Anthony Gonzalez On donald trump: 'The Cold Hard Truth Is donald trump Led Us Into A Ditch On January 6'

Hardly. Trump isn't the problem, he's the result of the problem.
In a way yes. But do you understand that their problem is inequality, where the wealth of the country is not shared among all the people. The American people are suffering and Trump is the con-man who told them he would change all that. Of course he didn't and he didn't even have a health care plan that would help them.
The Republican Party used to be the "Party of Ideas" but now they just cut taxes, appoint conservative judges, and run the economy into the ditch.
The economy isn't considered to be the wellbeing of the masses. The US economy can boom with the working class living in poverty.
If the Republicans are re-elected, they will cut taxes for the wealthy, do nothing on infrastructure, trade, health care or law and order, and wait until the economy crashes, and then blame the Democrats.
You don't need to tell me. Except you are connecting the economy in the US with the weffare of the people and that's wrong. Economy means something different to Americans than what it means to the world's leading democracies.
Republicans don't even HAVE a platform, or an agenda, other than "I hate Democrats". Their only interest is in rolling back rights for women and minorities, and making it more and more difficult for non-whites to vote.
I suppose they have been schooled to hate Democrats. That would have a positive effect for upholding the great inequality by convincing them that ordinary working class people have no right to a quality life.

You're a Canadian aren't you? If so then read what I say carefully. If not then the clear message is wasted on you.

I would suggest you listen to Chris Hedges talk for a complete understanding.
Hardly. Trump isn't the problem, he's the result of the problem.

The Republican Party used to be the "Party of Ideas" but now they just cut taxes, appoint conservative judges, and run the economy into the ditch. If the Republicans are re-elected, they will cut taxes for the wealthy, do nothing on infrastructure, trade, health care or law and order, and wait until the economy crashes, and then blame the Democrats.

Republicans don't even HAVE a platform, or an agenda, other than "I hate Democrats". Their only interest is in rolling back rights for women and minorities, and making it more and more difficult for non-whites to vote.
He doesn't mince words.

He says trump is a loser and will work hard to prevent him from getting the nomination and presidency in 2024.

The cold hard truth is you were fed a lot of bullshit and still begging for more.
In a way yes. But do you understand that their problem is inequality, where the wealth of the country is not shared among all the people. The American people are suffering and Trump is the con-man who told them he would change all that. Of course he didn't and he didn't even have a health care plan that would help them.

The economy isn't considered to be the wellbeing of the masses. The US economy can boom with the working class living in poverty.

You don't need to tell me. Except you are connecting the economy in the US with the weffare of the people and that's wrong. Economy means something different to Americans than what it means to the world's leading democracies.

I suppose they have been schooled to hate Democrats. That would have a positive effect for upholding the great inequality by convincing them that ordinary working class people have no right to a quality life.

You're a Canadian aren't you? If so then read what I say carefully. If not then the clear message is wasted on you.

I would suggest you listen to Chris Hedges talk for a complete understanding.
You and dragonlady are to loones begging for a straight jacket
Hardly. Trump isn't the problem, he's the result of the problem.

The Republican Party used to be the "Party of Ideas" but now they just cut taxes, appoint conservative judges, and run the economy into the ditch. If the Republicans are re-elected, they will cut taxes for the wealthy, do nothing on infrastructure, trade, health care or law and order, and wait until the economy crashes, and then blame the Democrats.

Republicans don't even HAVE a platform, or an agenda, other than "I hate Democrats". Their only interest is in rolling back rights for women and minorities, and making it more and more difficult for non-whites to vote.
Winner most vapid remark!

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