Zone1 Anti-Christian Bigots In Action!

The priest was not wearing a "tiny little cross"---the issue under discussion was a PRIEST---who was not necessarily CATHOLIC btw---he may have been Eastern Orthodox (unless I missed something) He showed up at the Western Wall in the FULL REGALIA that such priests (both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) used when delivering "sermons" meant to instigate DEADLY POGROMS. Doing so was INSENSITIVE on his part. The California beatniks had an AXE to grind which they preannounced in their territory----not a place for PROSEYLITIZERS

When I said "tiny little cross" I wasn't talking about that priest, I was talking about the short documentary I posted, where the ACLU threatened to sue LA County if a tiny little cross wasn't removed from the LA County seal. My point was that the sentiment behind it is the same, regardless of the size of the cross. People choosing to be offended by just the sight of something they don't like.

Again, respect and tolerance goes both ways. You talk about people being "insensitive"... well, is it sensitive to call Jesus "the jelly bean savior" when you're speaking to devout Christians? It is sensitive to constantly rant and rave angrily at Christians, because of things that happened more than 800 years ago that have nothing to do with true Christianity?

I mean, I don't want to be too hard on you or anything, but if you're going to go on and on about how that priest was "insensitive", please deal with the plank in your own eye first, before pointing out the specks in others.

I don't know what your last sentence was about... but since I don't want to bicker about this, I'll just say one more thing. The bottom line is, in this world, there are inevitably going to be things that you and I don't like. That's part of life. But to live with continual anger, hate and bitterness is not the way to go through life... it's not only unhealthy, it's toxic, and will only hurt the person harboring those feelings.

And as I mentioned before, be careful what you wish for. If people want it to be illegal to wear a cross or even a T-shirt that says the word Jesus.... ultimately that's gonna come back to bite those authoritarians in the rear, when their own freedoms are removed too. And make no mistake, that WILL happen, if people persist in trying to outlaw anything that they don't like.
Your issue is with the Catholic Church. Not Christianity. I actually agree with you that the Catholic Church has done some horrible things, in history. That's why I'm not Catholic, I believe it's a counterfeit, corrupt church that teaches numerous false doctrines.
They're not the only ones. Mormons, Quakers, I could keep going but I don't want to be typing forever. It would have been nice if the Founding Fathers could see the future and would have merged all Christian religions into one Evangelical church.
The priest was not wearing a "tiny little cross"---the issue under discussion was a PRIEST---who was not necessarily CATHOLIC btw---he may have been Eastern Orthodox (unless I missed something) He showed up at the Western Wall in the FULL REGALIA that such priests (both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) used when delivering "sermons" meant to instigate DEADLY POGROMS. Doing so was INSENSITIVE on his part. The California beatniks had an AXE to grind which they preannounced in their territory----not a place for PROSEYLITIZERS

When I said "tiny little cross" I wasn't talking about that priest, I was talking about the short documentary I posted, where the ACLU threatened to sue LA County if a tiny little cross wasn't removed from the LA County seal. My point was that the sentiment behind it is the same, regardless of the size of the cross. People choosing to be offended by just the sight of something they don't like.

Again, respect and tolerance goes both ways. You talk about people being "insensitive"... well, is it sensitive to call Jesus "the jelly bean savior" when you're speaking to devout Christians? It is sensitive to constantly rant and rave angrily at Christians, because of things that happened more than 800 years ago that have nothing to do with true Christianity?

I mean, I don't want to be too hard on you or anything, but if you're going to go on and on about how that priest was "insensitive", please deal with the plank in your own eye first, before pointing out the specks in others.

I don't know what your last sentence was about... but since I don't want to bicker about this, I'll just say one more thing. The bottom line is, in this world, there are inevitably going to be things that you and I don't like. That's part of life. But to live with continual anger, hate and bitterness is not the way to go through life... it's not only unhealthy, it's toxic, and will only hurt the person harboring those feelings.

And as I mentioned before, be careful what you wish for. If people want it to be illegal to wear a cross or even a T-shirt that says the word Jesus.... ultimately that's gonna come back to bite those authoritarians in the rear, when their own freedoms are removed too. And make no mistake, that WILL happen, if people persist in trying to outlaw anything that they don't like.

When I said "tiny little cross" I wasn't talking about that priest, I was talking about the short documentary I posted, where the ACLU threatened to sue LA County if a tiny little cross wasn't removed from the LA County seal. My point was that the sentiment behind it is the same, regardless of the size of the cross. People choosing to be offended by just the sight of something they don't like.
as to the "tiny little cross on the LA county seal" --the seal is GOVERNMENT which is not supposed to represent one religion over the other in the USA---the ACLU exists to
deal with such issues ---it is not "anti-christian"--not that I care about the tiny little cross

Again, respect and tolerance goes both ways. You talk about people being "insensitive"... well, is it sensitive to call Jesus "the jelly bean savior" when you're speaking to devout Christians? It is sensitive to constantly rant and rave angrily at Christians, because of things that happened more than 800 years ago that have nothing to do with true Christianity?
I don't recall ANYBODY calling Jesus "the jelly bean savior" but I do recall---since age
5 of being accused of killing a person called Jesus who "would still be alive if THE JEWS
had not killed him". At age 5 I did not YET know that hundreds of thousands --millions died because of this CHRISTIAN LIE but by age 10 I realized that 5 year old kids who attend
CATHOLIC school----got that shit from the nuns and home. Then I got invited to SUNDAY

I mean, I don't want to be too hard on you or anything, but if you're going to go on and on about how that priest was "insensitive", please deal with the plank in your own eye first, before pointing out the specks in others. I have neither specks nor planks in my eye

I don't know what your last sentence was about... but since I don't want to bicker about this, I'll just say one more thing. The bottom line is, in this world, there are inevitably going to be things that you and I don't like. That's part of life. But to live with continual anger, hate and bitterness is not the way to go through life... it's not only unhealthy, it's toxic, and will only hurt the person harboring those feelings. your mindless
platitudes to now impress me
And as I mentioned before, be careful what you wish for. If people want it to be illegal to wear a cross or even a T-shirt that says the word Jesus.... ultimately that's gonna come back to bite those authoritarians in the rear, when their own freedoms are removed too. And make no mistake, that WILL happen, if people persist in trying to outlaw anything that they don't like.
where did you see illegal to wear a cross or t-shirt? I said INSENSITIVE. "FREEDOMS"--
try again----christians have removed lots of Freedoms in their miserable history that still
have an effect on their VICTIMS. You do not know because the FACTS don't interest you
I wasn't even talking about whatever you were talking about. I didn't even read your previous posts. I gave you a thumbs down for telling me that my "silly video" was unrelated to the topic, when it wasn't.
There's a reason she's on my ignore list
They're not the only ones. Mormons, Quakers, I could keep going but I don't want to be typing forever. It would have been nice if the Founding Fathers could see the future and would have merged all Christian religions into one Evangelical church.
Evangelicals are the worse of all.
as to the "tiny little cross on the LA county seal" --the seal is GOVERNMENT which is not supposed to represent one religion over the other in the USA---the ACLU exists to
deal with such issues ---it is not "anti-christian"--not that I care about the tiny little cross

It did not represent one religion over any other, and if you had actually watched that doc you'd know that.

1) Right next to it on the seal was an image of a pagan goddess (Pomona) and if you want to get nitpicky, that image was 100 times the size of the tiny cross.

2) It wasn't even about "representing" a religion, it simply reflected the missionary history of that area. You know, history, something that communists like to erase, in order to re-fashion it to their liking.

And apparently you agree with that Soviet-like, anti-Christian authoritarian mindset that wants to outlaw or erase anything Christian, completely and utterly twisting the first amendment and butchering the intent of the founders.

How sad. I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed that you weren't one of those types. But you just showed that you are.

I don't recall ANYBODY calling Jesus "the jelly bean savior"

You use the word jelly bean when talking about Christianity daily on these religion threads, and yes, you even used it in regard to Jesus, as you can see here.

but I do recall---since age
5 of being accused of killing a person called Jesus who "would still be alive if THE JEWS
had not killed him". At age 5 I did not YET know that hundreds of thousands --millions died because of this CHRISTIAN LIE but by age 10 I realized that 5 year old kids who attend
CATHOLIC school----got that shit from the nuns and home. Then I got invited to SUNDAY

It was very wrong for those Catholic kids to say that to you. The truth is, Jesus died willingly, for the sins of mankind, so regardless of who had him crucified, from a Christian perspective, ALL people have sinned, so it is wrong to point the finger at one particular group.

I can see where your bitterness for Christianity comes from, but now that we're older and wiser, it's not right to judge a religion based on what any fallible human being does (let alone 5 year old school children) it should be judged by the actual teachings, in this case, the words of Jesus, which clearly those kids were going against, by being so hateful and mean to you.

platitudes to now impress me

On the contrary, it's a true statement that cuts through the pretense, straight from Jesus. If you want to dismiss it, ok, but it doesn't make it any less true.

where did you see illegal to wear a cross or t-shirt? I said INSENSITIVE. "FREEDOMS"--
try again----christians have removed lots of Freedoms in their miserable history that still
have an effect on their VICTIMS. You do not know because the FACTS don't interest you

I didn't say it was illegal. Re-read my post. I said IF people want to make it illegal to wear a cross or whatever, be careful what you wish for.
There's a reason she's on my ignore list

Maybe I'm stubborn, haha. But don't get me wrong, if I see that someone is simply unreasonable and is completely closed off to ever changing their pre-existing view on anything, then at that point it becomes foolish to continue with someone like that. I haven't got to that point yet with irosie, but then I don't post on this site as much as you and others do.
It is a holy JEWISH SITE---you want to quibble about just when there is a RECORDING of jews
worshipping there? Long ago I learned from very nice PRESBYTERIAN neighbors ---that
there are tunnels between the vatican domicile of the pope and some sort of ladies convent
strewn with the corpses of aborted babies. I have no citation.
As to such legends----I do not credit them
I don't know anything about nuns and aborted babies. I do know the Western Wall was not sacred to the Jews until 1500.
The priest was not wearing a "tiny little cross"---the issue under discussion was a PRIEST---who was not necessarily CATHOLIC btw---he may have been Eastern Orthodox (unless I missed something) He showed up at the Western Wall in the FULL REGALIA that such priests (both Catholic and Eastern Orthodox) used when delivering "sermons" meant to instigate DEADLY POGROMS. Doing so was INSENSITIVE on his part. The California beatniks had an AXE to grind which they preannounced in their territory----not a place for PROSEYLITIZERS

His cross was regular size for a Catholic bishop. Not an insult to the Jews or anyone else. Have you been to Rome? He was dressed normally. No doubt Italian Jews don't have a problem with it.
I don't know anything about nuns and aborted babies. I do know the Western Wall was not sacred to the Jews until 1500.
you "KNOW" ? How do you "KNOW" ? You mentioned the jews of the Iberlian Penninsula
1500 was the time at era in which they fled that area in response to the filth of THE CHURCH.
About that time the Jews of Jerusalem had been subjected to genocide by the crusader animals in their campaign which reached its zenith of filth about 1200 AD. You "know" based on the church version of "history" ? Who was left to tell YOU the story of the gross vandalism of the temple and the ultimate desecration of the entire site by the mass murderer "SAINT" Constantine 1000 years
earlier followed by the filth of the arab invasions? The western wall was and is a remnant that survives the barbarity of genocidal christianity and islam. It is important to Jews as such but also
important as an item to be DISMISSED by the ISLAMO-NAZI cause.
His cross was regular size for a Catholic bishop. Not an insult to the Jews or anyone else. Have you been to Rome? He was dressed normally. No doubt Italian Jews don't have a problem with it.
He had no business at a site holy to jews which was also a site of mass murder of
jews by the forces of his "church" and certainly not dressed up in the filthy garb
of the oppressors as a representative thereof. Was he INVITED?
He had no business at a site holy to jews which was also a site of mass murder of
jews by the forces of his "church" and certainly not dressed up in the filthy garb
of the oppressors as a representative thereof. Was he INVITED?
Filthy? Thank God you don't speak for all Jews.
Filthy? Thank God you don't speak for all Jews.
Filthy by virtue of its symbolic connections. Think Auto de Fe. As to the visit---I have
been in churches both religious services and other functons, mosques for religious services, hindu and Buddhist cultural events etc. I would NEVAH think of going uninvited and would not display
symbols of my "other" religion.
Filthy by virtue of its symbolic connections. Think Auto de Fe. As to the visit---I have
been in churches both religious services and other functons, mosques for religious services, hindu and Buddhist cultural events etc. I would NEVAH think of going uninvited and would not display
symbols of my "other" religion.
Christianity is the superior religion and we should make that clear to people of other religions in any way that is possible.
It did not represent one religion over any other, and if you had actually watched that doc you'd know that.

1) Right next to it on the seal was an image of a pagan goddess (Pomona) and if you want to get nitpicky, that image was 100 times the size of the tiny cross.

2) It wasn't even about "representing" a religion, it simply reflected the missionary history of that area. You know, history, something that communists like to erase, in order to re-fashion it to their liking.

And apparently you agree with that Soviet-like, anti-Christian authoritarian mindset that wants to outlaw or erase anything Christian, completely and utterly twisting the first amendment and butchering the intent of the founders.

How sad. I actually gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed that you weren't one of those types. But you just showed that you are.

You use the word jelly bean when talking about Christianity daily on these religion threads, and yes, you even used it in regard to Jesus, as you can see here.

It was very wrong for those Catholic kids to say that to you. The truth is, Jesus died willingly, for the sins of mankind, so regardless of who had him crucified, from a Christian perspective, ALL people have sinned, so it is wrong to point the finger at one particular group.

I can see where your bitterness for Christianity comes from, but now that we're older and wiser, it's not right to judge a religion based on what any fallible human being does (let alone 5 year old school children) it should be judged by the actual teachings, in this case, the words of Jesus, which clearly those kids were going against, by being so hateful and mean to you.

On the contrary, it's a true statement that cuts through the pretense, straight from Jesus. If you want to dismiss it, ok, but it doesn't make it any less true.

I didn't say it was illegal. Re-read my post. I said IF people want to make it illegal to wear a cross or whatever, be careful what you wish for.
did you know that there ARE places where it is illegal to wear a cross or a star of david ?
Somehow there are no REPERCUSSIONS----not that I care
Christianity is the superior religion and we should make that clear to people of other religions in any way that is possible.
who is we and how did you reach the conclusion that genocidal christianity is
It takes a GOOD CHRISTIAN to spit in the faces of the victims murdered by his church
If you had ever read the Bible, you'd know that the only time “spit” was used was when Christ mixed it with soil and healed a man's blindness. Otherwise, Christ tells us to “turn the other cheek” if or when something offends us. If these other “godly” religions practiced “love” like they preach, then they would ignore the sign of the cross and be good examples of their pretend “righteousness.”

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