Another Victim Shot By A Trigger Happy Homeowner

If they didn't they wouldn't be able to pass the written test. If they don't know how to handle a gun they couldn't pass the range test.

People pass written tests all the time. Been driving lately? lol

I would at least have a few good conversations with a criminal defense lawyer with some experience in defending these kinds of cases. If you've done that, well then good on you for doing your homework I reckon.

If I was unarmed at a convenient store while it was getting robbed, and another patron pulled out his weapon, I would at least have some assurance they had the training and testing that I did. Now with constitutional carry, I'd be more scared of him than I would be the robber. It could be somebody like this clown in the OP.

When I was in Louisiana years ago, your car was considered an extension of your home. The tricky part is that you could possess a firearm w/o a permit in your car, but the law and consequences change the moment you step out of it. They've got CCW nowadays of course but I don't think that was a thing until the mid to late 1990s as I recall. Then of course you can cross state lines and then you're dealing with completely different laws. Not saying a person shouldn't carry or be prepared to defend himself, but far too many people put themselves in legal jeopardy with good intentions in mind but total ignorance of the law.
Don't get me wrong.
There is no mistaking your brand of stupidity.

Cowardly, paranoid people can still be dangerous.
There you go talking stupid again.

Feel better?
I always feel great, it is you who should be worried that, having created a world now full of armed, pissed off people, armed against you, who are paranoid because of you, you will have to worry about running into. If you haven't noticed in all these stories, genius, it has always ended up badly not for the armed, paranoid person but for the perp like you who transgressed.

Or they just THOUGHT you transgressed.
The left gets offended if you do it to them, but they have NO PROBLEM doing it to you.
I am a gun owner and I educated myself on state laws...why does this trigger you that I encourage ALL GUN OWNERS to do the same??

Or are you just upset you can't find a way to blame this murder on the victim - so you gonna find something else to whine like a bitch about
You are wrong. Our Castle Doctrine got rid of duty to retreat.

That's what I said. A Castle Doctrine means no duty to retreat, but that also assumes you have an established reason for killing someone.

> Okay, so you saw someone standing in your living room.

>>Yes, exactly. He was in my home.

> And what was he doing?

>>I don't know. He didn't really say anything. He was just standing there.

>Okay, so how did he get in?

>>Well the door was unlocked maybe, but still, I didn't know who he was. I thought maybe he was a burglar.

>So you just pointed your gun at him and shot him?


>You didn't ask who he was, what he was doing there?

>>No, but I was scared.

I'm not sure that you don't get charged after that conversation.

Maybe that leads me to another point: people who do find themselves in these situations would be best advised to have an attorney present during any kind of questioning.

It used to be that way before they passed our Castle Doctrine, but no longer. Today the use of deadly force is your decision.

Not necessarily.

No prosecutor would even think of a grand jury hearing because if you shoot somebody entering your home, you are perfectly within the law of doing so.

Not necessarily. If that were the case, you could shoot a party guest at your home the moment you decided he was being too loud and uninvited.
Notice how the morons stupidly try to conflate an isolated incident in New York with a totally unrelated incident literally hundreds of miles away in Kansas.
you mean like the week you folks were sure there was an epidemic of transgender mass shooters?

Until you folks moved on to just complaining about black people again
People pass written tests all the time. Been driving lately? lol

I would at least have a few good conversations with a criminal defense lawyer with some experience in defending these kinds of cases. If you've done that, well then good on you for doing your homework I reckon.

When I was in Louisiana years ago, your car was considered an extension of your home. The tricky part is that you could possess a firearm w/o a permit in your car, but the law and consequences change the moment you step out of it. They've got CCW nowadays of course but I don't think that was a thing until the mid to late 1990s as I recall. Then of course you can cross state lines and then you're dealing with completely different laws. Not saying a person shouldn't carry or be prepared to defend himself, but far too many people put themselves in legal jeopardy with good intentions in mind but total ignorance of the law.

Unlike a written drivers license test, you have to pass the CCW written test 100%. If you miss one question the instructor tells you about it and makes you go back in the handbook to find the right answer.

Our Castle Doctrine also applies to your vehicle as well, but I'd be more cautious about using my gun from my car than I would at home. At home, anybody that enters my house is fair game whether they went through an open door or broke in. A technique criminals use around here is to rob your house while you're outside mowing the lawn or blowing the snow out of your drive or sidewalks out in front. If one of my tenants decide to do that chore for me for some reason, and a criminal thinks that's me and my door is unlocked and they enter, I'm shooting to kill.
There is no mistaking your brand of stupidity.

There you go talking stupid again.

I always feel great, it is you who should be worried that, having created a world now full of armed, pissed off people, armed against you, who are paranoid because of you, you will have to worry about running into. If you haven't noticed in all these stories, genius, it has always ended up badly not for the armed, paranoid person but for the perp like you who transgressed.

Or they just THOUGHT you transgressed.
I didn't read any of that.
Good, then you missed my telling everyone what a hapless jackass you are.
Anyone who is familiar with your posts knows that you are just here to safely vent your rage on anonymous strangers. Another cowardly trait.
That's what I said. A Castle Doctrine means no duty to retreat, but that also assumes you have an established reason for killing someone.

> Okay, so you saw someone standing in your living room.

>>Yes, exactly. He was in my home.

> And what was he doing?

>>I don't know. He didn't really say anything. He was just standing there.

>Okay, so how did he get in?

>>Well the door was unlocked maybe, but still, I didn't know who he was. I thought maybe he was a burglar.

>So you just pointed your gun at him and shot him?


>You didn't ask who he was, what he was doing there?

>>No, but I was scared.

I'm not sure that you don't get charged after that conversation.

Maybe that leads me to another point: people who do find themselves in these situations would be best advised to have an attorney present during any kind of questioning.

Not necessarily.

Not necessarily. If that were the case, you could shoot a party guest at your home the moment you decided he was being too loud and uninvited.

You would have hard time explaining how these people got in your home so easily, and interviews with family members of the victim would reveal you did indeed invite these people to your home. You can't shoot or kill anybody in your home that had your permission to be there. If they got too drunk and wild but refused to leave, you are obligated to call the police to have them removed first.

Now if I was taking a nap and somebody walked into my house while I was sleeping and I found them in my living room, I do have the right to use deadly force if I have no idea who they are or what they wanted. It's irrelevant. They entered my home illegally and I have every right to defend myself, even if they are not armed.
Anyone who is familiar with your posts knows that you are just here to safely vent your rage on anonymous strangers. Another cowardly trait.

Sure Ace. You sure make a lot of brave noise for being a shit-in-your-pants bloviating asshole.
You would have hard time explaining how these people got in your home so easily, and interviews with family members of the victim would reveal you did indeed invite these people to your home. You can't shoot or kill anybody in your home that had your permission to be there. If they got too drunk and wild but refused to leave, you are obligated to call the police to have them removed first.

Now if I was taking a nap and somebody walked into my house while I was sleeping and I found them in my living room, I do have the right to use deadly force if I have no idea who they are or what they wanted. It's irrelevant. They entered my home illegally and I have every right to defend myself, even if they are not armed.

In most cases I'd agree with you, and reading Ohio's statute, it actually is a little more black/white than I initially realized. Burglary technically requires an offender to knowingly make unauthorized entry, but I can't see a DA itching for a prosecution in a situation where someone's completely inside a home. The burden of proof is on a DA to prove you acted unreasonably.

I suppose I'm just thinking about more ambiguous situations, like where maybe a person isn't really fully inside the property but is, say, near the doorway, opens a screen door, and asks if anyone's home - that kind of thing.
you mean like the week you folks were sure there was an epidemic of transgender mass shooters?

Until you folks moved on to just complaining about black people again
Can you directly quote myself or any other USMB forumer here claiming that there was an "epidemic of transgender mass shooters", or are you just lying to the USMB forum again, as usual, retard?
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Yet another cherry-picked tragedy that will no doubt be trumpeted by the gun control crowd. It's quite possible this guy was not playing with a full deck, maybe doped up, maybe just nuts. Clearly in the wrong here.
Let me know when someone turning into a driveway by mistake gets shot and killed with any of those items.
Humans have had gun powder for a millennia and arms for hundreds of years, and have not displayed this sort of irrational paranoia of each other.

Americans to ban everything but the guns.
The right to bear arms is in the Constitution. That there are clandestine forces, using this tech, to manipulate minds into paranoia, and using psychotropic meds and mass media to turn Americans on each other? That is the cause, the guns? Are not the problem.

We need to make the nation a more peaceful place again.

OTH? EMF technology, and more specifically, instantaneous, AI generated global communications, are less than a century old. This is clearly what is being used as the means to cause our misery, IMO.

Remote magnetic manipulation of nervous systems​


"Apparatus and method for remote manipulation of nervous systems by the magnetic dipole field of a rotating bar magnet. Reliance on modulation of spontaneous spiking patterns of sensory nerve receptors, and exploitation of a resonance mechanism of certain neural circuits, allows the use of very weak magnetic fields. This, together with the large magnetic moments that can be obtained with a permanent bar magnet, makes it possible to effectively manipulate the nervous system of a subject over a distance of several hundred meters, using a small portable battery-powered device. The method can be used in law enforcement for standoff situations."

Silent subliminal presentation system​


"A silent communications system in which nonaural carriers, in the very low or very high audio frequency range or in the adjacent ultrasonic frequency spectrum, are amplitude or frequency modulated with the desired intelligence and propagated acoustically or vibrationally, for inducement into the brain, typically through the use of loudspeakers, earphones or piezoelectric transducers. The modulated carriers may be transmitted directly in real time or may be conveniently recorded and stored on mechanical, magnetic or optical media for delayed or repeated transmission to the listener."


The Mind‐Altering Mechanism is Based on a Subliminal Carrier Technology:
The Silent Sound Spread Spectrum (S.S.S.S.)


"A 65-year-old man has been charged with second-degree murder after he allegedly shot and killed a 20-year-old Saratoga County woman Saturday evening after the car she was in mistakenly drove up the man’s driveway. Washington County Sheriff Jeffrey Murphy said Monday that Kaylin A. Gillis was in a car with three other people Saturday night looking for a friend’s house. Murphy said the group mistakenly drove up to a house on Patterson Hill Road, as they attempted to turn the car around, the sheriff said, Kevin D. Monahan came out on his porch and fired two shots, one of which hit Gillis while she was seated in the car. No one from the group had left the car or tried to enter Monahan's house before he came out and opened fire, Murphy said.

Murphy said when officers arrived, Monahan would not emerge. Authorities spoke with him through a 911 dispatcher and in-person for about an hour before he was taken into custody. The sheriff said it was an "administrative decision" to send Monahan to the Warren County jail. Public records indicate Gillis' father is a correction officer at the Washington County jail. The shooting comes days after a 16-year-old Kansas City boy was shot and injured after he rang the bell at the wrong house to pick up his siblings."

I do not know why this guy felt compelled to come out shooting just because a car was backing out of his driveway; that is hardly a stand-your-ground justification. Maybe it would benefit gun owners to brush up on the laws in their state before they just assume castle doctrine laws means they can kill anyone at will as long as they claim "I was trying to protect my home".

As the story mentioned, this was days after Ralph Yarl was shot in the face thru the door by one overly trigger happy homeowner; and then shot him again.....but thankfully, Ralph survived and looks to be able to make a full recovery. Unfortunately, Kaylin's life was robbed from her because of another trigger happy homeowner..... but that guy was arrested right away....hopefully Ralph and his family will get to see the guy who tried to rob him of his life, arrested and be made to account for what he did too.
No excuse for this murderer.

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