Anthony Weiner, from disgraced congressman to mayor?

Yep. Sanford blazed a trail for all dirtbags to come back.

"We looked and we looked and we looked, and this guy was the best person we could find in our district to represent us!"

Returning these shitbirds back to power speaks volumes about the general character of the voters in their areas.
Weiner had no business being forced out in the first place.

It was a private matter that had absolutely NOTHING to do with his ability to do the job.

CON$ have been caught red handed with their pants down with hookers and gay guys in bathroom stalls and didn't have to resign, and we're talking years ago.

If the Democrats weren't so weak....I tell you.


A PRIVATE Matter(member) that he posted all over the internets.

Perhaps you'd like somebody with that poor judgment to represent you (in your case, it would be a step up)...but decent folks would rather not.
Marion Barry..I think.

Ah. That makes more sense.

I assumed that it was "Barry" as in the diminutive form of "Barack" that childish Conservatives tend to use.
It's only the name that Barry himself used, when it served him.

Childish indeed. :thup:

Yeah, it is.

When I was 8, I went by the nickname "Shaggy". It would be "childish" for someone to call me that now.

I bet you had a nickname that your parents called you when you were a child. Would you like people who don't know you to call you that now?
Yep. Sanford blazed a trail for all dirtbags to come back.

"We looked and we looked and we looked, and this guy was the best person we could find in our district to represent us!"

Returning these shitbirds back to power speaks volumes about the general character of the voters in their areas.
Weiner had no business being forced out in the first place.

It was a private matter that had absolutely NOTHING to do with his ability to do the job.

CON$ have been caught red handed with their pants down with hookers and gay guys in bathroom stalls and didn't have to resign, and we're talking years ago.

If the Democrats weren't so weak....I tell you.


A PRIVATE Matter(member) that he posted all over the internets.

Perhaps you'd like somebody with that poor judgment to represent you (in your case, it would be a step up)...but decent folks would rather not.
Are YOU one of his constituents?

Did HIS constituents want him to resign? I'll help didn't. They've said as much. He was forced out by national party political pressure.
Considering Sanford went to Argentina to cheat on his wife, what's a little sexting?

Moral relativity, eh?

"He's only a little dirty next to THAT guy!"

Seriously. Is this the BEST the voters can do?

They are the very definition of vassals.

Like I said, "what's a little sexting?" I swear sometimes you'd think we were still living amongst the Puritans. It wasn't the smartest thing to do from a electability standpoint, but IMO it doesn't effect his ability to do the job.

Ask that question of one of the parents of the thousands of kids who are currently sexting as a means to feel accepted.
Bill Clinton disgraced himself, his Country and his family with decades of infidelity and yet democrats still love the old rapist.
Weiner had no business being forced out in the first place.

It was a private matter that had absolutely NOTHING to do with his ability to do the job.

CON$ have been caught red handed with their pants down with hookers and gay guys in bathroom stalls and didn't have to resign, and we're talking years ago.

If the Democrats weren't so weak....I tell you.


A PRIVATE Matter(member) that he posted all over the internets.

Perhaps you'd like somebody with that poor judgment to represent you (in your case, it would be a step up)...but decent folks would rather not.
Are YOU one of his constituents?

Did HIS constituents want him to resign? I'll help didn't. They've said as much. He was forced out by national party political pressure.

if he did nothing wrong, why was there political pressure? if his constituents didn't want him out, why was there political pressure from his party? kind of makes no sense
Considering Sanford went to Argentina to cheat on his wife, what's a little sexting?

Moral relativity, eh?

"He's only a little dirty next to THAT guy!"

Seriously. Is this the BEST the voters can do?

They are the very definition of vassals.

Like I said, "what's a little sexting?" I swear sometimes you'd think we were still living amongst the Puritans. It wasn't the smartest thing to do from a electability standpoint, but IMO it doesn't effect his ability to do the job.

Who cares about sexting? It was the lying and what he did to Breitbart that stands out.
If given a choice why would anyone support these perv's in future public careers? What signal are we sending to our children (the next generation of politicians)

Well--what did you expect? No one in the private sector was going to hire this nut-case pervert--so the only place left for Weiner is in government.--and in his home district with all the other perverts.

Yep. Sanford blazed a trail for all dirtbags to come back.

"We looked and we looked and we looked, and this guy was the best person we could find in our district to represent us!"

Returning these shitbirds back to power speaks volumes about the general character of the voters in their areas.

sorry but Billy the hound dog I didn't have sex with that woman Clinton owns that..
Tough Choice
Wiener or Bloomberg??
Really NY, is that the best you've got?

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