Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".

They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
No, that is not correct. My family is involved in a home for unwed mothers, which helps them get government benefits and puts them on their feet to take care of themselves.

So you believe in socialism?
Your stupid assumptions about what conservatives believe proves that you not a very intelligent person.
It's not an assumption. It's reading your writing, dummy.
Provide a link.
Right. Anyone who disagrees with you is a "baby killer".

They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
No, that is not correct. My family is involved in a home for unwed mothers, which helps them get government benefits and puts them on their feet to take care of themselves.

So you believe in socialism?
Your stupid assumptions about what conservatives believe proves that you not a very intelligent person.
It's not an assumption. It's reading your writing, dummy.

How does one keep a straight face when they talk about the evils of socialism, then reports to the forum that they help women get on Government assistance?
Your stupid assumptions about what conservatives believe proves that you not a very intelligent person.

what is conservative about constantly pushing your government to further invade individual privacy?

The Court ruled that the states were forbidden from outlawing or regulating any aspect of abortion performed during the first trimester of pregnancy...

In a 7-2 decision written by Justice Harry Blackmun (who was chosen because of his prior experience as counsel to the Mayo Clinic), the Court ruled that the Texas statute violated Jane Roe's constitutional right to privacy. The Court argued that the Constitution's First, Fourth, Ninth, and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual's "zone of privacy" against state laws.

The Supreme Court . Expanding Civil Rights . Landmark Cases . Roe v. Wade (1973) | PBS
Doubtful I'll be disappointed. Those criminals will end up behind bars.
How are you going to get the PP executive to "un-say" what they said on videotape? We welcome the trial. Judge Napalitano says "the Prosecutor doesn't have a case. PP was clearly selling body parts."
Don't have to. What they said will not be on trial. It will be the two criminals from the center of medical progress on trial, not Planned Parenthood.
PP will be on trial in the court of public opinion. It is there they will lose.
You're an idiot. They already faced that court and won.

You would deny the videos of Jews piled up in Nazi extermination camps no doubt. PP lost in the court of public opinion and will lose again.
You're fucking deranged. This must be your idea of Planned Parenthood losing in the court of public opinion....

Do you think federal funding for Planned Parenthood should be eliminated: yes or no?

Suffolk University/USA Today:
  • Yes: 33%
  • No: 58%

Now, I'm going to mention some people and groups in the news recently. For each, please tell me if your feelings are very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable. If you don't know enough to answer, just say so. ... Planned Parenthood.

  • Favorable: 50%
  • Unfavorable: 37%

  • Favorable: 59%
  • Unfavorable: 37%

CBS News/New York Times Poll:
  • Favorable: 40%
  • Unfavorable: 27%

Do you think all federal funding for Planned Parenthood should be cut off: yes or no?

Suffolk University/USA Today:
  • Yes: 29%
  • No: 65%

CBS News/New York Times Poll (reversed):
  • Yes: 36%
  • No: 55%

NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll (reversed):
  • Yes: 35%
  • No: 61%


They don't give a shit about babies after they're born. They are the baby killers.
No, that is not correct. My family is involved in a home for unwed mothers, which helps them get government benefits and puts them on their feet to take care of themselves.

So you believe in socialism?
Your stupid assumptions about what conservatives believe proves that you not a very intelligent person.
It's not an assumption. It's reading your writing, dummy.
Provide a link.


No, that is not correct. My family is involved in a home for unwed mothers, which helps them get government benefits and puts them on their feet to take care of themselves.


It is my opinion that socialism and the welfare state destroyed Christianity, and also a level or prosperity that people no longer turn to Christianity for comfort.
Any way, pro-lifers have all time in the world to win this. Technology is improving that proves that the unborn child is a human being, not a "blob of tissue".
It doesn't matter what you call it -- it is still the right of the pregnant woman to terminate a pregnancy she doesn't want.
Churches and private charities do a better job than the government. They can help poor people without destroying the family unit.
With all of these 'liberals' I was hoping at least one would think that freedom of the press should be defended but I see not. With the 'liberal' courts in this country I would wonder if conservative press would actually get to exercise their rights?
Doesn't Fox News fill that void for ya?
Churches and private charities do a better job than the government. They can help poor people without destroying the family unit.
Then why do you and your family support government handouts?
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!
Churches and private charities do a better job than the government. They can help poor people without destroying the family unit.
Bullshit. Without food stamps, WIC and welfare those unaborted pregnancies you're so fond of would starve as babies thanks to the conservatives.
Churches and private charities do a better job than the government. They can help poor people without destroying the family unit.

Then why does your family help those women get Government assistance?
"Great minds..."

Me thinks it's just the black people he doesn't want to see getting assistance.

Before the welfare state, most blacks had jobs and had children after marriage.
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.
Churches and private charities do a better job than the government. They can help poor people without destroying the family unit.

Then why does your family help those women get Government assistance?
"Great minds..."

Me thinks it's just the black people he doesn't want to see getting assistance.

Before the welfare state, most blacks had jobs and had children after marriage.
The welfare state has destroyed the black family. Do you deny it?

How the Welfare State Has Devastated African Americans - Discover the Networks
This has been an interesting evening. I celebrated the indictment of a couple of people for breaking the law for tampering with government documents, and in return, have been accused of being in league with Satan, being worse than a communist and a NAZI, and compared to NAZI's who were responsible for the Holocaust! I would hate to think what I would be compared to if I were on the Grand Jury!

It is called prosecuting someone because you didn't agree with their political cause and the only people who can think that this is OK are people who don't think people should have any political agenda that is different than theirs. It would be wonderful if everyone can get the the same protection of the law that everyone else that everyone's freedom of speech will get protected but that ain't going to happen in this country. This is why I stopped believing 'liberals' are liberal anymore.
It's called prosecuting someone who broke the law, who lied. Conservatives really don't care if their ilk break the law.

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