Another Victim Shot By A Trigger Happy Homeowner

Shut down all the television, cable, satellite, and movies, and shut down the internet. Ban cable TEE VEE.

The only way folks will be able to be entertained or informed from here on out, is via books and newspapers, we are reaching the tipping point with fear the mass communication, the 24 hour instant fear news-cycle and fear porn. . .

Folks can't be trusted with these click baits and algorithms anymore, they are all losing their GD minds, IMO.

Most of the threads on here, just parrot inane garbage and make enemies of each other w/o cause anyway.

It all needs to stop, and everyone just needs to get the hell off this ride already, IMO.

Americans to ban everything but the guns.
These godforsaken blue cities and states are hellholes.

Believe it or not, there are red voters in blue states and I'm willing to bet some Monopoly money that this guy was among them.

He's another argument for gun control. Unfortunately, winning that debate means that more girls like Kaylin Gillis and boys like Ralph Yarl will get killed or seriously wounded.
The paranoia that makes people reflexively grab for a gun is all too prevalent with the gun nutters. I can't understand living in fear like that.

Says the person who when Trump ran for office said he'd have to leave the country, or that it was the end of democracy, or that if he won, it would be an end to freedom and a return to tyranny and oppression that drives thousands to violently protest every Trump rally, violent oppose every conservative speaker at a university just trying to give people the other point of view, out of sheer fear.

Meanwhile, after 500 cities getting thousands of violent riots with whole storms of leftists raging in unchecked sprees of mass crime everywhere, unoccupied calls people now afraid in their homes as being mere "gun nutters." :smoke:
Shut down all the television, cable, satellite, and movies, and shut down the internet. Ban cable TEE VEE.

The only way folks will be able to be entertained or informed from here on out, is via books and newspapers, we are reaching the tipping point with fear the mass communication, the 24 hour instant fear news-cycle and fear porn. . .

Folks can't be trusted with these click baits and algorithms anymore, they are all losing their GD minds, IMO.

Most of the threads on here, just parrot inane garbage and make enemies of each other w/o cause anyway.

It all needs to stop, and everyone just needs to get the hell off this ride already, IMO.

Let me know when someone turning into a driveway by mistake gets shot and killed with any of those items.
No there isn't, just like the 16 year old boy shot twice just for knocking on the wrong door. Really no excuse for that. But it does point towards a disturbing trend--- that an increasing number of people are feeling less and less safe even in their own homes in the world as it is now created for us by Joe Biden, the democrats and BLM.

Update: He entered the house.

No excuse for shooting in this case. In my neighborhood most of the homeowners have electronic dog fences and if a strange car came into the driveway at night their headlights would display a couple Rottweilers or Dobermans patrolling the fence. Problem solved.

The girl was trying to turn around after making a wrong turn. Fortunately, there is no standing your ground law in NY.

His ass is done.
A paranoid man shoots a stranger pulling into his driveway and is arrested and charged with murder. The system works for the little guy. A Capital Cop shoots and kills an unarmed Veteran who posed no threat and no charges filed and he gets a medal. Sometimes the system doesn't work for the politically connected.
130 people are dying a day by gun violence in the United States of America. More than 13,000 people have been killed by guns this year.

It’s more than just a “few morons”.
It’s not 130, it’s 106.. and 2/3 of those are suicide.

On average, 46 people die from gun fatalities per day. 102 people die from car fatalities per day.

You don’t care about the lives guns take, you exploit the death for your own selfish ends. And you ignore things that kill more than twice as many people per day. You should be ashamed of yourself
View attachment 777293Says the person who when Trump ran for office said he'd have to leave the country, or that it was the end of democracy, or that if he won, it would be an end to freedom and a return to tyranny and oppression that drives thousands to violently protest every Trump rally, violent oppose every conservative speaker at a university just trying to give people the other point of view, out of sheer fear.

Meanwhile, after 500 cities getting thousands of violent riots with whole storms of leftists raging in unchecked sprees of mass crime everywhere, unoccupied calls people now afraid in their homes as being mere "gun nutters." :smoke:
Yes we know you are ruled by cowardice and paranoia.
Maybe it would benefit YOU if you didn't generalize and lump all gun owners into the same group as a FEW morons. People do moronic things on a daily basis, that doesn't mean all people are morons.
America has more of those "few morons" than any other country. Odd.
Does the left have a problem with owning a home? About 230 million Americans own homes. Since the number of trannies is less than 1% it seems that statistically they are much more likely to pull the trigger.
Well, MAGAts have to bring trannies into this thread. So telling.
Update: He entered the house.

That's the first time I've seen anything about entering the home. I don't think that's accurate, but it could be. Okay then, so let's say that's what the facts ultimate reveal. So what do we mean by entering?

Forced entry? Doesn't look like it.

Opening the door and entering living space? Doesn't seem likely based on what's been reported so far, though possible.

Opening an outer door or outer screen door? That kind of entering?

Opening a door and ducking your head in to say "Hello, anyone hear?" That sort of entering?

Even if he entered, that's, what, technically simple burglary at worst? I can see how it can startle someone but jeez...a simple "Who the hell are you?! Get the fuck out of here!" would suffice, would it not?

See, that's the problem with guns. They change how people think. They change how people react. They change the dynamics of how to resolve a conflict or deal with a simple problem that could otherwise be solved with communication. People either completely overreact out of exaggerated fear, or they double down on aggressiveness because now they've got bigger balls than they would have if didn't have their piece and would rather prove that they're a tough guy.

Some years ago my mother had to fire her yard man for not doing his job and he must have told some of his lowlife pals that there were tools and shit that they could raid from her garage. Once in a while - maybe 2 or 3 times - I would see someone walk onto the property that probably didn't belong there, and I just tapped on the window. I think I even walked out once (at a safe distance) and asked what the deal was. There was a gun within reach if I needed it, but it was certainly not my go-to.

For fucks sake, God gave people brains: paranoid gun nuts should use them once in a while. I probably saved millions in legal fees that way.
A Capital Cop shoots and kills an unarmed Veteran who posed no threat and no charges filed and he gets a medal. Sometimes the system doesn't work for the politically connected.

That "unarmed" person was part of a violent, armed mob. She should have chosen her friends better.
That's the first time I've seen anything about entering the home. I don't think that's accurate, but it could be. Okay then, so let's say that's what the facts ultimate reveal. So what do we mean by entering?

Forced entry? Doesn't look like it.

Opening the door and entering living space? Doesn't seem likely based on what's been reported so far, though possible.

Opening an outer door or outer screen door? That kind of entering?

Opening a door and ducking your head in to say "Hello, anyone hear?" That sort of entering?

Even if he entered, that's, what, technically simple burglary at worst? I can see how it can startle someone but jeez...a simple "Who the hell are you?! Get the fuck out of here!" would suffice, would it not?

See, that's the problem with guns. They change how people think. They change how people react. They change the dynamics of how to resolve a conflict or deal with a simple problem that could otherwise be solved with communication. People either completely overreact out of exaggerated fear, or they double down on aggressiveness because now they've got bigger balls than they would have if didn't have their piece and would rather prove that they're a tough guy.

Some years ago my mother had to fire her yard man for not doing his job and he must have told some of his lowlife pals that there were tools and shit that they could raid from her garage. Once in a while - maybe 2 or 3 times - I would see someone walk onto the property that probably didn't belong there, and I just tapped on the window. I think I even walked out once (at a safe distance) and asked what the deal was. There was a gun within reach if I needed it, but it was certainly not my go-to.

For fucks sake, God gave people brains: paranoid gun nuts should use them once in a while. I probably saved millions in legal fees that way.

Entering a home is considered when a person walks in and actually within your home. If anybody did that here I would shoot to kill. Nobody I know would ever do that even if I knew ahead of time they were coming over. I'm not going to give the intruder the benefit of the doubt they made a mistake.
It’s not 130, it’s 106.. and 2/3 of those are suicide.

On average, 46 people die from gun fatalities per day. 102 people die from car fatalities per day.

You don’t care about the lives guns take, you exploit the death for your own selfish ends. And you ignore things that kill more than twice as many people per day. You should be ashamed of yourself

if Dragon breath didn't lie, she's have nothing to post. She does the same thing with every reply.

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