Zone1 Anti Christian Hostility

i don't get it

Christians should expect blowback on account of the pedophilia the churches have been supporting.

And too, the building resentment of the churches teaching children supernatural beliefs before the children are old enough to make their own logical choices.

All of this and more must be expected as the masses awaken to the truths of science.

Do you need some ice cream or a diaper change, Donald?
Scripture tells us that it will get really bad at some point:

Revelation 20:4
4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

Refusal to worship the beast and take his mark upon you may eventually lead to being beheaded.
Did that not already occur? John the Baptist? Peter, Paul and numerous other apostles and disciples? (Some crucified, others beheaded, others stoned, etc)?

The persecution of Christians prior to Rome adopting Christianity is well documented. Later on in history, Christians (along with other religions) were persecuted in various countries that did not practice religion or practiced other religions. Sadly, even in modern times, Christians have been executed by extremist groups.

That said, the modern era pales in comparison to what has already transpired throughout history. Christianity is currently the largest religion of the world and most countries (other than the hobbit nations/more extreme religious countries) allow Christians (and other religions) to practice in peace.

When reading the book of Revelation, it is very important to understand history and the time and place when the book was written. The book (and John's divine vision) was written in code because Christians could have been executed by writing a prophetic book that essentially was about the Roman Empire (and other pagan states/empires, etc) of the time. In a similar fashion, The Book of Daniel also references the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar that had to be interpreted by the prophet Daniel.

The book of Revelation can be interpreted in different ways by various people but to think that the entire book is speaking solely of future events is a fallacy. The book itself states that certain events have already transpired and makes dozens of references to many of the books of the Old Testament, including Genesis.
Christians are not persecuted in the United States. No one prevents us from reading the Bible, attending church, and living in accord with Christian morality.
More and more people have become aware that cults like this one are rooted in and motivated by power and control .
They also resent being fed so called truth which is historically inaccurate and is built on stories which rely on faith for support and the absence of good sense and science .
To an increasing extent we have outgrown this sort of manufactured BS .
More and more people have become aware that cults like this one are rooted in and motivated by power and control .
They also resent being fed so called truth which is historically inaccurate and is built on stories which rely on faith for support and the absence of good sense and science .
To an increasing extent we have outgrown this sort of manufactured BS .
The better awareness is that fewer people are taught the Bible from the perspective of the original authors to their original audience. This began with the Protestant Reformation claiming that everyone can read and understand the Bible all on their own. In America, the Bible was removed from public education. Next, we have those who grew up in this approach concluding that their science book is the better guide on how people should live their lives.

(See what I did there? Science does not claim the ability to teach people how to live their lives, it teaches about the physical element of the world, not how to live a full life.)

Next, would you say that shoppers are rooted in power and control? I doubt it, but the heads of all corporations (and the heads of all organizations) are indeed rooted in power and control. Should all feet have an uprising and get rid of the head because it is also the seat of power and control?

Just as the shopper and the feet need the head, their own good purpose is far from the purpose of the head.

The Bible, taught properly, is a source of great wisdom whereas a science text is a great source of cold, hard facts. No one needs to toss aside wisdom in order to learn facts. The two can go hand-in-hand.

Yes, hostility is growing, because organized religion keeps interfering in other peoples' lives.
I agree with Meriwether that the Bible is a marvelous source for teaching and how to think about life.
It is only one way.
They define "hostile" as not letting them run over us, standing up for the truth/Biblical principles of morality/right/wrong & speaking out against their numerous mental disorders/attacks on dissent from the official regressive narrative.

I define "hostile" as attacking people because they do not believe in your religion.

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