Anti-Christianity Thread

manu1959 said:
tell me again what my claim was?....did i claim that his followers wrote the bible? no i did not. you seem to have lost the plot.

No, but only the bible proclaims he was "divine", hence the 12 apostles, hence followers, hence the bible. You see where I am going rubber.

so you don't belive in god, nor jesus as a savior

Keen observation, nothing gets by you!

, as an aethist i can only assume you belive that there are no gods of any kind....

Wow, you're batting 1000

all that belive in any god or any religion of any kind or the teachings of any religion are all fools....tell me what moral and etchical code do you look to to give you guidance?

Well, I really don't depend on anything to give me guidance, but science (bilogy, physics, astronomy) provides an excellent explanation for everything.
kal-el said:
Another unintelligent comment from the peanut gallery.

Wow, like that line hasn't been used about 100000000 times. Better go hit that bong again, Skippy.
kal-el said:
No, but only the bible proclaims he was "divine", hence the 12 apostles, hence followers, hence the bible. You see where I am going rubber.

Keen observation, nothing gets by you!

Wow, you're batting 1000

Well, I really don't depend on anything to give me guidance, but science (bilogy, physics, astronomy) provides an excellent explanation for everything.

there are writings other than the bible that claim jesus did things some men could not.

it would appear you should be staying up later thinking up some more witty responses.....

tell me.... which biology, physics and astronomy teachings and writtings stipulate moral and ethical codes.....
Pale Rider said:
You know... I ignored you for as long as I could, because I don't see you as anything more than devil seed here to stir the pot.

Ouch. That hurt.

You've sucked a few people into your sick little game, just enough for you to get your heathenistic kicks.

Dude, please drop the silly sophistry.

But what you posted above was over the top, out of bounds, and a direct slap in the face to every Christian on this board, as well as any Christian that might read it, that is not a member of this board.

How is it over the top? I think it's merely an opiniated observation.

You are a raunchy, immoral, no class, devil driven pig. And if I was a mod here, your rotten ass would be gone.

You are talking to the mirror.

I don't have ONE PERSON on IGNORE on this board. Not even bullypulpit. You've just changed that. YOU are on IGNORE.

Wow, I'm honored.

If I read any more of your OUTRAGOUS bullshit, I just might be tempted to do something I might regret.

Uhh, sticks and stones buddy.
kal-el said:
No, but only the bible proclaims he was "divine", hence the 12 apostles, hence followers, hence the bible. You see where I am going rubber.

Keen observation, nothing gets by you!

Wow, you're batting 1000

Well, I really don't depend on anything to give me guidance, but science (bilogy, physics, astronomy) provides an excellent explanation for everything.

OMG. You must be in one of those "programs" for special students at your school. Ya know, the TMR program - Trainable Mentally Retarded. Good for you. I'm sure you'll live on your own one day!
manu1959 said:
there are writings other than the bible that claim jesus did things some men could not.

Yea, like Josephus, or Tacitus, whom were all born decades after Jesus's death, so your paralyzed in this argument.

it would appear you should be staying up later thinking up some more witty responses.....

Nah I'm good.

tell me.... which biology, physics and astronomy teachings and writtings stipulate moral and ethical codes.....

Well, the Scientific Method uses hypothesis to make logical predictions:
kal-el said:
Dude, please drop the silly sophistry.
How is it over the top? I think it's merely an opiniated observation. (god beining gay)

if anyone is guilty of deliberately creating invalid arguments displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone it would have to be the delusional superhero.......calling a god gay is not an opinionated observation it is simply rude and violates all of your proclaimed moral an etchical teachings of your biology, physics and astronomy teachings....
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manu1959 said:
kal-el said:
Dude, please drop the silly sophistry.
How is it over the top? I think it's merely an opiniated observation. (god beining gay)

if anyone is guilty of deliberately creating invalid arguments displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone it would have to be the delusional superhero.......calling a god gay is not an opinionated observation it is simply rude and violates all of your proclaimed moral an etchical teachings of your biology, physics and astronomy teachings....

I'd say that sums things up pretty well. Nothing left to be said.
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In the bible, the sky pixie has killed more people than Hitler and Napolean combined, he has had a 2,000 page book written about himself, so he can brag about himself. God stands for hatred, intolerance, barberity, and violence. God is so loving and forgiving that he punishes people eternally for sins committed in a finite lifetime. Sounds like a diety I don't wish to worship!
kal-el said:
In the bible, the sky pixie has killed more people than Hitler and Napolean combined, he has had a 2,000 page book written about himself, so he can brag about himself. God stands for hatred, intolerance, barberity, and violence. God is so loving and forgiving that he punishes people eternally for sins committed in a finite lifetime. Sounds like a diety I don't wish to worship!

I can't believe you expect any intelligent person to believe this myth. The fact is Socialism in both its fascist and communist forms is responsible for more deaths than anything mentioned in the Bible.
kal-el said:
In the bible, the sky pixie has killed more people than Hitler and Napolean combined, he has had a 2,000 page book written about himself, so he can brag about himself. God stands for hatred, intolerance, barberity, and violence. God is so loving and forgiving that he punishes people eternally for sins committed in a finite lifetime. Sounds like a diety I don't wish to worship!

Cmon, you dont give a rats ass what God does to other people once they die. You are just hiding behind that skirt cuz you dont want to confront your own shortcomings, and you dont want to have to change your hedonistic ways.
kal-el said:
In the bible, the sky pixie has killed more people than Hitler and Napolean combined, he has had a 2,000 page book written about himself, so he can brag about himself. God stands for hatred, intolerance, barberity, and violence. God is so loving and forgiving that he punishes people eternally for sins committed in a finite lifetime. Sounds like a diety I don't wish to worship!

Hell, man - what do you want - a deity whose ass you can kick? A milquetoast? A wimp? He gives you a commandment, and you tell him to shove it? And he shuffles his feet and says, ", ah, perhaps you could provide some input on these commandments...."? You want God to be a Democrat - is that what you're saying?
God. There's an interesting character. Personally, I don't believe that God wrote anything. He didn't scribe the 10 Commandments, he had nothing to with the Bible (except inasmuch as the Bible represents the attempts of ancient men to explain things, including God and their own natures). Like the Deists of the 18th century, I believe God created things, then let them unfold as they will. While I believe that God exists, I think the "God of Abraham" is almost entirely an invention, created in the image of the Sons of Abraham. God was a convenient scapegoat for the atrocities of man, especially the atrocities of the authors of the Bible (better to blame an elusive all-powerful deity than to take personal responsibility for evil of genocide). On the positive side, God was also a wonderful tool for rallying the masses behind a cause, or for keeping the masses under control. Hence, the biblical (and every other kind) God eventually took shape.

God didn't write the 10 Commandments, men did. God didn't write the Bible, men did. God didn't order the genocide of the enemies of Israel, men did. God didn't order dozens of children murdered for laughing at a bald man, men did. God wasn't responsible for the defeat of Hitler, men were. God wasn't responsible for the fall of the Berlin wall, men were. God didn't tell GWB to go to war in Iraq, men did. God didn't send the tsunami to punish the heathens, or Katrina to punish the wicked city of New Orleans, those were just normal (though catastrophic) acts of nature.

One of the funniest attributions I've seen people give to God was when some of the right-wing nutjobs like Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, et al, claimed that Katrina was sent to punish the wickedness of New Orleaneans. God must have lousy aim, because he missed Bourbon Street altogether!
listopencil said:
Have you checked out this webpage:

Pretty good stuff. It contains some odd and little known passages from The Bible as well as The Koran and Book Of Mormon.

That site is really stupid.

OH! the Bible contradicts!! Look!


Mathew 2:1 -



Romans 5:31 -



You people act as if the bible is one set of concept of the word "context".

LoL. I am not normally a spelling Nazi, but this one made a picture in my head that was just hilarious.

Barbarity -
1. Savage brutality or cruelty in actions or conduct.
2. A cruel or savage act.

Barber -
One whose business is to cut hair and to shave or trim beards.

Therefore Barberity must mean the wanton shaving of beards and trimming of hair. It gave me a picture of hoards of homosexual men from the salon running after people with trimming shears!!!!


(Sorry Superman, I was not trying to insult or anything, spelling isn't really an issue on the board...)

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