Zone1 Anti-Christian Bigots In Action!

You haven't been to Arabia. Lies come easy, don't they Rosie.

Fortress Antonia was not part of the temple.. and Jews didn't worship there until 1500 after the expulsion from Spain and Portugal.
It is a holy JEWISH SITE---you want to quibble about just when there is a RECORDING of jews
worshipping there? Long ago I learned from very nice PRESBYTERIAN neighbors ---that
there are tunnels between the vatican domicile of the pope and some sort of ladies convent
strewn with the corpses of aborted babies. I have no citation.
As to such legends----I do not credit them
The Cross is a symbol of freedom. But however one views it, wearing one isn't going to hurt anyone.

You totally reminded me of a very short documentary that a friend of mine made, way back in 2005... She said almost those exact same words you said. I highly recommend watching the whole thing, but the specific part I'm talking about starts at 10:23. (the comment she makes about it is funny, definitely check it out)

Shows the shallow nature of humans. If a symbol is all it takes to trigger them, then they're not only insecure, but they are of low integrity.
It takes a GOOD CHRISTIAN to spit in the faces of the victims murdered by his church
Have you ever been in a mosque? Long ago I examined a "patient" ----he had told me that
he was on his way to IRAN to see about "his father's village"---his father owned a "village"---ie
something line a medieval estate. He took off his shirt and I noticed a LARGE CROSS---
I said "you will be wearing that in Iran" He laughed and said--"I am a christian now---I will
leave it home---I want to keep my head----they think I am still a muslim" Now---for your own
INTELLECTUAL CURIOSITY----don a large cross---take a walk ---on Friday morning---ask a muslim
over there "I WOULD LIKE TO VISIT THE MOSQUE" muslims WANT you to visit----it would be
a good time to DISPLAY YOUR LARGE CROSS once you get in

Iran still has a lot of churches. They use to have a large Jewish population.
Action Jackson takes things out of context.

If a Christian attacks you during a protest, stomp them hard. They are all wussies. Stomp them.
You totally reminded me of a very short documentary that a friend of mine made, way back in 2005... She said almost those exact same words you said. I highly recommend watching the whole thing, but the specific part I'm talking about starts at 10:23. (the comment she makes about it is funny, definitely check it out)

your silly little video is UNRELATED to the issue at hand----LOS ANGELOS !!!!
a whole different issue when it comes to religion, You remind me so much of
my own interaction in childhood with christians---in teen years and young and
middle age with muslims and with the various people who had INTERACTIONS
that constitute THEIR FAMILY LEGACY----ever hear of the ARMENIAN genocide?
It is a question asked of me before I took over the care of an elderly
Armenian lady who witnessed the murder of her entire family by Turks.
I would not flaunt a turkish flag in her face. or a koran. Its a matter of
You totally reminded me of a very short documentary that a friend of mine made, way back in 2005... She said almost those exact same words you said. I highly recommend watching the whole thing, but the specific part I'm talking about starts at 10:23. (the comment she makes about it is funny, definitely check it out)

the holy buttercup cross -


they have no reservations for displaying their favorite symbol ... means so much for them and how they long for their days of glory.
Remember the USS Liberty!!
Yes---I was in the NAVY at the time----because of my rank and position
I knew about LOTS OF MARITIME ACCIDENTS. In fact---the incidents touched
on my job in the NAVY----ie the investigations thereof. Navy law prohibits me
from revealing ANY SPECIFICS
Iran still has a lot of churches. They use to have a large Jewish population.
Yes---used to have lots of Jews. They started FLOODING out in the 1960s---
coincidentally to my area of the USA. In fact lots of muslim Iranians left too---
usually professionals---to my area. Feel free to ask questions. I even NOW
have Iranian jewish relatives thru marriage----feel free to ask questions. There was
a jewish Iranian community LONG before the rapist pig of Mecca was born. In fact
there was a very thriving community of ZOROASTRIANS----lots of jews and
Zoroastrians fled to India when the arab invasions began some ?? 1300 years ago.
That's why muslims like to ATTACK MUMBAI
your silly little video is UNRELATED to the issue at hand----LOS ANGELOS !!!!
a whole different issue when it comes to religion, You remind me so much of
my own interaction in childhood with christians---in teen years and young and
middle age with muslims and with the various people who had INTERACTIONS
that constitute THEIR FAMILY LEGACY----ever hear of the ARMENIAN genocide?
It is a question asked of me before I took over the care of an elderly
Armenian lady who witnessed the murder of her entire family by Turks.
I would not flaunt a turkish flag in her face. or a koran. Its a matter of
buttercup DISAGREES!! With what do you disagree, buttercup? DECENCY?
your silly little video is UNRELATED to the issue at hand----LOS ANGELOS !!!!
a whole different issue when it comes to religion, You remind me so much of
my own interaction in childhood with christians---in teen years and young and
middle age with muslims and with the various people who had INTERACTIONS
that constitute THEIR FAMILY LEGACY----ever hear of the ARMENIAN genocide?
It is a question asked of me before I took over the care of an elderly
Armenian lady who witnessed the murder of her entire family by Turks.
I would not flaunt a turkish flag in her face. or a koran. Its a matter of

The doc I posted is about religious freedom and anti-Christian bigotry. How is that completely unrelated to the topic? Besides, what does it matter to you if I share a video of someone who states the exact same words he stated? Relax, no need to rant and rave with all caps.
buttercup DISAGREES!! With what do you disagree, buttercup? DECENCY?

I wasn't even talking about whatever you were talking about. I didn't even read your previous posts. I gave you a thumbs down for telling me that my "silly video" was unrelated to the topic, when it wasn't.
The doc I posted is about religious freedom and anti-Christian bigotry. How is that completely unrelated to the topic? Besides, what does it matter to you if I share a video of someone who states the exact same words he stated? Relax, no need to rant and rave with all caps.
I did not see "anti-christian bigotry" and I did not use "all caps"----why do you lie? Some
people do not like to see a cross, some people do not like to see a "southern 'dixie' flag'
Some people do not like to see statues of Buddha. Only a little while ago I was in a
"indian style" restaurant with hubbie-----good for him because all the meat was ":HALAL" which
,means no pork----even though the owners were HINDUS. Works for hubbie--considering
his kosher background. Being HINDU the place has a BAR with bottles of booze lining a far
wall. Also fine for us. A muslim lady completely covered in black and towing a gaggle
of children walked in and became HYSTERICAL. She pointed to the unopened and not being
used bottles of booze and SCREAMED---the kids began to cry----The issue was---"halal meat"
notwithstanding----as a MUSLIMAH she objected to being in the PRESENCE of unopened bottles
of whiskey-------well to each is own
I've been hearing off and on throughout my life that “Christians are intolerant” and that “Christianity is a religion of bigotry” or “hate,” yada yada yada. Of course, that's nonsense, as Christians have been so overly tolerant that they've allowed non-Christians to take over their lands who've then become intolerant of Christians.

Here are a few examples of intolerance towards Christians and for no, good reason:

I'm not Catholic but I believe in their right to exercise their faith in peace.

As opposed to Pro-so-called "Christians" who their version of their god as a weapon against those of us who know than to believe in a non-existent Magical/Mystical/Mythical Sky Man?
I wasn't even talking about whatever you were talking about. I didn't even read your previous posts. I gave you a thumbs down for telling me that my "silly video" was unrelated to the topic, when it wasn't.
it was unrelated. Not wanting a cross around is not anti-christian in a place with a history
of oppression BY christians. A silly singer named SINEAD O'CONNOR started out born to an Irish
catholic family and died at about age 55 ---she decided she HATED the catholic church and made a big idiotic fuss about it.
She had felt oppressed by the church. IMHO---if I attended her funeral I would hope that
her attendees would not show up displaying large crosses.
The priest visiting a jewish holy site to which elderly jews pilgrimage----was fully aware of
the history of christian oppression of Jews in Jerusalem since the disgusting pig CONSTANTINE
became Emperor of the FIRST REICH and counting
It is a holy JEWISH SITE---you want to quibble about just when there is a RECORDING of jews
worshipping there? Long ago I learned from very nice PRESBYTERIAN neighbors ---that
there are tunnels between the vatican domicile of the pope and some sort of ladies convent
strewn with the corpses of aborted babies. I have no citation.
As to such legends----I do not credit them
"ROSIE--you haven't been to arabia" how are we defining "arabia" this week, Suradie?
The Western Wall is in the CAPITAL OF THE LAND OF ISRAEL, Jerusalem which is not
nor has ever been "arabia"
it was unrelated. Not wanting a cross around is not anti-christian in a place with a history
of oppression BY christians. A silly singer named SINEAD O'CONNOR started out born to an Irish
catholic family and died at about age 55 ---she decided she HATED the catholic church and made a big idiotic fuss about it.
She had felt oppressed by the church. IMHO---if I attended her funeral I would hope that
her attendees would not show up displaying large crosses.
The priest visiting a jewish holy site to which elderly jews pilgrimage----was fully aware of
the history of christian oppression of Jews in Jerusalem since the disgusting pig CONSTANTINE
became Emperor of the FIRST REICH and counting

Your issue is with the Catholic Church. Not Christianity. I actually agree with you that the Catholic Church has done some horrible things, in history. That's why I'm not Catholic, I believe it's a counterfeit, corrupt church that teaches numerous false doctrines.

As for the Catholic man in the video, it seems to me that respect and tolerance needs to go both ways. Yes, people don't like to see things, but if we go around telling anyone who is wearing something we don't like to remove it, and worse, try to outlaw anything we don't like, we may as well live in a country like North Korea, where there is no freedom and religion is outlawed.

And yes, the documentary I posted WAS absolutely on topic, because it's about this very thing - people being so "offended" by the sight of a tiny little cross, that they go out of their way to try to remove it legally. If you watch the documentary, you'd see what I'm talking about.
Your issue is with the Catholic Church. Not Christianity. I actually agree with you that the Catholic Church has done some horrible things, in history. That's why I'm not Catholic, I believe it's a counterfeit, corrupt church that teaches numerous false doctrines.

As for the Catholic man in the video, it seems to me that respect and tolerance needs to go both ways. Yes, people don't like to see things, but if we go around telling anyone who is wearing something we don't like to remove it, and worse, try to outlaw anything we don't like, we may as well live in a country like North Korea, where there is no freedom and religion is outlawed.

And yes, the documentary I posted WAS absolutely on topic, because it's about this very thing - people being so "offended" by the sight of a tiny little cross, that they go out of their way to try to remove it legally. If you watch the documentary, you'd see what I'm talking about.
The priest was not wearing a "tiny little cross"---the issue under discussion was a PRIEST---who was not necessarily CATHOLIC btw---he may have been Eastern Orthodox (unless I missed something) He showed up at the Western Wall in the FULL REGALIA that such priests (both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) used when delivering "sermons" meant to instigate DEADLY POGROMS. Doing so was INSENSITIVE on his part. The California beatniks had an AXE to grind which they preannounced in their territory----not a place for PROSEYLITIZERS

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