Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

A coward is someone that would murder an innocent....or support an organization that does it

You mean like the cops that killed Laquan McDonald? How about the murder of Michael Brown or Mario Woods. Both unarmed, both innocent and both killed by cops.
The investigation into Planned Parenthood in Texas has backfired big time.

Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Leads To Indictment Of Anti-Abortion Activists

Instead of indicting members of the Organization for peddling baby parts (did not happen...a lie...fiction...not true), two Anti-Abortion Activists were instead indicted.

"After a lengthy and thorough investigation by the Harris County District Attorney's Office, the Texas Rangers and the Houston Police Department , a Harris County Grand Jury took no action against Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast", the Harris County D.A. Office announced in a statement.

Instead, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt who made heavily edited tapes of Planned Parenthood Officials supposedly discussing sale of fetal tissue have been indicted. Daleiden and Merritt face charges of tampering with Government Records.

The investigation Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast was launched under the direction of Republican Governor of Texas Greg Abbott.

Leadership of Planned Parenthood called the investigation politically motivated. Which it was.

Damn, tampering with Government Records. When will those lying, belly crawling, yellow belly cowards in the Anti-Abortion Movement learn that when you edit tapes for content and get caught there will be consequences.
Do you mind if I ask you a question about a quote from your HuffPo article???

Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress that released the videos, was also charged with violating a prohibition on the purchase and sale of human organs, a misdemeanor, the Harris County District Attorney said."

It seems a little strange that someone could actually BUY human organs from an organization that claims they NEVER sell them... So, don't you think that case could cause PP some MAJOR problems if David Daleiden is actually found guilty of "buying" baby parts??? After all, he couldn't buy what PP isn't selling, can he???
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A coward is someone that would murder an innocent....or support an organization that does it

You mean like the cops that killed Laquan McDonald? How about the murder of Michael Brown or Mario Woods. Both unarmed, both innocent and both killed by cops.
Mikey was a criminal that when faced with arrest attacked the cop and tried to take his firearm. When that failed he ran then realized he couldn't get away so charged the cop to finish his attempted murder.
The baby killers and their supporters rub their grimy little hands with glee

SassyIrishLass: Your contribution to the subject is right-wing "appeal to emotion" (logical fallacy) propaganda. My observation of people who claim to support the "right to life" with respect to zygotes & embryos are the same ones who have no respect for the rights or lives of others ... and certainly don't care one iota about the welfare of babies after they are born. The right-wing agenda seeks to control women by depriving them of individual freedom to determine their own procreative destiny. The right-wingers are not "happy" unless they are abusing the power of our state and federal governments in their efforts to impose their views on everyone else in society through the operation of our laws. And, as it turns out, they are hypocrites because they don't apply those same alleged ideals to themselves.
The investigation into Planned Parenthood in Texas has backfired big time.

Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Leads To Indictment Of Anti-Abortion Activists

Instead of indicting members of the Organization for peddling baby parts (did not happen...a lie...fiction...not true), two Anti-Abortion Activists were instead indicted.

"After a lengthy and thorough investigation by the Harris County District Attorney's Office, the Texas Rangers and the Houston Police Department , a Harris County Grand Jury took no action against Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast", the Harris County D.A. Office announced in a statement.

Instead, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt who made heavily edited tapes of Planned Parenthood Officials supposedly discussing sale of fetal tissue have been indicted. Daleiden and Merritt face charges of tampering with Government Records.

The investigation Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast was launched under the direction of Republican Governor of Texas Greg Abbott.

Leadership of Planned Parenthood called the investigation politically motivated. Which it was.

Damn, tampering with Government Records. When will those lying, belly crawling, yellow belly cowards in the Anti-Abortion Movement learn that when you edit tapes for content and get caught there will be consequences.
Do you mind if I ask you a question about a quote from your HuffPo article???

Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress that released the videos, was also charged with violating a prohibition on the purchase and sale of human organs, a misdemeanor, the Harris County District Attorney said." It seems a little strange that someone could actually BUY human organs from an organization that claims they NEVER sell them... So, don't you think that case could cause PP some MAJOR problems if David Daleiden is actually found guilty of "buying" baby parts??? After all, he couldn't buy what PP isn't selling, can he???
If Daleiden did indeed buy or otherwise obtain or possess baby parts that did not come from PP, he is going to prison for five years. They screwed themselves.
Backfired on the cross grovelers

the begging of the end for the rightwing christian terrorists

A Texas investigation into Planned Parenthood on Monday culminated in an indictment -- of the organization's accusers instead of the group.
The Harris County District Attorney's office announced that Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast had been cleared in the two-month-long investigation.
But the grand jury did indict two individuals who were involved in making secret recordings of the group that were released to publicly discredit the group, which provides health services and abortions.

Texas grand jury clears Planned Parenthood, indicts -
What we have here is a fascist type smear job stuffed up their collective ass. Texas also became the 12th state to clear PP of doing anything criminal.

Anti-abortion group indicted for Planned Parenthood videos

Hi JakeStarkey you know by now that I am prochoice, and believe all prolife efforts can be 100% effective in preventing abortion
completely by free choice (as all prolife groups currently operate) and not having to ban abortions or criminalize women.

The commitment shown by the prolife movement is PROOF that abortion can be prevented completely by education, awareness and free choice.
They don't need abortion to be illegal to do all they can to prevent it, and thus so can everyone work to end the causes so abortion is prevented.

Nobody ''accidentally" has sex -- either it is chosen by one or both partners, or it is forced.
So incidents CAN be prevented instead of having sex without intent or ability to bear the child in case of pregnancy.
There is choice or coercion involved in each case, so this can be prevented from abusing sex and relationships to create unwanted pregnancy.

So I see no reason why the Prolife views and beliefs can't be respected and fulfilled completely by free choice and informed consent.
If there were more support for prevention, and not mutual discrediting back and forth,
maybe we'd see less and less of any "sabotage" tactics that aren't necessary but counter-productive.

As for anything PP did wrong, even though I am prochoice and believe that is the default that allows both views to be chosen and funded freely,
I'd say the govt is still in the wrong for using public funds for a program biased against the beliefs of dissenting taxpayers with prolife beliefs.

The proper way to fund PP as with Prolife groups is either
A. separate the funding or
B. agree to only use public money for certain functions where it is AGREED
and CLEAR it is not going into anything that violates the faith of others.
If it is disputed, then separate that funding. Give taxpayers a choice of what to fund or not to fund, especially if we claim to be "prochoice" -- let's be consistent and not force anyone on EITHER side to fund programs that violate their beliefs.

The liberals call this "separation of church and state" and not forcing beliefs on the public through govt
that not everyone share, but may actually oppose. The liberals I know have NO PROBLEM defending their
own prochoice beliefs from infringement by prolife imposition; but are sorely lacking in respecting the equal beliefs of others by this same token.

I am one of the few prochoice people who will go to bat for prolife, short of passing laws that one side or the other protests as unconstitutional.
By the same token I won't support laws biased one way or another that don't protect both views equally as Constitutional law requires.

The reason I see behind these negative counterproductive attacks:
Both the Prochoice and Prolife advocates feel constantly harassed and discriminated against instead of respected for their beliefs.
This causes a 'vicious cycle' of both prolife and prochoice attacking each other's beliefs instead of respecting them equally under law.

If we really want to end the bullying and mean-spirited attacks,
it would help if BOTH sides drop the infighting, and agree to respect and include
each other's beliefs EQUALLY under law as they want their own.

Given the current split over the health care mandates and what to replace them with,
this split over prochoice and prolife funding is why I recommend separating into two tracks, possibly by party.

The point is to ensure that people pay into the BELIEFS of their choice,
aren't forced to pay into anything against their beliefs, and all people have a free choice which group to fund and get coverage through.

Let each party and their members set it up themselves
so they decide the terms of their programs, and how to pay for it.

If one group wants to funnel all their women's health through Planned Parenthood,
they can choose to direct their taxes or health care budget there.

If prolife groups want to fund The Nurturing Network as their model, let them direct their tax dollars there.

Why not let people fund their own political beliefs, the same way we EXPECT them to fund their own religious beliefs.

If there is overlap, then agree on a policy for the public to fund,
and anything that creates dissension, agree to separate into private programs
(such as letting private religious schools teach God and prayer without censorship).

JakeStarkey one positive result I hope to see coming from even the proposal of separating tracks for health care and benefits
(so people don't have to fight over abortion, over same sex or gender/orientation in social benefits, if these are separated and groups by
like beliefs, just like religions are funded separately by affiliation and denomination)
is that we would REDUCE the incidents of these desperate angry attacks,
whether slanderous/libelous media campaigns, or actual bombings and shootings.

It gets me that liberals tend to sympathize when terrorists attack due to unresolved grievances with oppression they are "protesting"
because they are "under attack themselves," but when Prolife advocates who truly believe that abortion is legalized murder argue their beliefs are oppressed, attacked and otherwise denied equal protection, where is the same sympathy for why these people are so angry and aggrieved?

I'm not saying to EXCUSE or justify any such unlawful behavior. It discredits the real effective prolife work that doesn't need underhanded tactics.

I wouldn't defend or excuse that,
but at least we can explain and understand the REASON behind it,
just like there is a REASON terrorists act out violently.

The oppression, if not resolved, comes out as political violence and abuse.
So if we want to solve the problem, we look at the cause not just the symptoms!

Thanks JakeStarkey
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A coward is someone that would murder an innocent....or support an organization that does it

You mean like the cops that killed Laquan McDonald? How about the murder of Michael Brown or Mario Woods. Both unarmed, both innocent and both killed by cops.

Michael Brown, the violent felon who assaulted a cop...after committing a violent robbery before being stopped by said cop?
A coward is someone that would murder an innocent....or support an organization that does it

A coward is someone who would hide behind such a dumbed down, intentionally inflammatory false claim in order to try to shame people into adopting a political position you want them to hold. But it's okay. Nobody expects much from human excrement like yourself.
The investigation into Planned Parenthood in Texas has backfired big time.

Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Leads To Indictment Of Anti-Abortion Activists

Instead of indicting members of the Organization for peddling baby parts (did not happen...a lie...fiction...not true), two Anti-Abortion Activists were instead indicted.

"After a lengthy and thorough investigation by the Harris County District Attorney's Office, the Texas Rangers and the Houston Police Department , a Harris County Grand Jury took no action against Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast", the Harris County D.A. Office announced in a statement.

Instead, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt who made heavily edited tapes of Planned Parenthood Officials supposedly discussing sale of fetal tissue have been indicted. Daleiden and Merritt face charges of tampering with Government Records.

The investigation Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast was launched under the direction of Republican Governor of Texas Greg Abbott.

Leadership of Planned Parenthood called the investigation politically motivated. Which it was.

Damn, tampering with Government Records. When will those lying, belly crawling, yellow belly cowards in the Anti-Abortion Movement learn that when you edit tapes for content and get caught there will be consequences.
Do you mind if I ask you a question about a quote from your HuffPo article???

Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress that released the videos, was also charged with violating a prohibition on the purchase and sale of human organs, a misdemeanor, the Harris County District Attorney said." It seems a little strange that someone could actually BUY human organs from an organization that claims they NEVER sell them... So, don't you think that case could cause PP some MAJOR problems if David Daleiden is actually found guilty of "buying" baby parts??? After all, he couldn't buy what PP isn't selling, can he???
If Daleiden did indeed buy or otherwise obtain or possess baby parts that did not come from PP, he is going to prison for five years. They screwed themselves.

And if they did come from PP?
What we have here is a fascist type smear job stuffed up their collective ass. Texas also became the 12th state to clear PP of doing anything criminal.

Anti-abortion group indicted for Planned Parenthood videos

Hi JakeStarkey you know by now that I am prochoice, and believe all prolife efforts can be 100% effective in preventing abortion
completely by free choice (as all prolife groups currently operate) and not having to ban abortions or criminalize women.

The commitment shown by the prolife movement is PROOF that abortion can be prevented completely by education, awareness and free choice.
They don't need abortion to be illegal to do all they can to prevent it, and thus so can everyone work to end the causes so abortion is prevented.

Nobody ''accidentally" has sex -- either it is chosen by one or both partners, or it is forced.
So incidents CAN be prevented instead of having sex without intent or ability to bear the child in case of pregnancy.
There is choice or coercion involved in each case, so this can be prevented from abusing sex and relationships to create unwanted pregnancy.

So I see no reason why the Prolife views and beliefs can't be respected and fulfilled completely by free choice and informed consent.
If there were more support for prevention, and not mutual discrediting back and forth,
maybe we'd see less and less of any "sabotage" tactics that aren't necessary but counter-effective.

As for anything PP did wrong, even though I am prochoice and believe that is the default that allows both views to be chosen and funded freely,
I'd say the govt is still in the wrong for using public funds for a program biased against the beliefs of dissenting taxpayers with prolife beliefs.

The proper way to fund PP as with Prolife groups is either
A. separate the funding or
B. agree to only use public money for certain functions where it is AGREED
and CLEAR it is not going into anything that violates the faith of others.
If it is, then separate that funding.

The liberals call this "separation of church and state" and not forcing beliefs on the public through govt
that not everyone share, but may actually oppose. The liberals I know have NO PROBLEM defending their
own prochoice beliefs from infringement by prolife imposition; but are sorely lacking in respecting the equal beliefs of others by this same token.

I am one of the few prochoice people who will go to bat for prolife, short of passing laws that one side or the other protests as unconstitutional.
By the same token I won't support laws biased one way or another that don't protect both views equally as Constitutional law requires.

The reason I see behind these negative counterproductive attacks:
Both the Prochoice and Prolife advocates feel constantly harassed and discriminated against instead of respected for their beliefs.
This causes a 'vicious cycle' of both prolife and prochoice attacking each other's beliefs instead of respecting them equally under law.

Given the current split over the health care mandates and what to replace them with,
this split over prochoice and prolife funding is why I recommend separating into two tracks, possibly by party.

The point is to ensure that people pay into the BELIEFS of their choice,
aren't forced to pay into anything against their beliefs, and all people have a free choice which group to fund and get coverage through.

Let each party and their members set it up themselves
so they decide the terms of their programs, and how to pay for it.

If one group wants to funnel all their women's health through Planned Parenthood,
they can choose to direct their taxes or health care budget there.

If prolife groups want to fund The Nurturing Network as their model, let them direct their tax dollars there.

Why not let people fund their own political beliefs, the same way we EXPECT them to fund their own religious beliefs.

If there is overlap, then agree on a policy for the public to fund,
and anything that creates dissension, agree to separate into private programs
(such as letting private religious schools teach God and prayer without censorship).

JakeStarkey one positive result I hope to see coming from even the proposal of separating tracks for health care and benefits
(so people don't have to fight over abortion, over same sex or gender/orientation in social benefits, if these are separated and groups by
like beliefs, just like religions are funded separately by affiliation and denomination)
is that we would REDUCE the incidents of these desperate angry attacks,
whether slanderous/libelous media campaigns, or actual bombings and shootings.

It gets me that liberals tend to sympathize when terrorists attack due to unresolved grievances with oppression they are "protesting"
because they are "under attack themselves," but when Prolife advocates who truly believe that abortion is legalized murder argue their beliefs are oppressed, attacked and otherwise denied equal protection, where is the same sympathy for why these people are so angry and aggrieved?

I'm not saying to EXCUSE or justify any such unlawful behavior. It discredits the real effective prolife work that doesn't need underhanded tactics.

I wouldn't defend or excuse that,
but at least we can explain and understand the REASON behind it,
just like there is a REASON terrorists act out violently.

The oppression, if not resolved, comes out as political violence and abuse.
So if we want to solve the problem, we look at the cause not just the symptoms!

Thanks JakeStarkey
A coward is someone that would murder an innocent....or support an organization that does it

A coward is someone who would hide behind such a dumbed down, intentionally inflammatory false claim in order to try to shame people into adopting a political position you want them to hold. But it's okay. Nobody expects much from human excrement like yourself.

You're a coward, you support baby killing.
Libs really are stupid, aren't they???

Let's let HuffPo answer that, OK???

Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Leads To Indictment Of Anti-Abortion Activists

Daleiden, founder of the Center for Medical Progress that released the videos, was also charged with violating a prohibition on the purchase and sale of human organs, a misdemeanor, the Harris County District Attorney said."

Now, care to explain how Daleiden "bought" baby parts when PP claims they don't sell them??? It looks like this case could get interesting when the grand jury either has to admit they fabricated criminal charges, or they chose to ignore that Daleiden had to have bought those human organs from somewhere (like PP)....
A coward is someone that would murder an innocent....or support an organization that does it

A coward is someone who would hide behind such a dumbed down, intentionally inflammatory false claim in order to try to shame people into adopting a political position you want them to hold. But it's okay. Nobody expects much from human excrement like yourself.

You're a coward, you support baby killing.

You're a coward. You rely on lies, and then you still fail.
What we have here is a fascist type smear job stuffed up their collective ass. Texas also became the 12th state to clear PP of doing anything criminal.

Anti-abortion group indicted for Planned Parenthood videos

I read that article on MSN.

I just laughed. Seems like the people who lied and illegally recorded PP workers will now possibly face some sort of justice for their crimes.

It's illegal to ask people to sell human organs. Planned Parenthood did the right and legal thing. If they had not, we would have seen indictments on PP.

Yet the only indictment was on the liars who created the video.

I wish PP would get their lawyers to sue those liars to make sure that others who try to smear PP with lies will think twice before they do it.

And it's being done in deep red Texas. A state that has been trying to close PP for years.

It's perfect!

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