Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

Sean Hannity made Clive Bundy and his traitors out to be heroes.

Now Hannity has blood on his hands.

Amen! Hannity has much blood on his cowardly hands. BTW, when is he going to be waterboarded for charity like he promised? The little chicken...

you and chris, two stupid peas in a pod
people can say the same for Obama, he has has blood on his hands and releasing these terrorist, He'll have buckets of just who do they worry about? some gawddam tv host

you can't make this shit up folks...
it scares when I see shit like this that they VOTE
These rightwing psychos were also camped out at the Bundy ranch. Figures...

Homegrown rightwing terrorists are a bigger threat than external terrorists. Sad but true...
Sean Hannity made Clive Bundy and his traitors out to be heroes.

Now Hannity has blood on his hands.

gawd you people are stupid
you're still haten on some rancher
and we should try and find out under which Presidents most of these take place
I' put my bet on the dEMOCRATS...FRIKKEN people are suffering under higher taxes, having to now pay for another NEW ENTITLEMENT, now fines from the IRS, food we are going to have to resort to cans of cat food soon

now you see how two can play at this STUPID GAME

why must you yammer on and on and on

@TemplarKormac is one!

Steph, you truly are one of the most hypocritical posters on this forum.

Steph. Seriously. Knock it off. Free speech and all, I get it, but I don't care who or what you are... bloodshed and violence are not solutions to government transgressing on our rights.

Nutz, note how I admonished people such as this one, who more than likely thinks bloodshed is the only way to combat government tyranny. Sigh. Also take note that the Bundys did kick them off of their ranch. Even they had some semblance of decency
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These rightwing psychos were also camped out at the Bundy ranch. Figures...

Homegrown rightwing terrorists are a bigger threat than external terrorists. Sad but true...

And you. You are the last one to be calling anyone a psycho.
Luddly is just following what the conservatives say about the liberals.

The far right cons take being called un-American even worse than the libs.

no he isnt....he has called posters here Anti-American,who were not doing anything but saying something he did not like.....and one time 3-4 of those "anti-americans" were Vets, 2 who have fought in wars for this Country.....something he hasnt wanna call someone Anti-American i suggest you make sure they are....dont say it because you like the way it sounds....
The Republican Party told these people to take their country back.

(And that is what they did)
Las Vegas has THE MOST gun deaths in the entire world.

That's where the Cliven Bundy nutters were camping.

You do realize the Bundy camp kicked these two assholes out of their camp! They stated that they were extremist that didn't represent what they stood for.

In other words they rejected these two's ideology and ostracized them!

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Also to note, when they went to the Wal-Mart after the cowardly slayings of the defenseless police officers, a brave concealed weapons holder tried to engage them at the entrance, but sadly, he too was killed by these yellow-rattlesnake-flag worshipping, anti-government cowardly freaks.

so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

The left wing Occupy crowd are SUING the cops. Not shooting them.

The far right radical movement is getting more dangerous by the day. To the point that now, members of the Bundy Ranch militia go into a CiCis pizza, and AMBUSH two innocent cops, and lay that stupid yellow snake flag on their bodies....the go to WalMart and kill another- who is a brave CWP holder who tried to stop their rampage- before being too cowardly to face the cops and instead commit suicide.

Do you think it's possible this violent attack on uniformed police officers is a response to emerging resentment for increasing examples of excessive police aggression such as was seen during the Occupy Wall Street protest and the increasingly common examples of excessively aggressive SWAT raids, such as the recent flash/bang grenade injury of a baby in his crib?

There is no question that the pair who killed the two Las Vegas cops and the fellow in WalMart are psychos. And there is little question that Timothy McVeigh (the Oklahoma City bomber) was an unstable personality (probably a PTSD case). But the point is both examples are responses to outrageously unacceptable conduct on the part of law-enforcement personnel.
Exactly right. They cant. They just CANT get themselves to fathom how the radical right wing militia they glorified and they defended the ranch of a racist rancher from, well, following the members of that very militia that Fox News and Hannity praised and glorified as they pointed rifles at law officers, have now begun to ambush and murder innocent police officers.

I hope and pray that SWAT teams move in on that militia and put them all in an 8x8 concrete cell.

please tell us who on the right has "glorified and praised" far right murderers and assholes.

the answer is no one.

Grow the fuck up and stop the juvenile disengenuous posting.

Umm...lets start with Sean Hannity and Fox News, who led for weeks with the Clive Bundy ranch nonsense?

Oh, see, they did that when these 2 cop killers were on that ranch pointing guns at cops, as part of that militia, BEFORE they actually murdered some cops.
Please be advised that while this pair did show up at the Bundy ranch stand-off they were asked to leave because of their radical behavior.
this is like the 6th thread already...good thing Bucs is up to speed and all

He better hope he doesn't 'draw' as slow as he posts.......:lol:.

As in draw a gun? My God, you right wingers have a literally infatuation with guns. You must suck on the barrel of one before you go to bed, huh? I'm so glad I no longer associate with right wing redneck pricks like you anymore.
Please believe this is not a smart-ass comment. I really think you should smoke some marijuana when you fall into these hostile moods. You'll feel a lot better.
They weren't "anti government radicals". They were crazy people. An example of an "anti-government radical" is Bill Ayers and he kept the movement alive for almost two decades and he is still around preaching his brand of revolution. These A-holes were suicidal nut cases who probably read enough left wing blogs to hate Walmart. .


Some of us told the RWnuts around here at the time that the Clive Bundy crowd were out of that Sovereign Citizen movement, or similar. Of course the nuts here scoffed at that notion.

It's the same mentality btw that produced Tim McVeigh.
The mentality that produced Tim McVeigh is the mentality that initiated, orchestrated, and finalized the Waco Massacre.

And I have no doubt that the mentality responsible for causing a flash/bang grenade to injure a baby in his crib is responsible for the killing of the killing of the two Las Vegas cops.
Why ask? Is it a riveting question? Can't help it? Can't look inward even for a moment? Don't want to contemplate how these kind of people are your political bedfellows on a whole range of issues?

Exactly right. They cant. They just CANT get themselves to fathom how the radical right wing militia they glorified and they defended the ranch of a racist rancher from, well, following the members of that very militia that Fox News and Hannity praised and glorified as they pointed rifles at law officers, have now begun to ambush and murder innocent police officers.

I hope and pray that SWAT teams move in on that militia and put them all in an 8x8 concrete cell.

please tell us who on the right has "glorified and praised" far right murderers and assholes.

the answer is no one.

Grow the fuck up and stop the juvenile disengenuous posting.

Well, let's see: those two RW Tea Party extremists were just at the Bundy Ranch last month:

Kind of makes you wonder how many more whackadoodle freak Gadsden-Flag worshipping, ZOG seeing freakazoidal murderers were also at the Bundy ranch.


So, let's get this straight. Two Tea Party loving, anti-goverment freakazoids just took the lives of three people, three INNOCENT people. But in the eyes of those fucking Tea Party loving, Gadsden Flag masturbating, ZOG seeing maniacs, cops are not innocent. THIS is how far the USA has sunk.

"Isolated incident"

"We came unarmed... this time"

"Water back the tree".

What a bunch of bullshit.
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More details:

White Supremacist
Bundy Ranch
Sovereign Citizens

Yepp, nothing to see here. Isolated incident. All those other isolated incident"ers" who just also happen to love the Gadsden Flag - totally unrelated. Yupp, isolated incident.
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Here the victims:

These are the people that those extreme Right-Wing bastards murdered in cold blood.
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And of course, nutzball Alex Jones (who thinks the thing was staged by the ZOG and all that shit) is of course on the defensive:

He thinks it's a staged, black-op false flag...
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And here is the killer himself, speaking at the Bundy Ranch.

Yes, that is Miller:

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Shouldn't have been accepted at the Bundy's to begin with.

Truth hurts, doesn't it, Koshergruel.

Those were extreme RIGHTIES who murdered innocent people.

Go ahead and glorify them all you want, we know you like that stuff....

Enjoy your time with your extreme Right-Wing, ultra-militant, unpatriotic, unamerican, people murdering friends.
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