Anthony Fauci’s Pension Will Exceed $350,000 Per Year – The Largest In US Federal Government History

This for starters.....and it ain't funny

I don't believe any of that!!
There is nit 1 single politician or govt employee who should be paid that much money when they retire, a time in their life when they are no longer contributing to society, when they just become a leech sucking off tax dollars.

How many Canadian days away from Washington do they get? Salary plus more for every committee they are on...Insider Trading, tax-payer funded junkets, etc....and on top of a that hundreds of thousands of dollars a year at the end to sit on their ass?!

What a con....
Yes he did, I will call you out if you say anything about animal cruelty from here on out.
What part of NIH DID NOT FUND THAT do you not get? You were given all the info and sourcing, yet you keep parroting this counter factual.

It's like talking to a broken record.

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If Trump's government funded something that killed hundreds of millions of people he should go to jail.

Dummy, NIH is part of American Federal government that Trump was the president of for 2 years before virus showed up and it's your (thus far baseless) claim that NIH funded this research.

So what is THE LAW do you propose Trump (or Faucci) should be charged with violating?? Because THERE IS NO LAW against funding such research.

Do you get that dumbass?
What part of NIH DID NOT FUND THAT do you not get? You were given all the info and sourcing, yet you keep parroting this counter factual.

It's like talking to a broken record.

He lied about funding gain of function research. He cannot be trusted. Switch the name to Trump and you would be all over it.
Dummy, NIH is part of American Federal government that Trump was the president of for 2 years before virus showed up and it's your (thus far baseless) claim that NIH funded this research.

So what is THE LAW do you propose Trump (or Faucci) should be charged with violating?? Because THERE IS NO LAW against funding such research.

Do you get that dumbass?
No law against funding a global pandemic virus? I'm pretty sure there is some law that forbids it.
And Trump was the head of Fauci, so he would be responsible for what Facui did under his time in office, correct?
Trump would have to go to court to explain his understanding of Anthoney Faucci's actions. But he was not responsible in the same way that Faucci was when he signed off on funding gain of function research for the Wuhan Virology research lab.

But good try. You almost have a point.

Let's get Tony Faucci on a witness stand and he can explain himself.
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at first, Fauci said corona was not a major threat

Navarro: “You mean to tell me if China is sending over 20,000 passengers a day . . . some of whom may have escaped Ground Zero Wuhan, there’s no risk some passengers will seed and spread virus?”

Fauci: “In my experience, travel restrictions don’t work”

No law against funding a global pandemic virus? I'm pretty sure there is some law that forbids it.
No one gives a shit what you are sure about. Name the law.

There is no law criminalizing gain of function research and there is zero evidence Faucci was somehow involved on making specific experiment descisions at Wuhan and further, did that as part of some crazy scheme to kill people with Covid-19.

You live out on the fucking moon.
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He lied about funding gain of function research. He cannot be trusted. Switch the name to Trump and you would be all over it.
Well I'm glad you finally gave up that doggie bullshit.

But again you dodge, NOT FOR A SECOND would I ever belive that you would ever trust Faucci under any circumstance, so thats a given. But at discussion is not credibility but CRIMINALITY.

I keep asking what is it you dimwits want to jail Faucci for and not a single one of you can come up with even a half way coherent answer.
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After Democrats created a committee whose sole purpose for decades was to use tax dollars to silence their victims of sexual misconduct and they got to retire with full pensions and zero punishment, nothing surprises me .... not even this.
Well I'm glad you finally gave up that doggie bullshit.

But again you dodge, NOT FOR A SECOND would I ever belive that you would ever trust Faucci under any circumstance, so thats a given. But at discussion is not credibility but CRIMINALITY.

I keep asking what is it you dimwits want to jail Faucci for and not a single one of you can come up with even a half way coherent answer.
Lol, you gonna taste his sperm!

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