Another Trump impeachment bombshell: Plot to oust acting AG and force Georgia state lawmakers to overturn its presidential election results

It will take a while to unravel how far up the conspiracy to take over the U.S. government goes. This upset me, but didn't surprise me. We also need to find out more about Flynn, and God only knows what secrets he was privy to, and his brother, as well as the people trump placed in the Pentagon. The military brass needs be looked at, as well. And what foreign country might be implicated? Perhaps one that recently hacked into agencies of the U.S. Government? Duh? Nyet!
Georgia is on the precipice of becoming a drive by state. You guys talk about revenue sharing. Blue cities in red states eat that up. Atlanta was built on that. And now the price is being paid.
Every day we hear of more horrors about the wannabe dictator who nearly shitcanned our democracy and appointed himself King. Unreal.

Justice Department lawyer Jeffrey Clark nearly convinced then-President Donald Trumpto remove then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and use the Department of Justice to undo Georgia's election results, The New York Times reported Friday.​
Clark -- who appealed to the former President's false claims of election fraud -- met with Trump earlier this month and told Rosen following the meeting that the then-President was going to replace him with Clark. Clark would then move to keep Congress from certifying the election results in then-President-elect Joe Biden's favor, according to the paper.​
Rosen demanded to hear the news straight from Trump, according to the paper, and arranged a meeting on the evening of January 3 -- the same day that Trump's call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, in which Trump pressured the state official to find enough votes for him to win Georgia, came to light.​
During the meeting, Rosen, another top Justice Department official and Clark gathered with Trump, White House counsel Pat Cipollone and other lawyers. Trump had Rosen and Clark state their cases for him, the Times reported. The Times cited two officials who compared Rosen's and Clark's opposing arguments during the meeting to an episode of "The Apprentice," Trump's old reality TV show.​


I expect a constant stream of revelations like this and even worse over the next few months.
Every day we hear of more horrors about the wannabe dictator who nearly shitcanned our democracy and appointed himself King. Unreal.

Justice Department lawyer Jeffrey Clark nearly convinced then-President Donald Trumpto remove then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and use the Department of Justice to undo Georgia's election results, The New York Times reported Friday.​
Clark -- who appealed to the former President's false claims of election fraud -- met with Trump earlier this month and told Rosen following the meeting that the then-President was going to replace him with Clark. Clark would then move to keep Congress from certifying the election results in then-President-elect Joe Biden's favor, according to the paper.​
Rosen demanded to hear the news straight from Trump, according to the paper, and arranged a meeting on the evening of January 3 -- the same day that Trump's call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, in which Trump pressured the state official to find enough votes for him to win Georgia, came to light.​
During the meeting, Rosen, another top Justice Department official and Clark gathered with Trump, White House counsel Pat Cipollone and other lawyers. Trump had Rosen and Clark state their cases for him, the Times reported. The Times cited two officials who compared Rosen's and Clark's opposing arguments during the meeting to an episode of "The Apprentice," Trump's old reality TV show.​


I expect a constant stream of revelations like this and even worse over the next few months.
Reaffirming the wisdom of the people to have voted Trump out of office.
The question never was if the elections in Pa, Ga, Mi, Wis, Nev and Ariz were fixed. They all obviously were even using many of the same tactics. The question always was how could Trump get justice when 99% of the establishment were against him.
Trump and DOJ attorney had plan to replace his acting AG

Trump has every right to put in people whom he trusts who reflect his policies just as Joe is doing RIGHT NOW. All the rest, just allegations by the most unreliable news source out there - the NYT. I wouldn't clean my shoes with their paper.
It will take a while to unravel how far up the conspiracy to take over the U.S. government goes. This upset me, but didn't surprise me. We also need to find out more about Flynn, and God only knows what secrets he was privy to, and his brother, as well as the people trump placed in the Pentagon. The military brass needs be looked at, as well. And what foreign country might be implicated? Perhaps one that recently hacked into agencies of the U.S. Government? Duh? Nyet!

Thanks - We haven't talked much about Charles Flynn.
Possible stand-down order to allow the violent Rump Rioters finish their murderous rampage?
Haul 'im in / Lock 'im up!
That explains why Barr had to resign, TRUMP asked him to do something flat out illegal... then trump tried to get Barr' s deputy to do it, and he refused too...

That is what most surmise. Barr was likely asked to do VERY illegal stuff - possibly removing things from the secret server - possibly tossing out votes in black districts - shredding documents???

Billy didn't want to go to jail.

Every day we hear of more horrors about the wannabe dictator who nearly shitcanned our democracy and appointed himself King. Unreal.

Justice Department lawyer Jeffrey Clark nearly convinced then-President Donald Trumpto remove then-acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen and use the Department of Justice to undo Georgia's election results, The New York Times reported Friday.​
Clark -- who appealed to the former President's false claims of election fraud -- met with Trump earlier this month and told Rosen following the meeting that the then-President was going to replace him with Clark. Clark would then move to keep Congress from certifying the election results in then-President-elect Joe Biden's favor, according to the paper.​
Rosen demanded to hear the news straight from Trump, according to the paper, and arranged a meeting on the evening of January 3 -- the same day that Trump's call with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, in which Trump pressured the state official to find enough votes for him to win Georgia, came to light.​
During the meeting, Rosen, another top Justice Department official and Clark gathered with Trump, White House counsel Pat Cipollone and other lawyers. Trump had Rosen and Clark state their cases for him, the Times reported. The Times cited two officials who compared Rosen's and Clark's opposing arguments during the meeting to an episode of "The Apprentice," Trump's old reality TV show.​


Someone already started a thread on this fake news story.
I expect a constant stream of revelations like this and even worse over the next few months.
Reaffirming the wisdom of the people to have voted Trump out of office.

The American people USUALLY get things right. 2016 was a terrible exception. Dems were fighting a not so good candidate, the Comey bombshells, and Russian trolls. Trumpy Bear pulled off an inside straight squeaker.

It’s time to stop wetting your pants, The Donald is now just an ordinary citizen.

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