Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

If you hill climb or are involved in martial arts, employers will still hire you and you won't be a drag on taxpayers.

I'm not concerned about people harming themselves, I'm more concerned about them being a burden to society and ruining the lives of their families. As I mentioned earlier, my cousin lost her 28 year old son to dope about a year and a half ago. About six months ago, I ran into her and her husband at the grocery store. They both looked like they just got done crying in the car before they entered the store. Their lives will never be the same.

Even if you made pot legal, that doesn't mean an employer has to hire users. Employers get much cheaper rates on Workman's Compensation insurance by having a random test drug program. In fact I rented an apartment to a pot using couple, and they were here several years. Both drove beat up old cars, they never had any money, and they were always late with rent. Why didn't they quit their fast food jobs and get a better paying job? Because better paying jobs drug test.

I haven't heard from the girl (who I rented the apartment to) in over a year, but it's my hope they decided to give up the dope and start making their path in life. They are in their later 20's now, and time is running out. It's difficult to pursue a career when you're a 40 year old french fry maker. If you want any kind of success in life, you have to start early.
What about people who smoke pot and have no problem at work in their non-fast food jobs?

You don't when you are younger. I've worked plenty of minimum wage jobs when I was a kid. But I also regret not seeking a trade when I was younger as well. All that time wasted working low paying jobs.

The earlier you start, the better life will be in the future. At the risk of sounding like an old man, younger people have no idea how fast time really flies.

So you get out of school at 18, smoke pot, and make on average $20,000 a year for ten years. But if you got a real job and made $40,000 a year, that's $200,000 more you could have made if you got off the dope and started to pursue a career right from the beginning. That's a hell of a lot of money to waste just to smoke pot on top of the money you wasted buying the shit.

I do agree, time goes by fast. Become a nerd.
A buddy of mine's wife used to tell him: "don't forget to smoke your birth control"....reefer shrinks your nuts, dumbass. I mean, look at heavy users....they're pretty much female. :gay:
Your friend's wife was right. The upside is, men on pot think that they are much better lovers and longer lasting lovers than they really are.

The Truth About How Marijuana Affects Male Sexual Performance | HuffPost
i don't mind working on my endurance and stamina while smoking pot.

i also like to practice full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work; want to, "bing"?
If these drug addicts worked a job and paid for their own drugs fine, but they don't, they rob and steal and commit crimes against law abiding citizens to feed their habits. So tough shit, go to jail, go directly to jail.
Rob and steal? Go to jail for robbing and stealing. Where's the problem? (Btw, if drugs were legalized and sold at CVS next to the aspirin, that might have a positive impact on the crime rate, don't you think?)

I don't see why. If a person doesn't have money for their drugs because they are too Fd up to work or can't pass drug tests, what's stopping them from robbing and staling to get legal drugs instead of illegal drugs?
But the same argument could be used to make alcohol, expensive sneakers, and a host of things people kill other people for, illegal. Moreover, if a $100/day illegal heroin habit equaled in quantity of heroin $3 worth of legal farm - raised heroin, processed by Del Monte, packaged and sold next to the cigarettes, it's easy to see, to the extent crime is driven by addicts feeding their habits, the massively positive impact on the crime rate legalizing heroin would have.
Yet, the right wing claims we need to, "ditch capitalism" for their right wing socialism on a national basis.
A buddy of mine's wife used to tell him: "don't forget to smoke your birth control"....reefer shrinks your nuts, dumbass. I mean, look at heavy users....they're pretty much female. :gay:
Your friend's wife was right. The upside is, men on pot think that they are much better lovers and longer lasting lovers than they really are.

The Truth About How Marijuana Affects Male Sexual Performance | HuffPost
i don't mind working on my endurance and stamina while smoking pot.

i also like to practice full body massage with happy ending and g-spot focus work; want to, "bing"?
You have no idea how I would slice and dice you and enjoy every minute of it too. Pick on someone else. Possibly a moderator.
You don't when you are younger. I've worked plenty of minimum wage jobs when I was a kid. But I also regret not seeking a trade when I was younger as well. All that time wasted working low paying jobs.

The earlier you start, the better life will be in the future. At the risk of sounding like an old man, younger people have no idea how fast time really flies.

So you get out of school at 18, smoke pot, and make on average $20,000 a year for ten years. But if you got a real job and made $40,000 a year, that's $200,000 more you could have made if you got off the dope and started to pursue a career right from the beginning. That's a hell of a lot of money to waste just to smoke pot on top of the money you wasted buying the shit.
I smoked pot every day from the time I was 17 until I was 37 and over half that time, I made over $40,000 a year. I got my first job when I was 17 and was stoked my career had finally started.

The point is, drugs had no impact on my career.
If these drug addicts worked a job and paid for their own drugs fine, but they don't, they rob and steal and commit crimes against law abiding citizens to feed their habits. So tough shit, go to jail, go directly to jail.
Rob and steal? Go to jail for robbing and stealing. Where's the problem? (Btw, if drugs were legalized and sold at CVS next to the aspirin, that might have a positive impact on the crime rate, don't you think?)

I don't see why. If a person doesn't have money for their drugs because they are too Fd up to work or can't pass drug tests, what's stopping them from robbing and staling to get legal drugs instead of illegal drugs?
But the same argument could be used to make alcohol, expensive sneakers, and a host of things people kill other people for, illegal. Moreover, if a $100/day illegal heroin habit equaled in quantity of heroin $3 worth of legal farm - raised heroin, processed by Del Monte, packaged and sold next to the cigarettes, it's easy to see, to the extent crime is driven by addicts feeding their habits, the massively positive impact on the crime rate legalizing heroin would have.
Then you would have to legalize gray death, heroin and fentanyl.

The druggies will always be a step or two ahead of you with bigger and better highs some ending in death.

Alcohol is always used as if bad behavior can be used to justify horrible behavior.

If we cannot convince people that they really can get through the day without being high maybe the better thing to do is let them go. Stop absurd justifications that heroin is just like alcohol. Stop running around with narcan and rushing overdoses to the hospital. Just let them go. Protect yourself and your family. Shoot to kill. They won't sober up.
dear, kool aid is refreshing, no alcohol required.
And I didn't accept a job offer with your company so that you could control how I may find fulfillment in life. If you can keep your end of our deal and pay me x compensation for y services and leave it at that, then we're good. But if you also insist on being able to tell me what I may smoke, where I may attend church, whom I may marry, etc., then you will have to find yourself a more submissive, slavish employee.

Hey, if you're an embarrassment to the community outside of work, you won't last long in my business. Damn right I'll tell you what you can smoke by piss-testing you if I'm even a little bit suspicious of your conduct. Who you marry or where or if you go to church is none of my business and an attempted smokescreen on your part. But if you beat your wife or steal from the collection plate at church....same outcome.
You wouldn't tell me what I can smoke because I wouldn't work under those conditions. Nor should the rest of the country be required to live under the same inappropriate and controlling rules your meek work force endures.
we have laws regarding employment at will. why should labor as the least wealthy, have to "subsidize" lousy employers, with a right wing, "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron, in modern, Corporate Welfare times?
Trump ran on tougher drug enforcement. You may be dissapointed he won but that's how it works. I do not believe drugs are harmless, they are devastating to society.

the Trump drones are on FIRE this AM !
Yeah brainchild, the wall should be up by now.
Actually, it is the laws against drugs that are devastating to society, just like the laws against alcohol were an utter disaster on every level. Here is our logic for the War on Some Drug Users: We believe if you take these drugs it will ruin your life. Therefore, if we catch you taking these drugs, we are going to ruin your life.

Not at all. Drug usage leads to crime and destruction of innocents. I rented to a drug user years ago. He was the son of an old girlfriend of mine. He couldn't' work because he became so lazy, and I always wondered how he paid for his dope?

I found out when somebody snuck into my basement and set it afire. The house was nearly totaled, and it took six months and over $80,000 to have it restored. Apparently he wasn't paying for his dope and "whoever" retaliated, and I couldn't get insurance on any of my rental properties for three years.

My cousin recently lost her 28 year old son to dope. He got hooked on it in his early teen years, and could never stop regardless of multiple treatments and run ins with the law. Now her and her husbands life are ruined.

And that's Ohio, where people are more normal. Here in California, land of the fruits and the nuts, you would run a credit check on prospective tenants. We used to call it a trw. They pay for the credit check.You also get a first and last month rent up front and usually a cleaning deposit. And the phone won't be constantly ringing like back when you used to just put an ad in the paper, house/apt. for rent. It's called flake proofing your business. If your places are priced right, you'll get the tenants. I found this out the hard way. The world's full of flakes and we just need to know how to avoid them. Costs too much to imprison people who don't walk the line the government draws. Especially the government who brought the drugs here to begin with and at the same time protects the banks who launder the drug money.
If these drug addicts worked a job and paid for their own drugs fine, but they don't, they rob and steal and commit crimes against law abiding citizens to feed their habits. So tough shit, go to jail, go directly to jail.
Rob and steal? Go to jail for robbing and stealing. Where's the problem? (Btw, if drugs were legalized and sold at CVS next to the aspirin, that might have a positive impact on the crime rate, don't you think?)

I don't see why. If a person doesn't have money for their drugs because they are too Fd up to work or can't pass drug tests, what's stopping them from robbing and staling to get legal drugs instead of illegal drugs?
But the same argument could be used to make alcohol, expensive sneakers, and a host of things people kill other people for, illegal. Moreover, if a $100/day illegal heroin habit equaled in quantity of heroin $3 worth of legal farm - raised heroin, processed by Del Monte, packaged and sold next to the cigarettes, it's easy to see, to the extent crime is driven by addicts feeding their habits, the massively positive impact on the crime rate legalizing heroin would have.
Then you would have to legalize gray death, heroin and fentanyl.

The druggies will always be a step or two ahead of you with bigger and better highs some ending in death.

Alcohol is always used as if bad behavior can be used to justify horrible behavior.

If we cannot convince people that they really can get through the day without being high maybe the better thing to do is let them go. Stop absurd justifications that heroin is just like alcohol. Stop running around with narcan and rushing overdoses to the hospital. Just let them go. Protect yourself and your family. Shoot to kill. They won't sober up.
dear, kool aid is refreshing, no alcohol required.
Poison the kool aid, give it to the addicts, they don't pay attention anyway.
Most marijuana users use very much like Michael Brown. All he did was smoke some weed. Not mentioning roughing up the store clerk or fighting with a cop.

They forget. All they did was smoke a roach, then find out that they shot three people.

It still effects you even if you're not actually intoxicated at the time. Pot stays in your system for nearly a month after you stop smoking it. Trayvon Martin who attacked George Zimmerman had pot in his blood too. I've known plenty of people that quit pot, and you can see the gradual change in them as time went along.
anyone who drinks alcohol, will have alcohol in their system. how much alcohol, has already been established as a due process requirement. if you cannot establish those metrics for marijuana, it is merely a subjective, "judgment call".
If you hill climb or are involved in martial arts, employers will still hire you and you won't be a drag on taxpayers.

I'm not concerned about people harming themselves, I'm more concerned about them being a burden to society and ruining the lives of their families. As I mentioned earlier, my cousin lost her 28 year old son to dope about a year and a half ago. About six months ago, I ran into her and her husband at the grocery store. They both looked like they just got done crying in the car before they entered the store. Their lives will never be the same.

Even if you made pot legal, that doesn't mean an employer has to hire users. Employers get much cheaper rates on Workman's Compensation insurance by having a random test drug program. In fact I rented an apartment to a pot using couple, and they were here several years. Both drove beat up old cars, they never had any money, and they were always late with rent. Why didn't they quit their fast food jobs and get a better paying job? Because better paying jobs drug test.

I haven't heard from the girl (who I rented the apartment to) in over a year, but it's my hope they decided to give up the dope and start making their path in life. They are in their later 20's now, and time is running out. It's difficult to pursue a career when you're a 40 year old french fry maker. If you want any kind of success in life, you have to start early.
What about people who smoke pot and have no problem at work in their non-fast food jobs?
which fast food places include board if not room?
Trump ran on tougher drug enforcement. You may be dissapointed he won but that's how it works. I do not believe drugs are harmless, they are devastating to society.

the Trump drones are on FIRE this AM !
Yeah brainchild, the wall should be up by now.
Actually, it is the laws against drugs that are devastating to society, just like the laws against alcohol were an utter disaster on every level. Here is our logic for the War on Some Drug Users: We believe if you take these drugs it will ruin your life. Therefore, if we catch you taking these drugs, we are going to ruin your life.

Not at all. Drug usage leads to crime and destruction of innocents. I rented to a drug user years ago. He was the son of an old girlfriend of mine. He couldn't' work because he became so lazy, and I always wondered how he paid for his dope?

I found out when somebody snuck into my basement and set it afire. The house was nearly totaled, and it took six months and over $80,000 to have it restored. Apparently he wasn't paying for his dope and "whoever" retaliated, and I couldn't get insurance on any of my rental properties for three years.

My cousin recently lost her 28 year old son to dope. He got hooked on it in his early teen years, and could never stop regardless of multiple treatments and run ins with the law. Now her and her husbands life are ruined.

And that's Ohio, where people are more normal. Here in California, land of the fruits and the nuts, you would run a credit check on prospective tenants. We used to call it a trw. They pay for the credit check.You also get a first and last month rent up front and usually a cleaning deposit. And the phone won't be constantly ringing like back when you used to just put an ad in the paper, house/apt. for rent. It's called flake proofing your business. If your places are priced right, you'll get the tenants. I found this out the hard way. The world's full of flakes and we just need to know how to avoid them. Costs too much to imprison people who don't walk the line the government draws. Especially the government who brought the drugs here to begin with and at the same time protects the banks who launder the drug money.

I've been doing this nearly 25 years, and my experience is that credit checks don't mean a thing. I've rented to poor people (like my tenant I was speaking off) and I've rented to people that made great money and had their heads on straight. In many cases, the people you think will work out well don't, and the people you consider a risk end up being your best tenants.

In fact right now, I only have one couple where the guy is a professional, but given he's supporting a family of four by himself, he doesn't make great money. But they are great tenants and so is their daughter who was here before them. I have a feeling both will be with me for a long, long time. They pay the rent, are respectable to the properties, and get along great with my other tenants. But I'd be willing to bet if I ran a credit check on them, it would be low scoring.
You don't when you are younger. I've worked plenty of minimum wage jobs when I was a kid. But I also regret not seeking a trade when I was younger as well. All that time wasted working low paying jobs.

The earlier you start, the better life will be in the future. At the risk of sounding like an old man, younger people have no idea how fast time really flies.

So you get out of school at 18, smoke pot, and make on average $20,000 a year for ten years. But if you got a real job and made $40,000 a year, that's $200,000 more you could have made if you got off the dope and started to pursue a career right from the beginning. That's a hell of a lot of money to waste just to smoke pot on top of the money you wasted buying the shit.
I smoked pot every day from the time I was 17 until I was 37 and over half that time, I made over $40,000 a year. I got my first job when I was 17 and was stoked my career had finally started.

The point is, drugs had no impact on my career.

That may be, but does your company drug test now? As workman's compensation keeps increasing faster than healthcare insurance itself, the growing trend is to drug test employees.

And be honest and ask yourself if you would have given up the opportunity you had if they did drug test back then? If the answer is yes, then think of how crappy you might be doing today. That's the point I'm making.
Well, if we're worried about deaths, why not outlaw alcohol too?

Alcohol is social whereas drugs are not. People don't sit around a table trying different forms of Heroin for taste and talk about their day at work. Drugs are used for one thing and one thing only. When we did have prohibition, do you think we had more of a problem with drunk people than we do today or less? When you legalize something that was illegal, more people are going to participate just as what happened after the prohibition of alcohol was lifted.

The problems we have with alcohol does not justify introducing more harmful elements into our society. If anything, we could use the alcohol argument against drug legalization.
Well, if we're worried about deaths, why not outlaw alcohol too?

Alcohol is social whereas drugs are not. People don't sit around a table trying different forms of Heroin for taste and talk about their day at work. Drugs are used for one thing and one thing only. When we did have prohibition, do you think we had more of a problem with drunk people than we do today or less? When you legalize something that was illegal, more people are going to participate just as what happened after the prohibition of alcohol was lifted.

The problems we have with alcohol does not justify introducing more harmful elements into our society. If anything, we could use the alcohol argument against drug legalization.

But drugs are social. They're the center of so many get togethers and parties. You know, we could probably eliminate drugs but there's too much money in it for everyone, but especially for banks, who never go to jail. Remember the wachovia drug laundering case? They paid a fine which was a small percentage of the profit they made from the mexican drug cartels, then got taken over by wells fargo. Nobody went to jail of course. Obama had been in office a couple years already by then, and of course he wouldn't go against the banks. Everyone makes money on drugs including the cartels, dealers, banks, prison industry and prison guards. But only the little players and the end users go to jail.

Absolutely wrong. Most prison cases that involve drugs are the sales of drugs or using them in the commission of another (and more serious) crime. We have very few inmates in prison for drug usage alone. I believe it's something like less than 4% of our prison population, but if you want, I'll find the statistics and post them for you.
That's one of the many lunacies of the drug laws, that somehow, it's ok to prosecute just the sale and not the purchase of the same illegal product. The only reason that absurdity has developed is because the sellers generally will have more cash on hand than the buyers, and that's what the narcs are really after. They couldn't care less if Tommy or T'Neekwa are getting high. Why should they? What business is it of theirs?

I guess the logic to that is users are doing more harm to themselves than the sellers who are doing more harm to society. We have a huge opioid problem in this country. In our county, we are experiencing record overdoses and overdose deaths. Without the pusher, that wouldn't be happening, so they are bringing harm to everybody including children.

Last year we lost over 50,000 Americans to overdose deaths, and then you add in all the Americans who's lives were ruined because of drugs. For the life of me, I can't understand why people would want to see an expansion of that problem. Because let's face it, if you make all drugs legal, more people will use those drugs.

Drugs haven't really ever been legal in this country. At least not in my lifetime.I was being checked for drugs coming back from Mexico in the '60s. This drug war has turned us into a police state, and still, people get their drugs one way or the other. The drug lords are thanking us and so are the careerists in the police and justice racket. Here in Cali, a cop can retire with 30 years and 90% of his pay on his pension. Cops love the drug war, as does the prison industry.
These are active gang members whose activities reach far beyond drugs. Yet, it's just insane to see how much users will accept just to protect drugs. They will accept sex slavery, murder, kidnappings, torture. Users will let drug addicts create carnage on the streets and highways. They seem to have a particular affinity for those who die in the streets with the needle still in their arms.

If you legalize the drugs, you will have more drug addicts, more death and far, far more violence. This is just acceptable to users. Their lives revolve around the next high, the next fix. Why shouldn't every one else's lives revolve around drugs too.

Alcohol is social whereas drugs are not. People don't sit around a table trying different forms of Heroin for taste and talk about their day at work. Drugs are used for one thing and one thing only. When we did have prohibition, do you think we had more of a problem with drunk people than we do today or less? When you legalize something that was illegal, more people are going to participate just as what happened after the prohibition of alcohol was lifted.

The problems we have with alcohol does not justify introducing more harmful elements into our society. If anything, we could use the alcohol argument against drug legalization.
Alcohol is social whereas drugs are not. People don't sit around a table trying different forms of Heroin for taste and talk about their day at work. Drugs are used for one thing and one thing only. When we did have prohibition, do you think we had more of a problem with drunk people than we do today or less? When you legalize something that was illegal, more people are going to participate just as what happened after the prohibition of alcohol was lifted.

The problems we have with alcohol does not justify introducing more harmful elements into our society. If anything, we could use the alcohol argument against drug legalization.

But drugs are social. They're the center of so many get togethers and parties. You know, we could probably eliminate drugs but there's too much money in it for everyone, but especially for banks, who never go to jail. Remember the wachovia drug laundering case? They paid a fine which was a small percentage of the profit they made from the mexican drug cartels, then got taken over by wells fargo. Nobody went to jail of course. Obama had been in office a couple years already by then, and of course he wouldn't go against the banks. Everyone makes money on drugs including the cartels, dealers, banks, prison industry and prison guards. But only the little players and the end users go to jail.

Absolutely wrong. Most prison cases that involve drugs are the sales of drugs or using them in the commission of another (and more serious) crime. We have very few inmates in prison for drug usage alone. I believe it's something like less than 4% of our prison population, but if you want, I'll find the statistics and post them for you.
That's one of the many lunacies of the drug laws, that somehow, it's ok to prosecute just the sale and not the purchase of the same illegal product. The only reason that absurdity has developed is because the sellers generally will have more cash on hand than the buyers, and that's what the narcs are really after. They couldn't care less if Tommy or T'Neekwa are getting high. Why should they? What business is it of theirs?

I guess the logic to that is users are doing more harm to themselves than the sellers who are doing more harm to society. We have a huge opioid problem in this country. In our county, we are experiencing record overdoses and overdose deaths. Without the pusher, that wouldn't be happening, so they are bringing harm to everybody including children.

Last year we lost over 50,000 Americans to overdose deaths, and then you add in all the Americans who's lives were ruined because of drugs. For the life of me, I can't understand why people would want to see an expansion of that problem. Because let's face it, if you make all drugs legal, more people will use those drugs.

Drugs haven't really ever been legal in this country. At least not in my lifetime.I was being checked for drugs coming back from Mexico in the '60s. This drug war has turned us into a police state, and still, people get their drugs one way or the other. The drug lords are thanking us and so are the careerists in the police and justice racket. Here in Cali, a cop can retire with 30 years and 90% of his pay on his pension. Cops love the drug war, as does the prison industry.

I'm sure most cops would love to see drugs go away and never come back. The son of a friend of mine got a job as a cop in a farm town to get away from the city crime, and he says drugs are worse there than here. As for prisons, it's not an industry unless it's private, and even they are running out of room for new prisoners, so it's a problem for them too.

We are not a police state because we have laws against recreational narcotics. We have laws to protect the people who don't use drugs as well. I wouldn't want some strung out meth head around my daughter playing in the front yard, and I don't need to be dealing with coming home to a ransacked apartment because some druggie down the street knew I would not be home so he could rob the place. And yes, that did happen to me in the past.
If these drug addicts worked a job and paid for their own drugs fine, but they don't, they rob and steal and commit crimes against law abiding citizens to feed their habits. So tough shit, go to jail, go directly to jail.
Rob and steal? Go to jail for robbing and stealing. Where's the problem? (Btw, if drugs were legalized and sold at CVS next to the aspirin, that might have a positive impact on the crime rate, don't you think?)

I don't see why. If a person doesn't have money for their drugs because they are too Fd up to work or can't pass drug tests, what's stopping them from robbing and staling to get legal drugs instead of illegal drugs?
But the same argument could be used to make alcohol, expensive sneakers, and a host of things people kill other people for, illegal. Moreover, if a $100/day illegal heroin habit equaled in quantity of heroin $3 worth of legal farm - raised heroin, processed by Del Monte, packaged and sold next to the cigarettes, it's easy to see, to the extent crime is driven by addicts feeding their habits, the massively positive impact on the crime rate legalizing heroin would have.

A carton of cigarettes probably costs around ten bucks to make, but the price of a carton here is about $60.00. I understand in New York, they want to raise the price of a carton from $105.00 to $130.00.

Yeah, if we made murder legal too, that would save our police and detectives a lot of work as well. My neighbors are drunks. Today, they will be drunk by 12:00 in the afternoon. But they both have jobs. They both wake up early every morning and are out of here by 6:00 am. They both pay taxes. People who are addicted to opioid products can't work. Then we the taxpayers have to support them along with the medical problems they develop from the dope.

Before you say "well, I'm against supporting them," that's a false argument because we don't let people die in the streets in this country. We can't even get society to stop supporting people that just don't want to work.
I used to live on E 3rd St on Manhattan's Lower East Side back when the block between Aves A & B was a major heroin market. Early in the morning you'd see all the Wall St guys pulling up in their Benzs and their dealers would run over with a bundle of dope and off they'd go to work. I would sit and watch all the activity from my kitchen window. You probably know quite a few people who are regular users of illegal drugs. They just don't announce it, for obvious reasons.
Because let's face it, if you make all drugs legal, more people will use those drugs.
I'm not sure that's true. I believe I've read that alcohol consumption went down after Prohibition was repealed. That makes perfect sense to me. Making something illegal is often the best way to make it popular. We humans! In any case, as with alcohol, the lion's share of the negative impact on society of the prohibition of both alcohol and drugs derives from their illegality.
You wouldn't tell me what I can smoke because I wouldn't work under those conditions. Nor should the rest of the country be required to live under the same inappropriate and controlling rules your meek work force endures.

Nothing "meek" about people who've worked for me over the years...they've all been more interested in acting like adults than playing some closet-rebel like you're doing. I have no idea if you have a job or want one but I suggest you keep your stoner views to yourself online. Most large employers are checking out their employees on social media.
And the once tall, free American drops further into the sludge.

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