Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

Well, this indictment was a very bad idea.

During discovery, the defendants will have access to all relevant evidence that would help their defense, which would include all of Planned Parenthood's business records.

Either side can depose anyone and the pro-life people will have the opportunity to swear in Planned Parenthood staff to testify under oath about what they were doing selling all those baby parts.

The trial will be a media circus, and when the defendants are found not guilty, it will be a major blow to the entire pro-abortion movement.

did you think fetal research was accomplished by scientists and administrators who wear muzzles?

only loony tunes with an agenda act surprised and SHOCKED that there are body parts involved. derr
What babies have I have killed sir? NONE. I don't even kill insects, so you're safe with me.
Miss the part that said SUPPORTERS?
I am pro-choice. Does that make me a "baby killer"? No, it doesn't. I have never had an abortion nor would I choose one but I would NOT want abortion to be re-criminalized.
You SUPPORT abortion aka baby murder. Nuff said.
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
The morning after pill is considered an abortion by fetus freaks. No beating heart there.
Its a human being. Don't want a child? Don't do the ONE thing that can get you pregnant...I know in this disgusting immoral society whoring around is the "in thing" to do fortunately there are SOME of us who are happy with 1 woman and some women who are happy with 1 man and any children produced from that are a blessing not an inconvenience to be thrown in the trash because we chose to be irresponsible selfish assholes.
It's a human zygote, not a baby.
Every see a full grown zygote walking around? It's a baby. Human . Not a frog.
And it's inside a woman who has the right to not carry it to term, if she so chooses.

Sucks to be you.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".

They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
No, that is not correct. My family is involved in a home for unwed mothers, which helps them get government benefits and puts them on their feet to take care of themselves.

So you believe in socialism?
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".

They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
Exactly. They just want to control women. They kill babies by not wanting them to have WIC, or welfare or food stamps. AND they'd kill women who would be at risk for dying in illegal abortions or suicide.
^^^ hysterical loon.
Doubtful I'll be disappointed. Those criminals will end up behind bars.
How are you going to get the PP executive to "un-say" what they said on videotape? We welcome the trial. Judge Napalitano says "the Prosecutor doesn't have a case. PP was clearly selling body parts."
Don't have to. What they said will not be on trial. It will be the two criminals from the center of medical progress on trial, not Planned Parenthood.
PP will be on trial in the court of public opinion. It is there they will lose.
You're an idiot. They already faced that court and won.

You would deny the videos of Jews piled up in Nazi extermination camps no doubt. PP lost in the court of public opinion and will lose again.

...Godwin's law, in action!
The baby killers and their supporters rub their grimy little hands with glee

What those two idiots did was against the law, you do get that right?

An edited tape pre-supposes the existence of the original tape.

Why do you people have to break the law in the first place.

As the use of the term "Baby Killers", I'm wondering if all those unborn babies killed by the U.S. in Afghanistan and Iraq the same "Right To Life" as babies in America.

As for "baby

You support baby killing, you are low life form....and a coward But we can see what YOU support.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".

They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
No, that is not correct. My family is involved in a home for unwed mothers, which helps them get government benefits and puts them on their feet to take care of themselves.

Weird, because you talk about the evils of socialism on other threads. Now you're for it. Who knew?

It is my opinion that socialism and the welfare state destroyed Christianity, and also a level or prosperity that people no longer turn to Christianity for comfort.
How many threads to the baby killing supporters need to gloat that other baby killers and body part sellers are LITERALLY getting away with murder?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".

They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
No, that is not correct. My family is involved in a home for unwed mothers, which helps them get government benefits and puts them on their feet to take care of themselves.
I like how you promote government handouts on this thread while criticizing them on others. :thup:

Typical conservative fluid principles.
With all of these 'liberals' I was hoping at least one would think that freedom of the press should be defended but I see not. With the 'liberal' courts in this country I would wonder if conservative press would actually get to exercise their rights?
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".

They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
No, that is not correct. My family is involved in a home for unwed mothers, which helps them get government benefits and puts them on their feet to take care of themselves.

So you believe in socialism?
Your stupid assumptions about what conservatives believe proves that you not a very intelligent person.
I understand that liberals will throw out all decency, and even put their own souls in danger, to defend unlimited abortion.

The judgment of history will be very harsh on Planned Parenthood and the pro-abortion movement. You will be reviled as equally evil with the Nazis and the Communists.

And that is because pro-life will win, and we will be the people who write the history books.

The younger generation is more pro-life than the previous generation:


The availabilty of technology to prove that there is life in the womb is a big factor. On movies and TV, we can see the sonograms. Hollywood may be pro-abortion, but when it comes down to it, they show the sonograms, and very few characters actually have an abortion.

I think that we deserve a little respect! Do you know how hard it is to be as evil as Communists AND NAZI's?
What babies have I have killed sir? NONE. I don't even kill insects, so you're safe with me.
Miss the part that said SUPPORTERS?
I am pro-choice. Does that make me a "baby killer"? No, it doesn't. I have never had an abortion nor would I choose one but I would NOT want abortion to be re-criminalized.
You SUPPORT abortion aka baby murder. Nuff said.
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
The morning after pill is considered an abortion by fetus freaks. No beating heart there.
Its a human being. Don't want a child? Don't do the ONE thing that can get you pregnant...I know in this disgusting immoral society whoring around is the "in thing" to do fortunately there are SOME of us who are happy with 1 woman and some women who are happy with 1 man and any children produced from that are a blessing not an inconvenience to be thrown in the trash because we chose to be irresponsible selfish assholes.
It's a human zygote, not a baby.
Every see a full grown zygote walking around? It's a baby. Human . Not a frog.
The morning after pill isn't a human baby walking around. It's a fertilized cell. YOU stupidly call it a baby and consider it murder.
The thing is your typical liberal believes whatever he is told to believe. He never checks the facts for himself, which is why whenever I cite a link to prove what I'm saying, liberals won't look at it.
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".

They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
Exactly. They just want to control women. They kill babies by not wanting them to have WIC, or welfare or food stamps. AND they'd kill women who would be at risk for dying in illegal abortions or suicide.
^^^ hysterical loon.
Arrogant prick.
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".

They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
No, that is not correct. My family is involved in a home for unwed mothers, which helps them get government benefits and puts them on their feet to take care of themselves.

So you believe in socialism?
Your stupid assumptions about what conservatives believe proves that you not a very intelligent person.

Apparently, you're now for socialism. Do you mind if I email you some literature by Bernie Sanders? :D
More of those BRILLIANT rebuttals. Your opinion is not wanted,cared for or is BARELY even acknowledged just like you BARELY acknowledged if at all you were murdering a human being with a beating heart.
Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".

They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
No, that is not correct. My family is involved in a home for unwed mothers, which helps them get government benefits and puts them on their feet to take care of themselves.

So you believe in socialism?
Your stupid assumptions about what conservatives believe proves that you not a very intelligent person.
It's not an assumption. It's reading your writing, dummy.
Bye, bye, unethical dirtbags:

The activists, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, were indicted on charges of tampering with a government record. Both posed as executives of a fake biomedical research company to tape Planned Parenthood doctors and clinic managers talking about harvesting fetal tissue, according to court documents.
Mr. Daleiden was also indicted under a law prohibiting the solicitation or sale of human organs, which suggests grand jurors thought he went too far in trying to snare Planned Parenthood.

“As I stated at the outset of this investigation, we must go where the evidence leads us,” Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson said in announcing the findings.

The indictments mark a stunning reversal for pro-life activists, who seized on the secret videos as evidence that Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest abortion provider network, was breaking the law through the actions of some of its affiliates.
David Daleiden, Sandra Merritt indicted in Planned Parenthood undercover videos

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