Another way Biden is adding to Americans' cost of living... gas prices...

Don't worry, he keeps talking about raising minimum wage. So we will only go more into for the next 2 or 3 years till he makes it happen and by then we will be in the exact position were in now. So in a couple years we will get raises to pay for the increased cost of things, and only gain a "pretty uncomfortable" amount of debt in the meantime.
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!

We have glut of oil on the market. I am surprised that this level of ignorance about oil production persists.
you write: "We have glut of oil on the market. I am surprised that this level of ignorance about oil production persists."
You know you make such stupid comments without ANY links!
Why can't you provide substantiation as I have when I make my comments?
You don't have any proof for that and here is the reason why!
Dummy! We are talking about the USA... not the world supply!
So for now the USA is oil independent...but not for long dummy!

In its monthly market report, the IEA gave a further 100,000-barrel-a-day boost to the amount by which it expects global oil demand to rebound in 2021--now 5.5 million barrels a day--while also forecasting another annual drop in U.S. supply. The agency expects American crude production to fall by 180,000 barrels a day.
Do you see the above? It is called a LINK! Very simple to do.
Provide a link that shows USA oil production which is directly affected by the stopping of Federal oil leases by Biden!
Now here is a link that describes the gross and devastating affects on small businesses by Biden's actions!
Law called Biden’s promised policy “an existential threat” unlike any he has encountered in 40 years in the oil business, echoing the rhetoric used by some climate activists about the threat posed by global warming.

Many smaller drilling firms operate in a single state or basin, according to trade group Western Energy Alliance, and would struggle to pack up and leave.

“I actually live here,” said Mark Murphy, a third-generation oilman in New Mexico. His company, Strata Production Co, has 15 employees and operates 47 wells, mostly on federal acreage.

AGAIN here is MY links... where are YOURS?

Why should we provide links to prove that something you think might happen might not? Are there no real issues for you to discuss do you have to make shit up that might happen someday if things continue as they are?

As the USA moves away from its reliance on fossil fuels, demand for oil will similarly decrease. There is no need for additional drilling on federal lands. Most of the potential sites for drilling have already been drilled.

Oil companies will blanket land with lease options but exercise few of them. There was a lease moratorium on federal lands during the Obama administration as well, but that didn’t stop Obama from achieving energy independence.

Are you so unwilling to engage in discussions of real issues about things that are happening now? Instead your fear mongering about things that may never happen. What a waste of time.
Oil prices go up, food prices go up.
Wheat and corn have doubled their prices. Lumber is inflated 500%.
Thats how Venezuela started its death spiral.

Venezuela started its death spiral by allowing a right wing dictator to seize power. He suppressed all left-wing opposition and destroyed the economy of the country in favour of the wealthy.

Under orders of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, South American dictatorships were forced to adopt Milton Friedman’s “capitalism on steroids” in order to get funding for their fledging governments. These conditions called for no public ownership of anything, no social safety net, and no regulation of wages or prices. The same sort of free market reforms Republicans have been trying to push through in the US since Reagan. American corporations stood by ready to pick up government owned railways, utility companies and infrastructure at bargain basement prices.

Throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s, under successive administrations, Friedman’s toxic economic policies held sway, when communism fell, or dictatorships were overthrown. Now Friedman’s hyper-capitalism has been shown to increase poverty, raise prices, stagnate wages, increase volutility in stock markets, and concentrate wealth at the top.

They caused havoc in every economy where they were tried including your own.
Oil prices go up, food prices go up.
Wheat and corn have doubled their prices. Lumber is inflated 500%.
Thats how Venezuela started its death spiral.

Venezuela started its death spiral by allowing a right wing dictator to seize power. He suppressed all left-wing opposition and destroyed the economy of the country in favour of the wealthy.

Under orders of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, South American dictatorships were forced to adopt Milton Friedman’s “capitalism on steroids” in order to get funding for their fledging governments. These conditions called for no public ownership of anything, no social safety net, and no regulation of wages or prices. The same sort of free market reforms Republicans have been trying to push through in the US since Reagan. American corporations stood by ready to pick up government owned railways, utility companies and infrastructure at bargain basement prices.

Throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s, under successive administrations, Friedman’s toxic economic policies held sway, when communism fell, or dictatorships were overthrown. Now Friedman’s hyper-capitalism has been shown to increase poverty, raise prices, stagnate wages, increase volutility in stock markets, and concentrate wealth at the top.

They caused havoc in every economy where they were tried including your own.
Which right wing dictator was this?
Oil prices go up, food prices go up.
Wheat and corn have doubled their prices. Lumber is inflated 500%.
Thats how Venezuela started its death spiral.

Venezuela started its death spiral by allowing a right wing dictator to seize power. He suppressed all left-wing opposition and destroyed the economy of the country in favour of the wealthy.

Under orders of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, South American dictatorships were forced to adopt Milton Friedman’s “capitalism on steroids” in order to get funding for their fledging governments. These conditions called for no public ownership of anything, no social safety net, and no regulation of wages or prices. The same sort of free market reforms Republicans have been trying to push through in the US since Reagan. American corporations stood by ready to pick up government owned railways, utility companies and infrastructure at bargain basement prices.

Throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s, under successive administrations, Friedman’s toxic economic policies held sway, when communism fell, or dictatorships were overthrown. Now Friedman’s hyper-capitalism has been shown to increase poverty, raise prices, stagnate wages, increase volutility in stock markets, and concentrate wealth at the top.

They caused havoc in every economy where they were tried including your own.
Which right wing dictator was this?

All of them - throughout the world. There’s a list you can Google. The CIA was involved.
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!

We have glut of oil on the market. I am surprised that this level of ignorance about oil production persists.
Right wingers ignore facts that don't fit their narrative..which is gas prices are up because of Biden. Evidently they think Biden can change world oil markets overnight with one phone call.
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!

We have glut of oil on the market. I am surprised that this level of ignorance about oil production persists.
Right wingers ignore facts that don't fit their narrative..which is gas prices are up because of Biden. Evidently they think Biden can change world oil markets overnight with one phone call.
A president can't with one single action cause gas prices to increase as common sense should be evident.
BUT a president has ONE action that can CONTRIBUTE to higher gas prices.
It is called signing Federal leases for oil exploration.
Now truly uninformed people evidently don't know that the fact is
About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
Supporting link: U.S. oil and natural gas production to fall in 2021, then rise in 2022 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Now unlike UNINFORMED people I provide links to MY proof... i.e. 25% of all oil comes from Federal lands!
I don't understand why that FACT is so hard to comprehend.
A President signs federal leases and BIDEN has put a moratorium on signing leases! FACT!
AGAIN FACTS for you uninformed!
The Biden administration's Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad ("Executive Order") expands upon the Department of the Interior's Secretarial Order No. 3395 and indefinitely suspends the federal oil and gas leasing program.
So any person can comprehend that if 25% of oil comes from federal lands AND
Biden forbids any more oil exploration on federal lands...
The price of gas WILL go up because the sources of 25% of all USA

production will not be available for exploration in the future!
GEEZ how dumb!
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!

We have glut of oil on the market. I am surprised that this level of ignorance about oil production persists.
Right wingers ignore facts that don't fit their narrative..which is gas prices are up because of Biden. Evidently they think Biden can change world oil markets overnight with one phone call.
A president can't with one single action cause gas prices to increase as common sense should be evident.
BUT a president has ONE action that can CONTRIBUTE to higher gas prices.
It is called signing Federal leases for oil exploration.
Now truly uninformed people evidently don't know that the fact is
About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
Supporting link: U.S. oil and natural gas production to fall in 2021, then rise in 2022 - Today in Energy - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
Now unlike UNINFORMED people I provide links to MY proof... i.e. 25% of all oil comes from Federal lands!
I don't understand why that FACT is so hard to comprehend.
A President signs federal leases and BIDEN has put a moratorium on signing leases! FACT!
AGAIN FACTS for you uninformed!
The Biden administration's Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad ("Executive Order") expands upon the Department of the Interior's Secretarial Order No. 3395 and indefinitely suspends the federal oil and gas leasing program.
So any person can comprehend that if 25% of oil comes from federal lands AND
Biden forbids any more oil exploration on federal lands...
The price of gas WILL go up because the sources of 25% of all USA

production will not be available for exploration in the future!
GEEZ how dumb!

You still dont know anything about the oil business.
So the oil industry DOES NOT follow the "supply and demand" economic principles you are saying? That the oil industry is totally unique from all the rest of the market supply world?
So a fundamental rule... "if the supply goes down and demand stays the same, the price goes up" isn't true in the oil industry? Now if the supply goes down (25% of Federal lands supply oil...FACT (which you by the way supply NONE!) and demand goes up... this is what you have:
43% increase in one year!
Where are YOUR facts???

As gas prices soar, Americans can blame Joe Biden​

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Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!
The President controls the price of gasoline?
Who said that? When one person can sign oil/gas exploration leases that person has a direct affect on the supply...not demand but supply. Biden has done that. By reducing exploration that causes oil producers to pay more for non-federal land which they pass on to the gas sellers, your local station. It is in capacity Biden affects the price.

The president has nothing to do with the price of gasoline..

Currently Brazil's production continues booming and US production is reducing rig counts. Nobody wants a glut of oil on the market. If the ppb goes too low, US producers are the first to suffer and cut back production.
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!

We have glut of oil on the market. I am surprised that this level of ignorance about oil production persists.
Right wingers ignore facts that don't fit their narrative..which is gas prices are up because of Biden. Evidently they think Biden can change world oil markets overnight with one phone call.
Oil prices change on whims. I sure liked paying less then 2 bucks a gallon. Now I go to the markets and see the prices rising on a percentage of products that we all like. The markets keeping some product prices down, but there is an upswing. There used to be a saying that Democrats were good domestically and Republicans were good in Foreign matters. That is not true anymore if it was true at all. Democrats are now Progressive Socialists. And they are moving towards Communism. America is a high taxed nation now and getting higher. Living in lower tax areas is just less oppressive. Being smart is leaving any area that turns Blue and the insanity starts as the crazy politicians move on their agendas with no one blocking their dystopian ideas.
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!
The President controls the price of gasoline?
Who said that? When one person can sign oil/gas exploration leases that person has a direct affect on the supply...not demand but supply. Biden has done that. By reducing exploration that causes oil producers to pay more for non-federal land which they pass on to the gas sellers, your local station. It is in capacity Biden affects the price.

The president has nothing to do with the price of gasoline..

Currently Brazil's production continues booming and US production is reducing rig counts. Nobody wants a glut of oil on the market. If the ppb goes too low, US producers are the first to suffer and cut back production.
We all were suffering paying less then 2 dollars a gallon. Russia due to Biden's policies has increased its mineral wealth by trillions.
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!
The President controls the price of gasoline?
Who said that? When one person can sign oil/gas exploration leases that person has a direct affect on the supply...not demand but supply. Biden has done that. By reducing exploration that causes oil producers to pay more for non-federal land which they pass on to the gas sellers, your local station. It is in capacity Biden affects the price.

The president has nothing to do with the price of gasoline..

Currently Brazil's production continues booming and US production is reducing rig counts. Nobody wants a glut of oil on the market. If the ppb goes too low, US producers are the first to suffer and cut back production.
We all were suffering paying less then 2 dollars a gallon. Russia due to Biden's policies has increased its mineral wealth by trillions.

US lift costs are the highest in the world. When the ppb goes too low US production suffers. Its a business. They have to make a profit. If you want cheap gasoline at any cost, you'll have to nationalize the oil business... and I don't think you want that.
Where is your proof? Why should I believe anyone with a moniker declaring "Devotee of the Sun"?
No proof. No links. No credibility !

Matthew Bey - a senior global analyst with Stratfor, a RANE company - told Rigzone, adding that short term price dynamics are largely being driven by Saudi Arabia, OPEC+ policy and the pace of the economic recovery from Covid-19.

“Over the next two years the economic recovery from Covid-19 and the pace of it globally, coupled with the pace of global production growth will play a driving role in price formation,” Bey said.

“President Biden's policies could slow down the pace of resilience that United States onshore producers have when reacting to higher prices, which would slow down a surge in supply that could temper price increases,” he added.
Last edited:
Prove it! Who in the hell are you to make unsubstantiated statements like the above?
Is it so difficult to add a link verifying what you write?

Why Joe Biden's oil and gas moratorium is expected to have long-term effects on Louisiana's economy​

Biden policy means higher oil prices: Goldman​

Expect oil prices to rise under the new Biden administration.

In a recent note from Goldman Sachs, commodities analysts noted that Biden’s initial executive orders – which included restrictions on hydrocarbon leasing in North America, drilling, and pipelines – support oil prices.


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