Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

Already two threads on this. You afraid your talking points memos are getting too far down the page?

Actually my husband just brought up a very good point, the dems behind this may rue the day this happened. Let it go to trial, the videos go in as evidence, PP officials testify under oath, a smart attorney uses discovery to start digging very deep into PP operations and can document any sale of fetal remains and revenues generated.

Yes, let's do this. If all else fails Gov Abbot pardons the video maker LOL

why would you think he'd waste political capital on lying scum?

You're missing the point, once it goes to trial anything about PP is fair game, the defense can also subpoena any company that did business with PP. You know the ones that suddenly stopped when all this came to light. You think they will fall on a sword for PP? No

Planned parenthood won't be on trial. The lying "activists" will be
Don't kid yourself. PP will be on trial. We welcome a chance to shove those tapes up the Libtard prosecutor's ass.
What we have here is a fascist type smear job stuffed up their collective ass. Texas also became the 12th state to clear PP of doing anything criminal.

Anti-abortion group indicted for Planned Parenthood videos

Not only did they flat out fabricate all of this, it can well be argued that their campaign to bring down PP led to deaths of three people in the terrorist attack on PP in Colorado Springs. If nothing else, the family of those victims should sue the crap out of these people.
They had nothing to do with Colorado.

Says AvgGuy, in spite of the fact that the Colorado shooter was quoted as saying "No more baby parts..."
He. Was a loon and not working for the pro life movement.

You own the Colorado shooter, dude. I'm surprised that you are not bragging about it.
A sleazy doctor is caught on camera negotiating the sale of a fetus / baby for the price of cash and / or a Lamborghini and the poor ignorant film maker who secretly makes the recording ends up indicted.

Some would argue this is 'justice'...while others might argue the 'sacrifice' was worth exposing a tax payer-funded baby-murdering industry protected by politicians who receive millions in payoffs, er, 'donations' / 'contributions' from PP every year.

Both sides will squabble about who 'won', nothing changes...

No squabble.PP won and the investigation was closed. The sleazy film makers lost and were indicted.
It was an indictment. Remember? Ham sandwiches have no chance when it comes to libtard prosecutors.
What we have here is a fascist type smear job stuffed up their collective ass. Texas also became the 12th state to clear PP of doing anything criminal.

Anti-abortion group indicted for Planned Parenthood videos

Not only did they flat out fabricate all of this, it can well be argued that their campaign to bring down PP led to deaths of three people in the terrorist attack on PP in Colorado Springs. If nothing else, the family of those victims should sue the crap out of these people.
They had nothing to do with Colorado.

Says AvgGuy, in spite of the fact that the Colorado shooter was quoted as saying "No more baby parts..."
He. Was a loon and not working for the pro life movement.

You own the Colorado shooter, dude. I'm surprised that you are not bragging about it.
Ramblings of a nut job. Murdering abortionists is not part of our activities.
Currently lawmakers see rapists that impregnate their victims as "doing God's work."

Men won't be forced to take responsibility.

No, Grandma they aren't addressing the issue at all.

According to my friend Juda, when she confronts all these supposed prolife politicians,
they back off and make "exceptions for rape" because they don't want to discuss or explain in public.

You see, only the WOMEN can explain their experiences, the politicians can't control the narrative when it goes into real life context.

Did you see the thread on the prolife protests, march, and baby video:
And how Flanders backed off the minute I brought up setting up REAL LIFE support to help WOMEN not to be forced through abortion.
The people who just want to make public statements treat it as political and won't discuss solutions.

The WOMEN going after longterm solutions to help women AREN'T GETTING FUNDING from the VERY
people like Flanders who like to preach and protest, but won't give a dime toward preventing abortion when women need help!

Did you see Flanders lame response?
Because the help for women is through nonprofit groups,
he argued I was soliciting, when my point was for all these prolife preachers to put their money where their mouths are.

So sad that the more they bitch about Planned Parenthood, they advertise the very group they oppose.
And when it comes to solutions that prevent abortion by helping women
(I mentioned two The Nurturing Network founded by Mary Cunningham Agee
and Choices for Life founded by Juda Myers) they don't fund or promote these. Why not?
Why trumpet the very group they hate, instead of publicizing nonprofits that are Prolife but NOT antichoice --
these groups really provide help to women NOT to compromise their choices under pressure to abort.

Is that a threat to these politicians? To have solutions come from FREE CHOICE and not force of law?
Is that why they hesitate, because the solution is to FREELY CHOOSE and FUND better options ourselves, and not rely on govt? Is that it?
welcome to the ObamaNation. You put in Hillary or Bernie you will GET THE SAME tyrants. this is sickening folks
Not only did they flat out fabricate all of this, it can well be argued that their campaign to bring down PP led to deaths of three people in the terrorist attack on PP in Colorado Springs. If nothing else, the family of those victims should sue the crap out of these people.
They had nothing to do with Colorado.

Says AvgGuy, in spite of the fact that the Colorado shooter was quoted as saying "No more baby parts..."
He. Was a loon and not working for the pro life movement.

You own the Colorado shooter, dude. I'm surprised that you are not bragging about it.
Ramblings of a nut job. Murdering abortionists is not part of our activities.

Perhaps you should ask them to leave your candidate's tent, then.
Jill, you are either ignorant or intentionally lying. Even you are smart enough to know that people are not indicted for making accusations. People are arrested for secretly filming others who are unaware they are being filmed while negotiating the sale of a fetus for cash and / or a Lamborghini...

You should really stop repeating the lies made up by your wackos

But you won't because you're a pathological little troll
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got the right to be stupid.
You should really stop repeating the lies made up by your wackos

But you won't because you're a pathological little troll
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got them pregnant against their will.

When did I do that?
When you paid for an abortion. Why else would you pay for one?
What we have here is a fascist type smear job stuffed up their collective ass. Texas also became the 12th state to clear PP of doing anything criminal.

Anti-abortion group indicted for Planned Parenthood videos

Not only did they flat out fabricate all of this, it can well be argued that their campaign to bring down PP led to deaths of three people in the terrorist attack on PP in Colorado Springs. If nothing else, the family of those victims should sue the crap out of these people.
They had nothing to do with Colorado.

Says AvgGuy, in spite of the fact that the Colorado shooter was quoted as saying "No more baby parts..."
He. Was a loon and not working for the pro life movement.
Pro-life is a misnomer. It's anti-choice.
It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

“Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?

In other words, they have no such right.
Damn dude, how many women have asked you to pay for their abortions?

What kind of fucking moron are you?
Why don't you answer?
Try watching real news instead of propaganda, dupe. PP gives tissue to medical science and are paid back their expenses, stupid. End of story. CHANGE THE GD CHANNEL. Your heroes are robbing you and the middle class and the country blind while you are baffled by bs.
MSNBC is real news? :dig:
You should really stop repeating the lies made up by your wackos

But you won't because you're a pathological little troll
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?

Federal funds cannot be used to pay for abortion.

Money is fungible. We all know that money given to PP is used to pay for abortions. Only morons like you are fooled.
Just think ... all you have to do is prove that and you can accomplish what the center for medical progress failed to do -- bring down Planned Parenthood. :thup:
Doubtful I'll be disappointed. Those criminals will end up behind bars.
How are you going to get the PP executive to "un-say" what they said on videotape? We welcome the trial. Judge Napalitano says "the Prosecutor doesn't have a case. PP was clearly selling body parts."
This day will be remembered as the day the government put their boots down and smashed the First Amendment.

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