Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.

These idiots would have shot you in the face for calling them leftists.
Nobody claims they are bright. But Leftists they are. They have more in common with the communists than decent TEA party members.

Back in the 1920s thru 1940s, Hitler opposed communism... mostly because he couldn't stand the competition. He wanted to impose his own brand of big-government ubercontrol on the people.

And he did.
They were booted from the Bundy ranch.......not a member of Bundys militia. Bundy doesn't have a militia, but had the support of various militias. These two tweekers did not belong to a militia but were self-styled tweeker conspiracy type nutters.
Finally some common sense analysis.

Let's play a game.

Of all the USMB members.....please name three who you think might have the desire and the capability to carry out an attack on authority figures.
No one.
They were booted from the Bundy ranch.......not a member of Bundys militia. Bundy doesn't have a militia, but had the support of various militias. These two tweekers did not belong to a militia but were self-styled tweeker conspiracy type nutters.
Finally some common sense analysis.

Let's play a game.

Of all the USMB members.....please name three who you think might have the desire and the capability to carry out an attack on authority figures.

Koshercunt, Stephanie, ShootSpeeders, Tank, Matthew (if hate groups allow gimps), MaryL, MikeK...need more?

They were booted from the Bundy ranch.......not a member of Bundys militia. Bundy doesn't have a militia, but had the support of various militias. These two tweekers did not belong to a militia but were self-styled tweeker conspiracy type nutters.

I read somewhere today that they were asked to leave the Bundy ranch because the guy was a felon.
They were booted from the Bundy ranch.......not a member of Bundys militia. Bundy doesn't have a militia, but had the support of various militias. These two tweekers did not belong to a militia but were self-styled tweeker conspiracy type nutters.
Finally some common sense analysis.

Let's play a game.

Of all the USMB members.....please name three who you think might have the desire and the capability to carry out an attack on authority figures.

Desire and capability are one thing, practically all the gun loving libertarian bunch has revolution fantasies where all the libs get rounded up and shot after a really cool civil war, but the real stimulus would either a leader that legitimizes violence or having nothing left to lose. The nazi cop killers were at the end of their ropes in some way, that's all that separates any of you from someone like them.
Finally some common sense analysis.

Let's play a game.

Of all the USMB members.....please name three who you think might have the desire and the capability to carry out an attack on authority figures.
No one.

Now, can you name three (or more) USMB members who, if they found themselves under lethal attack by those same authority figures, might have the desire and the capability to defend themselves by shooting back. And perhaps get together to organize a better campaign to shoot back.
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Its hearsay that they had a yellow rattlesnake flag in their apartment?

Well guess what asshole.........

They laid that flag ON TOP of the dead cops, in front of a dozen witnesses at Cicis pizza, and was taken and secured by LVPD crime scene afterwards.

I don't know...but a pretty strong case exists to say that they were in possession of that flag. Just like the KKK took over the Confederate Flag as their symbol, it appears that the far right radical militia movement has now taken over the Gadsen rattlesnake flag as the...well, the "Kill cops because we hate the government" symbol.
They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.

These idiots would have shot you in the face for calling them leftists.

Yes, Hitler saw no place for socialism, National Socialist isn't an exact translation of the the German. Nazism is a totalitarian, nationalist system. The opposite IN THEORY to Communism, in practice there are many similarities.
I'm waiting to see what USMB posters are wouldn't surprise me if one of these killers were a member.

After some 30-plus mass murderers in recent memory, with almost exclusively leftist connections, who murderered schoolchildren, mothers in their beds, etc., at last we finally get one with clear right-wing connections. And their first victims weren't schoolchildren or mothers, they were armed police officers. It was pretty easy, of course, they shot them in the back.

But your question was: "Who would have fucking guessed it?"?

To answer your question: No one would have guessed that. Because such insane mass murderers have almost always been leftists, or people with connections to leftists. Now we finally have one with rightist connections... which does little to alter the overwhelmingly leftist character of nearly all the mass murderers to date.

Since you brought the subject up in this thread.

I see the usual board leftsts are now doing their best to pretend that finding a right-wing nutcase is "usual" or "common" or "expected"... even though the overwhelming majority of them have always been left-connected. I expect no less from liars such as the leftists present on this board.

Does this mean you are no longer going to insist that a person't political bent has NOTHING TO DO WITH his being a mass murderer? That's not longer true? Despite so many lefitsts insisting that it was irrelevant, all these years when leftists have been gunning down colleges, post offices, shoping malls, and even elementary schools? Now we can finally assume that a murderer's political persuasion CAN be taken into account?

It's about time. So let's see. Dozens of leftist mass murderers, and one rightist mass murderer. Since we now CAN take political persuasion into account, what does that tell us about the FAR more likely political group to be committing mass murders against helpless victims?

Difference Between Nazism and Socialism: Nazism vs Socialism
These idiots would have shot you in the face for calling them leftists.
Nobody claims they are bright. But Leftists they are. They have more in common with the communists than decent TEA party members.

Back in the 1920s thru 1940s, Hitler opposed communism... mostly because he couldn't stand the competition. He wanted to impose his own brand of big-government ubercontrol on the people.

And he did.

History revision is fun but the idea that the right is incapable of murder and tyranny is retarded, and dangerous for such a "Good American" as yourself.
I'm waiting to see what USMB posters are wouldn't surprise me if one of these killers were a member.

That's because you are stupid.

You believe your own lies... or the lies that have been fed to you by other socialists.
They were two deranged people who committed murder the thing is I don't know who is sadder and more pathetic them or the people trying to use them and there actions to score cheap political points.
Jared Miller's Facebook 'like' page.


NRA, American Patriot Media Network, Support the 2nd Amendment, The
Patriot Party, Rand Paul 2016, Ron Paul, the Washington Examiner, Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano, the Heritage Foundation,FreedomWorks, American Crossroads, and Allen West.
I'm waiting to see what USMB posters are wouldn't surprise me if one of these killers were a member.

That's because you are stupid.

You believe your own lies... or the lies that have been fed to you by other socialists.

So you too, huh. If someone disagrees with you or does not accept racism...they are socialists.

It must be pathetically easy to live in your world.
I've never seen a USMB meltdown before. Are they all this entertaining?

After years, decades of left-wingers committing mass murders, the leftists finally have ONE right-wing mass murder to "balance" all that.

What you're seeing is a generation (or two) of pent-up rage, which they couldn't release since the evidence showing their side wrong, was so overwhelming. Finally, now they have found one crack in the dam. And they're pretending there's now a flood.

These people have always lived by the lie and the exaggeration.

Nothing has changed, really.

Name the left wingers. Timothy McVeigh, nope. James Holmes, nope. Klebold, Harris, nope. Cho, nope.
They were two deranged people who committed murder the thing is I don't know who is sadder and more pathetic them or the people trying to use them and there actions to score cheap political points.

It's only because there are plenty more where they came from. Tea party types always let the loudest zealots speak for them, how long before a leader emerges to legitimize shit like this?
They were two deranged people who committed murder the thing is I don't know who is sadder and more pathetic them or the people trying to use them and there actions to score cheap political points.

It's only because there are plenty more where they came from. Tea party types always let the loudest zealots speak for them, how long before a leader emerges to legitimize shit like this?

Pajama-boy drama times 2.......

After some 30-plus mass murderers in recent memory, with almost exclusively leftist connections, who murderered schoolchildren, mothers in their beds, etc., at last we finally get one with clear right-wing connections. And their first victims weren't schoolchildren or mothers, they were armed police officers. It was pretty easy, of course, they shot them in the back.

But your question was: "Who would have fucking guessed it?"?

To answer your question: No one would have guessed that. Because such insane mass murderers have almost always been leftists, or people with connections to leftists. Now we finally have one with rightist connections... which does little to alter the overwhelmingly leftist character of nearly all the mass murderers to date.

Since you brought the subject up in this thread.

I see the usual board leftsts are now doing their best to pretend that finding a right-wing nutcase is "usual" or "common" or "expected"... even though the overwhelming majority of them have always been left-connected. I expect no less from liars such as the leftists present on this board.

Does this mean you are no longer going to insist that a person't political bent has NOTHING TO DO WITH his being a mass murderer? That's not longer true? Despite so many lefitsts insisting that it was irrelevant, all these years when leftists have been gunning down colleges, post offices, shoping malls, and even elementary schools? Now we can finally assume that a murderer's political persuasion CAN be taken into account?

It's about time. So let's see. Dozens of leftist mass murderers, and one rightist mass murderer. Since we now CAN take political persuasion into account, what does that tell us about the FAR more likely political group to be committing mass murders against helpless victims?

One more for you, Norway:

2011 Norway attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Police: Vegas cop killers had anti-government view - Houston Chronicle

According to this article, the shooters left "SWASTIKA" symbols behind.

Which group is THAT? the White Supremacist Nazi's?
Is THAT the group we should demand to denounce this violence?

Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.
I hope these USMB RWers get a handle on this thing and DENOUNCE this radicalism within their ranks.

Put away those damn flags, they are divisive and inciting. They get people riled up for no reason.

When will it STOP!?!?

Maybe it will Stop when leftwing liberals equally denounce the ACA as anti-choice.
Or forcing bakers and photographers to provide gay artwork on demand
as a violation of First Amendment freedoms.

Whenever the Leftist agenda is EQUALLY open about BLATANT conflicts with their own principles of inclusion and "free choice,"
we might see some political integrity on all sides, ya think? that will ever happen?

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