Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

The baby killers and their supporters rub their grimy little hands with glee

Those who believe in the right of women to choose, are grateful the lying scum got caught. The vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor. Most are below the federal poverty line. Another large percentage live at less than 100% above that line.

The same people who castigate poor women for having "too many babies", would prevent them from having fewer children. It makes no sense. But that's conservatives for you.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
What babies have I have killed sir? NONE. I don't even kill insects, so you're safe with me.
Miss the part that said SUPPORTERS?
I am pro-choice. Does that make me a "baby killer"? No, it doesn't. I have never had an abortion nor would I choose one but I would NOT want abortion to be re-criminalized.
Sad to see the persecution of the righteous trying to shine light on baby murder and body part sales and theft....only in a immoral disgusting culturally marxist country is this possible.
This is why we must choose our next president wisely. We can't have a third Obama term.
The baby killers and their supporters rub their grimy little hands with glee

Those who believe in the right of women to choose, are grateful the lying scum got caught. The vast majority of women seeking abortions are poor. Most are below the federal poverty line. Another large percentage live at less than 100% above that line.

The same people who castigate poor women for having "too many babies", would prevent them from having fewer children. It makes no sense. But that's conservatives for you.
That is so true.
Well, this indictment was a very bad idea.

During discovery, the defendants will have access to all relevant evidence that would help their defense, which would include all of Planned Parenthood's business records.

Either side can depose anyone and the pro-life people will have the opportunity to swear in Planned Parenthood staff to testify under oath about what they were doing selling all those baby parts.

The trial will be a media circus, and when the defendants are found not guilty, it will be a major blow to the entire pro-abortion movement.

I think PP can withstand the scrutiny. It certainly has so far, being cleared in an investigation by a hostile Republican Congress. No easy feat that.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
Sad to see the persecution of the righteous trying to shine light on baby murder and body part sales and theft....only in a immoral disgusting culturally marxist country is this possible.
This is why we must choose our next president wisely. We can't have a third Obama term.
Obama can only have 2 terms. Hillary or Bernie can have 2 terms.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
The morning after pill is considered an abortion by fetus freaks. No beating heart there.
Well, this indictment was a very bad idea.

During discovery, the defendants will have access to all relevant evidence that would help their defense, which would include all of Planned Parenthood's business records.

Either side can depose anyone and the pro-life people will have the opportunity to swear in Planned Parenthood staff to testify under oath about what they were doing selling all those baby parts.

The trial will be a media circus, and when the defendants are found not guilty, it will be a major blow to the entire pro-abortion movement.

I think PP can withstand the scrutiny. It certainly has so far, being cleared in an investigation by a hostile Republican Congress. No easy feat that.

Something they have in common with Hillary Clinton.
Change the channel once and awhile fetus fanatic!
Liberal channels are pro abortion. They will never fairly present the other side. I'm happy with my news source. Fox presents both sides...always. What better way to expose the looney left than by letting them talk freely?
Pro-choice. You are anti-choice. Fox is RW. No wonder you like it. Fetus freak.
Baby. I reject the word fetus since it is used to justify murder. Even your side won't use the words "baby killing" but will say "Fetus killing."
Doubtful I'll be disappointed. Those criminals will end up behind bars.
How are you going to get the PP executive to "un-say" what they said on videotape? We welcome the trial. Judge Napalitano says "the Prosecutor doesn't have a case. PP was clearly selling body parts."
Don't have to. What they said will not be on trial. It will be the two criminals from the center of medical progress on trial, not Planned Parenthood.
PP will be on trial in the court of public opinion. It is there they will lose.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
What babies have I have killed sir? NONE. I don't even kill insects, so you're safe with me.
Miss the part that said SUPPORTERS?
I am pro-choice. Does that make me a "baby killer"? No, it doesn't. I have never had an abortion nor would I choose one but I would NOT want abortion to be re-criminalized.
You SUPPORT abortion aka baby murder. Nuff said.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
The morning after pill is considered an abortion by fetus freaks. No beating heart there.
Its a human being. Don't want a child? Don't do the ONE thing that can get you pregnant...I know in this disgusting immoral society whoring around is the "in thing" to do fortunately there are SOME of us who are happy with 1 woman and some women who are happy with 1 man and any children produced from that are a blessing not an inconvenience to be thrown in the trash because we chose to be irresponsible selfish assholes.
Change the channel once and awhile fetus fanatic!
Liberal channels are pro abortion. They will never fairly present the other side. I'm happy with my news source. Fox presents both sides...always. What better way to expose the looney left than by letting them talk freely?
Pro-choice. You are anti-choice. Fox is RW. No wonder you like it. Fetus freak.
Baby. I reject the word fetus since it is used to justify murder. Even your side won't use the words "baby killing" but will say "Fetus killing."
Do you call a fertilized egg a baby too?

You're an anti-choice fetus fanatic.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
What babies have I have killed sir? NONE. I don't even kill insects, so you're safe with me.
Miss the part that said SUPPORTERS?
I am pro-choice. Does that make me a "baby killer"? No, it doesn't. I have never had an abortion nor would I choose one but I would NOT want abortion to be re-criminalized.
You SUPPORT abortion aka baby murder. Nuff said.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
The morning after pill is considered an abortion by fetus freaks. No beating heart there.
Its a human being. Don't want a child? Don't do the ONE thing that can get you pregnant...I know in this disgusting immoral society whoring around is the "in thing" to do fortunately there are SOME of us who are happy with 1 woman and some women who are happy with 1 man and any children produced from that are a blessing not an inconvenience to be thrown in the trash because we chose to be irresponsible selfish assholes.
I support a woman's right to choose. I haven't chosen abortion nor would I but unlike you, I don't agree with re-crimnializing abortion.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
What babies have I have killed sir? NONE. I don't even kill insects, so you're safe with me.
Miss the part that said SUPPORTERS?
I am pro-choice. Does that make me a "baby killer"? No, it doesn't. I have never had an abortion nor would I choose one but I would NOT want abortion to be re-criminalized.
You SUPPORT abortion aka baby murder. Nuff said.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
The morning after pill is considered an abortion by fetus freaks. No beating heart there.
Its a human being. Don't want a child? Don't do the ONE thing that can get you pregnant...I know in this disgusting immoral society whoring around is the "in thing" to do fortunately there are SOME of us who are happy with 1 woman and some women who are happy with 1 man and any children produced from that are a blessing not an inconvenience to be thrown in the trash because we chose to be irresponsible selfish assholes.
It's a human zygote, not a baby.
Well, this indictment was a very bad idea.

During discovery, the defendants will have access to all relevant evidence that would help their defense, which would include all of Planned Parenthood's business records.

Either side can depose anyone and the pro-life people will have the opportunity to swear in Planned Parenthood staff to testify under oath about what they were doing selling all those baby parts.

The trial will be a media circus, and when the defendants are found not guilty, it will be a major blow to the entire pro-abortion movement.
The law allows Planned Parenthood to sell tissue as long as it's for a nominal fee to cover their costs.

12 states (so far) have launched independent investigations into the matter and all 12 found Planned Parenthood acted within the law.

So far, the only indictments handed out have been against the perpetrators behind the cameras.

How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".
Fetus Freaks only care about fetal life. They don't care about the lives of women. They are completely black and white thinkers. NO nuance or gray areas.

I am pro-choice. I would never have an abortion AND I would NEVER want aborton re-criminalized.
You're a pro-abortion loon.
Missouri SIXTH State to Find NO WRONG DOING BY Planned Parenthood:

Carly Fiorina's DOCUMENTED lies on Planned Parenthood:
Carly Fiorina’s despicable Planned Parenthood lies have gotten even worse...

New England Journal of Medicine Defends Planned Parenthood:
"The contraception services that Planned Parenthood delivers may be the single greatest effort to prevent the unwanted pregnancies that result in abortions."

Myths and Lies Perpetuated by Pro-Criminalization Movement and FACTS to refute them:
2010 April 23...

Understanding WHY abortion must remain legal, every hour 8 women die around the globe from unsafe abortions as a direct result of criminalization of the procedure: (one of the best sources for FACTUAL INFORMATION to the false anti-choice propaganda on the web

Guttmacher Institute and Higher Rates of Abortion in Countries Where the Procedure is Criminalized:

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