Another Trump disappointment: Sessions bringing back the War on Some Drug Users

Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.
So if a dog bites someone, the dog is not giving consent and does not want to be screwed. What do the drugs do if they don't want to be taken?

Your comparison makes no sense.

A third grader can see the're not suppose to "get it"'re twisted and confused. What's your drug of choice?
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.

Man you really are ignorant. Go look at all the European countries who have beaten us to the punch.

It works.
Wow? Europe. Socialist losers. How about they defend themselves...see how much $$$ they have for free shit then.
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.
So if a dog bites someone, the dog is not giving consent and does not want to be screwed. What do the drugs do if they don't want to be taken?

Your comparison makes no sense.

A third grader can see the're not suppose to "get it"'re twisted and confused. What's your drug of choice?
My drug of choice is arguing with idiots like you.
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.
So if a dog bites someone, the dog is not giving consent and does not want to be screwed. What do the drugs do if they don't want to be taken?

Your comparison makes no sense.

A third grader can see the're not suppose to "get it"'re twisted and confused. What's your drug of choice?
My drug of choice is arguing with idiots like you.

Come on bud...don't be scared...have the sack to admit're an addict and you don't ever want to go to jail for using....simple shit.
From the Washington Post:

The Sessions memo marks the first significant criminal justice effort by the Trump administration to bring back the toughest practices of the drug war, which had fallen out of favor in recent years with a bipartisan movement to undo the damaging effects of mass incarceration.
Of all the very serious issues out there, THIS is what Sessions puts out there? The stupid, unwinnable, unjust War on Drugs.


Crush drug abuse and its support of terrorism.

I am a addiction counselor Bush92 From Sessions comments , I was actually happy to see that the BIG TIME drug dealers will be charged a maximum...

What they are saying is that this is an attack on the black community.. which is bullshit and if you do the crime be ready to do the time..

Now on the other hand, this will not stop drug abuse, addicts will find it other ways unless if they want to stop..
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.
So if a dog bites someone, the dog is not giving consent and does not want to be screwed. What do the drugs do if they don't want to be taken?

Your comparison makes no sense.

A third grader can see the're not suppose to "get it"'re twisted and confused. What's your drug of choice?
My drug of choice is arguing with idiots like you.

Come on bud...don't be scared...have the sack to admit're an addict and you don't ever want to go to jail for using....simple shit.

This law is for Big Time distributors, not addicted people getting arrested..
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Devastation that could be avoided by regulated distribution and sales. But we would rather storm into these neighborhoods and kick down the doors and put them all in prison to rot.


Absolute bullshit, hypocrite.
Thanks to the war on drugs, we went from 500 thousand to over 2 million in our prisons. It has not made us safer

Time to decriminalize drugs
A buddy of mine's wife used to tell him: "don't forget to smoke your birth control"....reefer shrinks your nuts, dumbass. I mean, look at heavy users....they're pretty much female. :gay:
I don't know about that. In the hood, there isn't a person over the age of twelve who isn't high as a kite every waking moment, and the females all got a half dozen bastards clambering over them.

Gross generalization about young urban blacks but I'll continue. Reefer gateways into hard drugs unless there is some control mechanism in place....why not get REALLY high? That question is answered in one of two ways. Reefer dealers have access to other dope for lean supply times....they don't shut down or they'll lose their customers. I came up through the 60's and 70's and have seen what happened to chronic users....their minds are shot. Lazy, angry, and pretty much useless. Add to that a corporation of any size has been doing random tests for years. Sure, they can be defeated but if they're not, you're gone. Who wants an easily distracted pothead in the middle of your business operation? I'm not talking about weekenders here or a couple who get lit before sex or whatever. I'm talking about dumbasses who've come to believe smoking a plant matter is a "lifestyle". Legalization? don't even think about it.

I don't think smoking that plant as a lifestyle is all that bad when compared to all the death and destruction caused by alcohol. How many highway accidents caused by pot, for example? The war on drugs has been a failure. Can't rescue people from their own stupidity. Not that I like pot one bit. I tried it a couple of times after hearing that glaucoma patients had some success with it. It was a crummy taste and afterward feeling, so I just kept on taking eye drops instead.


From 2009 to 2012, the “medical marijuana commercialization years,” the average yearly marijuana-related traffic deaths increased by 48 percent compared with the “early medical marijuana era” between 2006 and 2008. In the first two years after the recreational use of marijuana became legal (2013 to 2014), the average yearly marijuana-related traffic deaths increased by another 41 percent.

Unpacking Pot’s Impact in Colorado -

While not all these deaths are marijuana only, pot does seem to be a huge contributor to those statistics.
hasnt it always been there, the driving while high?.....its just now with legalization they are starting to look at if its alcohol or pot....the numbers may not be much different than 10 years ago....
Same old played out shit...just as whack-jobs who partake in Zoophilia honestly believe it should be legal to fuck your Labrador, low-life's who use drugs believe drugs should be legalized.
Nobody legit thinks Zoophilia should be legal and nobody legit thinks drugs should be legal.
The desperate reaching and spinning for lame justification will never end...not until twisted-up Leftards have this country in the chaotic, anything goes free for all state their confused, retarded minds desire.
So if a dog bites someone, the dog is not giving consent and does not want to be screwed. What do the drugs do if they don't want to be taken?

Your comparison makes no sense.

A third grader can see the're not suppose to "get it"'re twisted and confused. What's your drug of choice?
My drug of choice is arguing with idiots like you.

Come on bud...don't be scared...have the sack to admit're an addict and you don't ever want to go to jail for using....simple shit.

This law is for Big Time distributors, not addicted people getting arrested..
"This law"
It's illegal to possess even the smallest quantity of cocaine.
I thought we were discussing "the war on drugs" across the board?
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Devastation that could be avoided by regulated distribution and sales. But we would rather storm into these neighborhoods and kick down the doors and put them all in prison to rot.

Watch who you call hypocrite.
Whatever. Another dumbassed liberal. So we should all get stoned before wor huh? Makes us easier to be manipulated by federal government. I know why liberals want America to be stoned...makes us ignorant and weak.
Yes you've figured out the master plan. Hail Kim Jong
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?

Now the FDA wants to crush the natural growers so they can make their own with poisons in them and make the money..

DEA OKs synthetic marijuana for pharma company that spent $500,000 to keep pot illegal
Thanks to the war on drugs, we went from 500 thousand to over 2 million in our prisons. It has not made us safer

Time to decriminalize drugs

I'm sure population, anything goes Liberal ideology growing rampant and the fact that the quality of American's has never been lower has nothing to do with it...right?
So if a dog bites someone, the dog is not giving consent and does not want to be screwed. What do the drugs do if they don't want to be taken?

Your comparison makes no sense.

A third grader can see the're not suppose to "get it"'re twisted and confused. What's your drug of choice?
My drug of choice is arguing with idiots like you.

Come on bud...don't be scared...have the sack to admit're an addict and you don't ever want to go to jail for using....simple shit.

This law is for Big Time distributors, not addicted people getting arrested..
"This law"
It's illegal to possess even the smallest quantity of cocaine.
I thought we were discussing "the war on drugs" across the board?

Sessions new law is not going after the small time user is what I meant...

Watch him , the law is on 13:14 of the video

WATCH: Jeff Sessions announces guidelines for stricter sentencing
But drugs are social. They're the center of so many get togethers and parties. You know, we could probably eliminate drugs but there's too much money in it for everyone, but especially for banks, who never go to jail. Remember the wachovia drug laundering case? They paid a fine which was a small percentage of the profit they made from the mexican drug cartels, then got taken over by wells fargo. Nobody went to jail of course. Obama had been in office a couple years already by then, and of course he wouldn't go against the banks. Everyone makes money on drugs including the cartels, dealers, banks, prison industry and prison guards. But only the little players and the end users go to jail.

Absolutely wrong. Most prison cases that involve drugs are the sales of drugs or using them in the commission of another (and more serious) crime. We have very few inmates in prison for drug usage alone. I believe it's something like less than 4% of our prison population, but if you want, I'll find the statistics and post them for you.
That's one of the many lunacies of the drug laws, that somehow, it's ok to prosecute just the sale and not the purchase of the same illegal product. The only reason that absurdity has developed is because the sellers generally will have more cash on hand than the buyers, and that's what the narcs are really after. They couldn't care less if Tommy or T'Neekwa are getting high. Why should they? What business is it of theirs?

I guess the logic to that is users are doing more harm to themselves than the sellers who are doing more harm to society. We have a huge opioid problem in this country. In our county, we are experiencing record overdoses and overdose deaths. Without the pusher, that wouldn't be happening, so they are bringing harm to everybody including children.

Last year we lost over 50,000 Americans to overdose deaths, and then you add in all the Americans who's lives were ruined because of drugs. For the life of me, I can't understand why people would want to see an expansion of that problem. Because let's face it, if you make all drugs legal, more people will use those drugs.

Drugs haven't really ever been legal in this country. At least not in my lifetime.I was being checked for drugs coming back from Mexico in the '60s. This drug war has turned us into a police state, and still, people get their drugs one way or the other. The drug lords are thanking us and so are the careerists in the police and justice racket. Here in Cali, a cop can retire with 30 years and 90% of his pay on his pension. Cops love the drug war, as does the prison industry.

I'm sure most cops would love to see drugs go away and never come back. The son of a friend of mine got a job as a cop in a farm town to get away from the city crime, and he says drugs are worse there than here. As for prisons, it's not an industry unless it's private, and even they are running out of room for new prisoners, so it's a problem for them too.

We are not a police state because we have laws against recreational narcotics. We have laws to protect the people who don't use drugs as well. I wouldn't want some strung out meth head around my daughter playing in the front yard, and I don't need to be dealing with coming home to a ransacked apartment because some druggie down the street knew I would not be home so he could rob the place. And yes, that did happen to me in the past.

You also have to keep in mind the confirmation bias our whole country engages in when it comes to drugs.
Whenever someone who uses meth or heroin or whatever is involved in a crime, it's described in the papers as a "meth-fueled crime spree". But if the criminals weren't using meth, it's never reported, "the pair, who never use meth, went on a crime spree..." Our brains don't pay attention to the absence of drugs, but we remember when it's present and extrapolate from that that the drugs CAUSED the crime. Imagine if we did that for criminals who were raised in religious homes: fueled by their religious upbring, they went on a crime spree. Do that long enough and it would become the accepted wisdom that religion causes crime.

And, yes, there is an opioid problem in this country, but it isn't because opioids aren't illegal enough. It's because white people are committing suicide in record numbers and opioid abuse is a slow, relatively pleasant, suicide. It's pointless and counterproductive to try to remove their suicide method of choice. Better to address why they are killing themselves, and fix THAT problem.

Until 2008, whites and yellows had the lowest suicide rates in the country. Blacks were higher, and then, way higher than anyone else, were reds. (And being Native American can be pretty bleak. It's crushing to be a defeated people. In Germany and Japan, suicides spiked in the aftermath of WWII. ) Now, black suicide rates are down at yellow levels, while whites are up with the reds, even exceeding red rates in some years. It makes a lot of sense. We are defeated, or, at least, to our white youth, it appears we are defeated.

Just think what a white kid growing up today imbibes from (((Hollywood))) and the (((press))) and the schools. All his life he has been told that his history is a history of viciousness, cheating, oppression, and genocide. In movies, he is the hapless doofus, the sexually inadequate buffoon no girl would want. The (((New York Times))) has taught him that his achievements are something to be ashamed of as he only got them through his privilege and at the expense of more-deserving minorities. All his life he has had it pounded into his head that diversity is our strength, which is to say, everything not white is OUR strength. He is our weakness. Not only is he not responsible for his successes, he is responsible for everybody else's failures because of the institutional racism he alone is responsible for. He looks around thinking he may want to start a family, but all his women are next door, spreading their legs for the black man who ridicules him openly and sings about it, taunting him. That is why young white men are killing themselves even more than young red men. They feel as defeated. Heroin is not the problem. It is only anesthetizing the pain. Rather than throw them in jail for wanting to feel better, let's join forces with them and help them defeat the people who are intentionally destroying him.
Thanks to the war on drugs, we went from 500 thousand to over 2 million in our prisons. It has not made us safer

Time to decriminalize drugs

I'm sure population, anything goes Liberal ideology growing rampant and the fact that the quality of American's has never been lower has nothing to do with it...right?
Our rise in prison population is directly related to drugs

Frankly, I don't care. If you use drugs, I have better things to do with my tax dollars than hunt you down and jail you
Thanks to the war on drugs, we went from 500 thousand to over 2 million in our prisons. It has not made us safer

Time to decriminalize drugs

I'm sure population, anything goes Liberal ideology growing rampant and the fact that the quality of American's has never been lower has nothing to do with it...right?
"American quality has never been lower"

Great Depression though?
Idiotic potheads dare to talk about caring for the poor while ignoring the devastation drugs cause in the poorest neighborhoods. Self-indulgent fucking hypocrites.

Did you know that more Americans die from prescription drugs from the FDA than street drugs, especially pot?


Did you know I don't give a shit about your transparent attempt at diversion? People die falling in the shower too. Street drugs still destroy lives and communities, and self-indulgent potheads don't really care about anything but getting high.

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