Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

Change the channel once and awhile fetus fanatic!
Liberal channels are pro abortion. They will never fairly present the other side. I'm happy with my news source. Fox presents both sides...always. What better way to expose the looney left than by letting them talk freely?
Good. I hope they get at least a couple of years each for lying so blatantly to the public.
Sad to see the persecution of the righteous trying to shine light on baby murder and body part sales and theft....only in a immoral disgusting culturally marxist country is this possible.
welcome to the ObamaNation. You put in Hillary or Bernie you will GET THE SAME tyrants. this is sickening folks
You know what's gotta be done, right staph??

"Let's roll!" Before it's too late!!! :rofl:
Change the channel once and awhile fetus fanatic!
Liberal channels are pro abortion. They will never fairly present the other side. I'm happy with my news source. Fox presents both sides...always. What better way to expose the looney left than by letting them talk freely?
Pro-choice. You are anti-choice. Fox is RW. No wonder you like it. Fetus freak.
Doubtful I'll be disappointed. Those criminals will end up behind bars.
How are you going to get the PP executive to "un-say" what they said on videotape? We welcome the trial. Judge Napalitano says "the Prosecutor doesn't have a case. PP was clearly selling body parts."
Don't have to. What they said will not be on trial. It will be the two criminals from the center of medical progress on trial, not Planned Parenthood.
Change the channel once and awhile fetus fanatic!
Liberal channels are pro abortion. They will never fairly present the other side. I'm happy with my news source. Fox presents both sides...always. What better way to expose the looney left than by letting them talk freely?
Pro-choice. You are anti-choice. Fox is RW. No wonder you like it. Fetus freak.
Ask a pro abortion proponent about letting a woman see a video suggesting she have the baby or adopt it out and you'll see that you are not pro-choice at all. You're really anti-choice. We are pro_life.
Change the channel once and awhile fetus fanatic!
Liberal channels are pro abortion. They will never fairly present the other side. I'm happy with my news source. Fox presents both sides...always. What better way to expose the looney left than by letting them talk freely?
Pro-choice. You are anti-choice. Fox is RW. No wonder you like it. Fetus freak.
By you saying "Fetus freak" you reveal yourself to be possessed by demons.
I remember a pro-life rally which happened a few days after Bill Clinton took office as President. That was 1992, 24 years ago.

I remember what the other side did. They shouted:

"Hail Mary, full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."


"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries."

The pro-lifers stood in a circle and sang and prayed. We ignored the people on the other side.

All I was thinking is that this was a battle between good and evil, and the pro-abortion side was making it quite clear they were on the side of evil.

Anyone of the pro-choice side, just keep in mind that your side hates God and loves Satan.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
Change the channel once and awhile fetus fanatic!
Liberal channels are pro abortion. They will never fairly present the other side. I'm happy with my news source. Fox presents both sides...always. What better way to expose the looney left than by letting them talk freely?
Pro-choice. You are anti-choice. Fox is RW. No wonder you like it. Fetus freak.
By you saying "Fetus freak" you reveal yourself to be possessed by demons.
I remember a pro-life rally which happened a few days after Bill Clinton took office as President. That was 1992, 24 years ago.

I remember what the other side did. They shouted:

"Hail Mary, full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."


"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries."

The pro-lifers stood in a circle and sang and prayed. We ignored the people on the other side.

All I was thinking is that this was a battle between good and evil, and the pro-abortion side was making it quite clear they were on the side of evil.

Anyone of the pro-choice side, just keep in mind that your side hates God and loves Satan.
Fetus Freaks only care about fetal life. They don't care about the lives of women. They are completely black and white thinkers. NO nuance or gray areas.

I am pro-choice. I would never have an abortion AND I would NEVER want aborton re-criminalized.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
What babies have I have killed sir? NONE. I don't even kill insects, so you're safe with me.
Change the channel once and awhile fetus fanatic!
Liberal channels are pro abortion. They will never fairly present the other side. I'm happy with my news source. Fox presents both sides...always. What better way to expose the looney left than by letting them talk freely?
Pro-choice. You are anti-choice. Fox is RW. No wonder you like it. Fetus freak.
By you saying "Fetus freak" you reveal yourself to be possessed by demons.
I remember a pro-life rally which happened a few days after Bill Clinton took office as President. That was 1992, 24 years ago.

I remember what the other side did. They shouted:

"Hail Mary, full of grace, keep abortion legal and safe."


"Keep your rosaries off our ovaries."

The pro-lifers stood in a circle and sang and prayed. We ignored the people on the other side.

All I was thinking is that this was a battle between good and evil, and the pro-abortion side was making it quite clear they were on the side of evil.

Anyone of the pro-choice side, just keep in mind that your side hates God and loves Satan.
WTF are you rambling about? Bill Clinton did not take office in 1992. You are clearly deranged. :cuckoo:
What we have here is a fascist type smear job stuffed up their collective ass. Texas also became the 12th state to clear PP of doing anything criminal.

Anti-abortion group indicted for Planned Parenthood videos

Not only did they flat out fabricate all of this, it can well be argued that their campaign to bring down PP led to deaths of three people in the terrorist attack on PP in Colorado Springs. If nothing else, the family of those victims should sue the crap out of these people.
They had nothing to do with Colorado.

Says AvgGuy, in spite of the fact that the Colorado shooter was quoted as saying "No more baby parts..."
He. Was a loon and not working for the pro life movement.
Pro-life is a misnomer. It's anti-choice.[/QUOTE
Ask a pro abortion proponent about letting a woman see a video suggesting she have the baby or adopt it out and you'll see that you are not pro-choice at all. You're really anti-choice. We are pro_life.
Well, this indictment was a very bad idea.

During discovery, the defendants will have access to all relevant evidence that would help their defense, which would include all of Planned Parenthood's business records.

Either side can depose anyone and the pro-life people will have the opportunity to swear in Planned Parenthood staff to testify under oath about what they were doing selling all those baby parts.

The trial will be a media circus, and when the defendants are found not guilty, it will be a major blow to the entire pro-abortion movement.
"As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it's become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we're glad they're being held accountable," said Eric Ferrero, vice president of communications for Planned Parenthood Federation of America, in a statement.

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