Ante up anti gunners...what will you allow for normal gun owners, what do you want?

it is when it leads to confiscation of a right....also.......criminals do not have to register guns.......registering a gun violates our 5th Amendment protection against self you are wrong.
We registered millions of items in this country. How many of them have been since confiscated? When has anything ever been confiscated?

Where do you come up with these groundless fears?

Groundless....? Germany 1930s.....guns of political enemies of the socialists confiscated. Britain...after the rare mass shooting....banned and confiscated guns. Australia....confiscated guns.....the last 2 within the last 20 years.....

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to unarmed people...the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s........only happened because the civilian populations were unarmed...I posted a thread about that this week.
Germany? What is your fascination with German history and what is its relevance to the issue in the US today? Is it this Trump fellow in the news that's got some of you thinking a lot about Germany?

If so, stop it.

Your trust in government is touching...
But I'll trust in the intelligence of the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights over some clod on the internet thanks.
It takes far more than intelligence to foresee the society created hundreds of years into the future when a Bill of Rights is prevented from keeping up with the times.

But, again, we're off-topic. We were discussing gun control, not the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is alive and well and under-regulated, which is the subject of the thread.

This didn't happen in the future.....

How gun control led to genocide in this small European country

In July 1995, in Srebrenica — an area that had been officially declared a United Nations safe zone — the Serbian army perpetrated genocide against the Bosnians who had taken refuge there. The United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide. Those weeks — bloody, devastating and heartbreaking — were a high-speed version of what was happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-95 war.


Those who were attacked, mostly Muslims of Bosnia and other non-Serbs, did not have weapons to defend themselves as the gun control laws in communist Yugoslavia had been very strict.

The procedure to obtain a license for firearms was so lengthy and so severe that most applicants were refused. Many of the individuals who successfully acquired a license were only given permission to own hunting guns, which were not particularly helpful in war-like circumstances. -

As a result, citizens were generally unarmed against the Serbian Army attackers. Civilians of Bosnia were forced to defend themselves with weapons they stole from local police stations that were already very limited in their resources. Bosnians started to organize “territorial defense” forces, which later grew into the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. People in urban areas were more likely to come across some sort of weapon since they were in proximity of police stations and similar institutions where they could obtain firearms. Most of the genocide and brutal mass killings happened in the small cities and rural areas that did not have similar resources available and were easily cut off from the rest of the country. Srebrenica is one tragic example of such territory. - See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
I await your documentation of that anecdotal report.

3,000 people murdered on 9/11...computers were used to move money, communicate between the terrorists, and to buy the tickets for the killers.........
I didn't see a single computer in the footage of the events that transpired.

Computers enabled the killings.......not one gun was used to kill those people....computers were used to move the money, the terrorists, and to make the deaths happen.....dittos the attack in Nice......84 people murdered, hundreds wounded.....and though the man had a gun...the people were murdered with the truck...but he used a computer.......
And so did airplanes, and I saw several of those. Those are both registered and highly regulated. But that only reduces the misuse substantially. Nothing can prevent all occurrences of misuse of any material object or technology. We can only minimize it through responsible regulation.

Which is what we're supposedly discussing.

And yet every mass shooting, every terrorist attack...had a computer involved in the planning and execution of the event....
Yep. Our best efforts can only minimize the damage people do to each other by every means imaginable. We can't eliminate it.

So we give up and say, "NO RULES!" Or we act like adults?
How many times does it have to be said?
Driving is not a Constitutional right.
Nor is registration of anything constitutionally prohibited.

it is when it leads to confiscation of a right....also.......criminals do not have to register guns.......registering a gun violates our 5th Amendment protection against self you are wrong.
We registered millions of items in this country. How many of them have been since confiscated? When has anything ever been confiscated?

Where do you come up with these groundless fears?

Groundless....? Germany 1930s.....guns of political enemies of the socialists confiscated. Britain...after the rare mass shooting....banned and confiscated guns. Australia....confiscated guns.....the last 2 within the last 20 years.....

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to unarmed people...the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s........only happened because the civilian populations were unarmed...I posted a thread about that this week.
Germany? What is your fascination with German history and what is its relevance to the issue in the US today? Is it this Trump fellow in the news that's got some of you thinking a lot about Germany?

If so, stop it.

those that ignore history, are doomed to repeat it
We registered millions of items in this country. How many of them have been since confiscated? When has anything ever been confiscated?

Where do you come up with these groundless fears?

Groundless....? Germany 1930s.....guns of political enemies of the socialists confiscated. Britain...after the rare mass shooting....banned and confiscated guns. Australia....confiscated guns.....the last 2 within the last 20 years.....

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to unarmed people...the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s........only happened because the civilian populations were unarmed...I posted a thread about that this week.
Germany? What is your fascination with German history and what is its relevance to the issue in the US today? Is it this Trump fellow in the news that's got some of you thinking a lot about Germany?

If so, stop it.

Your trust in government is touching...
But I'll trust in the intelligence of the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights over some clod on the internet thanks.
It takes far more than intelligence to foresee the society created hundreds of years into the future when a Bill of Rights is prevented from keeping up with the times.

But, again, we're off-topic. We were discussing gun control, not the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is alive and well and under-regulated, which is the subject of the thread.

This didn't happen in the future.....

How gun control led to genocide in this small European country

In July 1995, in Srebrenica — an area that had been officially declared a United Nations safe zone — the Serbian army perpetrated genocide against the Bosnians who had taken refuge there. The United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide. Those weeks — bloody, devastating and heartbreaking — were a high-speed version of what was happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-95 war.


Those who were attacked, mostly Muslims of Bosnia and other non-Serbs, did not have weapons to defend themselves as the gun control laws in communist Yugoslavia had been very strict.

The procedure to obtain a license for firearms was so lengthy and so severe that most applicants were refused. Many of the individuals who successfully acquired a license were only given permission to own hunting guns, which were not particularly helpful in war-like circumstances. -

As a result, citizens were generally unarmed against the Serbian Army attackers. Civilians of Bosnia were forced to defend themselves with weapons they stole from local police stations that were already very limited in their resources. Bosnians started to organize “territorial defense” forces, which later grew into the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. People in urban areas were more likely to come across some sort of weapon since they were in proximity of police stations and similar institutions where they could obtain firearms. Most of the genocide and brutal mass killings happened in the small cities and rural areas that did not have similar resources available and were easily cut off from the rest of the country. Srebrenica is one tragic example of such territory. - See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
I suggest you stick close to home, where we don't confiscate stuff, unless you can provide examples of things we have confiscated over the past 250 years.
3,000 people murdered on 9/11...computers were used to move money, communicate between the terrorists, and to buy the tickets for the killers.........
I didn't see a single computer in the footage of the events that transpired.

Computers enabled the killings.......not one gun was used to kill those people....computers were used to move the money, the terrorists, and to make the deaths happen.....dittos the attack in Nice......84 people murdered, hundreds wounded.....and though the man had a gun...the people were murdered with the truck...but he used a computer.......
And so did airplanes, and I saw several of those. Those are both registered and highly regulated. But that only reduces the misuse substantially. Nothing can prevent all occurrences of misuse of any material object or technology. We can only minimize it through responsible regulation.

Which is what we're supposedly discussing.

And yet every mass shooting, every terrorist attack...had a computer involved in the planning and execution of the event....
Yep. Our best efforts can only minimize the damage people do to each other by every means imaginable. We can't eliminate it.

So we give up and say, "NO RULES!" Or we act like adults?

again.....with that whole....if you don't want extreme gun control then you don't want laws.......

What is it with you guys.....

When someone commits a crime with a gun....lock them up for 30 years. This actually works...and has the added value of not bothering law abiding gun owners.

If a felon is caught with a lock them up....again, this doesn't impact normal gun owners...

We can already do the above with existing laws.........and it actually works everytime you do it....
Groundless....? Germany 1930s.....guns of political enemies of the socialists confiscated. Britain...after the rare mass shooting....banned and confiscated guns. Australia....confiscated guns.....the last 2 within the last 20 years.....

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to unarmed people...the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s........only happened because the civilian populations were unarmed...I posted a thread about that this week.
Germany? What is your fascination with German history and what is its relevance to the issue in the US today? Is it this Trump fellow in the news that's got some of you thinking a lot about Germany?

If so, stop it.

Your trust in government is touching...
But I'll trust in the intelligence of the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights over some clod on the internet thanks.
It takes far more than intelligence to foresee the society created hundreds of years into the future when a Bill of Rights is prevented from keeping up with the times.

But, again, we're off-topic. We were discussing gun control, not the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is alive and well and under-regulated, which is the subject of the thread.

This didn't happen in the future.....

How gun control led to genocide in this small European country

In July 1995, in Srebrenica — an area that had been officially declared a United Nations safe zone — the Serbian army perpetrated genocide against the Bosnians who had taken refuge there. The United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide. Those weeks — bloody, devastating and heartbreaking — were a high-speed version of what was happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-95 war.


Those who were attacked, mostly Muslims of Bosnia and other non-Serbs, did not have weapons to defend themselves as the gun control laws in communist Yugoslavia had been very strict.

The procedure to obtain a license for firearms was so lengthy and so severe that most applicants were refused. Many of the individuals who successfully acquired a license were only given permission to own hunting guns, which were not particularly helpful in war-like circumstances. -

As a result, citizens were generally unarmed against the Serbian Army attackers. Civilians of Bosnia were forced to defend themselves with weapons they stole from local police stations that were already very limited in their resources. Bosnians started to organize “territorial defense” forces, which later grew into the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. People in urban areas were more likely to come across some sort of weapon since they were in proximity of police stations and similar institutions where they could obtain firearms. Most of the genocide and brutal mass killings happened in the small cities and rural areas that did not have similar resources available and were easily cut off from the rest of the country. Srebrenica is one tragic example of such territory. - See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
I suggest you stick close to home, where we don't confiscate stuff, unless you can provide examples of things we have confiscated over the past 250 years.

Magazines over 10 rounds in California....if you are caught with one when the new law goes into effect you can be arrested......Rifles with detachable magazines in New have to sell it, or turn it in......
Germany? What is your fascination with German history and what is its relevance to the issue in the US today? Is it this Trump fellow in the news that's got some of you thinking a lot about Germany?

If so, stop it.

Your trust in government is touching...
But I'll trust in the intelligence of the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights over some clod on the internet thanks.
It takes far more than intelligence to foresee the society created hundreds of years into the future when a Bill of Rights is prevented from keeping up with the times.

But, again, we're off-topic. We were discussing gun control, not the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is alive and well and under-regulated, which is the subject of the thread.

This didn't happen in the future.....

How gun control led to genocide in this small European country

In July 1995, in Srebrenica — an area that had been officially declared a United Nations safe zone — the Serbian army perpetrated genocide against the Bosnians who had taken refuge there. The United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide. Those weeks — bloody, devastating and heartbreaking — were a high-speed version of what was happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-95 war.


Those who were attacked, mostly Muslims of Bosnia and other non-Serbs, did not have weapons to defend themselves as the gun control laws in communist Yugoslavia had been very strict.

The procedure to obtain a license for firearms was so lengthy and so severe that most applicants were refused. Many of the individuals who successfully acquired a license were only given permission to own hunting guns, which were not particularly helpful in war-like circumstances. -

As a result, citizens were generally unarmed against the Serbian Army attackers. Civilians of Bosnia were forced to defend themselves with weapons they stole from local police stations that were already very limited in their resources. Bosnians started to organize “territorial defense” forces, which later grew into the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. People in urban areas were more likely to come across some sort of weapon since they were in proximity of police stations and similar institutions where they could obtain firearms. Most of the genocide and brutal mass killings happened in the small cities and rural areas that did not have similar resources available and were easily cut off from the rest of the country. Srebrenica is one tragic example of such territory. - See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
I suggest you stick close to home, where we don't confiscate stuff, unless you can provide examples of things we have confiscated over the past 250 years.

Magazines over 10 rounds in California....if you are caught with one when the new law goes into effect you can be arrested......Rifles with detachable magazines in New have to sell it, or turn it in......
Precisely. It's up to you what you do with contraband. There's no confiscation. Never has been and can't be - it's logistically impossible, so get that out of your head.
I didn't see a single computer in the footage of the events that transpired.
To lock up a criminal with a gun we must first make it illegal for him to have it. Remember those background checks and registration we talked about? As long as the criminal has a right to possess the gun as a citizen, we can't do a damned thing about it.

Computers enabled the killings.......not one gun was used to kill those people....computers were used to move the money, the terrorists, and to make the deaths happen.....dittos the attack in Nice......84 people murdered, hundreds wounded.....and though the man had a gun...the people were murdered with the truck...but he used a computer.......
And so did airplanes, and I saw several of those. Those are both registered and highly regulated. But that only reduces the misuse substantially. Nothing can prevent all occurrences of misuse of any material object or technology. We can only minimize it through responsible regulation.

Which is what we're supposedly discussing.

And yet every mass shooting, every terrorist attack...had a computer involved in the planning and execution of the event....
Yep. Our best efforts can only minimize the damage people do to each other by every means imaginable. We can't eliminate it.

So we give up and say, "NO RULES!" Or we act like adults?

again.....with that whole....if you don't want extreme gun control then you don't want laws.......

What is it with you guys.....

When someone commits a crime with a gun....lock them up for 30 years. This actually works...and has the added value of not bothering law abiding gun owners.

If a felon is caught with a lock them up....again, this doesn't impact normal gun owners...

We can already do the above with existing laws.........and it actually works everytime you do it....
How many times does it have to be said?
Driving is not a Constitutional right.
Nor is registration of anything constitutionally prohibited.

Shall not be infringed.
The commander of your well-regulated militia will explain its application.

The Bill of Rights is about protections against the Charles Cooke wrote in National think the Bill of Rights that defends individual liberties would give a right to the Government to control guns through a militia is a joke.....
It's not gun control through the militia. It's national defense and providing the justification for the arming members of the militia.

Psst--News break

YOu don't have to belong to a militia to own a firearm.

haven't since the Constitution was signed
it is when it leads to confiscation of a right....also.......criminals do not have to register guns.......registering a gun violates our 5th Amendment protection against self you are wrong.
We registered millions of items in this country. How many of them have been since confiscated? When has anything ever been confiscated?

Where do you come up with these groundless fears?

Groundless....? Germany 1930s.....guns of political enemies of the socialists confiscated. Britain...after the rare mass shooting....banned and confiscated guns. Australia....confiscated guns.....the last 2 within the last 20 years.....

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to unarmed people...the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s........only happened because the civilian populations were unarmed...I posted a thread about that this week.
Germany? What is your fascination with German history and what is its relevance to the issue in the US today? Is it this Trump fellow in the news that's got some of you thinking a lot about Germany?

If so, stop it.

Your trust in government is touching...
But I'll trust in the intelligence of the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights over some clod on the internet thanks.
It takes far more than intelligence to foresee the society created hundreds of years into the future when a Bill of Rights is prevented from keeping up with the times.

But, again, we're off-topic. We were discussing gun control, not the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is alive and well and under-regulated, which is the subject of the thread.

The 2nd is what gun rights are all about.
Your trust in government is touching...
But I'll trust in the intelligence of the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights over some clod on the internet thanks.
It takes far more than intelligence to foresee the society created hundreds of years into the future when a Bill of Rights is prevented from keeping up with the times.

But, again, we're off-topic. We were discussing gun control, not the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is alive and well and under-regulated, which is the subject of the thread.

This didn't happen in the future.....

How gun control led to genocide in this small European country

In July 1995, in Srebrenica — an area that had been officially declared a United Nations safe zone — the Serbian army perpetrated genocide against the Bosnians who had taken refuge there. The United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide. Those weeks — bloody, devastating and heartbreaking — were a high-speed version of what was happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-95 war.


Those who were attacked, mostly Muslims of Bosnia and other non-Serbs, did not have weapons to defend themselves as the gun control laws in communist Yugoslavia had been very strict.

The procedure to obtain a license for firearms was so lengthy and so severe that most applicants were refused. Many of the individuals who successfully acquired a license were only given permission to own hunting guns, which were not particularly helpful in war-like circumstances. -

As a result, citizens were generally unarmed against the Serbian Army attackers. Civilians of Bosnia were forced to defend themselves with weapons they stole from local police stations that were already very limited in their resources. Bosnians started to organize “territorial defense” forces, which later grew into the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. People in urban areas were more likely to come across some sort of weapon since they were in proximity of police stations and similar institutions where they could obtain firearms. Most of the genocide and brutal mass killings happened in the small cities and rural areas that did not have similar resources available and were easily cut off from the rest of the country. Srebrenica is one tragic example of such territory. - See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
I suggest you stick close to home, where we don't confiscate stuff, unless you can provide examples of things we have confiscated over the past 250 years.

Magazines over 10 rounds in California....if you are caught with one when the new law goes into effect you can be arrested......Rifles with detachable magazines in New have to sell it, or turn it in......
Precisely. It's up to you what you do with contraband. There's no confiscation. Never has been and can't be - it's logistically impossible, so get that out of your head.

Sell your gun or turn it in or go to jail.........that isn't a ban according to you?
And I'm sure I'm not alone in being affected by the stop sign at the end of my street. Not just once or twice in my life, but every day.

The horror...

How many times does it have to be said?
Driving is not a Constitutional right.
Nor is registration of anything constitutionally prohibited.

Shall not be infringed.
The commander of your well-regulated militia will explain its application.

Don/t know much about the 2nd, I see
I'll ignore that unnecessary remark and remind you that bans against interracial marriage passed constitutional muster as well, until it didn't.
It takes far more than intelligence to foresee the society created hundreds of years into the future when a Bill of Rights is prevented from keeping up with the times.

But, again, we're off-topic. We were discussing gun control, not the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is alive and well and under-regulated, which is the subject of the thread.

This didn't happen in the future.....

How gun control led to genocide in this small European country

In July 1995, in Srebrenica — an area that had been officially declared a United Nations safe zone — the Serbian army perpetrated genocide against the Bosnians who had taken refuge there. The United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide. Those weeks — bloody, devastating and heartbreaking — were a high-speed version of what was happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-95 war.


Those who were attacked, mostly Muslims of Bosnia and other non-Serbs, did not have weapons to defend themselves as the gun control laws in communist Yugoslavia had been very strict.

The procedure to obtain a license for firearms was so lengthy and so severe that most applicants were refused. Many of the individuals who successfully acquired a license were only given permission to own hunting guns, which were not particularly helpful in war-like circumstances. -

As a result, citizens were generally unarmed against the Serbian Army attackers. Civilians of Bosnia were forced to defend themselves with weapons they stole from local police stations that were already very limited in their resources. Bosnians started to organize “territorial defense” forces, which later grew into the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. People in urban areas were more likely to come across some sort of weapon since they were in proximity of police stations and similar institutions where they could obtain firearms. Most of the genocide and brutal mass killings happened in the small cities and rural areas that did not have similar resources available and were easily cut off from the rest of the country. Srebrenica is one tragic example of such territory. - See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
I suggest you stick close to home, where we don't confiscate stuff, unless you can provide examples of things we have confiscated over the past 250 years.

Magazines over 10 rounds in California....if you are caught with one when the new law goes into effect you can be arrested......Rifles with detachable magazines in New have to sell it, or turn it in......
Precisely. It's up to you what you do with contraband. There's no confiscation. Never has been and can't be - it's logistically impossible, so get that out of your head.

Sell your gun or turn it in or go to jail.........that isn't a ban according to you?
We were talking about confiscation, not bans

You sure are wriggling a lot.
Nor is registration of anything constitutionally prohibited.
Only the Germans can repeat German history.

it is when it leads to confiscation of a right....also.......criminals do not have to register guns.......registering a gun violates our 5th Amendment protection against self you are wrong.
We registered millions of items in this country. How many of them have been since confiscated? When has anything ever been confiscated?

Where do you come up with these groundless fears?

Groundless....? Germany 1930s.....guns of political enemies of the socialists confiscated. Britain...after the rare mass shooting....banned and confiscated guns. Australia....confiscated guns.....the last 2 within the last 20 years.....

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to unarmed people...the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s........only happened because the civilian populations were unarmed...I posted a thread about that this week.
Germany? What is your fascination with German history and what is its relevance to the issue in the US today? Is it this Trump fellow in the news that's got some of you thinking a lot about Germany?

If so, stop it.

those that ignore history, are doomed to repeat it
This didn't happen in the future.....

How gun control led to genocide in this small European country

In July 1995, in Srebrenica — an area that had been officially declared a United Nations safe zone — the Serbian army perpetrated genocide against the Bosnians who had taken refuge there. The United Nations did nothing to stop the genocide. Those weeks — bloody, devastating and heartbreaking — were a high-speed version of what was happening in Bosnia and Herzegovina during the 1992-95 war.


Those who were attacked, mostly Muslims of Bosnia and other non-Serbs, did not have weapons to defend themselves as the gun control laws in communist Yugoslavia had been very strict.

The procedure to obtain a license for firearms was so lengthy and so severe that most applicants were refused. Many of the individuals who successfully acquired a license were only given permission to own hunting guns, which were not particularly helpful in war-like circumstances. -

As a result, citizens were generally unarmed against the Serbian Army attackers. Civilians of Bosnia were forced to defend themselves with weapons they stole from local police stations that were already very limited in their resources. Bosnians started to organize “territorial defense” forces, which later grew into the Army of Bosnia-Herzegovina. People in urban areas were more likely to come across some sort of weapon since they were in proximity of police stations and similar institutions where they could obtain firearms. Most of the genocide and brutal mass killings happened in the small cities and rural areas that did not have similar resources available and were easily cut off from the rest of the country. Srebrenica is one tragic example of such territory. - See more at: How gun control led to genocide in this small European country
I suggest you stick close to home, where we don't confiscate stuff, unless you can provide examples of things we have confiscated over the past 250 years.

Magazines over 10 rounds in California....if you are caught with one when the new law goes into effect you can be arrested......Rifles with detachable magazines in New have to sell it, or turn it in......
Precisely. It's up to you what you do with contraband. There's no confiscation. Never has been and can't be - it's logistically impossible, so get that out of your head.

Sell your gun or turn it in or go to jail.........that isn't a ban according to you?
We were talking about confiscation, not bans

You sure are wriggling a lot. don't have to kick in all the doors at once.......Britain didn't, and Australia didn't yet they still confiscated guns....turn them in or be arrested.......
How many times does it have to be said?
Driving is not a Constitutional right.
Nor is registration of anything constitutionally prohibited.

Shall not be infringed.
The commander of your well-regulated militia will explain its application.

Don/t know much about the 2nd, I see
I'll ignore that unnecessary remark and remind you that bans against interracial marriage passed constitutional muster as well, until it didn't.

We registered millions of items in this country. How many of them have been since confiscated? When has anything ever been confiscated?

Where do you come up with these groundless fears?

Groundless....? Germany 1930s.....guns of political enemies of the socialists confiscated. Britain...after the rare mass shooting....banned and confiscated guns. Australia....confiscated guns.....the last 2 within the last 20 years.....

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to unarmed people...the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s........only happened because the civilian populations were unarmed...I posted a thread about that this week.
Germany? What is your fascination with German history and what is its relevance to the issue in the US today? Is it this Trump fellow in the news that's got some of you thinking a lot about Germany?

If so, stop it.

Your trust in government is touching...
But I'll trust in the intelligence of the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights over some clod on the internet thanks.
It takes far more than intelligence to foresee the society created hundreds of years into the future when a Bill of Rights is prevented from keeping up with the times.

But, again, we're off-topic. We were discussing gun control, not the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is alive and well and under-regulated, which is the subject of the thread.

The 2nd is what gun rights are all about.
The right is not in question. The degree of regulation is what we're discussing, no matter how much you try to muddy the issue.
A little phrase comes to mind... "shall not be infringed." So, I guess what you are suggesting is a constitutional amendment fundamentally changing, or completely removing, the 2nd. Am I on the right road here?

i think we shouldn't consider the words of people who owned slaves and bled themselves when they were sick as authorities on how we should live now.

Hey, i might even grant, in 1787, armed citizens were even a good idea.

Today- not so much. To much has changed.

Seeing as you did not provide a link to your source information on Germany, I took it upon myself to do a quick Google search (about 1 minute), and found an interesting, albeit possibly casual, correlation:

This is why I'm not going to spend a lot of time in this thread... because it ALWAYS something else with you guys. IT's ALWAYS anything but the obvious- that they don't let anyone buy a gun, so you have less bad people doing bad things with them.
Groundless....? Germany 1930s.....guns of political enemies of the socialists confiscated. Britain...after the rare mass shooting....banned and confiscated guns. Australia....confiscated guns.....the last 2 within the last 20 years.....

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to unarmed people...the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s........only happened because the civilian populations were unarmed...I posted a thread about that this week.
Germany? What is your fascination with German history and what is its relevance to the issue in the US today? Is it this Trump fellow in the news that's got some of you thinking a lot about Germany?

If so, stop it.

Your trust in government is touching...
But I'll trust in the intelligence of the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights over some clod on the internet thanks.
It takes far more than intelligence to foresee the society created hundreds of years into the future when a Bill of Rights is prevented from keeping up with the times.

But, again, we're off-topic. We were discussing gun control, not the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is alive and well and under-regulated, which is the subject of the thread.

The 2nd is what gun rights are all about.
The right is not in question. The degree of regulation is what we're discussing, no matter how much you try to muddy the issue.

Shall not be infringed...
Groundless....? Germany 1930s.....guns of political enemies of the socialists confiscated. Britain...after the rare mass shooting....banned and confiscated guns. Australia....confiscated guns.....the last 2 within the last 20 years.....

Mass murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing only happen to unarmed people...the ethnic cleansing in the Balkans in the 90s........only happened because the civilian populations were unarmed...I posted a thread about that this week.
Germany? What is your fascination with German history and what is its relevance to the issue in the US today? Is it this Trump fellow in the news that's got some of you thinking a lot about Germany?

If so, stop it.

Your trust in government is touching...
But I'll trust in the intelligence of the framers of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights over some clod on the internet thanks.
It takes far more than intelligence to foresee the society created hundreds of years into the future when a Bill of Rights is prevented from keeping up with the times.

But, again, we're off-topic. We were discussing gun control, not the 2nd Amendment. The right to bear arms is alive and well and under-regulated, which is the subject of the thread.

The 2nd is what gun rights are all about.
The right is not in question. The degree of regulation is what we're discussing, no matter how much you try to muddy the issue.

I agree.....what do you propose then?

I believe in this.....

--background checks at gun stores and for licensed dealers at gun shows.....checks for private sales requires registering guns....which I do not support

--if you commit a crime with a gun, you get 30 years in prison

--if you are a felon and are a caught buying, selling, owning, or carrying a gun....30 years.

And there you have it.....we can update for mental health issues....dangeorusly mentally ill people...but only after we figure out how to do it without having the system exploited by anti gunners.

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