Anti-Christianity Thread

no1tovote4 said:

LoL. I am not normally a spelling Nazi, but this one made a picture in my head that was just hilarious.

Barbarity -
1. Savage brutality or cruelty in actions or conduct.
2. A cruel or savage act.

Barber -
One whose business is to cut hair and to shave or trim beards.

Therefore Barberity must mean the wanton shaving of beards and trimming of hair. It gave me a picture of hoards of homosexual men from the salon running after people with trimming shears!!!!


(Sorry Superman, I was not trying to insult or anything, spelling isn't really an issue on the board...)

LOL - I agree. Spelling isn't an issue, but humor is always welcome - and THAT'S FUNNY - I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE!
kal-el said:
In the bible, the sky pixie has killed more people than Hitler and Napolean combined, he has had a 2,000 page book written about himself, so he can brag about himself. God stands for hatred, intolerance, barberity, and violence. God is so loving and forgiving that he punishes people eternally for sins committed in a finite lifetime. Sounds like a diety I don't wish to worship!

please provide a link to the list of people god killed?

please provide a link to the memo where he requests that a book be wrtitten about him?

please provide a link to god's posistion paper where he states that he stands for hatred, intolerance, barberity, and violence.

please provide a link to a list of people he has punished and why?

you seem awfully worked up about a sky pixie that you know does not exist.

me thinks you need a 5150
no1tovote4 said:

LoL. I am not normally a spelling Nazi, but this one made a picture in my head that was just hilarious.

Barbarity -
1. Savage brutality or cruelty in actions or conduct.
2. A cruel or savage act.

Barber -
One whose business is to cut hair and to shave or trim beards.

Therefore Barberity must mean the wanton shaving of beards and trimming of hair. It gave me a picture of hoards of homosexual men from the salon running after people with trimming shears!!!!


(Sorry Superman, I was not trying to insult or anything, spelling isn't really an issue on the board...)

hey you may be onto something....christ had that whole shabby chic thing goinging on with the robes and long hair and the 12 men he hung out with and the "barberity" of his god wanting to shave the heads and beards of all the jews! no wonder they had him nailed to a was all about fashion
dmp said:
That site is really stupid.

OH! the Bible contradicts!! Look!


Mathew 2:1 -



Romans 5:31 -



You people act as if the bible is one set of concept of the word "context".

No, we people act as if it's stupid to blindly follow a book that contradicts itself. If a Christian wants to hold up The Bible as an example of God's word and defend it against criticism, that Christian is going to fail miserably because it can't be done with even a semblance of lucidity. You think that the site itself is stupid and you pulled a rather simple example to make your point. Try looking a little deeper and going over some of the information it contains. I would be interested to hear your arguments against what it states.
kal-el said:
In the bible, the sky pixie has killed more people than Hitler and Napolean combined,

Maybe you could find the words "Sky pixie" in the Bible? I am having a hard time find reference to that particular person.

he has had a 2,000 page book written about himself, so he can brag about himself.

First, as I'm sure you know, there is plenty in the Bible about how humans should live, in view of God's attributes of love, justice, mercy, grace, etc. But frankly, since God is at once eternal, omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and Love personified, then He would be the one Being in the universe worthy of praise.

God stands for hatred, intolerance, barberity, and violence.

Really? Whom does God hate? Who is He intolerant of? Hint: The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)

God is so loving and forgiving that he punishes people eternally for sins committed in a finite lifetime.Sounds like a diety I don't wish to worship!

Should God leave sins unpunished? Should God say, 'I know I'm the Almighty God of the universe, but if you broke my commandments, oh well.'? What kind of sissy God is that? Not one I would respect?

But God offers repentance to all people, so that all people may have eternal life.
listopencil said:
No, we people act as if it's stupid to blindly follow a book that contradicts itself. If a Christian wants to hold up The Bible as an example of God's word and defend it against criticism, that Christian is going to fail miserably because it can't be done with even a semblance of lucidity. You think that the site itself is stupid and you pulled a rather simple example to make your point. Try looking a little deeper and going over some of the information it contains. I would be interested to hear your arguments against what it states.


Most atheists and agnostics don't read enough of the Bible to understand its context or its meaning. I'm sure your website is written/maintained by one of them.
manu1959 said:
please provide a link to the list of people god killed?

please provide a link to the memo where he requests that a book be wrtitten about him?

please provide a link to god's posistion paper where he states that he stands for hatred, intolerance, barberity, and violence.

please provide a link to a list of people he has punished and why?

you seem awfully worked up about a sky pixie that you know does not exist.

me thinks you need a 5150

He's had some kind of run in with religon that he's not telling us Manu. Maybe he'll grow a pair someday and tell us what all this "I hate God" stuff is about.... really.
listopencil said:
No, we people act as if it's stupid to blindly follow a book that contradicts itself. If a Christian wants to hold up The Bible as an example of God's word and defend it against criticism, that Christian is going to fail miserably because it can't be done with even a semblance of lucidity. You think that the site itself is stupid and you pulled a rather simple example to make your point. Try looking a little deeper and going over some of the information it contains. I would be interested to hear your arguments against what it states.

Such a caustic personality you are. It's obvious you have no religon. When was the last time you were in jail?
Abbey Normal said:
One can only imagine the look on their faces on that fateful day when they find out they are wrong.

Unfortunately, we won't be around long enough to see it Ab. We will ascend rather quickly.

I believe I've experienced a miracle. One I prayed to Jesus Christ for. It's a rather lengthy story, but I've told it here before. So my belief in the Lord is unshakable by these ill tempered heathens. I believe they're being led around by Satan, and they don't even know it. Little heathen sheep condemned to an eternity burning in hell.
Pale Rider said:
Unfortunately, we won't be around long enough to see it Ab. We will ascend rather quickly.

I believe I've experienced a miracle. One I prayed to Jesus Christ for. It's a rather lengthy story, but I've told it here before. So my belief in the Lord is unshakable by these ill tempered heathens. I believe they're being led around by Satan, and they don't even know it. Little heathen sheep condemned to an eternity burning in hell.

I'd love to hear about it sometime, Pale. Or if you can find the link?
Pale Rider said:
He's had some kind of run in with religon that he's not telling us Manu. Maybe he'll grow a pair someday and tell us what all this "I hate God" stuff is about.... really.

how can he have a run in and be angry at something he knows does not exist?
manu1959 said:
how can he have a run in and be angry at something he knows does not exist?

I think he does believe there's a God. I think this causes great conflict within himself, and that appears evident in his urgent posts.
Pale Rider said:
I believe they're being led around by Satan, and they don't even know it.
Which Satan would that be? Would it be one of the numerous satans in the OT which were ordered by God to serve adversarial duties against the flight and fall of specific chosen men of God? Or perhaps the one that was given the name Lucifer, in a story referencing the pride and fall of the King of Babylon, who aspired to be equal to God, but which Jerome mistakenly proclaimed was about a fallen angel?

Little heathen sheep condemned to an eternity burning in hell.
Which hell, just so that we're clear? The ice kingdom of the Norse goddess Hel, from whom the name is taken? Or the fiery chasm first envisioned by John Milton centuries after the last of the canonical books of the bible was written? Or the dreary, but not especially torturous, Sheol of Hebrew belief? Or the way station of Purgatory of Catholic belief? Or perhaps some hell of Christian doctrine that is nevertheless not very biblical?
Nightwish said:
Which Satan would that be? Would it be one of the numerous satans in the OT which were ordered by God to serve adversarial duties against the flight and fall of specific chosen men of God? Or perhaps the one that was given the name Lucifer, in a story referencing the pride and fall of the King of Babylon, who aspired to be equal to God, but which Jerome mistakenly proclaimed was about a fallen angel?

Feel free to pick one.

Nightwish said:
Which hell, just so that we're clear? The ice kingdom of the Norse goddess Hel, from whom the name is taken? Or the fiery chasm first envisioned by John Milton centuries after the last of the canonical books of the bible was written? Or the dreary, but not especially torturous, Sheol of Hebrew belief? Or the way station of Purgatory of Catholic belief? Or perhaps some hell of Christian doctrine that is nevertheless not very biblical?

Hell, I only know of one, and that's the one mentioned in the Bible. If you can dig up more than one reference to different hell's in the Bible, then just lump them all together, and I'm thinking of that one. Is that good enough for you?
Avatar4321 said:
I can't believe you expect any intelligent person to believe this myth.

Uhh, what myth exactly? It's scary that some intelligent people believe that donkey's talk, or that demon possesion causes mental illness.

The fact is Socialism in both its fascist and communist forms is responsible for more deaths than anything mentioned in the Bible.

We aren't talking about Socialism, please stay on topic here.

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