Anti-Gay Documentary Warns Of The 'Criminalization Of Christianity'

These far right wingers are just trying to scare the Christians into thinking their rights are being taken away and that Christianity is going to become illegal.

Know why they're doing that? Simple.........they want to appeal to the base and scare them so that they will get more votes.

Christianity isn't going anywhere, nor is it going to become illegal. Why? We have freedom of religion, meaning you can be Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim or any other religion you choose. And if we outlaw one, we have to outlaw them all.

But...........if you're a Christian looking for the End of Times, this plays right into your wheelhouse, and then you can start looking for the Anti-Christ.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

No one is seeking to 'silence' Christians or 'take away' their rights.

Nowhere in any jurisdiction in the United States will you find any law or measure with the intent to deny Christians their right to practice their faith.

This charade of Christian 'victimhood' is ridiculous.



Otherwise cite the measure and jurisdiction 'outlawing' Christianity.
If a cake baker can't opt out of promoting something that he has learned in his life, in which is to be basically promoting something that he see's as sin, and the government fines and forces him to participate in that sin anyway. Then isn't his faith at that point been made illegal and impotent for him to even have or to use in his daily life any longer ?

Otherwise wouldn't it be that he can't use it outside of a closet anymore ? His faith is supposed to keep him away from such things in life, and this just as he chooses because of his faith. He is also to stay away from other sins, along with sinfulness or sinful activities that to be promoted just as well, and this again is for him or her to do as best that they can in life.

The consensus is that the baker is right, and the customer should have respected his position on such a thing, especially with him being a Christian as it were. The Christian could have recommended someone else for the job, yet only as best that he could have. Now gay's know that Christians can't go along with sin in the way that the Christians have learned about it, so why push the issues like they are doing these days on them ?

God will understand and Jesus will forgive.

Let's see, equal right to marry or right to discriminate? Which one seems to trump the other?
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
Like being forced to subsidize activities that run contrary to their religious beliefs like homosex and abortion? Nothing constitutional about that. Muslims in America are forced into the same circumstance. Wait until they find out and start blowing up homo and abortion advocates (and anyone else in the vicinity).

The government doesn't subsidize those activities. Nice try at being persecuted, though.
The government subsidizes both. Planned Parenthood and legal homo marriage.

Mostly wrong. Our tax dollars don't go to married people for being married. Your taxes go to you for being married.

And tax dollars don't go to Planned Parenthood to conduct abortions

Planned Parenthood
The PP issue is debatable. Tax breaks are subsidies. Married couples get tax breaks. I'm being no more persecuted than you.

You're absolutely right. You're being no more persecuted than me: a straight, white male.

PP issue isn't debatable. I posted the facts right there, unless you want to break out the ever useful conspiracy theory because you don't like the facts.

If you are complaining that a tiny fractional amount of your tax dollars is going to subsidies for the eventual possible maximum 3% of married couples who are same sex, then either you're just extremely petty or this is just another way to justify your hatred and discrimination.
The PP is not debatable, it does not use government money for abortions.

How it uses its own money is not your concern.
The PP is not debatable, it does not use government money for abortions.

How it uses its own money is not your concern.
And Red Lobster doesn't use money that you give them for lobster to buy shrimp.

Where do you get these random editorials you feel the need to inject into discussions, regardless of topic?
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

What rights have been taken away from Christians? Please name one.
Their rights to persecute others.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

What rights have been taken away from Christians? Please name one.
Their rights to persecute others.

If these peoples cannot use their faith as an excuse to unjustly persecute their fellow citizens than are any of us truly free?
The PP is not debatable, it does not use government money for abortions.

How it uses its own money is not your concern.
And Red Lobster doesn't use money that you give them for lobster to buy shrimp.

Where do you get these random editorials you feel the need to inject into discussions, regardless of topic?
This is why you are not considered very bright. What a false comparison. Step along, nothing here for you.
These far right wingers are just trying to scare the Christians into thinking their rights are being taken away and that Christianity is going to become illegal.

Know why they're doing that? Simple.........they want to appeal to the base and scare them so that they will get more votes.

Christianity isn't going anywhere, nor is it going to become illegal. Why? We have freedom of religion, meaning you can be Jewish, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim or any other religion you choose. And if we outlaw one, we have to outlaw them all.

But...........if you're a Christian looking for the End of Times, this plays right into your wheelhouse, and then you can start looking for the Anti-Christ.

Sure it isn't, just as long as you don't pull it out and use it, then it won't be illegal.. Once government fines or tries to shut you down for being a Christian that practices the religion openly in America, then it has become illegal for that Christian to be a Christian openly in America.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

What rights have been taken away from Christians? Please name one.
Their rights to persecute others.
No their rights are to be free, and to stay clear of sin (not to engage in it or promote it or empower it), and not to persecute others as that is the leftist whack job's job completely, and I think after all this time in your life you know this by now.
Dramatic fear mongering and nothing more.
Fear mongering and nothing more eh ? How about telling that to the cake baker, the photographer, Phil of Duck Dynasty, Chic-Filet, the former Miss America contestant who were all asked about gay marriage, oh and the Dugger family where on and on it all goes. They want Christians to agree with them in the public eye, and if they don't then they are under attack after they oppose it and/or disagree with it.
A buncha horse pucky by beagle9.

Being Christian is not being specially protected.
Once again, the party of stupid ( Piyush "Bobby" Jindal's words) are on the wrong side of history
You are stupid friggen retarded lib.

How very christian of you :itsok:
You have no room to criticize anyone heathen.
Ooooo...see? Upset about not being allowed to persecute others anymore.
Persecute is a copout usedby those who want to force their stupidity on others. God says you are wrong, live with it.
A buncha horse pucky by beagle9.

Being Christian is not being specially protected.
But being other things besides a Christian, is now being specially protected by the government over a Christian in this nation. The individual Christian is fast losing ground in the nation, and is going to be in for a bumpy ride now. Nothing like a family being surrounded by demons anymore in this nation or the individual Christian, because even the Church is falling to the pressures now. It's all cool though, because the Bible spake exactly of these things that were to eventually come. The Christian family and the individual Christian is to keep the faith and never waver, because it has been written about these things in which are to come, and by the signs well some of them are here for us in our time right now.

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