Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

Personal responsibility / accountability applies to both man and women as well as to both - much to Liberals' disdain and attempts to shirk it - Conservatives AND Liberals.
Says the guy who wants to take the responsibility for the decision away from women.
YOU LIE...which is no surprise to anyone. As I have continually said, women should have the right to kill as many babies as they want, but they should have to pay for their own elective surgery. I would like liberals to do something they try to avoid like the plaque - take personal responsibility for their choices and actions!

(It's not MY 'Red Line'...It's THE WORLD'S Red Line'....good grief, what a POS 'blame-shifter'.)
I read your wretched position. Keep talking. You reveal a great deal about your character in your posts.
You can put a lipstick on pig ... but it's still a pig.
Hey Jill, we will keep our noses out of women's choices when they get their hands out of our pockets and begin paying for their own choices... lol
Their hands are not in your pockets. Federal funds are not paying for 99% of abortions which were not due to rape or incest.
how about the laws stay out of the private sex lives of men and women and not make any laws respecting "equal responsibility" for having sex.

but it is true that the misogynist wingnuts love "punishing the harlots".
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Choosing an abortion isn't being responsible, especially when you don't pay for it. Keeping your legs shut is being responsible.

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RE: Do you really believe MEN are not coercing WOMEN into sex or abortion
but all these cases of abortion are only the WOMEN's responsibility not the MEN's?
If so, why?
No one is 'coercing' women into having abortions, they end their pregnancies because they decide to do so, consistent with their right to privacy.

Dear C_Clayton_Jones CC: jillian
I was coerced into having an abortion against my consent, my beliefs, and plans to have the baby when I got pregnant. My boyfriend threatened to commit suicide if I had to give the baby up for adoption because he couldn't handle it, and the guilt was too much.

The reason he had lied to me and said I could have the baby was he was covering up for the
fact he had had a one night stand, and went along with what I was saying even though he didn't mean it.

he later confessed what he was covering for and why he was so pressured.

The whole thing was RELATIONSHIP abuse, and after I realized he wasn't going to be marriage partner,
then whole contract was VOID -- I ONLY AGREED to have sex with someone I was going to marry.
So the whole thing was fraud and not what I consented to, if you want to call it relationship abuse or rape
or whatever. I did NOT consent to have sex with someone who wasn't going to marry me,
and I did NOT consent to get pregnant unless I was having the baby.

But I was emotionally threatened, harassed and coerced until I finally gave in to going to have an abortion
I didn't want to have.

C_Clayton_Jones if you cannot imagine the nightmare of being forced to abort a baby you wanted,
and cried over not only losing it but being FORCED to do so or else your partner threatened suicide
and the whole family was yelling I was going to impose this baby on my mother to take care of,
then perhaps you can imagine the nightmare AFTERWARDS
of being BLAMED FOR CHOOSING ABORTION when it was forced on me until I conceded.

I finally decided it was like blaming a rape victim for rape, because that's the easiest target.
it is easier to "explain away how bad things happen" by saying it had to be that person's fault for that to happen.

This is why I am such a relentless advocate of CONSENT in contracts and decisions.
Because my CONSENT was violated to the point of being pushed into aborting a baby
against my will, my plans, my beliefs, everything.

I learned not to judge people for giving into coercion, once I understand how abusive
the bullying can be, to make people do things they normally would not do.

So that's why I am so against bullying and coercion.

I'm not the only one this has happened to, and there are cases that are WORSE
than mine C_Clayton_Jones.
I read of cases where the man kills both the girlfriend and the baby.
So I was lucky in comparison with the cases we may never hear about.

C_Clayton_Jones, a lot of the young women getting help from Choices For Life (for rape/incest victims choosing to bear and raise their children) and The Nurturing Network have reported similar crisis from being harassed abused and harassed by partners and family to abort against their will.

SEE The Nurturing Network
Home <-- Choices for life, with stories of women who had their babies anyway after rape, despite pressure to abort harassment/rejection from family and society

If you go to these websites, you can read heartwrenching stories of women pressured to have abortions.
Thank God they had support to have their babies anyway. I'm so glad for each person spared the trauma.

Had I known there was the Nurturing Network when I was under that pressure, I would have called them for help and been spared the nightmare I went through. That is why I advocate for groups that truly respect
women's choices and don't pressure anyone. Instead, they seek to take the pressure off these women.

Without access to financial, educational and career support, a lot of educated college aged women are pressured to have abortions, and that's why the Nurturing Network was started, to make sure women have support if they want to avoid abortion as the only choice they can afford without that help!
  • PP Board Member Works in Office of D.A. Who Indicted David Daleiden
Yeah, no conflict of interest or funny business here.... :p
Hey Jill, we will keep our noses out of women's choices when they get their hands out of our pockets and begin paying for their own choices... lol
Their hands are not in your pockets. Federal funds are not paying for 99% of abortions which were not due to rape or incest.

Whether or not any abortions are being paid for,
I wouldn't make anyone fund Planned Parenthood any more
than I'd make someone fund the NRA, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or any other
group they are religiously opposed to for whatever reason.

If people are paying taxes, they should have representation in where those taxes are going.

If a group is doing something that the govt funds, and some religious or political conflict exists,
why not just form a separate program to do that function to resolve any question or appearance of conflict.

For example, when members of the Bahai faith started doing education and facilitation
work on healing racism through constructive sharing of personal experiences,
they ended up created a SEPARATE NONPROFIT called the Center for the Healing of Racism
so it would be SEPARATE from the Bahai religion, members and organization. So this avoids conflict.
The nonprofit can serve all people without any issue it is promoting a specific faith.

The Quakers started prison outreach for preventing violence and providing healing therapy
and training inmates to teach others in workshops. They also created a SEPARATE
NONPROFIT "Alternatives to Violence Project" that would not be affiliated with the Quakers.
This way, the program can serve the public more freely, without fear it is a religious based organization.

I see this happen with other groups, so it solves that problem of being affiliated with a certain established group.

If this conflict can't be solved another way, why not separate it so it is clear?
Hey Jill, we will keep our noses out of women's choices when they get their hands out of our pockets and begin paying for their own choices... lol
Their hands are not in your pockets. Federal funds are not paying for 99% of abortions which were not due to rape or incest.

Whether or not any abortions are being paid for,
I wouldn't make anyone fund Planned Parenthood any more
than I'd make someone fund the NRA, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or any other
group they are religiously opposed to for whatever reason.

If people are paying taxes, they should have representation in where those taxes are going.

If a group is doing something that the govt funds, and some religious or political conflict exists,
why not just form a separate program to do that function to resolve any question or appearance of conflict.

For example, when members of the Bahai faith started doing education and facilitation
work on healing racism through constructive sharing of personal experiences,
they ended up created a SEPARATE NONPROFIT called the Center for the Healing of Racism
so it would be SEPARATE from the Bahai religion, members and organization. So this avoids conflict.
The nonprofit can serve all people without any issue it is promoting a specific faith.

The Quakers started prison outreach for preventing violence and providing healing therapy
and training inmates to teach others in workshops. They also created a SEPARATE
NONPROFIT "Alternatives to Violence Project" that would not be affiliated with the Quakers.
This way, the program can serve the public more freely, without fear it is a religious based organization.

I see this happen with other groups, so it solves that problem of being affiliated with a certain established group.

If this conflict can't be solved another way, why not separate it so it is clear?
Everyone in the U.S. has representation for where their taxes go. WTF is wrong with you?
It most certainly does pay for abortions, dingbat.

say what, ignoramus?

you never hear of the hyde amendment?

Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

damn, there's no cure for your stupid.

Congress is ignoring the Hyde Amendment, sort of like Obama ignores the Constitution.

The law makes exceptions for rape, incest or life of the mother.
Congress is giving 600 million to PP to perform abortions, for one thing.

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Still spouting bullshit you can't prove? :eusa_liar:

What a pity.
Prove you aren't an idiot.
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Choosing an Boston isn't being reponsible, especially when you don't pay for it. Keeping your legs shut is being responsible.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Getting a vasectomy works great too.
How does the failure of some slut to keep her legs shut obligate me to get a vasectomy?
If you fuck her it obligates you to use a contraceptive or get a vasectomy. Man up
If someone else gets her pregnant, how does that obligate me to do diddly?
Conservative men think its solely the woman's job to prevent pregnancy.
It's not my job to worry about some slut I don't know getting pregnant, moron. That's what you don't seem to understand.
It most certainly does pay for abortions, dingbat.

say what, ignoramus?

you never hear of the hyde amendment?

Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

damn, there's no cure for your stupid.

Congress is ignoring the Hyde Amendment, sort of like Obama ignores the Constitution.

The law makes exceptions for rape, incest or life of the mother.
Congress is giving 600 million to PP to perform abortions, for one thing.

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That only proved that you're a dunce.
'...though Planned Parenthood—the organization performing 40% of America’s (reported) abortions every year—claims federal funding does not directly fund abortion, it’s not feasible nor believable that a group performing hundreds of thousands of abortions annually could prevent cross contamination.'

If you actually think PP divides their different sources of money into separate accounts and ensures that each abortion paid for is only paid for from the account marked 'NOT Tax Dollars' you're an idiot.

It's called accounting fool.
Do you suppose federal money should be orange so it won't be confused with the
" bad" money spent on abortion?
It's called three card Monty that only fools suckers like you. All the money goes into the same pot. There's no way to distinguish a dollar intended for abortions from one that is not.

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But there is, fool.
How does any entity organize and report their financial transactions for a given year?

Like I said, maybe federal money should be orange so simple minded fucks like you could follow along with the conversation.

All they're doing is reporting the outcome of their game of Three Card Monty. All the money goes into the same pot. Therefore the claim that one dollar was used to fund abortion while another was not is ludicrous. All the money received is used to fund abortion. End of story.
Last edited:
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Choosing an Boston isn't being reponsible, especially when you don't pay for it. Keeping your legs shut is being responsible.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Getting a vasectomy works great too.
How does the failure of some slut to keep her legs shut obligate me to get a vasectomy?

How does the failure of some slut to keep her legs shut obligate me to get a vasectomy?

Tells us all we need to know about your view of women.

That's my view of women who get pregnant and then expect me to pay for raising their bastards.
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Choosing an Boston isn't being reponsible, especially when you don't pay for it. Keeping your legs shut is being responsible.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

Oh ya. It's ALWAYS up to the woman. Why don't you guys tell the men to keep it zipped?

Nature made it up to the women.
Way to not take any personal responsibility!
How would that change the facts of nature?
Personal responsibility / accountability applies to both man and women as well as to both - much to Liberals' disdain and attempts to shirk it - Conservatives AND Liberals.
Says the guy who wants to take the responsibility for the decision away from women.
You're the one who wants to make everyone but the woman responsible for her decisions.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Choosing an Boston isn't being reponsible, especially when you don't pay for it. Keeping your legs shut is being responsible.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk
Getting a vasectomy works great too.
How does the failure of some slut to keep her legs shut obligate me to get a vasectomy?

How does the failure of some slut to keep her legs shut obligate me to get a vasectomy?

Tells us all we need to know about your view of women.

My view of women is that I shouldn't be held responsible for their decisions, and that's exactly what you want to do.
"...others who don't see the mandates
as penalizing free choice..."


It's not a matter of 'see,' it's not 'subjective opinion' – it is a settled and accepted fact of law beyond dispute that the ACA's tax provision is Constitutional, and in no way 'penalizes' free choice, just as paying any other tax does not 'penalize' free choice.

It's "accepted" only by the bootlickers who believe the SC can overrule the Constitution.
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Choosing an Boston isn't being reponsible, especially when you don't pay for it. Keeping your legs shut is being responsible.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

Oh ya. It's ALWAYS up to the woman. Why don't you guys tell the men to keep it zipped?

Nature made it up to the women.

Which is why you need to keep your ugly nose out of women's business

I will when they keep their nose out of my business, like not expecting me to pay for their irresponsible decisions.
how about the laws stay out of the private sex lives of men and women and not make any laws respecting "equal responsibility" for having sex.

but it is true that the misogynist wingnuts love "punishing the harlots".
How about people start taking responsibility for their own actions?

And interesting position on laws staying out of the bedroom, considering the left want to force everyone to pay for things inside personal sex lives.
People do take responsibility for their actions. Some choose an abortion as the most responsible choice they can make. I don't expect you to understand that. You're too busy judging other people's lives and wanting to insert your will into their bodies.
Choosing an abortion isn't being responsible, especially when you don't pay for it. Keeping your legs shut is being responsible.

Sent from my SM-G928V using Tapatalk

Dear bripat9643
How many acts of sex involve coercion by the man on the woman vs. the woman on the man?

Do you think that of all the cases of unwanted pregnancy that lead to abortion
* the men and women made the decision to have sex equally and mutually?

If it is equal, then both the men and women should be held EQUALLY responsible for abstinence,
do you agree the responsibility is AT LEAST EQUAL with men as with women?

Now add to that, what about cases where sex is forced and pregnancy was not consensual
* how many cases of FORCED sex and unwanted pregnancy
would you guess is the man forcing it on the woman, or the woman forcing it on the man
Do you think that is EQUAL or more likely the MAN'S fault for forcing the sex and unwanted pregnancy?

Now add to that, what about cases where the pregnancy or the abortion is not wanted by one of the partners
but is pressured by the other partner or by other people
* how many cases of forced abortion against the will of one of the partners
do you think comes from the MAN or the WOMAN
Do you think it is EQUAL?
That as many MEN force WOMEN to abort against their will
and WOMEN abort against the will of the MEN who don't consent.

Given the responsibility for choice, or for coercion
* at the point of having sex, was this mutual or coerced by one on the other?
* at the point of having abortion, was this mutual or coerced by one on the other?

Do you feel that MEN and WOMEN are equally responsible for the decision of having sex?
Do you think MEN are more likely to coerce WOMEN and not take responsibility but pressure abortion?

Do you really believe MEN are not coercing WOMEN into sex or abortion
but all these cases of abortion are only the WOMEN's responsibility not the MEN's?
If so, why?

Women have sex because they choose to. Same as men.

When did I get to choose whether to pay for the results of their choices?
The baby killers and their supporters rub their grimy little hands with glee

SassyIrishLass: Your contribution to the subject is right-wing "appeal to emotion" (logical fallacy) propaganda. My observation of people who claim to support the "right to life" with respect to zygotes & embryos are the same ones who have no respect for the rights or lives of others ... and certainly don't care one iota about the welfare of babies after they are born. The right-wing agenda seeks to control women by depriving them of individual freedom to determine their own procreative destiny. The right-wingers are not "happy" unless they are abusing the power of our state and federal governments in their efforts to impose their views on everyone else in society through the operation of our laws. And, as it turns out, they are hypocrites because they don't apply those same alleged ideals to themselves.


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