Another Win for the Good Guys. CHPO Exonerated in Shooting of Ashli Babbitt

That saying applies to men. We don't harm unarmed females, silly. We sure as heck don't shoot them. If they punch us in the face a few times we restrain them. We protect females. We are men.

I'll skip the bashing of Byrd further than the following, as I don't know what he was trained to do while protecting the Capitol as a Capitol Police Officer, but he really messed up that day and should have some significant consequences as a result, I think.

He did his job.
All they were doing is trying to have their opinion on election fraud to be heard.
They had that chance to present evidence in court. They failed. No one has to listen to them and they certainly dont have to put up with being attacked. If they wanted to be heard they should have thrown a press conference.
Oh boy, another "I don't like Republicans or Trump so I'm going to take every chance I can to make sure I post a story bad about them and follow it up with totally unrelated and unnecessary jabs at them" post.

Face it, this isn't a out anything other than getting a cheap sense of self satisfaction at thinking "boy I'm really turning the knife is those cocksucking Republicans that like Trump" and nothing else.

In fact it's so true that you glorify the shooting of a unarmed woman crawling on her hands and knees slowly through a barricade just so you can take pot shots at Trump.

You don't care about what's right or wrong, you just care about hating Trump. And you'll do any mental gymnastics you need to in order to do.

Only a deplorable would call Babbit anything less than a deranged idiot and traitor to her country, and probably because they're one themselves. Try to imagine for a moment you were charged with protecting one of the main seats of power in your country, and a mob attempts to break into said building and through a door you've barricaded. Then a woman, tries to climb through a window with a mob following behind her, presumably since they're the ones breaking down the door. You point a gun at the person, threaten to shoot and they still keep coming, what do you do in that situation? No one knows if Babbit had a knife or gun. Do you wait until they pull it out before you start firing? Babbit, and everyone behind her was considered a threat, at that point. The fact that she was shot was entirely on her and no one else. Just like a deplorable to lay blame on someone other than the one committing the crime. If this were antifa or blm, NOT ONE person on the right would be defending them.
I believe he was referring to George Floyd.

And our justice system disagrees with you.

Why say King George unless it was a throw back to Rodney King?

And no, we do not have a working justice system if you can shoot an unarmed woman who is not threat to anyone.
We already had lost our working justice system a very long time ago, with the federal War on Drugs, mandated sentences, asset forfeiture, cash bond, etc.
This just puts it over the top.
We likely would be better off without police now.
In that case absolutely.

So now we can shoot police indiscriminately since they are armed and could easily be a threat?
There is no criminal any greater threat than corrupt police.
They are always the ones that turn democratic republics into autocracies.
Well you can argue until you're blue in the face and its not going to make any difference. It's not going to change the decision to exonerate the hero, it's not going to change my opinion and it's not going to bring the crazy bitch back from the dead. It was a great shoot and let that be a lesson to the other retards should they get the itch to try it again.

So be it.
I am a far more left winger than you could ever be, but your traitorous act will force me to vote Trump in 2024 if it happens.
And I know thousands of left wingers who are equally appalled by that egregious murder of Ashli.
If you want to end the pretense of there being any leftist party, it is on your head.
You had your chance, and you decided to go with cold blooded murder instead.
I am a far more left winger than you could ever be, but your traitorous act will force me to vote Trump in 2024 if it happens.
I'm more of center left so you could be right. I'm not worried about who you vote for in 2024. If you want to be a dumbass and vote for Drumpf thats on your head if he wins. When he loses I will laugh at your illogical decision to vote for him when he is a fucking criminal and con artist. :lol:
The day you die, soon may that day be, the world will be that much better off! The only good democrats are dead democrats! :fu:
This is the reason your blob lost by 9 million votes or whatever it is. Not that it isn't hilarious...but its good to see that you haven't learned your lesson...or how to use mouthwash.

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