Another Week on the Front Lines of the Race Wars


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
No one can post an OP, it seems, without a ton of old grudges immediately being activated. The trolling can be crazy. Maybe there's just too much history among these folks, like an old married couple.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
What is your ethnic background?

I believe you are Asian, possibly Japanese. If I'm right you have no cause for the kind of concern you've expressed above. The racial conflict you refer to is confined to the Black and White categories. It has been going on for generations, it has deep and tenacious roots and is not likely to ever soften.

What I know about the Japanese is they are extremely race conscious and they strongly oppose miscegenation and race mixing at any significant level, a social posture which I respect and which I complied with during the year I spent in Japan. What I have observed about Japanese Americans is, like the Chinese, they are exceptionally decent, respectable, productive and law-abiding people who form exclusive communities, keep to themselves socially, and mind their own business.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
What is your ethnic background?

I believe you are Asian, possibly Japanese. If I'm right ....

You're not.

What I know about the Japanese is they are extremely race conscious and they strongly oppose miscegenation and race mixing at any significant level......

Your stereotypes are out of date.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
I would have agreed with you until recently. After the Starbucks thing I’ve noticed blacks are a little more standoffish and I’ll admit if the black lady at speedway says I gave her the wrong pump number it’s yes ma’am and on my way.

Today this white woman honked at a black guy and he said something like “oh you got something to say bitch? So inappropriate. But I won’t mess with black people anymore. As a white man you’ll come off as a racist even if race has nothing to do with it.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
I would have agreed with you until recently. After the Starbucks thing I’ve noticed blacks are a little more standoffish and I’ll admit if the black lady at speedway says I gave her the wrong pump number it’s yes ma’am and on my way.

Today this white woman honked at a black guy and he said something like “oh you got something to say bitch? So inappropriate. But I won’t mess with black people anymore. As a white man you’ll come off as a racist even if race has nothing to do with it.

No one is forcing you to be insecure.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
I would have agreed with you until recently. After the Starbucks thing I’ve noticed blacks are a little more standoffish and I’ll admit if the black lady at speedway says I gave her the wrong pump number it’s yes ma’am and on my way.

Today this white woman honked at a black guy and he said something like “oh you got something to say bitch? So inappropriate. But I won’t mess with black people anymore. As a white man you’ll come off as a racist even if race has nothing to do with it.

No one is forcing you to be insecure.
I’m just debunking your premise. I’m sensing hostility from blacks. Either that or those people were just being their typical selves.

Are you suggesting blacks being abused harassed and wrongfully shot by cops and then always found not guilty isn’t bothering black people around you?

Do you think you are reading people right? You don’t strike me as a particularly perceptive person. You probably don’t realize lots of people don’t like you. So you think those are the usual angry stares.

And if you know black people intimately they’re not the ones who I’m talking about. I’m talking about the casual strangers. Yesterday the white lady just honked at the black guy. Not a reason to scream bitch out your car. I saw the whole thing. I don’t know for sure but can’t help wonder why the guy was so wound up.

And it’s the same tim hortons where a black woman took cuts in the drive thru, was a bitch and then backed into my car on purpose because she couldn’t take it when I flipped her off, after she flipped me off first. Blacks can dish but can’t take it.

And now I won’t dish anymore. From now on they’ll get my fake distant politeness. Want to take cuts? Go right ahead. Consider it my reparations to you.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.

virtue signal much?
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.

virtue signal much?

Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.

virtue signal much?


He's Kekistani, what do you expect? They're shitposters...
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.

virtue signal much?

Of course that went over your little head.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.

virtue signal much?


He's Kekistani, what do you expect? They're shitposters...

we are an oppressed people, that is what I expected from non-kekeitanis such as you and Uncletard. Reparations now!
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.

virtue signal much?


He's Kekistani, what do you expect? They're shitposters...

we are an oppressed people, that is what I expected from non-kekeitanis such as you and Uncletard. Reparations now!

Consider yourself lucky anyone even knows about Kekistan outside of Kekistan... May Kek forever bless your house...


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