Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Why ask? Is it a riveting question? Can't help it? Can't look inward even for a moment? Don't want to contemplate how these kind of people are your political bedfellows on a whole range of issues?

Exactly right. They cant. They just CANT get themselves to fathom how the radical right wing militia they glorified and they defended the ranch of a racist rancher from, well, following the members of that very militia that Fox News and Hannity praised and glorified as they pointed rifles at law officers, have now begun to ambush and murder innocent police officers.

I hope and pray that SWAT teams move in on that militia and put them all in an 8x8 concrete cell.

please tell us who on the right has "glorified and praised" far right murderers and assholes.

the answer is no one.

Grow the fuck up and stop the juvenile disengenuous posting.

I'll reply despite the obscenity. The political right has not glorified mass shooters, nor are any in recent memory, "leftists". The common denominator is mental illness, but not severe enough to require institutionalization. I will add KNOWN right wing spree and mass killers:

Huberty, Furrow, Baker, Atkinsson, the list goes on.
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FACT is they supported breaking the law in Nevada, they supported white supremacy and they supported tee potty nutters.

I agree with the first two points.
* They had criminal intent to begin with, regardless of affiliation.
* They were racist supremacists and even left behind Swastika marks as gang insignia

However Luddly on your last point
the fact you would "dehumanize" any group by calling them names
and "nutters" --
this is NOT respect for "equal rights."

This namecalling is the same tactic in bigotry used to label and degrade people by GROUPS

if these people were hypocrites, and their violence was blamed on INCITEFUL division by groups, how is YOUR namecalling NOT part of that hostility and inciteful antagonism?
I'll reply despite the obscenity. The political right has not glorified mass shooters, nor are any in recent memory, "leftists". The common denominator is mental illness, but not severe enough to require institutionalization.

Yes, it is criminal enough to be dangerous and merit detention until therapy is successful.

We just haven't implemented an agreed policy for screening such criminal illness, abuses
and dangers to the public "in advance." This would require an agreement on policy to prevent overreaching that violates due process and unreasonable searches and seizures.

If we enforced higher standards for "redressing grievances" and resolving conflicts,
we could screen out most risks in advance.

We are just too busy fighting politically to set up an agreed way to address such dangers.
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They weren't "anti government radicals". They were crazy people. An example of an "anti-government radical" is Bill Ayers and he kept the movement alive for almost two decades and he is still around preaching his brand of revolution. These A-holes were suicidal nut cases who probably read enough left wing blogs to hate Walmart. .

THEY WERE MEMBERS OF THE BUNDY RANCH MILITIA. They were AT the ranch, among those idiots pointing guns at cops. Same ones Fox News and the GOP glorified.

They laid yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread on Me" flags...ON the dead cops bodies.

They preached to their neighbors about how they hate the government, hate cops, don't believe in the Fed or the authority of the federal government (The cop killers, not Clive Bundy).

They were EXACTLY what they were: Anti-government radicals, flying that yellow snake flag that they would eventually lay on top of the cops they murdered; a couple who showed up as part of the Bundy Ranch militia, that Fox and the GOP embraced.

THAT blood is on the hands of the cowards on the right wing who support the type of radicalism that groups like their militia buy into. Not all right wingers, or even most. But the cowards who DO, know who they are.

Can you support peaceful resistance to government intrusion and not be targeted by low information lefties? Bill Ayers was a revolutionary. Those A-holes were suicidal maniacs.
Let's play a game.

Of all the USMB members.....please name three who you think might have the desire and the capability to carry out an attack on authority figures.
No one.

Now, can you name three (or more) USMB members who, if they found themselves under lethal attack by those same authority figures, might have the desire and the capability to defend themselves by shooting back. And perhaps get together to organize a better campaign to shoot back.
i dont know the members well enough, but no doubt some of our conservative member could pull off a counter attack. However, if I'm forced to name names, is would be that Paint My House fellow who has stated a number of times that America would be better off if we were dead, or words to that affect. Shocking to hear such words. This is just a message board and we're all decent folks for the most part, I bet.
I'll reply despite the obscenity. The political right has not glorified mass shooters, nor are any in recent memory, "leftists". The common denominator is mental illness, but not severe enough to require institutionalization.

Yes, it is criminal enough to be dangerous and merit detention until therapy is successful.

We just haven't implemented an agreed policy for screening such criminal illness, abuses
and dangers to the public "in advance." This would require an agreement on policy to prevent overreaching that violates due process and unreasonable searches and seizures.

If we enforced higher standards for "redressing grievances" and resolving conflicts,
we could screen out most risks in advance.

We are just too busy fighting politically to set up an agreed way to address such dangers.

Most show few, if any, signs that they are about to explode. Addressing the dangers without limiting our liberties remains a question with no answer. As for political bickering, it has made America great. Many totalitarian countries marvel at how much alike the Republicans & Democrats are. The Framers, i.e., those that wrote the Constitution, went out for breaks to have fistfights on occasion. (Slavery was one hot topic, as was the process for Amendment, and the make up of the House & Senate) I appreciate their diligence.
They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.

These idiots would have shot you in the face for calling them leftists.

Yes, Hitler saw no place for socialism, National Socialist isn't an exact translation of the the German. Nazism is a totalitarian, nationalist system. The opposite IN THEORY to Communism, in practice there are many similarities.

Flip sides on the same coin.. They share the same ideal for government control. right wingers would max out as anarchists.
Call them anything you want to call them. I call them "nut cases". Nobody in their right mind would do such a thing.
Call them anything you want to call them. I call them "nut cases". Nobody in their right mind would do such a thing.

You would think that no one in their right mind would fly a plane into a building, but I don't remember much of a movement to write such people off as nothing more than 'nutcases'.
They weren't "anti government radicals". They were crazy people. An example of an "anti-government radical" is Bill Ayers and he kept the movement alive for almost two decades and he is still around preaching his brand of revolution. These A-holes were suicidal nut cases who probably read enough left wing blogs to hate Walmart. .

THEY WERE MEMBERS OF THE BUNDY RANCH MILITIA. They were AT the ranch, among those idiots pointing guns at cops. Same ones Fox News and the GOP glorified.

They laid yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread on Me" flags...ON the dead cops bodies.

They preached to their neighbors about how they hate the government, hate cops, don't believe in the Fed or the authority of the federal government (The cop killers, not Clive Bundy).

They were EXACTLY what they were: Anti-government radicals, flying that yellow snake flag that they would eventually lay on top of the cops they murdered; a couple who showed up as part of the Bundy Ranch militia, that Fox and the GOP embraced.

THAT blood is on the hands of the cowards on the right wing who support the type of radicalism that groups like their militia buy into. Not all right wingers, or even most. But the cowards who DO, know who they are.

Can you support peaceful resistance to government intrusion and not be targeted by low information lefties? Bill Ayers was a revolutionary. Those A-holes were suicidal maniacs.

You're one of the posters who has expressed support for 'revolution' of this sort. I guess its charm diminishes when it goes from something on paper to the finished product.
They were two deranged people who committed murder the thing is I don't know who is sadder and more pathetic them or the people trying to use them and there actions to score cheap political points.

It's only because there are plenty more where they came from. Tea party types always let the loudest zealots speak for them, how long before a leader emerges to legitimize shit like this?

Soon. Quick run and hide! :lol:

Now, can you name three (or more) USMB members who, if they found themselves under lethal attack by those same authority figures, might have the desire and the capability to defend themselves by shooting back. And perhaps get together to organize a better campaign to shoot back.
i dont know the members well enough, but no doubt some of our conservative member could pull off a counter attack. However, if I'm forced to name names, is would be that Paint My House fellow who has stated a number of times that America would be better off if we were dead, or words to that affect. Shocking to hear such words. This is just a message board and we're all decent folks for the most part, I bet.

Come on lefties, do you really want to go down that road? Freaking Hollywood promoted a movie which depicted a way to murder President Bush while he was still in office. Cindy Sheehan's radical anti-war maniacs hanged President Bush in a dozen effigies. A prominent democrat congresswoman wished that Clarence Thomas would eat so much fatty food that he would die of a heart attack. Bill Ayers should be sharing a cell with Chuckie Manson for felony murder and about a thousand charges of bomb making but the FBI was found guilty of illegal surveillance and Ayers is a prominent member of the democrat party. Those A-holes weren't revolutionaries. Revolutionaries stay alive to keep the movement going. They were suicidal maniacs who used a revolutionary flag.
Call them anything you want to call them. I call them "nut cases". Nobody in their right mind would do such a thing.

You would think that no one in their right mind would fly a plane into a building, but I don't remember much of a movement to write such people off as nothing more than 'nutcases'.

Aside from the plethora of no true Scotsman fallacies, are you really defending the terrorists who murdered 3000 people? Are you suggesting we simply dismiss such an atrocity to write them all off as 'nutcases'?

I invite you to explain yourself.
Its hearsay that they had a yellow rattlesnake flag in their apartment?

Well guess what asshole.........

They laid that flag ON TOP of the dead cops, in front of a dozen witnesses at Cicis pizza, and was taken and secured by LVPD crime scene afterwards.

I don't know...but a pretty strong case exists to say that they were in possession of that flag. Just like the KKK took over the Confederate Flag as their symbol, it appears that the far right radical militia movement has now taken over the Gadsen rattlesnake flag as the...well, the "Kill cops because we hate the government" symbol.
They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.

American Nazis are far, far, far rightwing nationalists, race haters, etc.

They were part of the Bunkerville militia.

You are guilty by association with these murderous thugs.

And all of you who have been jailed in the last three years ~~ ever notice a slight itching under the left scapula?

so how would you know about that Jake?....just wonderin....
These idiots would have shot you in the face for calling them leftists.

Yes, Hitler saw no place for socialism, National Socialist isn't an exact translation of the the German. Nazism is a totalitarian, nationalist system. The opposite IN THEORY to Communism, in practice there are many similarities.

Flip sides on the same coin.. They share the same ideal for government control. right wingers would max out as anarchists.

Thank you; I have written that often here. Communism wore, and still wears, in China, and a few isolated spots, the mask of "equality"; developed and develops all the features of Fascism.
They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.

American Nazis are far, far, far rightwing nationalists, race haters, etc.

They were part of the Bunkerville militia.

You are guilty by association with these murderous thugs.

And all of you who have been jailed in the last three years ~~ ever notice a slight itching under the left scapula?

so how would you know about that Jake?....just wonderin....

Our fed and state LEO can be sluggish, lazy, corrupt, yes.

Stupid, no.

If any of the militia mutts think that another Bunkerville will result in the same conclusion are stupid.
Jared Miller's Facebook 'like' page.


NRA, American Patriot Media Network, Support the 2nd Amendment, The
Patriot Party, Rand Paul 2016, Ron Paul, the Washington Examiner, Draft Judge Andrew Napolitano, the Heritage Foundation,FreedomWorks, American Crossroads, and Allen West.

he also had a page in there about some guy named Chris being a pussy....just what a i heard....
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When it's a college student he's deeply disturbed and off his meds.

When it's a Muslim, he's loved and admired on the cover of Rolling Stone.

But when somebody says they're Tea Party members, automatically they're simply your typical Republican doing what they always do. However this is the type of person Obama liked at one time to rub elbows with. Bill Ayers.

Fact is, these folks are nuts.....and all this means is CNN has something to talk about other than breaking news about flight 370.
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They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.

American Nazis are far, far, far rightwing nationalists, race haters, etc.

They were part of the Bunkerville militia.

You are guilty by association with these murderous thugs.

And all of you who have been jailed in the last three years ~~ ever notice a slight itching under the left scapula?

so how would you know about that Jake?....just wonderin....

There is substantial difference between Cliven Bundy & any true Nazi. No, make that an immense, incalcuable difference.

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