Another Year And The Ones Who Were Involved In 911


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Are probably laughing. The neocons and Zionist in our gov and Israel. Congrats. Job well done, one we know the ignorant Muslims would never have access or means available to do.
Are probably laughing. The neocons and Zionist in our gov and Israel. Congrats. Job well done, one we know the ignorant Muslims would never have access or means available to do.
13 years later and guys like richard gage have made millions on your ignorance and fear.

You can't get much greener than gullibility. Its one infinitely renewable resource.
Are probably laughing. The neocons and Zionist in our gov and Israel. Congrats. Job well done, one we know the ignorant Muslims would never have access or means available to do.
13 years later and guys like richard gage have made millions on your ignorance and fear.

Not her fear ... just her ignorance and hatred.
9/11/2001 was a terrorist attack, however are we quite certain of the identity of the terrorists?
When 'nuff people get it, and begin to protest, Like with the Viet Nam fiasco, WE THE PEOPLE managed to make Congress do what we wanted and that is a good thing.
The issue with 9/11/2001 is that its like having a tapestry & just pull one thread, and distort the design, and so it is with society, that one thread is the LIE of 9/11/2001,
we NEED to, in order to restore the proper functioning of logic and common sense, address this issue.
9/11/2001 was a terrorist attack, however are we quite certain of the identity of the terrorists?

We're certain enough. Remember, Spammy....the
When 'nuff people get it, and begin to protest, Like with the Viet Nam fiasco, WE THE PEOPLE managed to make Congress do what we wanted and that is a good thing.
The issue with 9/11/2001 is that its like having a tapestry & just pull one thread, and distort the design, and so it is with society, that one thread is the LIE of 9/11/2001,
we NEED to, in order to restore the proper functioning of logic and common sense, address this issue.

The obvious problem with your narrative is that the heyday of truthers is long past. Interest in their conspiracy peaked in about 2006....and has declined ever since. Why 2006? That was the year that rational people started making a concerted effort to debunk the silly, silly shit truthers were saying with better evidence, better reasoning, and better logic.

You and your ilk are now a punchline. Mostly because you ignore anything that contradicts your theory, never question your own beliefs, and fail so completely the old 'Occam's Razor' test.
we NEED to, in order to restore the proper functioning of logic and common sense, address this issue.

You don't use logic or common sense. For example, you insist that no hijacked planes hit the WTC 1 and 2....and that all 43 videos of the impact are faked. Including every live feed from every news network. But that's just stupid. As it would expand your conspiracy to involve every media outlet, every eye witness in NY, every camcorder. And of course, that means that all the pictures of debris had to be faked. And their airlines would have had to have been on it. And all the family of the passengers on the flights. Increasing the number of folks that would have to be in on the conspiracy by orders of magnitude.

And yet 13 years later these thousands and thousands and thousands of co-conspirators all maintained perfect secrecy? That's ridiculous. For crying out loud, we couldn't keep the atomic bomb secret for more than 7 years. And that was developed on a secure facility. Even the NSA's greatest secret was blown wide open in less than 10 years, despite being in the middle of no where.

This happened in broad day light in one of the most heavily populated cities on earth with the entire world watching.


There's absolutely no way your fantastically elaborate, wildly complicated conspiracy could have been kept under wraps. Yet in defiance of logic or common sense, you cling to your absurd little conspiracy. What you've never been able to do is give us a good reason to ignore what you do.
9/11/2001 was a terrorist attack, however are we quite certain of the identity of the terrorists?
yep,those terrorists would be Bush,Cheney,Clinton,Rumsfield,Rice,Powell,Silverstein,gen Myers, CIA people and the mossd for starters.
9/11/2001 was a terrorist attack, however are we quite certain of the identity of the terrorists?
yep,those terrorists would be Bush,Cheney,Clinton,Rumsfield,Rice,Powell,Silverstein,gen Myers, CIA people and the mossd for starters.

Wow. That's quite a list. Anyone else you'd like to add? I'd be curious to see just how ludicrously large and insanely complicated your conspiracy actually is.
When 'nuff people get it, and begin to protest, Like with the Viet Nam fiasco, WE THE PEOPLE managed to make Congress do what we wanted and that is a good thing.
The issue with 9/11/2001 is that its like having a tapestry & just pull one thread, and distort the design, and so it is with society, that one thread is the LIE of 9/11/2001,
we NEED to, in order to restore the proper functioning of logic and common sense, address this issue.
VIETNAM is one word and I have serious doubts you know anything about it.
also, it's a completely false comparison ...
9/11/2001 was a terrorist attack, however are we quite certain of the identity of the terrorists?
yep,those terrorists would be Bush,Cheney,Clinton,Rumsfield,Rice,Powell,Silverstein,gen Myers, CIA people and the mossd for starters.
you forgot all the people it took to set up shanksville and the pentagon...

Lets not forget all the 'crisis actor' witnesses by the thousands, all the folks on I-395 that had to be silenced or coersed, the passengers on the planes, the airlines, all major media outlets who 'faked' their coverage, the ASCE who was complicit after the fact, the NIST, the FAA......the list is pretty extensive.

And perfect secrecy, huh?
How many people, KNOW deep in their hearts that something is very wrong here, but simply go along to get along, because the consequences of not going along are very serious.
How many people, KNOW deep in their hearts that something is very wrong here, but simply go along to get along, because the consequences of not going along are very serious.
if you insist on proselytizing we have a section for that.
otherwise stfu...
How many people, KNOW deep in their hearts that something is very wrong here, but simply go along to get along, because the consequences of not going along are very serious.
the ones that still defend the offical version here are paid trolls for the government sent here to derail threads on truth discussions about government corruption such as this,obamas fake birth certificate,ect,ect .they give it away by making up outright lies like the one predfan made that steel does burn fire for example.
How many people, KNOW deep in their hearts that something is very wrong here, but simply go along to get along, because the consequences of not going along are very serious.

Ah, when the facts fail you, you ask us to 'feel' the conspiracy and just believe.

Odd, the longer I talk to Truthers the more their rhetoric sounds like religion.
How many people, KNOW deep in their hearts that something is very wrong here, but simply go along to get along, because the consequences of not going along are very serious.
the ones that still defend the offical version here are paid trolls for the government sent here to derail threads on truth discussions about government corruption such as this,obamas fake birth certificate,ect,ect .they give it away by making up outright lies like the one predfan made that steel does burn fire for example.

Or, folks who have reviewed the Truther conspiracy explanation and found it doesn't match the facts, its needless and fantastically elaborate, utterly unrealistic, is contradicted by overwhelming evidence.....and is just an awful explanation of the events of 911.

But since we don't ape your conspiracy, we're part of it now too, huh?'s that working out for ya?

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