Doctors and their over prescribing is also something that should be stopped CNelson .
A good deal of the news out of Denver has to do with being the first state in the country to legalize pot, so it makes sense they are showing pot users for the b-roll. Significantly, the news coming out of Denver is NOT about runaway violent crime, nor is it about how society has collapsed since drugs were legalized.
--------------------------------------------------------- they look like bums all over the streets and i imagine its the same in other states where pot is legal . One state that i'm thinking of has a small town , maybe 15. 000 people and there must be 20 - 30 legal weed shops in town , maybe more , Can't be good for the USA a nation of dopers CNelson .
What's wrong with dopers?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------- see Denver Colorado and see the election of 'mrobama' and the dopers support of 'hillary' CNelson !!
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There's only one way to stamp out drug abuse.


Take all you want for FREE!
But...before leaving the premises eat all you take.
Think of it as an all-you-can eat buffet on steroids!

Is this a one time deal or does the FREE DRUG truck stop here everyday?
A buddy of mine's wife used to tell him: "don't forget to smoke your birth control"....reefer shrinks your nuts, dumbass. I mean, look at heavy users....they're pretty much female. :gay:
I don't know about that. In the hood, there isn't a person over the age of twelve who isn't high as a kite every waking moment, and the females all got a half dozen bastards clambering over them.

Gross generalization about young urban blacks but I'll continue. Reefer gateways into hard drugs unless there is some control mechanism in place....why not get REALLY high? That question is answered in one of two ways. Reefer dealers have access to other dope for lean supply times....they don't shut down or they'll lose their customers. I came up through the 60's and 70's and have seen what happened to chronic users....their minds are shot. Lazy, angry, and pretty much useless. Add to that a corporation of any size has been doing random tests for years. Sure, they can be defeated but if they're not, you're gone. Who wants an easily distracted pothead in the middle of your business operation? I'm not talking about weekenders here or a couple who get lit before sex or whatever. I'm talking about dumbasses who've come to believe smoking a plant matter is a "lifestyle". Legalization? don't even think about it.
A buddy of mine's wife used to tell him: "don't forget to smoke your birth control"....reefer shrinks your nuts, dumbass. I mean, look at heavy users....they're pretty much female. :gay:
I don't know about that. In the hood, there isn't a person over the age of twelve who isn't high as a kite every waking moment, and the females all got a half dozen bastards clambering over them.

Gross generalization about young urban blacks but I'll continue. Reefer gateways into hard drugs unless there is some control mechanism in place....why not get REALLY high? That question is answered in one of two ways. Reefer dealers have access to other dope for lean supply times....they don't shut down or they'll lose their customers. I came up through the 60's and 70's and have seen what happened to chronic users....their minds are shot. Lazy, angry, and pretty much useless. Add to that a corporation of any size has been doing random tests for years. Sure, they can be defeated but if they're not, you're gone. Who wants an easily distracted pothead in the middle of your business operation? I'm not talking about weekenders here or a couple who get lit before sex or whatever. I'm talking about dumbasses who've come to believe smoking a plant matter is a "lifestyle". Legalization? don't even think about it.

I don't think smoking that plant as a lifestyle is all that bad when compared to all the death and destruction caused by alcohol. How many highway accidents caused by pot, for example? The war on drugs has been a failure. Can't rescue people from their own stupidity. Not that I like pot one bit. I tried it a couple of times after hearing that glaucoma patients had some success with it. It was a crummy taste and afterward feeling, so I just kept on taking eye drops instead.
From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.


Its call enforcing the law.....If you don't like the law get it changed. It's that simple.
A buddy of mine's wife used to tell him: "don't forget to smoke your birth control"....reefer shrinks your nuts, dumbass. I mean, look at heavy users....they're pretty much female. :gay:
I don't know about that. In the hood, there isn't a person over the age of twelve who isn't high as a kite every waking moment, and the females all got a half dozen bastards clambering over them.

Gross generalization about young urban blacks but I'll continue. Reefer gateways into hard drugs unless there is some control mechanism in place....why not get REALLY high? That question is answered in one of two ways. Reefer dealers have access to other dope for lean supply times....they don't shut down or they'll lose their customers. I came up through the 60's and 70's and have seen what happened to chronic users....their minds are shot. Lazy, angry, and pretty much useless. Add to that a corporation of any size has been doing random tests for years. Sure, they can be defeated but if they're not, you're gone. Who wants an easily distracted pothead in the middle of your business operation? I'm not talking about weekenders here or a couple who get lit before sex or whatever. I'm talking about dumbasses who've come to believe smoking a plant matter is a "lifestyle". Legalization? don't even think about it.
Ever try to have a talk with one these "heads" it a real hard/ They can't focus long enough to understand the question or what the answer is.
You know, there are several good things that have come from CO legalizing marijuana.

One of which is the reduction in narcotic overdoses, because people no longer need to use prescription drugs which in many cases, can lead to heroin use.

Another is that the violent crime rate has been reduced.

Yet another is that CO has some of the best tax revenue of any state out there.

If people in NH and VT would use their heads and legalize it, they might be able to reduce their heroin problem. One of the uses of medical marijuana is in the treatment of heroin withdrawl, because marijuana helps with nausea, joint pain, and nervousness, all things associated with heroin withdrawl. Matter of fact, saw an episode of Weediquette on VICE Channel where they were using it for treatment for heroin addicts. In the year that they have been operating, they have a 60 percent success rate. Those are unheard of numbers for heroin addicts.

And................fwiw.................marijuana isn't the gateway drug that people try to say it is. If you wouldn't do something sober, you won't do it stoned, because marijuana doesn't reduce your inhibitions. Alcohol on the other hand, DOES. How many stories have we all heard or seen of people who have had too much to drink and did things they wouldn't normally do?

And, as far as the gateway drug to hard drugs? Know what the leading cause is of heroin addiction in the US today? Prescription drugs. People get on painkillers that are prescribed by their doctor, and when the script runs out, they are addicted but can't get any more painkillers, so they turn to the nearest similar substance, which is heroin.
You know, there are several good things that have come from CO legalizing marijuana.

One of which is the reduction in narcotic overdoses, because people no longer need to use prescription drugs which in many cases, can lead to heroin use.

Another is that the violent crime rate has been reduced.

Yet another is that CO has some of the best tax revenue of any state out there.

If people in NH and VT would use their heads and legalize it, they might be able to reduce their heroin problem. One of the uses of medical marijuana is in the treatment of heroin withdrawl, because marijuana helps with nausea, joint pain, and nervousness, all things associated with heroin withdrawl. Matter of fact, saw an episode of Weediquette on VICE Channel where they were using it for treatment for heroin addicts. In the year that they have been operating, they have a 60 percent success rate. Those are unheard of numbers for heroin addicts.

And................fwiw.................marijuana isn't the gateway drug that people try to say it is. If you wouldn't do something sober, you won't do it stoned, because marijuana doesn't reduce your inhibitions. Alcohol on the other hand, DOES. How many stories have we all heard or seen of people who have had too much to drink and did things they wouldn't normally do?

And, as far as the gateway drug to hard drugs? Know what the leading cause is of heroin addiction in the US today? Prescription drugs. People get on painkillers that are prescribed by their doctor, and when the script runs out, they are addicted but can't get any more painkillers, so they turn to the nearest similar substance, which is heroin.
Yes and NO in same cases Pot works better than chemo drugs and this I agree with the substitute for alcohol is not. Whiskey does big damage to the body and so does Pot so smoking it is bad. In pill form not so bad. For Medical use I think it Could be good.
Plus, prescription drugs kill way more people every year than illegal drugs, but they have teams of high-paid lawyers on K Street running up and down the halls of Congress, so the fucking government actually PAYS BILLIONS FOR the more dangerous drugs and hands them out to medicaid recipients and everyone else, but these drugs over here, who don't have lobbyists , and are less dangerous, and people WANT to take them, and will pay for them themselves, the fucking government SPENDS BILLIONS to lock those people up in fucking cages (which have their own armies of lawyers on K St making sure the lawmakers create more lawbreakers, i.e., customers.

It is so sick and corrupted people don't even know. But 98% of the population grew up seeing the government's this-is-your-brain-on-fried-eggs propaganda and that's as far as it goes. Like robots. DRUGS. MUST. BE. ILLEGAL.
--------------------------------------------------------- i just watch news from areas like Denver Colorado and all i see is dopers [legal] and that can't be good for the USA except for the legal store owners and the states tax collection . Doctors and their over prescribing is also something that should be stopped CNelson .
A good deal of the news out of Denver has to do with being the first state in the country to legalize pot, so it makes sense they are showing pot users for the b-roll. Significantly, the news coming out of Denver is NOT about runaway violent crime, nor is it about how society has collapsed since drugs were legalized.
--------------------------------------------------------- they look like bums all over the streets and i imagine its the same in other states where pot is legal . One state that i'm thinking of has a small town , maybe 15. 000 people and there must be 20 - 30 legal weed shops in town , maybe more , Can't be good for the USA a nation of dopers CNelson .
What's wrong with dopers?

Remembering when.

Kid, Why do you think they call it Dope?

LOL, yes. Saturday morning cartoons, right?

This is the one that freaked me out. Naturally, after seeing this, I couldn't wait to try heroin.

A buddy of mine's wife used to tell him: "don't forget to smoke your birth control"....reefer shrinks your nuts, dumbass. I mean, look at heavy users....they're pretty much female. :gay:
I don't know about that. In the hood, there isn't a person over the age of twelve who isn't high as a kite every waking moment, and the females all got a half dozen bastards clambering over them.

Gross generalization about young urban blacks but I'll continue. Reefer gateways into hard drugs unless there is some control mechanism in place....why not get REALLY high? That question is answered in one of two ways. Reefer dealers have access to other dope for lean supply times....they don't shut down or they'll lose their customers. I came up through the 60's and 70's and have seen what happened to chronic users....their minds are shot. Lazy, angry, and pretty much useless. Add to that a corporation of any size has been doing random tests for years. Sure, they can be defeated but if they're not, you're gone. Who wants an easily distracted pothead in the middle of your business operation? I'm not talking about weekenders here or a couple who get lit before sex or whatever. I'm talking about dumbasses who've come to believe smoking a plant matter is a "lifestyle". Legalization? don't even think about it.
I'm more of a live and let live kind of guy. Doesn't seem right to lock someone in a cage just because they wanted to feel better. My business operation doesn't have a claim on your pursuit of happiness.
From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.



Is that where we're at? Are we embracing the lawlessness?
I wonder if that's how our higher grade citizens feel?
We want to compromise, make concessions and tailor our laws to better fit our lowest grade citizens?
I may be I missing something here?

Imo, there is no one so low than the ones who tell other folks what they can or cannot do for recreation. As long at that recreation doesn't impose on anyone else's rights, wtf do you care what your (other than higher grade citizen) do?

Haha...I love the Liberal spin and framing...."recreation"...that word cleans up drug abuse so well. Mountain biking is recreational...smoking cocaine is not. When low-life's choose to be "recreational" in such a way that leads to imposing on my checking account I tend to have a problem with it.
Are you the type to pretend that "recreational drug use" isn't most prevalent among our poorest and lowest grade bottom feeding piece of shits whom are already stealing from taxpayers and sucking the .GOV tit?
I'm fine with Charlie Sheen snorting blow from the ass crack of hookers...I'm not sending him an EBT card every month and or subsidizing his life due to his grossly negligent decision making.
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From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.



Is that where we're at? Are we embracing the lawlessness?
I wonder if that's how our higher grade citizens feel?
We want to compromise, make concessions and tailor our laws to better fit our lowest grade citizens?
I may be I missing something here?
My post simply states there are a whole shit load of more pressing concerns. Why you gonna go after some kid from a broken home at the bottom of the stack and bust his life up while George Soros is literally destroying the country, intentionally, and isn't going to stop. Which is more important. Make sure that kid doesn't make a few hundred dollars dealing meth to his broke friends, or shutting down the vilest most dangerous creature on the planet, a powerful and evil man operating outside the law who desires your destruction? Fucking investigate and incarcerate that pile of pig shit. Leave the kid alone.

How bout we stop diverting my tax dollars to illegal wetbacks?
Let's get those welfare sucking ghetto thugs working and doing what wetbacks are doing now so we don't have to let that piece of shit punk kid slide or allow Soros to destroy the country?
Let's fuck the punk kid and Soros over...Whatta ya say?
Lets grab our fucking balls and sack-up!
Mountain biking is recreational...smoking cocaine is not. When low-life's choose to be "recreational" in such a way that leads to imposing on my checking account I tend to have a problem with it.
So if a mountain biker is hitting a trail up in the Sangre de Cristos and accidentally goes over a cliff and it takes a helicopter and a bunch of first responders a lot of time to rescue him, all at taxpayer expense, will you have a problem with that, too?
From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.


Nothing but social plans on a national basis, is all the right wing usually has.
Mountain biking is recreational...smoking cocaine is not. When low-life's choose to be "recreational" in such a way that leads to imposing on my checking account I tend to have a problem with it.
So if a mountain biker is hitting a trail up in the Sangre de Cristos and accidentally goes over a cliff and it takes a helicopter and a bunch of first responders a lot of time to rescue him, all at taxpayer expense, will you have a problem with that, too?

Oh you're killing me with the predictable bullshit semantics...haha
If the mountain biker has a SELF PAID insurance policy that covers all expenses related to his own decision making I'm fine with it....If he's uninsured or taxpayer insured and his risks become burden to taxpayers he's a piece of shit as well.
See how this's so fucking're a big boy...PAY YOUR OWN FUCKING WAY!

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