Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

More to the point is that not one RW on this board has condemned their actions.

What do you think that says about them?

lots of lefties are here just flapping their lips too.....did not mention that did ya?....

Nope. Across the board, libs here always condemn mass shooters while RWs make excuses for them. And you know it.

oh if i show you a lib in this thread who has not condemned these guys but has just joined in the bullshit being thrown around here you will shut the fuck up?.....
This is so funny.

Every time some nutter blows away a group of people, the RWs on this board form a double line to defend them

Can you name even one instance where this has happened?

Or is it just more of your usual lies about conservatives?

Can you show me even one instance where RWs have said nutters should not have easy access to guns?

Right OR left, one cannot simultaneously support arming every single person in the country AND say they're against mass shootings.
This is so funny.

Every time some nutter blows away a group of people, the RWs on this board form a double line to defend them

Can you name even one instance where this has happened?

Or is it just more of your usual lies about conservatives?

Can you show me even one instance where RWs have said nutters should not have easy access to guns?

Yes, plenty.

And I can also show you countless times where big-govt leftists have insisted that GOVERNMENT be the agent that decides which Americans should own guns and which shouldn't... in other words, countless times when leftists have only proposed ideas that don't work, and which leave the shooters and mass murderers as heavily armed as ever, while disarming the law-abiding.
The article did not associate the two with the Tea Party or any other group and stated they acted alone but hey never let facts get in the way of hate filled partisan B.S.

Two Las Vegas police officers and bystander killed by white supremacist couple | Mail Online

They were members of the Bundy Ranch militia.

They talked, acted and had displays (like that flag) consistent with the Tea Party. You know the saying....if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck......its a duck.
The Tea Party has never talked about killing police officers or armed revolution the fact they had a don't tread on me flag does not make them members of the Tea Party or mean the Tea Party shares there views honest people know this but you know what they say if it talks like a partisan hack and post like a partisan hack it's a hack.
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After some 30-plus mass murderers in recent memory, with almost exclusively leftist connections, who murderered schoolchildren, mothers in their beds, etc., at last we finally get one with clear right-wing connections. And their first victims weren't schoolchildren or mothers, they were armed police officers. It was pretty easy, of course, they shot them in the back.

But your question was: "Who would have fucking guessed it?"?

To answer your question: No one would have guessed that. Because such insane mass murderers have almost always been leftists, or people with connections to leftists. Now we finally have one with rightist connections... which does little to alter the overwhelmingly leftist character of nearly all the mass murderers to date.

Since you brought the subject up in this thread.

I see the usual board leftsts are now doing their best to pretend that finding a right-wing nutcase is "usual" or "common" or "expected"... even though the overwhelming majority of them have always been left-connected. I expect no less from liars such as the leftists present on this board.

Does this mean you are no longer going to insist that a person't political bent has NOTHING TO DO WITH his being a mass murderer? That's not longer true? Despite so many lefitsts insisting that it was irrelevant, all these years when leftists have been gunning down colleges, post offices, shoping malls, and even elementary schools? Now we can finally assume that a murderer's political persuasion CAN be taken into account?

It's about time. So let's see. Dozens of leftist mass murderers, and one rightist mass murderer. Since we now CAN take political persuasion into account, what does that tell us about the FAR more likely political group to be committing mass murders against helpless victims?
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More to the point is that not one RW on this board has condemned their actions.

What do you think that says about them?

lots of lefties are here just flapping their lips too.....did not mention that did ya?....

Nope. Across the board, libs here always condemn mass shooters while RWs make excuses for them. And you know it.

lets see, the last one of you blamed NRA
another you all blamed assault rifles
you people do think you libs are so high and mighty
well I just brust your little bubble so come back down to earth if you get your heads out the clouds
Also to note, when they went to the Wal-Mart after the cowardly slayings of the defenseless police officers, a brave concealed weapons holder tried to engage them at the entrance, but sadly, he too was killed by these yellow-rattlesnake-flag worshipping, anti-government cowardly freaks.

so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

The left wing Occupy crowd are SUING the cops. Not shooting them.

The far right radical movement is getting more dangerous by the day. To the point that now, members of the Bundy Ranch militia go into a CiCis pizza, and AMBUSH two innocent cops, and lay that stupid yellow snake flag on their bodies....the go to WalMart and kill another- who is a brave CWP holder who tried to stop their rampage- before being too cowardly to face the cops and instead commit suicide.

Thanks to Fox News, Sean Hannity and the rest of the GOP who GLORIFIED these cowardly cop killers militia a couple months ago as they defended a racist rancher.

Sorry, weren't you bitching about 'anit-government' in your OP, you know like Occupy? Not to mention the Gadsden flag was used by White Power groups far before the Tea Party adopted it. But you will continue to try and state this is the Tea Party's fault. Geese, the Navy Seals use this symbol on one of their patches and OMG Nike does too. Blame them too.
More to the point is that not one RW on this board has condemned their actions.

What do you think that says about them?

lots of lefties are here just flapping their lips too.....did not mention that did ya?....

Nope. Across the board, libs here always condemn mass shooters while RWs make excuses for them. And you know it.

No, actually when you find out the shooters are looney lefties, you shut up about it, and I heard the new shooters were into the arts big time. They also could be looney lefties.
Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.

hearsay. Also you cant prove Bundy is a racist, particulary because you people call anyone not a Leftist a racist.

Its hearsay that they had a yellow rattlesnake flag in their apartment?

Well guess what asshole.........

They laid that flag ON TOP of the dead cops, in front of a dozen witnesses at Cicis pizza, and was taken and secured by LVPD crime scene afterwards.

I don't know...but a pretty strong case exists to say that they were in possession of that flag. Just like the KKK took over the Confederate Flag as their symbol, it appears that the far right radical militia movement has now taken over the Gadsen rattlesnake flag as the...well, the "Kill cops because we hate the government" symbol.
They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.
hearsay. Also you cant prove Bundy is a racist, particulary because you people call anyone not a Leftist a racist.

Its hearsay that they had a yellow rattlesnake flag in their apartment?

Well guess what asshole.........

They laid that flag ON TOP of the dead cops, in front of a dozen witnesses at Cicis pizza, and was taken and secured by LVPD crime scene afterwards.

I don't know...but a pretty strong case exists to say that they were in possession of that flag. Just like the KKK took over the Confederate Flag as their symbol, it appears that the far right radical militia movement has now taken over the Gadsen rattlesnake flag as the...well, the "Kill cops because we hate the government" symbol.
They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.

These idiots would have shot you in the face for calling them leftists.
hearsay. Also you cant prove Bundy is a racist, particulary because you people call anyone not a Leftist a racist.

Its hearsay that they had a yellow rattlesnake flag in their apartment?

Well guess what asshole.........

They laid that flag ON TOP of the dead cops, in front of a dozen witnesses at Cicis pizza, and was taken and secured by LVPD crime scene afterwards.

I don't know...but a pretty strong case exists to say that they were in possession of that flag. Just like the KKK took over the Confederate Flag as their symbol, it appears that the far right radical militia movement has now taken over the Gadsen rattlesnake flag as the...well, the "Kill cops because we hate the government" symbol.
They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.

American Nazis are far, far, far rightwing nationalists, race haters, etc.

They were part of the Bunkerville militia.

You are guilty by association with these murderous thugs.

And all of you who have been jailed in the last three years ~~ ever notice a slight itching under the left scapula?

They were booted from the Bundy ranch.......not a member of Bundys militia. Bundy doesn't have a militia, but had the support of various militias. These two tweekers did not belong to a militia but were self-styled tweeker conspiracy type nutters.
Finally some common sense analysis.
Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.

Umm, don't pre judge a freaking Army deserter after five years but blame a bunch of blue haired old ladies and grizzled Vets who belong to the Tea Party for a crazy murder/suicide? Sounds about right for the left.
Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.

Black person kills a White person and some bigoted loons scream about "The Blacks!", a so-called left winger or liberal commits a crime and "It's the Liberals!", etc. Why play the same game as those assholes? There are plenty of far right people who have those beliefs and don't commit such a heinous acts, these two particular fools probably didn't need anyone to influence them to do such a crazy thing, they were just basically sociopaths and or psychopaths.

If the armed civilian who was killed would have realized that the female was with the guy, he would have been able to stop them and they may have been dead and he would still be alive and would have been justly called a HERO , which he still is because he had the guts to do the right thing. God Bless the families of the victims.
Why is it that no RWs here have condemned their actions?

Who isn't against this shooting as senseless violence?
It's assumed this is lawlessness and is already being treated as such.

The police and law enforcement response already represent the LAW.

Wal-mart and witnesses are already cooperating with the investigation
and the usual process that follows. It looks like more people are focused
on supporting the surviving families of the fallen officers, and paying respects that way.

Again, the important question is, who is in favor of taking steps to make these shootings more rare?

As far as I know, the only thing you RWs say is "more guns".
Guns didn't kill those cops. Two leftwing Nazis did.

They were booted from the Bundy ranch.......not a member of Bundys militia. Bundy doesn't have a militia, but had the support of various militias. These two tweekers did not belong to a militia but were self-styled tweeker conspiracy type nutters.
Finally some common sense analysis.

Let's play a game.

Of all the USMB members.....please name three who you think might have the desire and the capability to carry out an attack on authority figures.
Who isn't against this shooting as senseless violence?
It's assumed this is lawlessness and is already being treated as such.

The police and law enforcement response already represent the LAW.

Wal-mart and witnesses are already cooperating with the investigation
and the usual process that follows. It looks like more people are focused
on supporting the surviving families of the fallen officers, and paying respects that way.

Again, the important question is, who is in favor of taking steps to make these shootings more rare?

As far as I know, the only thing you RWs say is "more guns".
Guns didn't kill those cops. Two leftwing Nazis did.

Oh look, "the nazis were leftists" diversion, sorry dude there was nothing even resembling a liberal in this story.
Its hearsay that they had a yellow rattlesnake flag in their apartment?

Well guess what asshole.........

They laid that flag ON TOP of the dead cops, in front of a dozen witnesses at Cicis pizza, and was taken and secured by LVPD crime scene afterwards.

I don't know...but a pretty strong case exists to say that they were in possession of that flag. Just like the KKK took over the Confederate Flag as their symbol, it appears that the far right radical militia movement has now taken over the Gadsen rattlesnake flag as the...well, the "Kill cops because we hate the government" symbol.
They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.

These idiots would have shot you in the face for calling them leftists.
Nobody claims they are bright. But Leftists they are. They have more in common with the communists than decent TEA party members.
Its hearsay that they had a yellow rattlesnake flag in their apartment?

Well guess what asshole.........

They laid that flag ON TOP of the dead cops, in front of a dozen witnesses at Cicis pizza, and was taken and secured by LVPD crime scene afterwards.

I don't know...but a pretty strong case exists to say that they were in possession of that flag. Just like the KKK took over the Confederate Flag as their symbol, it appears that the far right radical militia movement has now taken over the Gadsen rattlesnake flag as the...well, the "Kill cops because we hate the government" symbol.
They laid a Nazi swastika on one of the cops, which you conveniently forgot to mention. That proves they were far leftwing radicals. As for being at the Bundy ranch, they had nothing to do with Bundy. It was his choice to show up, afterall it is a free country.

American Nazis are far, far, far rightwing nationalists, race haters, etc.

They were part of the Bunkerville militia.

You are guilty by association with these murderous thugs.

And all of you who have been jailed in the last three years ~~ ever notice a slight itching under the left scapula?
Nonesense. Easily proven wrong. Who started the KKK? Take a guess.

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