Anthony Gonzalez On donald trump: 'The Cold Hard Truth Is donald trump Led Us Into A Ditch On January 6'

He doesn't mince words.

He says trump is a loser and will work hard to prevent him from getting the nomination and presidency in 2024.

Well yes. But W promised to be Reagan and turned into LBJ. White, largely non college educated, and not upwardly mobile people got screwed. And that was the same demographic that elected LBJ. And we saw how that turned out. We got Nixon.
To back up your words, of course.

But I forgot: You guys don't have the balls to do that.

And another one runs. Bye! :hhello:
What words?

When do you ever back up your words? You mostly just run away after demanding that your critics do a research project.
Is that why Terry McAweful got his ass handed to him in Virginia? Because of the Jan 6th event?
He got beat because he had two campaign issues. Trump snd white supremacy. Youngkin focused on issues which impacted the people.
He doesn't mince words.

He says trump is a loser and will work hard to prevent him from getting the nomination and presidency in 2024.

Wow! So Lex Luthor look alike doesn't like Donald Trump? What a surprise! Color me shocked that CNN would
give this no one a forum from which to spew his nonsense.

What a non event this is.
"I arrive at my opinions through facts and logic."
"You've heard a cogent argument for conservative beliefs 1000 times.........".
That is so heartening to hear. However, the good poster Bripat may not be an altogether popular spokesperson for: "Conservative Beliefs'; Republicans; Trump Supporters; or thinking Right-of-Center Independents.

I mean by that, a quick survey seemingly reveals that poster Bripat has his very own customized 'facts" and "logic". And they are such that I'm not exactly sure if I was a Conservative, I would want poster 'Bripat', under the same tent with me and my fellow Conservatives.

But, we all have choice as to who we identify with.
So here, choose, if you so wish, to link arm to arm with the good poster Bripat, who offered the following on just this thread his version of 'cogent argument for Conservative Beliefs':
(all are direct quotes)

  • "'re fucking stupid and immune to logic.
  • brain damaged turds...
  • ....nothing but a fucking crook.
  • ....lying NAZIs like Gonzalez.
  • You are a major fucking imbecile.
  • You're delusional.
  • douchebag.
  • douchebag.
  • I arrive at my opinions through facts and logic.
  • Go fuck yourself.
  • you're nothing but a fucking crook.
  • swindling the election, dumbfuck.
  • you fucking moron.
  • Douchebags like you.....
  • is a fucking scumbag.
  • those scumbag judges
  • you fucking nimrod.
  • a fucking NAZI.

    Good Poster Bripat: "I arrive at my opinions through facts and logic."........I despise democracy."

Well, birds of that feather flock to.........well, you know. ;)
That is so heartening to hear. However, the good poster Bripat may not be an altogether popular spokesperson for: "Conservative Beliefs'; Republicans; Trump Supporters; or thinking Right-of-Center Independents.

I mean by that, a quick survey seemingly reveals that poster Bripat has his very own customized 'facts" and "logic". And they are such that I'm not exactly sure if I was a Conservative, I would want poster 'Bripat', under the same tent with me and my fellow Conservatives.

But, we all have choice as to who we identify with.
So here, choose, if you so wish, to link arm to arm with the good poster Bripat, who offered the following on just this thread his version of 'cogent argument for Conservative Beliefs':
(all are direct quotes)

  • "'re fucking stupid and immune to logic.
  • brain damaged turds...
  • ....nothing but a fucking crook.
  • ....lying NAZIs like Gonzalez.
  • You are a major fucking imbecile.
  • You're delusional.
  • douchebag.
  • douchebag.
  • I arrive at my opinions through facts and logic.
  • Go fuck yourself.
  • you're nothing but a fucking crook.
  • swindling the election, dumbfuck.
  • you fucking moron.
  • Douchebags like you.....
  • is a fucking scumbag.
  • those scumbag judges
  • you fucking nimrod.
  • a fucking NAZI.

    Good Poster Bripat: "I arrive at my opinions through facts and logic."........I despise democracy."

Well, birds of that feather flock to.........well, you know. ;)
What's your point, NAZI? Do you lying commies actually expect to be treated with respect?

Anthony Gonzalez On donald trump: 'The Cold Hard Truth Is donald trump Led Us Into A Ditch On January 6'​

The same fucker that gave Shrub the okey dokey to commit the same acts of torture that Germans and Japanese were hung for after WWII, that piece of shit?

How did he do that? He has only been serving in congress since 2019, so exactly how did he give Dubya the okey dokey on well anything? Please inform all of us.

To back up your words, of course.

But I forgot: You guys don't have the balls to do that.

And another one runs. Bye! :hhello:
you dont back up your shit either.....what i said to you earlier you didnt even comment on it because you couldnt, because you know it was true.....all that comes out of your mouth these days is donald fucking have become what you hated 7-8 years ago.....a fucking party person.....lets see you prove me wrong....
you dont back up your shit either.....what i said to you earlier you didnt even comment on it because you couldnt, because you know it was true.....all that comes out of your mouth these days is donald fucking have become what you hated 7-8 years ago.....a fucking party person.....lets see you prove me wrong....
I'll be happy to prove you wrong.

Start that thread and challenge me on the issues. And the parties. Whatever you want.

Or, run. You all do, every time I make this offer.
I'll be happy to prove you wrong.

Start that thread and challenge me on the issues. And the parties. Whatever you want.

Or, run. You all do, every time I make this offer.
why dont you try talking about what i said about you.....or is that just to dam hard for you....
What's your point, NAZI?..........You've heard a cogent argument for conservative beliefs 1000 times,

Prolific poster Bripat's idea of 'Conservative Beliefs' must make educated, thoughtful Conservatives wince. One would think.

Some examples of conservative-thinker, Bripat, in just this single thread:

  •'re fucking stupid and immune to logic.
  • brain damaged turds...
  • ....nothing but a fucking crook.
  • ....lying NAZIs like Gonzalez.
  • You are a major fucking imbecile.
  • You're delusional.
  • douchebag.
  • douchebag.
  • I arrive at my opinions through facts and logic.
  • Go fuck yourself.
  • you're nothing but a fucking crook.
  • swindling the election, dumbfuck.
  • you fucking moron.
  • Douchebags like you.....
  • is a fucking scumbag.
  • those scumbag judges
  • you fucking nimrod.
  • a fucking NAZI.

    Good Poster Bripat: "I despise democracy."
So you're not going to do it. You're going to run. Again.

I tried. I offered.
you are running from what i said about you.....why is that? lets try it again.....

opinions aint shit unless you back them up......your whole thing now is trump,trump,and more trump.....anyone who criticizes you must be a trumper.....i havent seen you bad mouth the left even with with many of bidens fuck ups....i have never seen you say something about his useless VP.....just about every comment you make these days makes you look like a die hard lefty.....and the mac from 10 years ago would agree with me.... prove me wrong mac.....

Prolific poster Bripat's idea of 'Conservative Beliefs' must make educated, thoughtful Conservatives wince. One would think.

Some examples of conservative-thinker, Bripat, in just this single thread:

  •'re fucking stupid and immune to logic.
  • brain damaged turds...
  • ....nothing but a fucking crook.
  • ....lying NAZIs like Gonzalez.
  • You are a major fucking imbecile.
  • You're delusional.
  • douchebag.
  • douchebag.
  • I arrive at my opinions through facts and logic.
  • Go fuck yourself.
  • you're nothing but a fucking crook.
  • swindling the election, dumbfuck.
  • you fucking moron.
  • Douchebags like you.....
  • is a fucking scumbag.
  • those scumbag judges
  • you fucking nimrod.
  • a fucking NAZI.

    Good Poster Bripat: "I despise democracy."
This is their level.

And they have a "leader" at the same level. That's one of the primary reasons they adore him. He justifies and legitimizes their behaviors, at least in their minds.

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