Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.

Well, I admit that I did not finish law school, but, to the best of my recollection, being indicted by a Grand Jury means that there is reasonable cause to believe that someone broke the law. Admittedly, I would not have believed that this particular indictment would have been handed down in Texas, but, it just goes to show that even they have limits of tolerance toward crimes committed by the Right.
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.
It's called prosecuting someone who broke the law, who lied. Conservatives really don't care if their ilk break the law.

Sure we care. If they're guilty, they'll be convicted.

If they're not, they won't.

Here's a radical thought....let's wait and see which way it ends up?
Churches and private charities do a better job than the government. They can help poor people without destroying the family unit.

Then why does your family help those women get Government assistance?
"Great minds..."

Me thinks it's just the black people he doesn't want to see getting assistance.

Before the welfare state, most blacks had jobs and had children after marriage.
The welfare state has destroyed the black family. Do you deny it?

How the Welfare State Has Devastated African Americans - Discover the Networks

I think you've put yourself between a rock and a hard place. One second you're for socialism, and the next you're not. Which is it? You can't be for and against it.
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.

Well, I admit that I did not finish law school, but, to the best of my recollection, being indicted by a Grand Jury means that there is reasonable cause to believe that someone broke the law. Admittedly, I would not have believed that this particular indictment would have been handed down in Texas, but, it just goes to show that even they have limits of tolerance toward crimes committed by the Right.

And being indicted by the Grand Jury is a guarantee a crime was committed by the person being charged right?
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.

Well, I admit that I did not finish law school, but, to the best of my recollection, being indicted by a Grand Jury means that there is reasonable cause to believe that someone broke the law. Admittedly, I would not have believed that this particular indictment would have been handed down in Texas, but, it just goes to show that even they have limits of tolerance toward crimes committed by the Right.

And being indicted by the Grand Jury is a guarantee a crime was committed by the person being charged right?

Don't recall saying that. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else. Feel free to post a quote to that effect.
I never said I was a socialist. You're putting words in my mouth. What I said is that the home for unwed mothers help young women get government benefits. Taking advantage of government benefits until you can get on your feet is not socialism. What I oppose is giving benefits to people who are capable of getting a job, but refusing. And this has become generational: a woman on welfare has kids who will be on welfare who will have kids on welfare. The money wasted is in the trillions.
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.

Well, I admit that I did not finish law school, but, to the best of my recollection, being indicted by a Grand Jury means that there is reasonable cause to believe that someone broke the law. Admittedly, I would not have believed that this particular indictment would have been handed down in Texas, but, it just goes to show that even they have limits of tolerance toward crimes committed by the Right.

And being indicted by the Grand Jury is a guarantee a crime was committed by the person being charged right?

Don't recall saying that. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else. Feel free to post a quote to that effect.

You just proclaimed that crimes had been committed by the right, as proven by the Grand Jury indictment.

Why have a trial, you've already convicted them.
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.

Well, I admit that I did not finish law school, but, to the best of my recollection, being indicted by a Grand Jury means that there is reasonable cause to believe that someone broke the law. Admittedly, I would not have believed that this particular indictment would have been handed down in Texas, but, it just goes to show that even they have limits of tolerance toward crimes committed by the Right.

Does this mean that any investigative report that happen to use the same tactics will get treated the same? I really doubt that since I know many investigative reporters do break the law. A good example is a few years ago a news paper reporter owned an illegal clip. He used it for his own news show. He was never prosecuted? He still shooting his mouth off without doing any time in jail. It is a sad fact that 'liberals' control a lot of institutions in this country and use it to oppress anyone who disagress with them.
I think it's obvious that a pro-abortion attorney general is abusing his power.

There is a fine line between prosecution and persecution.
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.

Well, I admit that I did not finish law school, but, to the best of my recollection, being indicted by a Grand Jury means that there is reasonable cause to believe that someone broke the law. Admittedly, I would not have believed that this particular indictment would have been handed down in Texas, but, it just goes to show that even they have limits of tolerance toward crimes committed by the Right.

And being indicted by the Grand Jury is a guarantee a crime was committed by the person being charged right?

Don't recall saying that. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else. Feel free to post a quote to that effect.

You just proclaimed that crimes had been committed by the right, as proven by the Grand Jury indictment.

Why have a trial, you've already convicted them.

Keep stretching 9 aces! Tones the muscles and prevents cramps!
It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.

Well, I admit that I did not finish law school, but, to the best of my recollection, being indicted by a Grand Jury means that there is reasonable cause to believe that someone broke the law. Admittedly, I would not have believed that this particular indictment would have been handed down in Texas, but, it just goes to show that even they have limits of tolerance toward crimes committed by the Right.

And being indicted by the Grand Jury is a guarantee a crime was committed by the person being charged right?

Don't recall saying that. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else. Feel free to post a quote to that effect.

You just proclaimed that crimes had been committed by the right, as proven by the Grand Jury indictment.

Why have a trial, you've already convicted them.

Keep stretching 9 aces! Tones the muscles and prevents cramps!

Just used your own words. If you don't like them being pointed out, you shouldn't say them.
Liberals who approve charging journalists with a crime are showing their true colors.
Sorry 9A, but I did not see my words in your post. I say you PARAPHRASE my post, to the advantage of your argument. It must be time for my eye appointment!
Sorry 9A, but I did not see my words in your post. I say you PARAPHRASE my post, to the advantage of your argument. It must be time for my eye appointment!

Yep, it's time.

Admittedly, I would not have believed that this particular indictment would have been handed down in Texas, but, it just goes to show that even they have limits of tolerance toward crimes committed by the Right.

Those are your words. Own them, be proud of pre-judging guilt.
Sorry 9A, but I did not see my words in your post. I say you PARAPHRASE my post, to the advantage of your argument. It must be time for my eye appointment!

Yep, it's time.

Admittedly, I would not have believed that this particular indictment would have been handed down in Texas, but, it just goes to show that even they have limits of tolerance toward crimes committed by the Right.

Those are your words. Own them, be proud of pre-judging guilt.

Tell me, 9A, just when did you stop beating your wife? :eusa_angel:
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.
It's called prosecuting someone who broke the law, who lied. Conservatives really don't care if their ilk break the law.

Sure we care. If they're guilty, they'll be convicted.

If they're not, they won't.

Here's a radical thought....let's wait and see which way it ends up?
It's cute how you don't afford Hillary Clinton that same presumption of innocence. :thup:
What this also accomplishes is the young dummies that are being used by the wealthy right wing machine to try to create these phoney videos and make things appear 'bad' when they aren't, in essence to create elaborate lies, are watching their fellow young cannon fodder going to jail and will think twice before jumping on the right-wing lying machine's train to nowhere.

Lying for some old guy gets alot less appealing when prison time is ahead.
Sad to see the persecution of the righteous trying to shine light on baby murder and body part sales and theft....only in a immoral disgusting culturally marxist country is this possible.
This is why we must choose our next president wisely. We can't have a third Obama term.
Let's hope abortion becomes a key issue in the election. Polls indicate a majority are in favor of abortion being legal in most cases. A majority also believe Planned Parenthood should continue receiving federal funding.

If that's a key issue -- Hillary wins. :mm:
I note your lack to a cite.
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.

Well, I admit that I did not finish law school, but, to the best of my recollection, being indicted by a Grand Jury means that there is reasonable cause to believe that someone broke the law. Admittedly, I would not have believed that this particular indictment would have been handed down in Texas, but, it just goes to show that even they have limits of tolerance toward crimes committed by the Right.

And being indicted by the Grand Jury is a guarantee a crime was committed by the person being charged right?

Don't recall saying that. Perhaps you are confusing me with someone else. Feel free to post a quote to that effect.

You just proclaimed that crimes had been committed by the right, as proven by the Grand Jury indictment.

Why have a trial, you've already convicted them.

"There are so many people depending upon the government for their survival even a criminal like Hillary can get elected." ~ 9aces

Either reveal what crime has Hillary been convicted of or consider your hypocrisy exposed?
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Sad to see the persecution of the righteous trying to shine light on baby murder and body part sales and theft....only in a immoral disgusting culturally marxist country is this possible.
This is why we must choose our next president wisely. We can't have a third Obama term.
Let's hope abortion becomes a key issue in the election. Polls indicate a majority are in favor of abortion being legal in most cases. A majority also believe Planned Parenthood should continue receiving federal funding.

If that's a key issue -- Hillary wins. :mm:
I note your lack to a cite.
See: post #265

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