Anti-abortion activist killed in front High School

It is not like there is any love coming from the other side of the issue, now is it?

You make it sound like this is all the fault of people who actually defend life. Something my parents always told me when my brothers and I used to fight... It takes two to Tango.

Welcome to the board, Alexandra.


Immie, pro choicers defend life too. And you may not perceive any love coming from us for the right but what we are supporting is every woman's right to a choice. Even the rights of those who oppose us. That's more love coming from us to them than the other way around.

So pro-choicers give MORE LOVE than pro-Lifers? Is that why they need more abortions? :lol:
lol! Pro choicers are hot!
I doubt the pro-choice side will elevate this murderous lame-brain to the hero, near sainthood status a disturbing number on the 'pro-life' (cough) side has elevated the abortion doctor killers.

Many already have. You're just too much of a nutter to acknowledge that.
You've already failed in providing proof of that...

(there are plenty more too...)

[/INDENT]When you can provide a get back to us, ya hear?

No, I've proven that. You just don't want to hear it.

Let me explain something to you. I'm going to type slow so maybe you'll understand this (though I doubt it).

Pro-Lifers believe that abortion is murder. Now we can all agree that murder, in the true sense of the word, is wrong. Therefore, the pro-lifers who take the life of an abortion doctor believe that it is justifiable homocide. To them, they are simply stopping a murderer. So the question is, does life begin at conception? That's still being debated, but most of us can agree that late-term abortions of healthy fetuses is murder. That's a given.

Now pro-choicers have a different take on things. They don't believe life begins at conception and by removing a fetus you're just removing a mass of tissue. It's not life so therefore it's not murder. By removing it, you have taken a huge burden off the woman and her family. Great.

Do pro-choicers get angry when their views are attacked? You bet! No question about it. Do they want harm to come to pro-lifers who speak out against abortion? Most don't, some do. You have mentioned some high-profile cases of pro-lifers killing abortion doctors and that's because the pro-lifers believe abortion is murder. The same doesn't apply to pro-choicers which is why you don't have such high profile cases.

I've typed this slowly, so I hope you understand.

What's funny is how the pro-choicers come out and say things like "we aren't violent and look at all these pro-lifers killing abortion doctors and we love more than pro-lifers and look at this guy, he's obviously not a liberal!" That's nutter-speak. It's not true. If you're a nutter, you won't understand because well, you're a nutter.

Eventually, medical science will evolve to the point that a 'viable fetus' will be one that is 8 weeks or older. What then? And just for the record, I've never met someone who was aborted so I can't ask them whether they agreed with the decision or not. I doubt you have either.
I doubt the pro-choice side will elevate this murderous lame-brain to the hero, near sainthood status a disturbing number on the 'pro-life' (cough) side has elevated the abortion doctor killers.

Many already have. You're just too much of a nutter to acknowledge that.
She's not a 'nutter'. Not sure why you keep on about that...
I doubt the pro-choice side will elevate this murderous lame-brain to the hero, near sainthood status a disturbing number on the 'pro-life' (cough) side has elevated the abortion doctor killers.

Many already have. You're just too much of a nutter to acknowledge that.
She's not a 'nutter'. Not sure why you keep on about that...

There is no question about it. She is a nutter. She keeps wanting to play this game that pro-lifers are much more violent than pro-choicers. Yes, there are more high-profile cases of pro-lifers killing abortion doctors (and I explained why in my post above), but pro-choicers are also violent. And she doesn't want to believe that some pro-choicers are happy when pro-lifers are gunned down. Of course, she ends the debate with 'You're Kooky!' which of course means she's lost and therefore has to change the direction of the debate. She's a nutter. Period. Some people just shouldn't debate if they can't handle their emotions.
Many already have. You're just too much of a nutter to acknowledge that.
She's not a 'nutter'. Not sure why you keep on about that...

There is no question about it. She is a nutter. She keeps wanting to play this game that pro-lifers are much more violent than pro-choicers. Yes, there are more high-profile cases of pro-lifers killing abortion doctors (and I explained why in my post above), but pro-choicers are also violent. And she doesn't want to believe that some pro-choicers are happy when pro-lifers are gunned down. Of course, she ends the debate with 'You're Kooky!' which of course means she's lost and therefore has to change the direction of the debate. She's a nutter. Period. Some people just shouldn't debate if they can't handle their emotions.

No, she isn't. I've known her a long time, and she isn't a 'nutter'. Sorry.
Some silly logic going on on this page.

Murder is a legal term. It is defined by the legislature. It is not defined by you, me, Avi, Dis, Retired, or Bugs Bunny. Abortion is homicide, the taking of life. Is it murder? No pro-lifer can legally or morally state that it is murder. No pro-choicer can state legally or morally that it is not murder.

If anyone here does not like that, they can gently, firmly, or harshly ram their opinion up their ass, because that is all it is -- an unsupported opinion.
She's not a 'nutter'. Not sure why you keep on about that...

There is no question about it. She is a nutter. She keeps wanting to play this game that pro-lifers are much more violent than pro-choicers. Yes, there are more high-profile cases of pro-lifers killing abortion doctors (and I explained why in my post above), but pro-choicers are also violent. And she doesn't want to believe that some pro-choicers are happy when pro-lifers are gunned down. Of course, she ends the debate with 'You're Kooky!' which of course means she's lost and therefore has to change the direction of the debate. She's a nutter. Period. Some people just shouldn't debate if they can't handle their emotions.

No, she isn't. I've known her a long time, and she isn't a 'nutter'. Sorry.

So are you saying she's just an asshole who wears her emotions on her sleeve? That I can believe. Of course, that's also symptomatic of a nutter. :lol:
There is no question about it. She is a nutter. She keeps wanting to play this game that pro-lifers are much more violent than pro-choicers. Yes, there are more high-profile cases of pro-lifers killing abortion doctors (and I explained why in my post above), but pro-choicers are also violent. And she doesn't want to believe that some pro-choicers are happy when pro-lifers are gunned down. Of course, she ends the debate with 'You're Kooky!' which of course means she's lost and therefore has to change the direction of the debate. She's a nutter. Period. Some people just shouldn't debate if they can't handle their emotions.

No, she isn't. I've known her a long time, and she isn't a 'nutter'. Sorry.

So are you saying she's just an asshole who wears her emotions on her sleeve? That I can believe. Of course, that's also symptomatic of a nutter. :lol:

Some prochoicers are violent, but in far fewer numbers than prolifers. Study the web sites on the hate groups of the left and right. Then ask, "Which group is more likely to be violent?" The evidence is clear for those who want to see it.
There is no question about it. She is a nutter. She keeps wanting to play this game that pro-lifers are much more violent than pro-choicers. Yes, there are more high-profile cases of pro-lifers killing abortion doctors (and I explained why in my post above), but pro-choicers are also violent. And she doesn't want to believe that some pro-choicers are happy when pro-lifers are gunned down. Of course, she ends the debate with 'You're Kooky!' which of course means she's lost and therefore has to change the direction of the debate. She's a nutter. Period. Some people just shouldn't debate if they can't handle their emotions.

No, she isn't. I've known her a long time, and she isn't a 'nutter'. Sorry.

So are you saying she's just an asshole who wears her emotions on her sleeve? That I can believe. Of course, that's also symptomatic of a nutter. :lol:

No. She's a good, kind-hearted person and scary smart too :)
Some silly logic going on on this page.

Murder is a legal term. It is defined by the legislature. It is not defined by you, me, Avi, Dis, Retired, or Bugs Bunny. Abortion is homicide, the taking of life. Is it murder? No pro-lifer can legally or morally state that it is murder. No pro-choicer can state legally or morally that it is not murder.

If anyone here does not like that, they can gently, firmly, or harshly ram their opinion up their ass, because that is all it is -- an unsupported opinion.

When you start bringing in morals, you'll have to define exactly what they are. If you use a legal definition, then you're right. Different people have different morals regardless of any legal definitions, so it's probably best to stay with the legal definitions.
This is something both extremes of this debate do not understand -- the electoral process controls this issue, not our beliefs.
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No, she isn't. I've known her a long time, and she isn't a 'nutter'. Sorry.

So are you saying she's just an asshole who wears her emotions on her sleeve? That I can believe. Of course, that's also symptomatic of a nutter. :lol:

Some prochoicers are violent, but in far fewer numbers than prolifers. Study the web sites on the hate groups of the left and right. Then ask, "Which group is more likely to be violent?" The evidence is clear for those who want to see it.

I've already explained that. Of course the pro-lifers are going to be more violent. Why? Because they think abortion is murder and they want justice! What I find amusing is how the pro-choicers are denying that some of their ranks are happy this man got shot. They continue to live in the world of denial. Sad really. I pity them.
What I find amusing is how the pro-choicers are denying that some of their ranks are happy this man got shot.
Who? You keep saying this without offering any proof. I believe you've made it up.
So many Pro-Choice and Pro-Women's Rights activists have been murdered for their views, I actually feel little sympathy. This country has become a battle ground and is only getting worse. I don't wish anybody harm BUT I find the Religious Right, Conservatives, Family Values people and Moral Majority have become very hateful and antagonistic toward those who don't share their beliefs. And finally somebody has fought back. It's only going to get worse.

It is not like there is any love coming from the other side of the issue, now is it?

You make it sound like this is all the fault of people who actually defend life. Something my parents always told me when my brothers and I used to fight... It takes two to Tango.

Welcome to the board, Alexandra.


Immie, pro choicers defend life too. And you may not perceive any love coming from us for the right but what we are supporting is every woman's right to a choice. Even the rights of those who oppose us. That's more love coming from us to them than the other way around.

You can justify yourself all you want, but I have seen plenty of hatred coming from the people that you claim love more than the other side and to be quite honest with you, I have seen a hell of a lot more love and acceptance coming from the pro-life side than the other way around. Have yo ever heard of Crisis Pregnancy Centers? I know a hell of a lot of pro-life people who have opened their homes to young ladies who have considered abortions.

The only choice "pro-choicers" support is the choice to kill a baby. There is not a whole hell of a lot of love in that. Pro-choicers only support a person's right to agree with them that abortion is "a-okay" for anyone who chooses it. Guess what, choicers don't support my choice to disagree with them.

It is not like there is any love coming from the other side of the issue, now is it?

You make it sound like this is all the fault of people who actually defend life. Something my parents always told me when my brothers and I used to fight... It takes two to Tango.

Welcome to the board, Alexandra.


Immie, pro choicers defend life too. And you may not perceive any love coming from us for the right but what we are supporting is every woman's right to a choice. Even the rights of those who oppose us. That's more love coming from us to them than the other way around.

You can justify yourself all you want, but I have seen plenty of hatred coming from the people that you claim love more than the other side and to be quite honest with you, I have seen a hell of a lot more love and acceptance coming from the pro-life side than the other way around. Have yo ever heard of Crisis Pregnancy Centers? I know a hell of a lot of pro-life people who have opened their homes to young ladies who have considered abortions.

The only choice "pro-choicers" support is the choice to kill a baby. There is not a whole hell of a lot of love in that. Pro-choicers only support a person's right to agree with them that abortion is "a-okay" for anyone who chooses it. Guess what, choicers don't support my choice to disagree with them.

Sure they do. You are welcome to disagree with anyone. You are not welcome to decide for others any more than we are welcome to decide for you.
No. She's a good, kind-hearted person and scary smart too :)

Good and kind-hearted? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes. Very much so :)
Hey! Don't go spoiling my reputation now.


Thank you Emm.

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