Anti-Gay Documentary Warns Of The 'Criminalization Of Christianity'

To liberals the criminalization of Christianity is what they want. That will justify the muslim slaughter of Christians.
Republicans invaded Iraq and when Christians were being targeted, US soldiers were told to stand down. Why didn't US Republican Christians protect Iraqi Christians? Anyone know?
Dramatic fear mongering and nothing more.
Fear mongering and nothing more eh ? How about telling that to the cake baker, the photographer, Phil of Duck Dynasty, Chic-Filet, the former Miss America contestant who were all asked about gay marriage, oh and the Dugger family where on and on it all goes. They want Christians to agree with them in the public eye, and if they don't then they are under attack after they oppose it and/or disagree with it.

Yes, it is nothing more than dramatic fear mongering. All of those people are still practicing their faith but some of those people are not allowed to use their faith as an excuse to violate civil law.

When Muslim Cabbies in Minnesota decided they didn't have to take fares from drunks, people with dogs, or those carrying booze they were ordered to do so regardless of their beliefs. It was hailed as a slap against "Creeping Sharia" and a victory for freedom. When a Christian baker decides their beliefs allow them to ignore civil law as well it is seen as a violation of their religious liberties. Sorry you don't get special exemptions from the law.

On a personal note, I actually really dislike PA laws but until they are changed or thrown out by the courts we must follow the law until that time. I would be fine if PA laws went away with exception of essential services, lodgings, transportation, hospitals, etc. Let these businesses proudly state which members of society they will or will not serve. We'll the let free market work it out and when these places go out of business they'll have no one to blame but themselves.
To liberals the criminalization of Christianity is what they want. That will justify the muslim slaughter of Christians.
Republicans invaded Iraq and when Christians were being targeted, US soldiers were told to stand down. Why didn't US Republican Christians protect Iraqi Christians? Anyone know?
I would bet that you can't link us to any link that could back up you claim what so ever, so why would you say such a thing as that ?
Dramatic fear mongering and nothing more.
Fear mongering and nothing more eh ? How about telling that to the cake baker, the photographer, Phil of Duck Dynasty, Chic-Filet, the former Miss America contestant who were all asked about gay marriage, oh and the Dugger family where on and on it all goes. They want Christians to agree with them in the public eye, and if they don't then they are under attack after they oppose it and/or disagree with it.

Yes, it is nothing more than dramatic fear mongering. All of those people are still practicing their faith but some of those people are not allowed to use their faith as an excuse to violate civil law.

When Muslim Cabbies in Minnesota decided they didn't have to take fares from drunks, people with dogs, or those carrying booze they were ordered to do so regardless of their beliefs. It was hailed as a slap against "Creeping Sharia" and a victory for freedom. When a Christian baker decides their beliefs allow them to ignore civil law as well it is seen as a violation of their religious liberties. Sorry you don't get special exemptions from the law.

On a personal note, I actually really dislike PA laws but until they are changed or thrown out by the courts we must follow the law until that time. I would be fine if PA laws went away with exception of essential services, lodgings, transportation, hospitals, etc. Let these businesses proudly state which members of society they will or will not serve. We'll the let free market work it out and when these places go out of business they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

Well then some civil laws may need to be revisited and then revised big time in these days and times, because as things get more creepy and out of order these days, then the law seems to be empowering the weird, the idiotic, the sometimes violent, the perverted, and the creepy side of life who is exploiting the laws to their benefits in which no one had to put up with before. The cabbies should have been ruled in favor of in the things that which you have listed above. Any judge who ruled differently was from straight out of HELL in my opinion. How would you like it if a drunk were to try and ride in your cab, and then he or she spewed all in the floor ? Or how would you like it if you had a customer who had a dog that hasn't been bathed in a while or it had some sort of skin infection, and it left a stink in your cab that took you weeks to air it out afterwards ? How would you like it if a person was carrying booze, and got in your cab only to have the bottle break, and then leaving a smell of booze in your cab that took you weeks to get aired out afterwards ? I think cigarette smoking is the same as these others mentioned..

Yes change the laws a bit, but they don't necessarily need to be thrown out completely. I would love to see the people being able to vote with their wallet in this nation very much so, but the left fears this idea trust me. You would begin to see the left crumble and fall if they could no longer control things like they have been controlling them, and especially without this radical activist government helping them, so bring it on I say, because I would welcome that along with countless others in this nation who have been robbed of their freedoms over time.
The PP is not debatable, it does not use government money for abortions.

How it uses its own money is not your concern.
And Red Lobster doesn't use money that you give them for lobster to buy shrimp.

Where do you get these random editorials you feel the need to inject into discussions, regardless of topic?
This is why you are not considered very bright. What a false comparison. Step along, nothing here for you.
Considered bright?
By you?
That stings :eusa_hand:
The PP is not debatable, it does not use government money for abortions.

How it uses its own money is not your concern.
And Red Lobster doesn't use money that you give them for lobster to buy shrimp.

Where do you get these random editorials you feel the need to inject into discussions, regardless of topic?
This is why you are not considered very bright. What a false comparison. Step along, nothing here for you.
Considered bright?
By you?
That stings :eusa_hand:
By anybody with a working brain.

You are a concrete learner, do not abstract much and what you do is generally wrong.

You believe what you believe, but cannot defend it critically or objectively. Don't feel badly, for that defines most of your ilk.
Oh, how the far right minority Christian heretics struggle against the sting of God as they are chastised by his righteousness.

Their inability to persecute those they don't like is considered "special" protection for their enemies.
Oh, how the far right minority Christian heretics struggle against the sting of God as they are chastised by his righteousness.

Their inability to persecute those they don't like is considered "special" protection for their enemies.
You're burnt up, dude.
Has Obamacare changed your meds recently?

It's not any Christian's place to persecute anyone.
And, for the record, this country has prosecuted sin since its inception.
Truth hurts the ilk like you, hortysir.

beagle9, the revisiting of civil laws will only rebound to your ilk's disadvantage.

We prosecute according to the criminal codes, not religious canon.
Dramatic fear mongering and nothing more.
Fear mongering and nothing more eh ? How about telling that to the cake baker, the photographer, Phil of Duck Dynasty, Chic-Filet, the former Miss America contestant who were all asked about gay marriage, oh and the Dugger family where on and on it all goes. They want Christians to agree with them in the public eye, and if they don't then they are under attack after they oppose it and/or disagree with it.

Yes, it is nothing more than dramatic fear mongering. All of those people are still practicing their faith but some of those people are not allowed to use their faith as an excuse to violate civil law.

When Muslim Cabbies in Minnesota decided they didn't have to take fares from drunks, people with dogs, or those carrying booze they were ordered to do so regardless of their beliefs. It was hailed as a slap against "Creeping Sharia" and a victory for freedom. When a Christian baker decides their beliefs allow them to ignore civil law as well it is seen as a violation of their religious liberties. Sorry you don't get special exemptions from the law.

On a personal note, I actually really dislike PA laws but until they are changed or thrown out by the courts we must follow the law until that time. I would be fine if PA laws went away with exception of essential services, lodgings, transportation, hospitals, etc. Let these businesses proudly state which members of society they will or will not serve. We'll the let free market work it out and when these places go out of business they'll have no one to blame but themselves.

Well then some civil laws may need to be revisited and then revised big time in these days and times, because as things get more creepy and out of order these days, then the law seems to be empowering the weird, the idiotic, the sometimes violent, the perverted, and the creepy side of life who is exploiting the laws to their benefits in which no one had to put up with before. The cabbies should have been ruled in favor of in the things that which you have listed above. Any judge who ruled differently was from straight out of HELL in my opinion. How would you like it if a drunk were to try and ride in your cab, and then he or she spewed all in the floor ? Or how would you like it if you had a customer who had a dog that hasn't been bathed in a while or it had some sort of skin infection, and it left a stink in your cab that took you weeks to air it out afterwards ? How would you like it if a person was carrying booze, and got in your cab only to have the bottle break, and then leaving a smell of booze in your cab that took you weeks to get aired out afterwards ? I think cigarette smoking is the same as these others mentioned..

Yes change the laws a bit, but they don't necessarily need to be thrown out completely. I would love to see the people being able to vote with their wallet in this nation very much so, but the left fears this idea trust me. You would begin to see the left crumble and fall if they could no longer control things like they have been controlling them, and especially without this radical activist government helping them, so bring it on I say, because I would welcome that along with countless others in this nation who have been robbed of their freedoms over time.

The fear of a bottle breaking or a guest becoming vomitus wasn't the reason the cabbies didn't want to take the fares. It was argued that by doing so they would be forced violate their deeply held religious beliefs. They wanted special exemptions from civil law and they didn't get it. That however was cheered as a win against creeping sharia. When a Christian uses the same excuse people cry about freedom being threatened.
Christians do not get special rights.

They have the same rights in America constitutionally as every one else, no more.
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

What rights have been taken away from Christians? Please name one.
The right to refuse engagement into something that they don't believe in and/or agree to in accordance with their beliefs in the Christian Bible that teaches them these things in life, so how is it that they are now forced to participate in or be fined and/or shut down if they don't participate in the things in which they have learned are wrong to participate in in life ? It's a constitutional crisis I think.

These things are not old, but rather they are new upon the society, so it isn't that this is always the way that it always was in this nation, because it wasn't, but here we all are now trying to deal with it, and to place some kind of rational to what seems to be the irrational that exist now in society, and this as according to the many who would see it in this way when looking at it all now.

Uh No. See this has already been decided by the supreme court decided this issue in Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US stating that the US government can force businesses to publicly accommodate protected classes. In Newman v. Piggy Park Enterprises, the owner of a BBQ restaurant stated that it was against his religion to serve black people saying:

The attorney representing the petitioners suing Piggie Park also addressed in court the “First Amendment religious privilege claim that petitioner asserted that his religion required him” to deny service to black customers.

This argument isn't new. Christians have perverted the bible for centuries to justify their bigotry and discrimination towards an unpopular group of people. Whether it's blacks, muslims, or gays, Christians have been going after these people forever yet when they try to establish equality under the law, Christians scream "PERSECUTION!!!"


Give me a break
Gods word condems gay we Christians believe his word. Too bad for the rest of you, good luck.

Oh you "believe his word" do you? Let's see about that:

"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her." Deuteronomy 22:28-29

I assume since you follow "his word", that means if a female family member gets raped, you are totally okay with that family member being forced against her will to marry the man who raped her right? That is "his word"

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

I guess you must follow "his word" and sell your daughter into slavery and make sure she sleeps with her master. Be a good Christian now.

Oh, you don't do that? You mean you blatantly ignore God's words in order to further your own agenda? NO WAY!!!
They had the same rights as anyone else yes, until the rights were changed to include those that leave out the Christians or worse work to silence the Christians and their beliefs in their religion.

What rights have been taken away from Christians? Please name one.
The right to refuse engagement into something that they don't believe in and/or agree to in accordance with their beliefs in the Christian Bible that teaches them these things in life, so how is it that they are now forced to participate in or be fined and/or shut down if they don't participate in the things in which they have learned are wrong to participate in in life ? It's a constitutional crisis I think.

These things are not old, but rather they are new upon the society, so it isn't that this is always the way that it always was in this nation, because it wasn't, but here we all are now trying to deal with it, and to place some kind of rational to what seems to be the irrational that exist now in society, and this as according to the many who would see it in this way when looking at it all now.

Uh No. See this has already been decided by the supreme court decided this issue in Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US stating that the US government can force businesses to publicly accommodate protected classes. In Newman v. Piggy Park Enterprises, the owner of a BBQ restaurant stated that it was against his religion to serve black people saying:

The attorney representing the petitioners suing Piggie Park also addressed in court the “First Amendment religious privilege claim that petitioner asserted that his religion required him” to deny service to black customers.

This argument isn't new. Christians have perverted the bible for centuries to justify their bigotry and discrimination towards an unpopular group of people. Whether it's blacks, muslims, or gays, Christians have been going after these people forever yet when they try to establish equality under the law, Christians scream "PERSECUTION!!!"


Give me a break
Gods word condems gay we Christians believe his word. Too bad for the rest of you, good luck.

Oh you "believe his word" do you? Let's see about that:

"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her." Deuteronomy 22:28-29

I assume since you follow "his word", that means if a female family member gets raped, you are totally okay with that family member being forced against her will to marry the man who raped her right? That is "his word"

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

I guess you must follow "his word" and sell your daughter into slavery and make sure she sleeps with her master. Be a good Christian now.

Oh, you don't do that? You mean you blatantly ignore God's words in order to further your own agenda? NO WAY!!!
You are such an idiot. Idiots who don't believe in God but try to use his word against Christians are a special kind of stupid.
What rights have been taken away from Christians? Please name one.
The right to refuse engagement into something that they don't believe in and/or agree to in accordance with their beliefs in the Christian Bible that teaches them these things in life, so how is it that they are now forced to participate in or be fined and/or shut down if they don't participate in the things in which they have learned are wrong to participate in in life ? It's a constitutional crisis I think.

These things are not old, but rather they are new upon the society, so it isn't that this is always the way that it always was in this nation, because it wasn't, but here we all are now trying to deal with it, and to place some kind of rational to what seems to be the irrational that exist now in society, and this as according to the many who would see it in this way when looking at it all now.

Uh No. See this has already been decided by the supreme court decided this issue in Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US stating that the US government can force businesses to publicly accommodate protected classes. In Newman v. Piggy Park Enterprises, the owner of a BBQ restaurant stated that it was against his religion to serve black people saying:

The attorney representing the petitioners suing Piggie Park also addressed in court the “First Amendment religious privilege claim that petitioner asserted that his religion required him” to deny service to black customers.

This argument isn't new. Christians have perverted the bible for centuries to justify their bigotry and discrimination towards an unpopular group of people. Whether it's blacks, muslims, or gays, Christians have been going after these people forever yet when they try to establish equality under the law, Christians scream "PERSECUTION!!!"


Give me a break
Gods word condems gay we Christians believe his word. Too bad for the rest of you, good luck.

Oh you "believe his word" do you? Let's see about that:

"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her." Deuteronomy 22:28-29

I assume since you follow "his word", that means if a female family member gets raped, you are totally okay with that family member being forced against her will to marry the man who raped her right? That is "his word"

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

I guess you must follow "his word" and sell your daughter into slavery and make sure she sleeps with her master. Be a good Christian now.

Oh, you don't do that? You mean you blatantly ignore God's words in order to further your own agenda? NO WAY!!!
You are such an idiot. Idiots who don't believe in God but try to use his word against Christians are a special kind of stupid.

Ad hominem Fallacy:

But it obvious you don't get the point. Modern day Christians pick and choose which scripture to quote and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Then I do the same thing, only I quote things about rape in the bible and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Both verses used in each argument are in the Bible. The problem is when you say "I must follow the his word," in reality you're following the word that YOU want to follow and ignoring the other words that you don't want to follow.
The right to refuse engagement into something that they don't believe in and/or agree to in accordance with their beliefs in the Christian Bible that teaches them these things in life, so how is it that they are now forced to participate in or be fined and/or shut down if they don't participate in the things in which they have learned are wrong to participate in in life ? It's a constitutional crisis I think.

These things are not old, but rather they are new upon the society, so it isn't that this is always the way that it always was in this nation, because it wasn't, but here we all are now trying to deal with it, and to place some kind of rational to what seems to be the irrational that exist now in society, and this as according to the many who would see it in this way when looking at it all now.

Uh No. See this has already been decided by the supreme court decided this issue in Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US stating that the US government can force businesses to publicly accommodate protected classes. In Newman v. Piggy Park Enterprises, the owner of a BBQ restaurant stated that it was against his religion to serve black people saying:

The attorney representing the petitioners suing Piggie Park also addressed in court the “First Amendment religious privilege claim that petitioner asserted that his religion required him” to deny service to black customers.

This argument isn't new. Christians have perverted the bible for centuries to justify their bigotry and discrimination towards an unpopular group of people. Whether it's blacks, muslims, or gays, Christians have been going after these people forever yet when they try to establish equality under the law, Christians scream "PERSECUTION!!!"


Give me a break
Gods word condems gay we Christians believe his word. Too bad for the rest of you, good luck.

Oh you "believe his word" do you? Let's see about that:

"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her." Deuteronomy 22:28-29

I assume since you follow "his word", that means if a female family member gets raped, you are totally okay with that family member being forced against her will to marry the man who raped her right? That is "his word"

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

I guess you must follow "his word" and sell your daughter into slavery and make sure she sleeps with her master. Be a good Christian now.

Oh, you don't do that? You mean you blatantly ignore God's words in order to further your own agenda? NO WAY!!!
You are such an idiot. Idiots who don't believe in God but try to use his word against Christians are a special kind of stupid.

Ad hominem Fallacy:

But it obvious you don't get the point. Modern day Christians pick and choose which scripture to quote and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Then I do the same thing, only I quote things about rape in the bible and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Both verses used in each argument are in the Bible. The problem is when you say "I must follow the his word," in reality you're following the word that YOU want to follow and ignoring the other words that you don't want to follow.

Like I said, you are a special kind of stupid.
Uh No. See this has already been decided by the supreme court decided this issue in Heart of Atlanta Motel v. US stating that the US government can force businesses to publicly accommodate protected classes. In Newman v. Piggy Park Enterprises, the owner of a BBQ restaurant stated that it was against his religion to serve black people saying:

The attorney representing the petitioners suing Piggie Park also addressed in court the “First Amendment religious privilege claim that petitioner asserted that his religion required him” to deny service to black customers.

This argument isn't new. Christians have perverted the bible for centuries to justify their bigotry and discrimination towards an unpopular group of people. Whether it's blacks, muslims, or gays, Christians have been going after these people forever yet when they try to establish equality under the law, Christians scream "PERSECUTION!!!"


Give me a break
Gods word condems gay we Christians believe his word. Too bad for the rest of you, good luck.

Oh you "believe his word" do you? Let's see about that:

"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her." Deuteronomy 22:28-29

I assume since you follow "his word", that means if a female family member gets raped, you are totally okay with that family member being forced against her will to marry the man who raped her right? That is "his word"

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

I guess you must follow "his word" and sell your daughter into slavery and make sure she sleeps with her master. Be a good Christian now.

Oh, you don't do that? You mean you blatantly ignore God's words in order to further your own agenda? NO WAY!!!
You are such an idiot. Idiots who don't believe in God but try to use his word against Christians are a special kind of stupid.

Ad hominem Fallacy:

But it obvious you don't get the point. Modern day Christians pick and choose which scripture to quote and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Then I do the same thing, only I quote things about rape in the bible and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Both verses used in each argument are in the Bible. The problem is when you say "I must follow the his word," in reality you're following the word that YOU want to follow and ignoring the other words that you don't want to follow.

Like I said, you are a special kind of stupid.

Of course, when you can't rationally defend your position of "his words", you must attack the person instead of the argument. That TOTALLY means you win the argument. My argument is not "stupid", your response is stupid because you rather make insults the basis of your argument rather than making a coherent, intelligent counter-argument to my claim because we know the truth. You don't want your argument to be challenged.

Having it challenged means you have to defend it. To defend the argument, you have to admit you're being hypocritical in your use of "his word" by only following one of his words and not the other. Because you know its indefensible, you decide to insult the person making the argument. Putting myself and my character on trial rather than the argument itself. Thus buying you time to either ignore the argument or for me to ignore the argument so you can go on believing what you believe without questioning the logic behind what you believe.

That doesn't sound like an intelligent person to me.
Gods word condems gay we Christians believe his word. Too bad for the rest of you, good luck.

Oh you "believe his word" do you? Let's see about that:

"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her." Deuteronomy 22:28-29

I assume since you follow "his word", that means if a female family member gets raped, you are totally okay with that family member being forced against her will to marry the man who raped her right? That is "his word"

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

I guess you must follow "his word" and sell your daughter into slavery and make sure she sleeps with her master. Be a good Christian now.

Oh, you don't do that? You mean you blatantly ignore God's words in order to further your own agenda? NO WAY!!!
You are such an idiot. Idiots who don't believe in God but try to use his word against Christians are a special kind of stupid.

Ad hominem Fallacy:

But it obvious you don't get the point. Modern day Christians pick and choose which scripture to quote and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Then I do the same thing, only I quote things about rape in the bible and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Both verses used in each argument are in the Bible. The problem is when you say "I must follow the his word," in reality you're following the word that YOU want to follow and ignoring the other words that you don't want to follow.

Like I said, you are a special kind of stupid.

Of course, when you can't rationally defend your position of "his words", you must attack the person instead of the argument. That TOTALLY means you win the argument. My argument is not "stupid", your response is stupid because you rather make insults the basis of your argument rather than making a coherent, intelligent counter-argument to my claim because we know the truth. You don't want your argument to be challenged.

Having it challenged means you have to defend it. To defend the argument, you have to admit you're being hypocritical in your use of "his word" by only following one of his words and not the other. Because you know its indefensible, you decide to insult the person making the argument. Putting myself and my character on trial rather than the argument itself. Thus buying you time to either ignore the argument or for me to ignore the argument so you can go on believing what you believe without questioning the logic behind what you believe.

That doesn't sound like an intelligent person to me.

Yes, your argument is stupid. You cite a Book you don't believe, or even fully comprehend, to draw a false comparison.
The books you quote have been closed.....sealed in Blood
Oh you "believe his word" do you? Let's see about that:

"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her." Deuteronomy 22:28-29

I assume since you follow "his word", that means if a female family member gets raped, you are totally okay with that family member being forced against her will to marry the man who raped her right? That is "his word"

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

I guess you must follow "his word" and sell your daughter into slavery and make sure she sleeps with her master. Be a good Christian now.

Oh, you don't do that? You mean you blatantly ignore God's words in order to further your own agenda? NO WAY!!!
You are such an idiot. Idiots who don't believe in God but try to use his word against Christians are a special kind of stupid.

Ad hominem Fallacy:

But it obvious you don't get the point. Modern day Christians pick and choose which scripture to quote and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Then I do the same thing, only I quote things about rape in the bible and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Both verses used in each argument are in the Bible. The problem is when you say "I must follow the his word," in reality you're following the word that YOU want to follow and ignoring the other words that you don't want to follow.

Like I said, you are a special kind of stupid.

Of course, when you can't rationally defend your position of "his words", you must attack the person instead of the argument. That TOTALLY means you win the argument. My argument is not "stupid", your response is stupid because you rather make insults the basis of your argument rather than making a coherent, intelligent counter-argument to my claim because we know the truth. You don't want your argument to be challenged.

Having it challenged means you have to defend it. To defend the argument, you have to admit you're being hypocritical in your use of "his word" by only following one of his words and not the other. Because you know its indefensible, you decide to insult the person making the argument. Putting myself and my character on trial rather than the argument itself. Thus buying you time to either ignore the argument or for me to ignore the argument so you can go on believing what you believe without questioning the logic behind what you believe.

That doesn't sound like an intelligent person to me.

Yes, your argument is stupid. You cite a Book you don't believe, or even fully comprehend, to draw a false comparison.
The books you quote have been closed.....sealed in Blood

The book of Exodus and Deuteronomy are still in the Bible. And I can fully comprehend a book without believing it's message. Even though you don't truly know what I believe in, you are just making assumptions about me without really knowing who I am.

The point of the argument is that it is silly to take certain parts of the Bible literally but ignore other parts to fit your agenda which is precisely what the anti-gay movement does and tries to dictate to a secular government that they should adopt their teachings as law. That's not okay.
You are such an idiot. Idiots who don't believe in God but try to use his word against Christians are a special kind of stupid.

Ad hominem Fallacy:

But it obvious you don't get the point. Modern day Christians pick and choose which scripture to quote and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Then I do the same thing, only I quote things about rape in the bible and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Both verses used in each argument are in the Bible. The problem is when you say "I must follow the his word," in reality you're following the word that YOU want to follow and ignoring the other words that you don't want to follow.

Like I said, you are a special kind of stupid.

Of course, when you can't rationally defend your position of "his words", you must attack the person instead of the argument. That TOTALLY means you win the argument. My argument is not "stupid", your response is stupid because you rather make insults the basis of your argument rather than making a coherent, intelligent counter-argument to my claim because we know the truth. You don't want your argument to be challenged.

Having it challenged means you have to defend it. To defend the argument, you have to admit you're being hypocritical in your use of "his word" by only following one of his words and not the other. Because you know its indefensible, you decide to insult the person making the argument. Putting myself and my character on trial rather than the argument itself. Thus buying you time to either ignore the argument or for me to ignore the argument so you can go on believing what you believe without questioning the logic behind what you believe.

That doesn't sound like an intelligent person to me.

Yes, your argument is stupid. You cite a Book you don't believe, or even fully comprehend, to draw a false comparison.
The books you quote have been closed.....sealed in Blood

The book of Exodus and Deuteronomy are still in the Bible. And I can fully comprehend a book without believing it's message. Even though you don't truly know what I believe in, you are just making assumptions about me without really knowing who I am.

The point of the argument is that it is silly to take certain parts of the Bible literally but ignore other parts to fit your agenda which is precisely what the anti-gay movement does and tries to dictate to a secular government that they should adopt their teachings as law. That's not okay.

You just have to read it to the end to knowthat those laws have had the price paid for.

Do you abide by all American laws?
It used to be legal to own and beat slaves. How many do you own and how often do you beat them?
Ad hominem Fallacy:

But it obvious you don't get the point. Modern day Christians pick and choose which scripture to quote and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Then I do the same thing, only I quote things about rape in the bible and say "This is the word of the LORD"

Both verses used in each argument are in the Bible. The problem is when you say "I must follow the his word," in reality you're following the word that YOU want to follow and ignoring the other words that you don't want to follow.

Like I said, you are a special kind of stupid.

Of course, when you can't rationally defend your position of "his words", you must attack the person instead of the argument. That TOTALLY means you win the argument. My argument is not "stupid", your response is stupid because you rather make insults the basis of your argument rather than making a coherent, intelligent counter-argument to my claim because we know the truth. You don't want your argument to be challenged.

Having it challenged means you have to defend it. To defend the argument, you have to admit you're being hypocritical in your use of "his word" by only following one of his words and not the other. Because you know its indefensible, you decide to insult the person making the argument. Putting myself and my character on trial rather than the argument itself. Thus buying you time to either ignore the argument or for me to ignore the argument so you can go on believing what you believe without questioning the logic behind what you believe.

That doesn't sound like an intelligent person to me.

Yes, your argument is stupid. You cite a Book you don't believe, or even fully comprehend, to draw a false comparison.
The books you quote have been closed.....sealed in Blood

The book of Exodus and Deuteronomy are still in the Bible. And I can fully comprehend a book without believing it's message. Even though you don't truly know what I believe in, you are just making assumptions about me without really knowing who I am.

The point of the argument is that it is silly to take certain parts of the Bible literally but ignore other parts to fit your agenda which is precisely what the anti-gay movement does and tries to dictate to a secular government that they should adopt their teachings as law. That's not okay.

You just have to read it to the end to knowthat those laws have had the price paid for.

Do you abide by all American laws?
It used to be legal to own and beat slaves. How many do you own and how often do you beat them?

Non Christians try to use a book they don't believe in to attack Christians shows how stupid non Christians are.
Like I said, you are a special kind of stupid.

Of course, when you can't rationally defend your position of "his words", you must attack the person instead of the argument. That TOTALLY means you win the argument. My argument is not "stupid", your response is stupid because you rather make insults the basis of your argument rather than making a coherent, intelligent counter-argument to my claim because we know the truth. You don't want your argument to be challenged.

Having it challenged means you have to defend it. To defend the argument, you have to admit you're being hypocritical in your use of "his word" by only following one of his words and not the other. Because you know its indefensible, you decide to insult the person making the argument. Putting myself and my character on trial rather than the argument itself. Thus buying you time to either ignore the argument or for me to ignore the argument so you can go on believing what you believe without questioning the logic behind what you believe.

That doesn't sound like an intelligent person to me.
Yes, your argument is stupid. You cite a Book you don't believe, or even fully comprehend, to draw a false comparison.
The books you quote have been closed.....sealed in Blood

The book of Exodus and Deuteronomy are still in the Bible. And I can fully comprehend a book without believing it's message. Even though you don't truly know what I believe in, you are just making assumptions about me without really knowing who I am.

The point of the argument is that it is silly to take certain parts of the Bible literally but ignore other parts to fit your agenda which is precisely what the anti-gay movement does and tries to dictate to a secular government that they should adopt their teachings as law. That's not okay.
You just have to read it to the end to knowthat those laws have had the price paid for.

Do you abide by all American laws?
It used to be legal to own and beat slaves. How many do you own and how often do you beat them?
Non Christians try to use a book they don't believe in to attack Christians shows how stupid non Christians are.

It's a special kind of evil that makes someone go to the book, and then to seek out passages in which they have not yet been given the proper guidance on in life, nor have they the proper wisdom upon in order to interpret such passages correctly, but yet here they are trying to attack with that which they have absolutely no clue upon, nor do they have the interpretation of such passages afforded them because they are evil in their intent. Cast not your pearls among swine the bible also says, so let them be ignorant in this way as their wicked wisdom abides within them, yet they are so lost in the world.

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