Anthony Weiner For Mayor.Will He Take Questions From The Press?

Nothing says deflection, like pure deflection. It has to be liberating to have zero principle and always point to someone else and say "they do it too!"


Every person fibs once in a while.....even god loving conservatives

Weiner broke no laws and got caught sending a sophmoric crotch shot of himself to a woman who was not his wife. His initial reaction was denial

Regardless it is up to voters to decide if that transgression can be forgiven

He resigned before the House ethics committee could investigate whether his transgressions were in violation of the rules. In other words, he wormed out of any official charges at the request of both party leaders.

He's just another rank and file Democrat crook that got caught with his pants down (literally0 and weazeled his way out of it. Like they all do. In the end, the NYC low information, principle/ethic devoid voters, will certainly vote for the Weiner.
Hi, Regina Coldfish from CBS, may I ask you if you will continue to shop at Victorias Secret should you become Mayor Of New York?
Weiner should use the classic "Funky Cold Medina" in his campaign ads. (I ain't messin around with no Oscar Myer Weiner".
well at least "The Weiner" will get 100% of the "Confused Gender Vote", plenty of them in New York, just ask Dennis Rodman.
Someone serves up a softball like Weiner has.....and you nutters still whiff. Can't come up with a humorous take on something as easy as this. You ought to be ashamed.
The guy was trying to get laid

No different than the majority of politicians

True. But he straight up lied about it. You can't really give him a pass. I suggest that he follow Spitzer's lead.

He manned up and admitted he was wrong, something that is unheard of for the right wingers. Plus all he did was sent some pictures of himself to chicks, but the right wingers were going ballistic like he made up a lie that got thousands of people killed such as "they have WMD's and we know where they are"

Sure he admitted it after he had no choice like any other Democrat politician....with the exception of the Clintons and Obama of course.
I hope his competition is the complete opposite of him. Weiner is a 4ft 6 inch/125 pound whimp. I hope the rest of those campaigning for Mayor are twice his size and 3 times more mature. I guess the Weiner will need a step-stool for the debates.
As a mayor, Weiner would do a better job than either of the previous two Republicans
Wasn't he sending the pic to one person and hit the wrong button? Silly stuff, would get my vote...

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