Anti-Gay Documentary Warns Of The 'Criminalization Of Christianity'

"The right to refuse engagement into something that they don't believe in and/or agree to in accordance with their beliefs in the Christian Bible" is exactly what the slavers and the segregationists argued.

Christians, including me, can believe and teach however we want.

Put in the secular, public world, we have to follow the rules like all Americans.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

What rights have been taken away from Christians? Please name one.
The right to refuse engagement into something that they don't believe in and/or agree to in accordance with their beliefs in the Christian Bible that teaches them these things in life, so how is it that they are now forced to participate in or be fined and/or shut down if they don't participate in the things in which they have learned are wrong to participate in in life ? It's a constitutional crisis I think.

These things are not old, but rather they are new upon the society, so it isn't that this is always the way that it always was in this nation, because it wasn't, but here we all are now trying to deal with it, and to place some kind of rational to what seems to be the irrational that exist now in society, and this as according to the many who would see it in this way when looking at it all now.

Uh No. See this has already been decided by the supreme court decided this issue in Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US stating that the US government can force businesses to publicly accommodate protected classes. In Newman v. Piggy Park Enterprises, the owner of a BBQ restaurant stated that it was against his religion to serve black people saying:

The attorney representing the petitioners suing Piggie Park also addressed in court the “First Amendment religious privilege claim that petitioner asserted that his religion required him” to deny service to black customers.

This argument isn't new. Christians have perverted the bible for centuries to justify their bigotry and discrimination towards an unpopular group of people. Whether it's blacks, muslims, or gays, Christians have been going after these people forever yet when they try to establish equality under the law, Christians scream "PERSECUTION!!!"


Give me a break
Gods word condems gay we Christians believe his word. Too bad for the rest of you, good luck.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

What rights have been taken away from Christians? Please name one.
The right to refuse engagement into something that they don't believe in and/or agree to in accordance with their beliefs in the Christian Bible that teaches them these things in life, so how is it that they are now forced to participate in or be fined and/or shut down if they don't participate in the things in which they have learned are wrong to participate in in life ? It's a constitutional crisis I think.

These things are not old, but rather they are new upon the society, so it isn't that this is always the way that it always was in this nation, because it wasn't, but here we all are now trying to deal with it, and to place some kind of rational to what seems to be the irrational that exist now in society, and this as according to the many who would see it in this way when looking at it all now.

Racists who own businesses have to accommodate those against whom they are racist. That isn't taking away their right to be racist, it's ensuring that the rights of minorities are not trampled on by racists.

Your rights end where another's begins. Just because your religious beliefs are to judge and exclude others for their sins, as you perceive them, doesn't give you the right to legislate those beliefs for or on others.

I don't believe in certain things our government or our culture do, but I am a member of this society and I have to accept what I find to be positive along with the negative.

That's how rights work.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
Like being forced to subsidize activities that run contrary to their religious beliefs like homosex and abortion? Nothing constitutional about that. Muslims in America are forced into the same circumstance. Wait until they find out and start blowing up homo and abortion advocates (and anyone else in the vicinity).

The government doesn't subsidize those activities. Nice try at being persecuted, though.
The government subsidizes both. Planned Parenthood and legal homo marriage.
If there was ever a doubt that the Far Right plays to the ignorant.
BTW, "Fifty Shades of Grey" sold out in Tupelo, MS where this hate group has its headquarters.

WATCH Hate Group s Hometown Loves Fifty Shades of Grey

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC's self-described “liberal TV lady,” could barely contain her glee in sharing the news with her cable TV viewers that Tupelo, Miss., home to the virulently antigayAmerican Family Association, is also the epicenter of Fifty Shades of Grey movie fandom.

“Mississippi: the most eager state in the country to see Fifty Shades of Grey!” Maddow declared on her Thursday show, reading headlines from two of the state's newspapers, Jackson's Clarion-Ledger and Tupelo's Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
Like being forced to subsidize activities that run contrary to their religious beliefs like homosex and abortion? Nothing constitutional about that. Muslims in America are forced into the same circumstance. Wait until they find out and start blowing up homo and abortion advocates (and anyone else in the vicinity).

The government doesn't subsidize those activities. Nice try at being persecuted, though.
The government subsidizes both. Planned Parenthood and legal homo marriage.

Mostly wrong. Our tax dollars don't go to married people for being married. Your taxes go to you for being married.

And tax dollars don't go to Planned Parenthood to conduct abortions

Planned Parenthood
Every attempt in history to ban things you may not like has failed. And paradoxically, all that was achieved was you made it more popular. Alcohol, drugs, religions, lifestyles, once people hear something's being banned or trying to be those not already into it will seek it out. And some wont leave it. As with conservative claims liberals are trying to ban their guns. Gun sales go up, membership in the NRA goes up, etc. All you do is make it more popular.
'Criminalization Of Christianity'

Unmitigated idiocy.

The Romans tried and failed.
It's not even being 'tried' in the United States.

The notion that Christianity is being 'criminalized' is unfounded bunk, a ridiculous myth contrived by the social right to conceal their agenda of hate toward gay Americans by propagating the lie that Christians are being 'discriminated against.'
'Criminalization Of Christianity'

Unmitigated idiocy.

The Romans tried and failed.
It's not even being 'tried' in the United States.

The notion that Christianity is being 'criminalized' is unfounded bunk, a ridiculous myth contrived by the social right to conceal their agenda of hate toward gay Americans by propagating the lie that Christians are being 'discriminated against.'

Well, Christians are indeed being discriminated against. But only in the same fashion they can't sell their daughters into slavery either and such. Forcing Christian business-owners to cater to gay clients is discrimination. But we don't let Christian business owners discriminate against Catholics/Protestants either.

What they don't seem to understand is being religious is not compatible with being American. There's lot of anti-American stuff in a Bible. Not like it was written here afterall. :)
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

No one is seeking to 'silence' Christians or 'take away' their rights.

Nowhere in any jurisdiction in the United States will you find any law or measure with the intent to deny Christians their right to practice their faith.

This charade of Christian 'victimhood' is ridiculous.

“Forcing Christian business-owners to cater to gay clients is discrimination.”


Christian business owners aren't being 'forced' to do anything; state public accommodations laws are Constitutional as authorized by the Commerce Clause and in no way manifest as 'discrimination.' One may not claim a 'religious exemption' in an effort to avoid complying with a just, necessary, and proper state law (Employment Division v. Smith (1990), City of Boerne v. Flores (1997)).

Christian business owners remain at liberty to practice their faith, where their dealings with the general public are separate and apart from religious dogma, unaffected by state public accommodations laws prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

No one is seeking to 'silence' Christians or 'take away' their rights.

Nowhere in any jurisdiction in the United States will you find any law or measure with the intent to deny Christians their right to practice their faith.

This charade of Christian 'victimhood' is ridiculous.


Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

No one is seeking to 'silence' Christians or 'take away' their rights.

Nowhere in any jurisdiction in the United States will you find any law or measure with the intent to deny Christians their right to practice their faith.

This charade of Christian 'victimhood' is ridiculous.



Otherwise cite the measure and jurisdiction 'outlawing' Christianity.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

What rights have been taken away from Christians? Please name one.
The right to refuse engagement into something that they don't believe in and/or agree to in accordance with their beliefs in the Christian Bible that teaches them these things in life, so how is it that they are now forced to participate in or be fined and/or shut down if they don't participate in the things in which they have learned are wrong to participate in in life ? It's a constitutional crisis I think.

These things are not old, but rather they are new upon the society, so it isn't that this is always the way that it always was in this nation, because it wasn't, but here we all are now trying to deal with it, and to place some kind of rational to what seems to be the irrational that exist now in society, and this as according to the many who would see it in this way when looking at it all now.

Uh No. See this has already been decided by the supreme court decided this issue in Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US stating that the US government can force businesses to publicly accommodate protected classes. In Newman v. Piggy Park Enterprises, the owner of a BBQ restaurant stated that it was against his religion to serve black people saying:

The attorney representing the petitioners suing Piggie Park also addressed in court the “First Amendment religious privilege claim that petitioner asserted that his religion required him” to deny service to black customers.

This argument isn't new. Christians have perverted the bible for centuries to justify their bigotry and discrimination towards an unpopular group of people. Whether it's blacks, muslims, or gays, Christians have been going after these people forever yet when they try to establish equality under the law, Christians scream "PERSECUTION!!!"


Give me a break
Some things are wrong and needed correcting of course, and I would stand by many court decisions in the past, but some things can be taken to far when the piggy backs finally get to rolling in on the deals next.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

No one is seeking to 'silence' Christians or 'take away' their rights.

Nowhere in any jurisdiction in the United States will you find any law or measure with the intent to deny Christians their right to practice their faith.

This charade of Christian 'victimhood' is ridiculous.



Otherwise cite the measure and jurisdiction 'outlawing' Christianity.
If a cake baker can't opt out of promoting something that he has learned in his life, in which is to be basically promoting something that he see's as sin, and the government fines and forces him to participate in that sin anyway. Then isn't his faith at that point been made illegal and impotent for him to even have or to use in his daily life any longer ?

Otherwise wouldn't it be that he can't use it outside of a closet anymore ? His faith is supposed to keep him away from such things in life, and this just as he chooses because of his faith. He is also to stay away from other sins, along with sinfulness or sinful activities that to be promoted just as well, and this again is for him or her to do as best that they can in life.

The consensus is that the baker is right, and the customer should have respected his position on such a thing, especially with him being a Christian as it were. The Christian could have recommended someone else for the job, yet only as best that he could have. Now gay's know that Christians can't go along with sin in the way that the Christians have learned about it, so why push the issues like they are doing these days on them ?
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
Like being forced to subsidize activities that run contrary to their religious beliefs like homosex and abortion? Nothing constitutional about that. Muslims in America are forced into the same circumstance. Wait until they find out and start blowing up homo and abortion advocates (and anyone else in the vicinity).

The government doesn't subsidize those activities. Nice try at being persecuted, though.
The government subsidizes both. Planned Parenthood and legal homo marriage.

Mostly wrong. Our tax dollars don't go to married people for being married. Your taxes go to you for being married.

And tax dollars don't go to Planned Parenthood to conduct abortions

Planned Parenthood
The PP issue is debatable. Tax breaks are subsidies. Married couples get tax breaks. I'm being no more persecuted than you.

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