Another way Biden is adding to Americans' cost of living... gas prices...

Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!

We have glut of oil on the market. I am surprised that this level of ignorance about oil production persists.
I'm not.
Where is your proof? Why should I believe anyone with a moniker declaring "Devotee of the Sun"?
No proof. No links. No credibility !

Devotee of the Sun? What are you talking about?

You don't know anything about the oil business.
Devotee of the Sun? What are you talking about?
The name SURADA is derived from Sanskrit which is a combination of two words Sura + Adda which literally means The place of Devas.

FACTS! Links! So easy with the Internet!!!
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!

We have glut of oil on the market. I am surprised that this level of ignorance about oil production persists.
I'm not.
Of course you are not surprised! Because you don't seem to follow the "science"!
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!

We have glut of oil on the market. I am surprised that this level of ignorance about oil production persists.
I'm not.
Of course you are not surprised! Because you don't seem to follow the "science"!
There's a science to your ignorance?

Who knew?
You know I'm going to do what YOU will never do, compliment someone you disagree with and I want to compliment you.
Yes there is a "science in ignorance". See the first thing a true person who believes in the "science" is to acknowledge which evidently you don't, that without substantiation, (which you have done more often than not and I more often than not DO provide substantiation) it is a subjective uninformed opinion, i.e. what you offer.
Unlike you I provide links to my statements like for example:

About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
Supporting link:
The federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell from its peak at nearly 36% in 2009 to less than 24% in 2017 at the same time overall production increased
So when I make a point that Biden has directly affected the price of gas at the pump it is because Biden signed a moratorium on leases for oil exploration.
Without the access to 25% of the oil on Federal lands, the science says:
1) non-federal oil production will increase and the cost to increase also.
2) This reduces the USA independence on foreign oil, which also threatens the USA long term defense.

But none of this makes any sense to people that believe in non-sense!
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!
You're hopeless. You still don't know anything about the US oil business.
You know I'm going to do what YOU will never do, compliment someone you disagree with and I want to compliment you.
Yes there is a "science in ignorance". See the first thing a true person who believes in the "science" is to acknowledge which evidently you don't, that without substantiation, (which you have done more often than not and I more often than not DO provide substantiation) it is a subjective uninformed opinion, i.e. what you offer.
Unlike you I provide links to my statements like for example:

About a quarter (25%) of U.S. oil and an eighth of the nation's natural gas is produced on federal lands.
Supporting link:
The federal share of total U.S. crude oil production fell from its peak at nearly 36% in 2009 to less than 24% in 2017 at the same time overall production increased
So when I make a point that Biden has directly affected the price of gas at the pump it is because Biden signed a moratorium on leases for oil exploration.
Without the access to 25% of the oil on Federal lands, the science says:
1) non-federal oil production will increase and the cost to increase also.
2) This reduces the USA independence on foreign oil, which also threatens the USA long term defense.

But none of this makes any sense to people that believe in non-sense!

US producers take options on federal oil lease sometimes for years without drilling on them. 9% of US oil comes from Federal oil leases.
Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!

So what you're saying is that NOTHING Biden has done so far has impacted either production or exploration, but saying that "supply was going to be dimished" is not the same thing as "supply has been diminished". You're just pitching a fit over stuff that hasn't happened yet, just in case it does.

What if Biden reduces demand at the same time that supply stops rising due to his policies? What if demand declines at the same rate as the supply reduces, or even better, what if demand is reduced by MORE that the supply is reduced? Wouldn't prices then decline, because of Biden's policies.

It seems to me that getting worried about shortages that haven't happened yet and may never happen, is a waste of time and energy.
So what you're saying is that NOTHING Biden has done so far has impacted either production or exploration, but saying that "supply was going to be dimished" is not the same thing as "supply has been diminished". You're just pitching a fit over stuff that hasn't happened yet, just in case it does.

What if Biden reduces demand at the same time that supply stops rising due to his policies? What if demand declines at the same rate as the supply reduces, or even better, what if demand is reduced by MORE that the supply is reduced? Wouldn't prices then decline, because of Biden's policies.

It seems to me that getting worried about shortages that haven't happened yet and may never happen, is a waste of time and energy.
Right and obviously you didn't live as I did in the 70s when we had gas shortages. Waiting in line to get gas.

In 1973 and again in 1979, drivers frequently faced around-the-block lines when they tried to fill up.
Drivers would go to stations before dawn or late at night, hoping to avoid the lines.
Odd-even rationing was introduced — meaning that if the last digit on your license plate was odd, you could get gas only on odd-numbered days. New Jersey and New York have just reintroduced the system.

Press secretary Jen Psaki last week said the Biden administration is pushing OPEC to open up oil supplies in order to reduce prices. “The president understands how higher prices at the pump affect middle- and working class families,” the White House spokesman said, pointing also to Biden’s opposition to proposals to raise the federal gas tax.
WHY? because with 25% of the nation's gas coming from Federal lands and NOW exploration to CEASE due to ban on leasing, where will the oil exploration go? Private lands. Foreign oil dependence. Remember what Obama said to Brazil...
after LENDING them billions "We want to help with technology and support to develop these oil reserves safely, and when you’re ready to start selling, we want to be one of your best customers."
FACTS! The USA will be as Obama/Biden wants ENERGY DEPENDENT!
Sorry but those policies are going to be the demise of the Democrats and make Biden a one term president if not impeached!
So what you're saying is that NOTHING Biden has done so far has impacted either production or exploration, but saying that "supply was going to be dimished" is not the same thing as "supply has been diminished". You're just pitching a fit over stuff that hasn't happened yet, just in case it does.

What if Biden reduces demand at the same time that supply stops rising due to his policies? What if demand declines at the same rate as the supply reduces, or even better, what if demand is reduced by MORE that the supply is reduced? Wouldn't prices then decline, because of Biden's policies.

It seems to me that getting worried about shortages that haven't happened yet and may never happen, is a waste of time and energy.
You raise a good point about "reducing demand".
How would that happen by the way? More EVs?

The problems are already showing up on corporate balance sheets. Three high-profile automaker recalls within the last year — by General Motors, Hyundai Motor and Ford Motor — involving about 132,500 electric vehicles cost a combined $2.2 billion.
Most recently, GM said it would spend $800 million on a recall of its Chevrolet Bolt EV following several reported fires due to two "rare manufacturing defects" in the lithium-ion battery cells in the vehicle's battery pack.
So how would EVs help reduce gas if EVs are being recalled? Then what do the people who had recalled EVs do to replace their
EVs, replace with gas?
Facts Dragonlady where are yours? I keep asking you to put up links... where are they???
So what you're saying is that NOTHING Biden has done so far has impacted either production or exploration, but saying that "supply was going to be dimished" is not the same thing as "supply has been diminished". You're just pitching a fit over stuff that hasn't happened yet, just in case it does.

What if Biden reduces demand at the same time that supply stops rising due to his policies? What if demand declines at the same rate as the supply reduces, or even better, what if demand is reduced by MORE that the supply is reduced? Wouldn't prices then decline, because of Biden's policies.

It seems to me that getting worried about shortages that haven't happened yet and may never happen, is a waste of time and energy.


NEW YORK, July 7 (Reuters) - U.S. crude oil production is expected to fall by 210,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2021 to 11.10 million bpd, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Wednesday, a smaller decline than its previous forecast for a drop of 230,000 bpd.

Oil prices have rebounded to their highest levels in about three years, helped by output curbs by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies.

The rise has prompted some U.S. producers to increase drilling activity, with total rig counts rising for an 11th consecutive month in June. However, that was the smallest monthly increase since September 2020. read more


NEW YORK, July 7 (Reuters) - U.S. crude oil production is expected to fall by 210,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2021 to 11.10 million bpd, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Wednesday, a smaller decline than its previous forecast for a drop of 230,000 bpd.

Oil prices have rebounded to their highest levels in about three years, helped by output curbs by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies.

The rise has prompted some U.S. producers to increase drilling activity, with total rig counts rising for an 11th consecutive month in June. However, that was the smallest monthly increase since September 2020. read more

When right wingers are ginning up the outrage machine over things that haven't actually happened yet, you know that they have a real dearth of things to get their panties in a knot about now.

They can't go on about the pandemic because only the fools who aren't vaccinated are ending up in the hospital and dying. "My body, my choice", means they chose to play Russian roulette with the virus and lost. And still Fox News is broadcasting vaccine horror stories about people's reactions to past vaccines, which weren't nearly as safe as this one has proven to be.

Red State governors casting public health guidelines as "optional" and banning mask mandates is the opposite of "freedom of choice". As a parent, I would refuse to send my child to a school without a mask mandate. Where is the right of school boards to protect their students and employees from the virus? Where is their "freedom of choice" to do what is right for their community?

Where is the right of parents to send their children to a safe learning environment? My daughter and her husband have kept their young children safe and virus free during the pandemic, and twisted themselves into pretzels to provide home schooling for their oldest who had just started Jr. Kindergarten when this all started. Those kids have never gone anywhere without their little masks and no one in the family has gotten sick. How do they keep their kids, who are too young for vaccines, safe when they return to school without a mask mandate?


NEW YORK, July 7 (Reuters) - U.S. crude oil production is expected to fall by 210,000 barrels per day (bpd) in 2021 to 11.10 million bpd, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) said on Wednesday, a smaller decline than its previous forecast for a drop of 230,000 bpd.

Oil prices have rebounded to their highest levels in about three years, helped by output curbs by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies.

The rise has prompted some U.S. producers to increase drilling activity, with total rig counts rising for an 11th consecutive month in June. However, that was the smallest monthly increase since September 2020. read more

Commenting on the price effect of Biden’s pause of new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and offshore waters, Jarand Rystad, the chief executive officer of Rystad Energy, outlined that the pause will not influence short term oil prices or even economics of oil exploration and production companies in the United States.

Rystad noted, however, that it will be “very dramatic” for suppliers such as seismic companies, rigs and other exploration-driven oil service segments.

James Davis, the director of short-term and head of supply at FGE, said he thought oil markets had underestimated the potential impact of Gulf of Mexico supply if an out and out permit ban is put in place for federal leases.

“This is due to the fact that many of the upcoming projects offshore the Gulf of Mexico have yet to secure development well permits,” Davis told Rigzone.

“This puts around one million barrels per day of future capacity, for 2025, at risk. If this risk turns into a harsh reality, we would expect to see upwards support for long dated oil contracts, which would ultimately drag up prompt prices too,” he added.
Commenting on the price effect of Biden’s pause of new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and offshore waters, Jarand Rystad, the chief executive officer of Rystad Energy, outlined that the pause will not influence short term oil prices or even economics of oil exploration and production companies in the United States.

Rystad noted, however, that it will be “very dramatic” for suppliers such as seismic companies, rigs and other exploration-driven oil service segments.

James Davis, the director of short-term and head of supply at FGE, said he thought oil markets had underestimated the potential impact of Gulf of Mexico supply if an out and out permit ban is put in place for federal leases.

“This is due to the fact that many of the upcoming projects offshore the Gulf of Mexico have yet to secure development well permits,” Davis told Rigzone.

“This puts around one million barrels per day of future capacity, for 2025, at risk. If this risk turns into a harsh reality, we would expect to see upwards support for long dated oil contracts, which would ultimately drag up prompt prices too,” he added.
Commenting on the price effect of Biden’s pause of new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and offshore waters, Jarand Rystad, the chief executive officer of Rystad Energy, outlined that the pause will not influence short term oil prices or even economics of oil exploration and production companies in the United States.

Rystad noted, however, that it will be “very dramatic” for suppliers such as seismic companies, rigs and other exploration-driven oil service segments.

James Davis, the director of short-term and head of supply at FGE, said he thought oil markets had underestimated the potential impact of Gulf of Mexico supply if an out and out permit ban is put in place for federal leases.

“This is due to the fact that many of the upcoming projects offshore the Gulf of Mexico have yet to secure development well permits,” Davis told Rigzone.

“This puts around one million barrels per day of future capacity, for 2025, at risk. If this risk turns into a harsh reality, we would expect to see upwards support for long dated oil contracts, which would ultimately drag up prompt prices too,” he added.

There are more than 3,000 wells in the Gulf of Mexico.. Its pretty shallow as far as offshore drilling goes.

What is Rystad Energy? Are they energy brokers like Matt Simmons?
Commenting on the price effect of Biden’s pause of new oil and natural gas leases on public lands and offshore waters, Jarand Rystad, the chief executive officer of Rystad Energy, outlined that the pause will not influence short term oil prices or even economics of oil exploration and production companies in the United States.

Rystad noted, however, that it will be “very dramatic” for suppliers such as seismic companies, rigs and other exploration-driven oil service segments.

James Davis, the director of short-term and head of supply at FGE, said he thought oil markets had underestimated the potential impact of Gulf of Mexico supply if an out and out permit ban is put in place for federal leases.

“This is due to the fact that many of the upcoming projects offshore the Gulf of Mexico have yet to secure development well permits,” Davis told Rigzone.

“This puts around one million barrels per day of future capacity, for 2025, at risk. If this risk turns into a harsh reality, we would expect to see upwards support for long dated oil contracts, which would ultimately drag up prompt prices too,” he added.

So, your last attempt to gin up fear and paranoia about the future prospects for oil and gas exploration haven fallen spectacularly flat, you're now trying to go another route.

As for your concerns about the workers, think about all of the workers who are going to be getting jobs installing the green energy grid: building windmills, and solar arrays. The electric car plants being built to provide green vehicles as the current gasoline fueled fleets of government vehicles come to the end of their useful lives and need to be replaced.

All of your hand wringing over job losses in the fossil fuel industries utterly ignores the job creation in the green economy. The objection that Republicans have to the green economy is that they are beholding to Big Oil and a host of other industries which will be losers in the green economy. Just like the tobacco industry fought government regulation of second hand smoke, and all of the bullshit Big Tobacco put the nation through as they continued to profit off the deaths of cigarette addicted Americans. That's what Big Oil is doing right now, in denying climate change, and fighting against green energy.

Just the job creation in the Green Economy with overwhelm the job losses in coal, oil, gas, and other fossil fuels. It is the investor classes who are resistant to the capital costs of the conversion which will reduce their short profits, but profit both them and the nation immensely in the long run.
So, your last attempt to gin up fear and paranoia about the future prospects for oil and gas exploration haven fallen spectacularly flat, you're now trying to go another route.

As for your concerns about the workers, think about all of the workers who are going to be getting jobs installing the green energy grid: building windmills, and solar arrays. The electric car plants being built to provide green vehicles as the current gasoline fueled fleets of government vehicles come to the end of their useful lives and need to be replaced.

All of your hand wringing over job losses in the fossil fuel industries utterly ignores the job creation in the green economy. The objection that Republicans have to the green economy is that they are beholding to Big Oil and a host of other industries which will be losers in the green economy. Just like the tobacco industry fought government regulation of second hand smoke, and all of the bullshit Big Tobacco put the nation through as they continued to profit off the deaths of cigarette addicted Americans. That's what Big Oil is doing right now, in denying climate change, and fighting against green energy.

Just the job creation in the Green Economy with overwhelm the job losses in coal, oil, gas, and other fossil fuels. It is the investor classes who are resistant to the capital costs of the conversion which will reduce their short profits, but profit both them and the nation immensely in the long run.
Where is your proof? You are simply rambling on. "Free association". Here is a fact for you.
This is the basis for stating the earth's warmed up 1.53º F over the last 70 years. People standing outside in -30º to +100º trying to read 2 degree differential, copying into a notebook, shivering or sweating while doing so. Then this information is passed on to other people that copied definitely creating copying errors over thousands of stations, by 10's of thousands of people for over the last 70 years. And this is the basis.
One question for you? Is it possible also a contribution to warmer temperature is the earth is rotating slower now,
and as a result getting more heat from the sun?
Ever since its formation around 4.5 billion years ago, Earth's rotation has been gradually slowing down, and its days gotten progressively longer as a result. While Earth's slowdown is not noticeable on human timescales, it's enough to work significant changes over eons.

Across the USA, only about 9% of oil and gas production occurs on federal land (its much higher in federal waters). But New Mexico and Wyoming have the highest fraction of federal land in their oil and gas properties, and their budget is especially sensitive to oil and gas revenue.
How much oil/gas produced in one year?
U.S. oil production reached 12.0 million barrels per day (b/d) in December 2018 and 12.8 million b/d in December 2019
9% of 12.0 million barrels is over 1 million barrels a day.

Biden's moratorium on leasing federal lands and waters for oil and gas drilling is expected to have “no effects” until 2022, the Energy Information Administration (EIA) said this week.

Maybe Biden and his idiots ought to explain this then:

De Haan told “Mornings with Maria" that “the limitations on new drilling could eventually become an issue.”
President Biden’s energy actions have included temporarily suspending the issuance of oil and gas permits on federal lands and waters and the cancelation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline project in a series of orders aimed at combating climate change.
De Haan also pointed to Biden's “massive infrastructure plan” and noted the concern of “how to pay for it” could impact the price at the pump.
So folks if you were a gasoline buyer and you saw that the supply was going to be diminished due to Biden's cutting exploration on
Federal land that currently provides 9% of all oil/gas, would you logically conclude that the wholesale price of gas would be increasing and therefore... you'd be raising the retail price accordingly?
And if the supply is reduced by Biden's dumb ass moves, where will the gas buyer get increasing demand for gas? Foreign.
Remember "Barack Obama said he wants the U.S. to become one of Brazil’s “best customers”
Now Biden is fulfilling Obama's desire by cutting back USA production. How strategically stupid!
Cost of living: Where does that consept come from, God's mind, or fallen beings, who lost everything that mattered? It should be obvious. Should we please fallen beings, or should we please God? The answer should be obvious.

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