Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

FACT is they supported breaking the law in Nevada, they supported white supremacy and they supported tee potty nutters.

I agree with the first two points.
* They had criminal intent to begin with, regardless of affiliation.
* They were racist supremacists and even left behind Swastika marks as gang insignia

However Luddly on your last point
the fact you would "dehumanize" any group by calling them names
and "nutters" --
this is NOT respect for "equal rights."

This namecalling is the same tactic in bigotry used to label and degrade people by GROUPS

if these people were hypocrites, and their violence was blamed on INCITEFUL division by groups, how is YOUR namecalling NOT part of that hostility and inciteful antagonism?

if you disagree with Luddly his favorite thing is to call you an Anti- American ....what else can you be?....
Luddly is just following what the conservatives say about the liberals.

The far right cons take being called un-American even worse than the libs.
But when somebody says they're Tea Party members, automatically they're simply your typical Republican doing what they always do.

Typical GOP are NOTHING like the TP members.
American Nazis are far, far, far rightwing nationalists, race haters, etc.

They were part of the Bunkerville militia.

You are guilty by association with these murderous thugs.

And all of you who have been jailed in the last three years ~~ ever notice a slight itching under the left scapula?

so how would you know about that Jake?....just wonderin....

Our fed and state LEO can be sluggish, lazy, corrupt, yes.

Stupid, no.

If any of the militia mutts think that another Bunkerville will result in the same conclusion are stupid.

and this is how you know about that slight itching under the left scapula?.....:eusa_eh:
Call them anything you want to call them. I call them "nut cases". Nobody in their right mind would do such a thing.

You would think that no one in their right mind would fly a plane into a building, but I don't remember much of a movement to write such people off as nothing more than 'nutcases'.

Aside from the plethora of no true Scotsman fallacies, are you really defending the terrorists who murdered 3000 people? Are you suggesting we simply dismiss such an atrocity to write them all off as 'nutcases'?

I invite you to explain yourself.

I didn't write these two rightwing terrorists off as nutcases. Go argue with the guy who did.
They were two deranged people who committed murder the thing is I don't know who is sadder and more pathetic them or the people trying to use them and there actions to score cheap political points.

It's only because there are plenty more where they came from. Tea party types always let the loudest zealots speak for them, how long before a leader emerges to legitimize shit like this?

The question of who is sadder and more pathetic is getting a little more clear.
How does the murder of two Police Officers having lunch in a pizza joint constitute a revolutionary statement? Only in the minds of the low information left. At least the murder of two Police Officers in a attempted robbery of a armored car in Nyack NY made some screwy sense to revolutionaries. They did it for the money. It's alleged that Bill Ayers' wife Bernadine Dohrn made up the plan for the armored car heist but the dumb assed Feds assumed she would live out her life behind bars and didn't charge her with it. Dohrn was released and today she is a "respected" law school professor.
How does the murder of two Police Officers having lunch in a pizza joint constitute a revolutionary statement? Only in the minds of the low information left. At least the murder of two Police Officers in a attempted robbery of a armored car in Nyack NY made some screwy sense to revolutionaries. They did it for the money. It's alleged that Bill Ayers' wife Bernadine Dohrn made up the plan for the armored car heist but the dumb assed Feds assumed she would live out her life behind bars and didn't charge her with it. Dohrn was released and today she is a "respected" law school professor.

The muslim jihadist ideology may correctly be partially blamed for giving unbalanced people a socially and morally acceptable way to murder fellow humans, is it so surprising when anti-government "end of America" rhetoric gets some blame for this act of political terror?
How does the murder of two Police Officers having lunch in a pizza joint constitute a revolutionary statement?

Uh, maybe the note saying this was the start of the revolution??

Or them shouting it at the Wal-Mart.

It amazes me how much these people call for a revolution on a daily basis then deny it when there is action. Pussies, the whole lot of 'em!

In a few days, they will be apologetic for these murderers and pointing their fingers at black people, blaming them for the killer teaper racists. They will justify the shooting because Obama is President and because Affirmative Action is keeping the white man down.
How does the murder of two Police Officers having lunch in a pizza joint constitute a revolutionary statement?

Uh, maybe the note saying this was the start of the revolution??

So why isn't there a revolution yet?

No seriously. Those two people were idiots. The only revolution happening is that of our founding fathers spinning in their graves at the mockery those two have of their fight for independence.
Funny how the same crowd was that was demonizing Bowe Bergdahl to the point of accusing him of being a terrorist are now doing everything they can to mitigate and deflect from an actual act of rightwing terrorism.
From Jared Miller's Facebook 'like' page....

NRA, American Patriot Media Network, Support the 2nd Amendment, The Patriot Party, Rand Paul 2016, Ron Paul, the Washington Examiner, Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano, the Heritage Foundation, FreedomWorks, American Crossroads, and Allen West.

How does the murder of two Police Officers having lunch in a pizza joint constitute a revolutionary statement?

Uh, maybe the note saying this was the start of the revolution??

So why isn't there a revolution yet?

No seriously. Those two people were idiots. The only revolution happening is that of our founding fathers spinning in their graves at the mockery those two have of their fight for independence.

Do you think you will wake up one day to nutters declaring revolution and poof, there it is? Enemy lines drawn and people already on one side or the other?
Uh, maybe the note saying this was the start of the revolution??

So why isn't there a revolution yet?

No seriously. Those two people were idiots. The only revolution happening is that of our founding fathers spinning in their graves at the mockery those two have made of their fight for independence.

Do you think you will wake up one day to nutters declaring revolution and poof, there it is? Enemy lines drawn and people already on one side or the other?

Well, I don't believe enough people care enough to start one in the first place. So, in my honest opinion, no.
Sean Hannity made Clive Bundy and his traitors out to be heroes.

Now Hannity has blood on his hands.
Sean Hannity made Clive Bundy and his traitors out to be heroes.

Now Hannity has blood on his hands.

gawd you people are stupid
you're still haten on some rancher
and we should try and find out under which Presidents most of these take place
I' put my bet on the dEMOCRATS...FRIKKEN people are suffering under higher taxes, having to now pay for another NEW ENTITLEMENT, now fines from the IRS, food we are going to have to resort to cans of cat food soon

now you see how two can play at this STUPID GAME

why must you yammer on and on and on
Last edited:
Sean Hannity made Clive Bundy and his traitors out to be heroes.

Now Hannity has blood on his hands.

Amen! Hannity has much blood on his cowardly hands. BTW, when is he going to be waterboarded for charity like he promised? The little chicken...
From Jared Miller's Facebook 'like' page....

NRA, American Patriot Media Network, Support the 2nd Amendment, The Patriot Party, Rand Paul 2016, Ron Paul, the Washington Examiner, Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano, the Heritage Foundation, FreedomWorks, American Crossroads, and Allen West.


dont forget the "My Buddy Chris from the USMB is a Pussy" page.....that had a lot of likes....
Sean Hannity made Clive Bundy and his traitors out to be heroes.

Now Hannity has blood on his hands.

gawd you people are stupid
you're still haten on some rancher
and we should try and find out under which Presidents most of these take place
I' put my bet on the dEMOCRATS...FRIKKEN people are suffering under higher taxes, having to now pay for another NEW ENTITLEMENT, now fines from the IRS, food we are going to have to resort to cans of cat food soon

now you see how two can play at this STUPID GAME

why must you yammer on and on and on

[MENTION=43268]TemplarKormac[/MENTION] is one!

Steph, you truly are one of the most hypocritical posters on this forum.

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