Anthony Gonzalez On donald trump: 'The Cold Hard Truth Is donald trump Led Us Into A Ditch On January 6'

No one is impressed by your little dance.

You're a far left hack - you prove it every single day.
Back up your words, coward. Challenge me on the issues. Prove that I'm a "far left hack".

I think Trump is a buffoon and that you're a talk radio rube, so you think you know my politics. That's how shallow and simplistic your thinking is.

I'll wait here, and I won't hold my breath.
Back up your words, coward. Challenge me on the issues. Prove that I'm a "far left hack".

I think Trump is a buffoon and that you're a talk radio rube, so you think you know my politics. That's how shallow and simplistic your thinking is.

I'll wait here, and I won't hold my breath.
You're a lefty commie if you didn't try to help hang Pence and get on with the coup
oh look,, more propaganda about trump and jan 6th,,

You know how it is, with definitive proof that the Russian Collusion Hoax was an attempt to overthrow the government by the democrats and top democrats being indicted - even Brookings trolls like Danchenko.

They HAVE to hype the Reichstag Fire...

Well, not everyone can have your sophistication of "democrat GOOD, American BAD, bahhh, bahhh"
Still waiting for you to challenge me on this issues so I shove that lie down your throat.

Just kidding. I know you don't have the balls. Whatever you do, don't man up.
He doesn't mince words.

He says trump is a loser and will work hard to prevent him from getting the nomination and presidency in 2024.

Thats bold talk from a baldheaded fat man

and a republican at that

but its undeniable that the GOP has deep divisions within the party

inside washington elites like gonzales would rather be ruled by democrat swamp rat like themselves than a political outsider and man of the people like trump
I differ from the majority in that I believe that if Trump is eliminated from the running, politics will return to nearly normal again.

The Republican congress men and women, with the exception of a few extreme crazies, are looking for a way out. They see fascism on the horizon and for that reason they will steer clear of goons like De Santis.

Hardly. Trump isn't the problem, he's the result of the problem.

The Republican Party used to be the "Party of Ideas" but now they just cut taxes, appoint conservative judges, and run the economy into the ditch. If the Republicans are re-elected, they will cut taxes for the wealthy, do nothing on infrastructure, trade, health care or law and order, and wait until the economy crashes, and then blame the Democrats.

Republicans don't even HAVE a platform, or an agenda, other than "I hate Democrats". Their only interest is in rolling back rights for women and minorities, and making it more and more difficult for non-whites to vote.
Led us into a ditch?


Id say forcing reliance on foreign oil and forcing hyper inflation is way more of a ditch than some people taking selfies.

The elites should be nervous.

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