Zone1 Anti Christian Hostility

I realize that I'm a sinner and try to live a more moral life but I keep getting involved with loose women. Christ said he who is without sin among you should cast the first stone. Nobody is perfect.
Take heart, you cast a good stone.
The Bible, taught properly, is a source of great wisdom whereas a science text is a great source of cold, hard facts. No one needs to toss aside wisdom in order to learn facts. The two can go hand-in-hand.

Who would sensibly disagree with that ? But it most definitely is not the point at issue .

We all love wisdom, though it is often hard to distinguish from blandness, rather obvious generalisations and ,of course , less obvious ones and highly debatable ones .
Regardless ,we have many splendid sources of Wisdom , one of which may be the Bible .However , a world without the long drawn out biblical ramblings is most easy to fully replace and many scholars would argue that the so called New Testatament wisdom is simply recycled material from centuries previous , mainly Chinese and Indian ( Sanskrit, Vedas etc ).Without the trimmings that go with the Christian Cult narrative.

What an increasing number of strong thinkers resent is a crackpot story that is built around the tale of a miraculous virgin birth of the son of the universe, no less, who is part man , part his father and part the Word . And thereafter it drifts into some yarn involving resurrection after death et etc , promises of a heaven , judgement , possible eternal punishment and all sorts of fairy story telling .
All justified by nothing . But let's give that a name -- Faith .

So , the bit about Wisdom is hardly relevant -- do you really imagine that any cult philosophy or creed is ever going to be offered to the Sheeple that has a zero pay-off angle? They maybe eternally Gullible and not very bright, but they are not totally stupid .
And a possible happy ending is necessary , however improbable .
Which is why "we" work with more probable and intellectually satisfying narratives. imho
many scholars would argue that the so called New Testatament wisdom is simply recycled material from centuries previous , mainly Chinese and Indian ( Sanskrit, Vedas etc ).
Sumerian, Shirley?
What an increasing number of strong thinkers resent is a crackpot story that is built around the tale of a miraculous virgin birth of the son of the universe, no less, who is part man , part his father and part the Word . And thereafter it drifts into some yarn involving resurrection after death et etc , promises of a heaven , judgement , possible eternal punishment and all sorts of fairy story telling .
All justified by nothing . But let's give that a name -- Faith .
Strong thinking also notes that the focal point of the earliest written accounts (Mark and Paul) is the resurrection. Without the resurrection, and as you point out, we have nothing new, although perhaps fresh attention given to older truths.

The resurrection shines a light on the teachings Jesus chose to emphasize. Judaism--and Jesus--speak of how to live this life. I am a witness that putting what Jesus taught into practical use in my own life made/makes a huge difference.

When someone has such a profound effect in advancing one's life journey, it is natural to want to know more about that person's personal life, how he saw himself, and how those close to him saw him.

So , the bit about Wisdom is hardly relevant -- do you really imagine that any cult philosophy or creed is ever going to be offered to the Sheeple that has a zero pay-off angle? They maybe eternally Gullible and not very bright, but they are not totally stupid .
And a possible happy ending is necessary , however improbable .
Which is why "we" work with more probable and intellectually satisfying narratives. imho
You seem to see all the lemming/Sheeple running off a cliff over a virgin birth. Here is how I see it. How Jesus was born has zero impact on my life. Calming the sea has zero impact on my life. Feeding five hundred people has zero impact on anyone's life. Your 'strong thinkers' who study such things are oblivious, trapped in oblivion, and fail to see the obvious.

People want to know God, to draw closer to God, to actually see God in the midst of their life. (God in our midst.) The question about Jesus is not, Was he born of a virgin? The question is, Does he, and do his teachings, bring us face to face with God? I testify that this is the exact impact Jesus has had on my life, having an actual experience of God, having God in the midst of my life.

Yes, you can say, "Search for the same thing he taught here, search for the same thing he taught there," but what is wrong with studying--and practicing-- his teachings as they are concisely presented in the New Testament?

Think about it. If you appreciate what Jesus taught when those teachings appear somewhere else or were also said by someone else, what makes you unable to appreciate those same teachings from Jesus?
I try to treat everyone with respect, even those that disagree with me
Prove it:

03693 Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “

Is a belief that the sanctity of life begins at first breath if you are a Bible believing Christian reasonable?
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Prove it:

03693 Jul 20, 2022 NFBW #3,693 {ref: Genesis 2:7 } “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. “

Is a belief that the sanctity of life begins at first breath if you are a Bible believing Christian?
Some do, some don't,
Some will, some won't.

All Christians pick through the book.

The OT certainly should be banned in elementary and primary schools: lust, nudity, lies, the devil, incest, infanticide, massacres, murder, theft, human trafficking, rape. misogyny, and so forth.

And you have so many evangelical and fundamentalist and Pentecostal preachers trying to imitate all the worst parts of the OT instead of the wonderful parts of the NT.
The eagle born to those who pledged their lives and sacred honor was smiled upon by God and freed from chains and iron collar.

He is held aloft by unity, and by history revered for preserving peace through strength, his wings now reach across two hundred years........but for each of those, and one more, God has smiled upon the corps.........

........From the Barbary coast to the eastern sands, by sword, by gun or by bare hand.

So its been and shall be weighed, though many are born.........few are made.

Faithful always they shall remain.............dogs to lose when war is waged.


Thank God we have the freedom to lie our heads on our pillows at night without worry that some despotic power will come in the middle of the night to steal our freedoms purchased in blood.
We already know the FBI is planting informants into the Catholic congregations & asking people to report their brothers & sisters to Big Brother.
I'm sure they will be targeting the Protestants as well if they haven't already.
With any form of totalitarian collectivism, only faith in the Party is allowed
That is correct. See, communists do not value human life. So, when there is a segment of the population causing any problems for them, usually money problems, they kill them and have no remorse whatsoever. Population control advocates use global warming, racism rhetoric, religion, abortion, LGBTQ as tools to get rid of large segments.
Our children can sleep safely.

True America will never let MAGA raise its head after 2024.
Our children can sleep safely.

True America will never let MAGA raise its head after 2024.
Yeah........who wants to be great anyway? Not the democrats.......they enjoy the US being 27th among the world's educated nations. Who needs fuel prices to be under 2 dollars a gallon.........who don't enjoy run-away inflation were your earned income buys less and less, and who don't enjoy crime and drugs being funneled into our nation from the southern border? Who needs our children and even college grads capable of reading past an 8th grade level anyway, they don't need much more of an education than video games to go into our schools and kill their fellow students. Who needs a 1st amendment? 2nd amendment, 4th amendment, 5th amendment, 10th amendment?

I most certainly enjoy my savings earning 1% while it costs 10%+ to finance transportation, I also enjoy paying 27% more for utility bills. Who needs greatness? :dunno: When Big Brother is willing to purchase your food, buy phones, rent, babysitters.......DRUGS to resell, free medical care for those who refuse to work.
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Yeah........who wants to be great anyway? Not the democrats.......they enjoy the US being 27th among the world's educated nations. Who needs fuel prices to be under 2 dollars a gallon.........who don't enjoy run-away inflation were your earned income buys less and less, and who don't enjoy crime and drugs being funneled into our nation from the southern border? Who needs our children and even college grads capable of reading past an 8th grade level anyway, they don't need much more of an education than video games to go into our schools and kill their fellow students. Who needs a 1st amendment? 2nd amendment, 4th amendment, 5th amendment, 10th amendment?

I most certainly enjoy my savings earning 1% while it costs 10%+ to finance transportation, I also enjoy paying 27% more for utility bills. Who needs greatness? :dunno: When Big Brother is willing to purchase your food, buy phones, rent, babysitters.......DRUGS to resell, free medical care for those who refuse to work.
All of that will end when he get rid of MAGA and we start climbing again.
All of that will end when he get rid of MAGA and we start climbing again.
Again.......who needs The US to be GREAT? The democrats enjoy making the US equal with the shitholes of the world .......

In the past 2 years, all under the control of democrat leadership........utility bills have increased by 27%, fuel has went from around 2 dollars a gallon to 4+......with some democrat states selling fuel at 6+ dollars a gallon. Crime has increased to the point that in some of the larger democrat cities like Portland, Seattle, and Chicago.......major retailers like Walgreens, Walmart........are closing their doors because of theft.

What world are you living in.........the gray area between your left wing ears? And BTW............your intelligence is showing. Its clear you are not a natural US Citizen (WHEN HE GET RID OF MAGA?) you are most likely another leech that has migrated to the US to take advantage of the brain dead democrat government............or a product of the dumb downed US education system. Hell with your knowledge of the English Language you could be a College grad today......that can't read a news paper or tell time on an analog clock.
Again.......who needs The US to be GREAT? The democrats enjoy making the US equal with the shitholes of the world .......
I think we should face facts. It is the voters and those who do not vote, not some party, that must accept the responsibility for the direction the United States takes. Yes, do the political parties take advantage of who votes, who doesn't vote, and what news is, and is not, revealed. Yes, which is why the voter--the buyer--must be aware and beware. We get what is being voted on and what is not being voted on.

It is not atheists who are scary. It is those who do not study the issues and long-term ramifications before voting--and those who do not vote at all. Perhaps we should begin to call the latter, 'Atheist Voters', those who do not believe in voting.

I do not blame any party. I blame the voters and non-voters.
We already know the FBI is planting informants into the Catholic congregations & asking people to report their brothers & sisters to Big Brother.
I'm sure they will be targeting the Protestants as well if they haven't already.
With any form of totalitarian collectivism, only faith in the Party is allowed
I quit the "establishment," denominational form of Christianity a long time ago. The Bible says that, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." My preference as a non-denominational Christian who believes in the Bible is to simply get together with other Christians and hold "church" in the car as we drive around or at the local coffee shop or kicking back in the backyard. Nobody says you have to attend church in some huge, ornate building with pews and stained-glass.
I think we should face facts. It is the voters and those who do not vote, not some party, that must accept the responsibility for the direction the United States takes. Yes, do the political parties take advantage of who votes, who doesn't vote, and what news is, and is not, revealed. Yes, which is why the voter--the buyer--must be aware and beware. We get what is being voted on and what is not being voted on.

It is not atheists who are scary. It is those who do not study the issues and long-term ramifications before voting--and those who do not vote at all. Perhaps we should begin to call the latter, 'Atheist Voters', those who do not believe in voting.

I do not blame any party. I blame the voters and non-voters.
The direction a nation goes falls into the hands of the leaders: Teachers, Parents, Politicians, Clergy have great influence. All have the choice to teach about God and His edicts or Satan and his cancerous ideals. There's really no in-between. God is a jealous God, and He doesn't want any other "gods" placed before Him. Unfortunately, much of America's leadership has chosen the path of spiritual destruction, and we see the result of that wickedness in everyday life.

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