Anthrax Attack which just happened to occur right after 9/11


Feb 14, 2012
What I find interesting is the anthrax attack which just happened to occur about a week after 9/11. Also interesting is where it was starting to be fed to the public the anthrax had a component which would prove it could only have come from Iraq. This added component would have been a link from the terrorist sleeper cells here in the U.S. to the weapons labs in Iraq. Then a U.S. scientist went public saying the anthrax was a weaponized grade and a strain only found in a military base right here in the U.S. I like how it was found out the Whitehouse staff began taking prevention medication in preparation for anthrax before the attack even occured. Interesting how the anthrax attack appeared to targeted senators most opposed to passing the Patriot Act and media.
What I find interesting is the anthrax attack which just happened to occur about a week after 9/11. Also interesting is where it was starting to be fed to the public the anthrax had a component which would prove it could only have come from Iraq. This added component would have been a link from the terrorist sleeper cells here in the U.S. to the weapons labs in Iraq. Then a U.S. scientist went public saying the anthrax was a weaponized grade and a strain only found in a military base right here in the U.S. I like how it was found out the Whitehouse staff began taking prevention medication in preparation for anthrax before the attack even occured. Interesting how the anthrax attack appeared to targeted senators most opposed to passing the Patriot Act and media.

I have been saying this and no one wants to listen.

Chaney said Saddam was responsible for the Anthrax. What proof did he have of that? None. So he lied. Why wasn't he worried about finding the real anthrax mailer? Because he was the one sending out anthrax.

And yes, he sent it to Tom Daschell and Patrick Leahy who were fighting the patriot act and he sent it to a tabloid person that was writing a piece about how Bush lied us into Iraq.

And when Valerie Plame tried to speak out, they outted her and her husband Joe Wilson.

HW Bush said outting a cia agent amounts to treason.

Funny the GOP impeached Clinton over nothing and they got away with so much illegal activity. Lying us into Iraq, stealing elections, letting 9-11 happen, bankrupting our government on purpose, etc.
What I find interesting is the anthrax attack which just happened to occur about a week after 9/11. Also interesting is where it was starting to be fed to the public the anthrax had a component which would prove it could only have come from Iraq. This added component would have been a link from the terrorist sleeper cells here in the U.S. to the weapons labs in Iraq. Then a U.S. scientist went public saying the anthrax was a weaponized grade and a strain only found in a military base right here in the U.S. I like how it was found out the Whitehouse staff began taking prevention medication in preparation for anthrax before the attack even occured. Interesting how the anthrax attack appeared to targeted senators most opposed to passing the Patriot Act and media.


What will be Creative Dream's excuse for creating yet another sock puppet?

Grow up.
Billy Joel is most concerned about any Anthrax Attack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack.

You oughta know by now...

[ame=]MSNBC Countdown w/ Olbermann- Posner: Anthrax "a Conspiracy" - YouTube[/ame]

Thanks for the good video.

Any way you look at it, the anthrax right after 9/11 was an assassination attempt on U.S. Senators which were opposed to the passing of a law that has opened the door for the potential for the biggest abuse on American citizens in history.

Americans are now completely vulnerable for an installation of an unchecked and abusive government which can simply give word from the top of the pyramid to arrest and detain anyone, hold them forever, and not give them due process of the law. The arrested American does not have a right to a trial by jury with a show of evidence.
Now all the government has to do is say the arrested person is a suspected terrorist. This is completely ripe and ready for abuse. How can Americans still be proud?
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Thanks for the good video.

Any way you look at it, the anthrax right after 9/11 was an assassination attempt on U.S. Senators which were opposed to the passing of a law that has opened the door for the potential for the biggest abuse on American citizens in history.

Americans are now completely vulnerable for an installation of an unchecked and abusive government which can simply give word from the top of the pyramid to arrest and detain anyone, hold them forever, and not give them due process of the law. The arrested American does not have a right to a trial by jury with a show of evidence.
Now all the government has to do is say the arrested person is a suspected terrorist. This is completely ripe and ready for abuse. How can Americans still be proud?
You didn't say if it was a "false flag" or a true attack from an outside source. I would like to see your take on this before we make comments on it.

Thanks for the good video.

Any way you look at it, the anthrax right after 9/11 was an assassination attempt on U.S. Senators which were opposed to the passing of a law that has opened the door for the potential for the biggest abuse on American citizens in history.

Americans are now completely vulnerable for an installation of an unchecked and abusive government which can simply give word from the top of the pyramid to arrest and detain anyone, hold them forever, and not give them due process of the law. The arrested American does not have a right to a trial by jury with a show of evidence.
Now all the government has to do is say the arrested person is a suspected terrorist. This is completely ripe and ready for abuse. How can Americans still be proud?
You didn't say if it was a "false flag" or a true attack from an outside source. I would like to see your take on this before we make comments on it.

Why do you need my take on the information presented? It is a common response for feeble minds to look for excuses to attack the messenger when their fragile minds cannot comprehened the information that is presented...
What I find interesting is the anthrax attack which just happened to occur about a week after 9/11. Also interesting is where it was starting to be fed to the public the anthrax had a component which would prove it could only have come from Iraq. This added component would have been a link from the terrorist sleeper cells here in the U.S. to the weapons labs in Iraq. Then a U.S. scientist went public saying the anthrax was a weaponized grade and a strain only found in a military base right here in the U.S. I like how it was found out the Whitehouse staff began taking prevention medication in preparation for anthrax before the attack even occured. Interesting how the anthrax attack appeared to targeted senators most opposed to passing the Patriot Act and media.

I have been saying this and no one wants to listen.

Chaney said Saddam was responsible for the Anthrax. What proof did he have of that? None. So he lied. Why wasn't he worried about finding the real anthrax mailer? Because he was the one sending out anthrax.

And yes, he sent it to Tom Daschell and Patrick Leahy who were fighting the patriot act and he sent it to a tabloid person that was writing a piece about how Bush lied us into Iraq.

And when Valerie Plame tried to speak out, they outted her and her husband Joe Wilson.

HW Bush said outting a cia agent amounts to treason.

Funny the GOP impeached Clinton over nothing and they got away with so much illegal activity. Lying us into Iraq, stealing elections, letting 9-11 happen, bankrupting our government on purpose, etc.

thats because Bush dupes are so afraid of the truth they only see what they WANT to see and dont read through the parts that shread to pieces the official version of 9/11 and they only want to listen to agent trolls like candycunt.btw I cant believe your back,what made you decide to pop your head in here again Sralybobo?
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I cant find it at youtube but someone posted here once a video of Gerald Posner talking about how people who think 9/11 was an inside job as being crazy which is no surprise,Posner is an agent who wrote a book defedning the warren commission that oswald killed kennedy and was the lone assassin called CASE CLOSED.His book got shredded to pieces and shown to be the lies that they were by this one JFK reseacher who wrote a book that debunked hs pathetic propaganda called CASE no surprise the media would have him talk about 9/11 as well.
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What I find interesting is the anthrax attack which just happened to occur about a week after 9/11. Also interesting is where it was starting to be fed to the public the anthrax had a component which would prove it could only have come from Iraq. This added component would have been a link from the terrorist sleeper cells here in the U.S. to the weapons labs in Iraq. Then a U.S. scientist went public saying the anthrax was a weaponized grade and a strain only found in a military base right here in the U.S. I like how it was found out the Whitehouse staff began taking prevention medication in preparation for anthrax before the attack even occured. Interesting how the anthrax attack appeared to targeted senators most opposed to passing the Patriot Act and media.

What I find interesting is the anthrax attack which just happened to occur about a week after 9/11. Also interesting is where it was starting to be fed to the public the anthrax had a component which would prove it could only have come from Iraq. This added component would have been a link from the terrorist sleeper cells here in the U.S. to the weapons labs in Iraq. Then a U.S. scientist went public saying the anthrax was a weaponized grade and a strain only found in a military base right here in the U.S. I like how it was found out the Whitehouse staff began taking prevention medication in preparation for anthrax before the attack even occured. Interesting how the anthrax attack appeared to targeted senators most opposed to passing the Patriot Act and media.


what kind of pathetic moron spends much of his time posting childish photobucket responses to anything that truly questions the government version of events on any given subject ???...what is the motivation
What I find interesting is the anthrax attack which just happened to occur about a week after 9/11. Also interesting is where it was starting to be fed to the public the anthrax had a component which would prove it could only have come from Iraq. This added component would have been a link from the terrorist sleeper cells here in the U.S. to the weapons labs in Iraq. Then a U.S. scientist went public saying the anthrax was a weaponized grade and a strain only found in a military base right here in the U.S. I like how it was found out the Whitehouse staff began taking prevention medication in preparation for anthrax before the attack even occured. Interesting how the anthrax attack appeared to targeted senators most opposed to passing the Patriot Act and media.


what kind of pathetic moron spends much of his time posting childish photobucket responses to anything that truly questions the government version of events on any given subject ???...what is the motivation
that is funny you spend many more hours on this site spewing bullshit then I ever could.
besides this subject is moot, the anthrax was tracked back to it's original source. the man doing it committed suicide before his more incidences ...

what kind of pathetic moron spends much of his time posting childish photobucket responses to anything that truly questions the government version of events on any given subject ???...what is the motivation
that is funny you spend many more hours on this site spewing bullshit then I ever could.
besides this subject is moot, the anthrax was tracked back to it's original source. the man doing it committed suicide before his more incidences ...

well Sherlock that may solve the case for you but for others there is a higher standard...and at least my motive is clear I feel there a great injustices occurring and offer reasonable reasons for my assertions...but what is your motive for posting inane photbucket pics and chessey one liners to all things questioning the statues quo ?
what kind of pathetic moron spends much of his time posting childish photobucket responses to anything that truly questions the government version of events on any given subject ???...what is the motivation
that is funny you spend many more hours on this site spewing bullshit then I ever could.
besides this subject is moot, the anthrax was tracked back to it's original source. the man doing it committed suicide before his more incidences ...

well Sherlock that may solve the case for you but for others there is a higher standard...and at least my motive is clear I feel there a great injustices occurring and offer reasonable reasons for my assertions...but what is your motive for posting inane photbucket pics and chessey one liners to all things questioning the statues quo ?
what reasonable assertions? you're Assertions are right out of the totally paranoid hand book..
also there is no higher standard, either shit happens or it doesn' have no proof that it happened the way you wish it did!
that is funny you spend many more hours on this site spewing bullshit then I ever could.
besides this subject is moot, the anthrax was tracked back to it's original source. the man doing it committed suicide before his more incidences ...

well Sherlock that may solve the case for you but for others there is a higher standard...and at least my motive is clear I feel there a great injustices occurring and offer reasonable reasons for my assertions...but what is your motive for posting inane photbucket pics and chessey one liners to all things questioning the statues quo ?
what reasonable assertions? you're Assertions are right out of the totally paranoid hand book..
also there is no higher standard, either shit happens or it doesn' have no proof that it happened the way you wish it did!

there is no proof of who was responsible for the anthrax attack
[ame=]MSNBC Countdown w/ Olbermann- Posner: Anthrax "a Conspiracy" - YouTube[/ame]
well Sherlock that may solve the case for you but for others there is a higher standard...and at least my motive is clear I feel there a great injustices occurring and offer reasonable reasons for my assertions...but what is your motive for posting inane photbucket pics and chessey one liners to all things questioning the statues quo ?
what reasonable assertions? you're Assertions are right out of the totally paranoid hand book..
also there is no higher standard, either shit happens or it doesn' have no proof that it happened the way you wish it did!

there is no proof of who was responsible for the anthrax attack
bullshit:In August 2008, Department of Justice and FBI officials announced a breakthrough in the case and released documents and information showing that charges were about to be brought against Dr. Bruce Ivins, who took his own life before those charges could be filed. On February 19, 2010, the Justice Department, the FBI, and the U.S. Postal Inspection Service formally concluded the investigation into the 2001 anthrax attacks and issued an Investigative Summary.

The Amerithrax Task Force—which consisted of roughly 25 to 30 full-time investigators from the FBI, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, and other law enforcement agencies, as well as federal prosecutors from the District of Columbia and the Justice Department’s Counterterrorism Section—expended hundreds of thousands of investigator work hours on this case. Their efforts involved more than 10,000 witness interviews on six different continents, the execution of 80 searches, and the recovery of more than 6,000 items of potential evidence during the course of the investigation. The case involved the issuance of more than 5,750 grand jury subpoenas and the collection of 5,730 environmental samples from 60 site locations. In addition, new scientific methods were developed that ultimately led to the break in the case—methods that could have a far-reaching impact on future investigations.

FBI — Amerithrax Investigation
what reasonable assertions? you're Assertions are right out of the totally paranoid hand book..
also there is no higher standard, either shit happens or it doesn' have no proof that it happened the way you wish it did!

there is no proof of who was responsible for the anthrax attack

In August 2008, Department of Justice and FBI officials released documents and information showing that charges were about to be brought against Dr. Bruce Ivins, who took his own life before those charges could be filed

this is the only relevant part of your post and it does not equate to proof of responsiblty

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