Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

The war on drugs is a waste of time, money, and effort. A government regulated distribution of potentially harmful products does wonders for the economy. We do it with alcohol and tobacco, and many European countries have already made leaps and bounds in the field of legalization (go look at Portugal).

Yet here we are, wasting time and money and prison space rooting out pot users because weed is apparently the devils lettuce.

Really embarrassing on our part.
This isn't a war on drugs. It's a war on violence. Unfortunately, violence and drugs are closely intertwined. It is a commentary on how bad we have become, how evil we have become that have so many people not only willing to accept violence, but supporting violence just to protect drug use. Users will sell their children for a fix and watch them killed. Send the drug freaks to Colombia where they will be at home.
can you be sent there too.....just for the hell of it? sure you would love it there....
If these drug addicts worked a job and paid for their own drugs fine, but they don't, they rob and steal and commit crimes against law abiding citizens to feed their habits. So tough shit, go to jail, go directly to jail.
Rob and steal? Go to jail for robbing and stealing. Where's the problem? (Btw, if drugs were legalized and sold at CVS next to the aspirin, that might have a positive impact on the crime rate, don't you think?)

I don't see why. If a person doesn't have money for their drugs because they are too Fd up to work or can't pass drug tests, what's stopping them from robbing and staling to get legal drugs instead of illegal drugs?
But the same argument could be used to make alcohol, expensive sneakers, and a host of things people kill other people for, illegal. Moreover, if a $100/day illegal heroin habit equaled in quantity of heroin $3 worth of legal farm - raised heroin, processed by Del Monte, packaged and sold next to the cigarettes, it's easy to see, to the extent crime is driven by addicts feeding their habits, the massively positive impact on the crime rate legalizing heroin would have.

A carton of cigarettes probably costs around ten bucks to make, but the price of a carton here is about $60.00. I understand in New York, they want to raise the price of a carton from $105.00 to $130.00.

Yeah, if we made murder legal too, that would save our police and detectives a lot of work as well. My neighbors are drunks. Today, they will be drunk by 12:00 in the afternoon. But they both have jobs. They both wake up early every morning and are out of here by 6:00 am. They both pay taxes. People who are addicted to opioid products can't work. Then we the taxpayers have to support them along with the medical problems they develop from the dope.

Before you say "well, I'm against supporting them," that's a false argument because we don't let people die in the streets in this country. We can't even get society to stop supporting people that just don't want to work.
I used to live on E 3rd St on Manhattan's Lower East Side back when the block between Aves A & B was a major heroin market. Early in the morning you'd see all the Wall St guys pulling up in their Benzs and their dealers would run over with a bundle of dope and off they'd go to work. I would sit and watch all the activity from my kitchen window. You probably know quite a few people who are regular users of illegal drugs. They just don't announce it, for obvious reasons.

Using a drug optionally and being addicted are two different things. Opioids however have a high addiction rate.

It's just like alcohol in a way. Some people can have a beer or two on the back porch while others drink a 12 pack every night and get so bombed they can't make it into the house.

I've seen too much destruction with those drugs, and I have been a casualty to them myself even though I don't go near the stuff. I've seen people kill themselves using. I know of people who committed suicide because their access to drugs were cutoff. I know of a schoolmate who lost his home, the company his father handed down to him, his family because of dope. He even stole his wife's wedding ring to sell for dope.

If you have a rodent problem in your garage, the answer is not burning it down.
These are active gang members whose activities reach far beyond drugs. Yet, it's just insane to see how much users will accept just to protect drugs. They will accept sex slavery, murder, kidnappings, torture. Users will let drug addicts create carnage on the streets and highways. They seem to have a particular affinity for those who die in the streets with the needle still in their arms.

If you legalize the drugs, you will have more drug addicts, more death and far, far more violence. This is just acceptable to users. Their lives revolve around the next high, the next fix. Why shouldn't every one else's lives revolve around drugs too.

Because let's face it, if you make all drugs legal, more people will use those drugs.
I'm not sure that's true. I believe I've read that alcohol consumption went down after Prohibition was repealed. That makes perfect sense to me. Making something illegal is often the best way to make it popular. We humans! In any case, as with alcohol, the lion's share of the negative impact on society of the prohibition of both alcohol and drugs derives from their illegality.

Marijuana use increases in Colorado, according to new federal survey – The Denver Post
These are active gang members whose activities reach far beyond drugs. Yet, it's just insane to see how much users will accept just to protect drugs. They will accept sex slavery, murder, kidnappings, torture. Users will let drug addicts create carnage on the streets and highways. They seem to have a particular affinity for those who die in the streets with the needle still in their arms.

If you legalize the drugs, you will have more drug addicts, more death and far, far more violence. This is just acceptable to users. Their lives revolve around the next high, the next fix. Why shouldn't every one else's lives revolve around drugs too.


Murder is prohibited. Is that 'unfair' too, pothead?
The war on drugs is a waste of time, money, and effort. A government regulated distribution of potentially harmful products does wonders for the economy. We do it with alcohol and tobacco, and many European countries have already made leaps and bounds in the field of legalization (go look at Portugal).

Yet here we are, wasting time and money and prison space rooting out pot users because weed is apparently the devils lettuce.

Really embarrassing on our part.
The right wing prefers to "hate on the poor" by blaming Them and wanting to reduce social services spending, and even denying and disparaging the poor, steak and lobster privileges on their EBT cards, simply so the right wing, can indulge their socialism on a national basis.
These are active gang members whose activities reach far beyond drugs. Yet, it's just insane to see how much users will accept just to protect drugs. They will accept sex slavery, murder, kidnappings, torture. Users will let drug addicts create carnage on the streets and highways. They seem to have a particular affinity for those who die in the streets with the needle still in their arms.

If you legalize the drugs, you will have more drug addicts, more death and far, far more violence. This is just acceptable to users. Their lives revolve around the next high, the next fix. Why shouldn't every one else's lives revolve around drugs too.


Murder is prohibited. Is that 'unfair' too, pothead?
We only need Ten Commandments from any God, right winger.
From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.


Crush drug abuse and its support of terrorism.
These are active gang members whose activities reach far beyond drugs. Yet, it's just insane to see how much users will accept just to protect drugs. They will accept sex slavery, murder, kidnappings, torture. Users will let drug addicts create carnage on the streets and highways. They seem to have a particular affinity for those who die in the streets with the needle still in their arms.

If you legalize the drugs, you will have more drug addicts, more death and far, far more violence. This is just acceptable to users. Their lives revolve around the next high, the next fix. Why shouldn't every one else's lives revolve around drugs too.


Murder is prohibited. Is that 'unfair' too, pothead?
We only need Ten Commandments from any God, right winger.
Don't forget the New Testament. Thank you very much.
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Devastation that could be avoided by regulated distribution and sales. But we would rather storm into these neighborhoods and kick down the doors and put them all in prison to rot.

Watch who you call hypocrite.
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.
So if a dog bites someone, the dog is not giving consent and does not want to be screwed. What do the drugs do if they don't want to be taken?

Your comparison makes no sense.
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.

Man you really are ignorant. Go look at all the European countries who have beaten us to the punch.

It works.
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Devastation that could be avoided by regulated distribution and sales. But we would rather storm into these neighborhoods and kick down the doors and put them all in prison to rot.

Watch who you call hypocrite.
Whatever. Another dumbassed liberal. So we should all get stoned before wor huh? Makes us easier to be manipulated by federal government. I know why liberals want America to be stoned...makes us ignorant and weak.

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