Zone1 Anti Christian Hostility

Almost as frightening as the "christian hostility".
Christians are taught to love their neighbor as they do themselves.
Is anti-Christian hostility the same as opposing Trump?
"They" (whoever "they" are) tell us there is hostility towards:

People who support Trump

I want to know a few things: First, who is "they" and second, who is not receiving any hostility? Third, are Christians about to become a "protected" class, because I want to be the first to stand up and say, "We don't need protection." We need to find out who is making money off declaring all this hostility that I don't even see taking place because I think having all of us out hunting for "hostiles" is to distract us from the bottom line. I guarantee someone is making money off all of this. We may want to take a gander at lobbyists. To start with.
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Christians should expect blowback on account of the pedophilia the churches have been supporting.

And too, the building resentment of the churches teaching children supernatural beliefs before the children are old enough to make their own logical choices.

All of this and more must be expected as the masses awaken to the truths of science.
Christians should expect blowback on account of the pedophilia the churches have been supporting.

And too, the building resentment of the churches teaching children supernatural beliefs before the children are old enough to make their own logical choices.

All of this and more must be expected as the masses awaken to the truths of science.
And police pedophilia/child torture in Canada? Coupled with decades of interference in ones life...should there be blowback there or should their colleagues embrace and protect such abusers?
And police pedophilia/child torture in Canada? Coupled with decades of interference in ones life...should there be blowback there or should their colleagues embrace and protect such abusers?
Religion had nothing to do with the reason why the police are watching you. And don't start thinking that you can get another gun without anybody knowing.
Religion had nothing to do with the reason why the police are watching you. And don't start thinking that you can get another gun without anybody knowing.
Get another gun? LOL. Please tell me when I had my first gun and when the police arrested me for it? That is their job right? You're a lying Yes Man. You will do and say anything to protect police pedos and provocateurs. No wonder our allies don't trust us...

I pray that the FBI takes what I have provided them at face value. Checks the facts. I would be happy to take a polygraph and give in-depth details, from their names, family members and associates.
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Christians are not hostile people.
I am. I am hostile toward Satanists, whether they realize they are serving Satan or not

I am hostile against injustice, discrimination, elitism, baby murder.... and I could go on and on
Scripture tells us that it will get really bad at some point:

Revelation 20:4
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Refusal to worship the beast and take his mark upon you may eventually lead to being beheaded.

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