Anti-American Libtard Principal Abolishes American Heritage - Bans Thanksgiving, Christmas, Pledge!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance
LINK: School principal bans Santa, Thanksgiving and Pledge of Allegiance


“We definitely can’t say Christmas, nothing with Christmas on it, nothing with Santa,” PTA President Mimi Ferrer said administrators told her. “No angels. We can’t even have a star because it can represent a religious system, like the Star of David.”

"A memo last month from assistant principal Jose Chaparro suggested a “harvest festival instead of Thanksgiving or a winter celebration instead of a Christmas party.” He urged staff to “be sensitive of the diversity of our families. Not all children celebrate the same holidays.”

F* YOUR 'DIVERSITY'! These are part of who we are as AMERICANS. It is part of our heritage, our history, and our culture. America is supposed to be a 'Melting Pot' in which immigrants come here and assimilate, bringing their own traditions and heritage to ADD to ours NOT REPLACE IT!

F* 'PC'. I am NOT going to apologize for Christmas, Thanksgiving, and the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. If you don't like them, if you refuse to pledge your allegiance to this nation - to support and defend the nation that is giving you all the freedom for which you moved here in the 1st place, then go the hell back 'home'. If you like all of your own traditions, heritage, and culture then why did you leave where you came from to begin with.

When you chose to come here you KNEW these things were part of who we are, and it did not offend you enough to keep you it shouldn't offend you NOW!

And if you DO leave, take these panty-waist Liberals who apologize for this nation because it 'offends you' and who are willing to sacrifice who we are as a nation so you won't be offended.

Welcome to America - We are Americans. These are American holiday traditions. It's who we are. Don't like it, get the F* OUT!
Why is it that NESFs make the rules in American schools and other public enterprises? I hold the PTA responsible for letting this happen.

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