Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

I agree. The Gitmo 5 pose less risk to the common American and their day to day life than do nutjobs like these cowards who killed these cops.

Thank God for our military and all that they do, and because of them, the cavemen in Afghanistan pose us almost no daily risk at all.

The nutjobs with guns roaming American streets NOW pose a far more immediate threat, and need to be dealt with and imprisoned the same way the military dealt with the cavemen in the Middle East who wanted to do harm to American citizens.

As the Taliban just attacked the largest airport in Pakistan yesterday. Don't think much before you post, do you? Are you related to Lurch Kerry? :lol:

Hey, I know Dick Cheney and his lobbyists need some more war money; And I know you warhawks want to send more of OTHER people's sons and brothers into a war.

But we have people getting slaughtered right here on US soil.

So forgive me if I don't give a fuck what some cavemen from Afghanistan did in Pakistan.

You pathetic little creature.....
Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.

hearsay. Also you cant prove Bundy is a racist, particulary because you people call anyone not a Leftist a racist.
What you don't get, snake, is that the teaparty is NOT far right. The constitution, small federal govt, and lower taxes are NOT far right concepts.

No, it is nothing of the sort, only a holding pen for deranged criminal minds.

The bad guys have overtaken the far right.

Nope, the TPM is not mainstream, never has been, and now has been relegated with the social cons as outcasts on the far right.
I wont clutter this thread by responding to everyone, but many have made excellent posts in response, in acknowledging that we have a DOMESTIC THREAT on our own soil, homegrown, and full of citizens of this country.

Many things threaten US citizens, domestic and foreign. Armed militia members who believe in some fantasy that the government is out to oppress them (HMMM....wonder where they get that idea from) are a serious threat. And, thanks to our military, are MORE of a threat than cavemen in the Middle East now.

What you gonna do about it, pussy boy?

Cry like a little bitch?

That's what I thought. internet tough guy. You and I will never meet in person, so no reason to discuss any further with you.:cuckoo:
Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.

hearsay. Also you cant prove Bundy is a racist, particulary because you people call anyone not a Leftist a racist.

Its hearsay that they had a yellow rattlesnake flag in their apartment?

Well guess what asshole.........

They laid that flag ON TOP of the dead cops, in front of a dozen witnesses at Cicis pizza, and was taken and secured by LVPD crime scene afterwards.

I don't know...but a pretty strong case exists to say that they were in possession of that flag. Just like the KKK took over the Confederate Flag as their symbol, it appears that the far right radical militia movement has now taken over the Gadsen rattlesnake flag as the...well, the "Kill cops because we hate the government" symbol.
They weren't "anti government radicals". They were crazy people. An example of an "anti-government radical" is Bill Ayers and he kept the movement alive for almost two decades and he is still around preaching his brand of revolution. These A-holes were suicidal nut cases who probably read enough left wing blogs to hate Walmart. .

How many defenseless Americans did Bill Ayers kill in the name of Liberalism and the Democrat Party, which he is a card-carrying member. Also, how many years has he been close friends with the Obamas? Did Barrack introduce him to the Clintons?
so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

Why ask? Is it a riveting question? Can't help it? Can't look inward even for a moment? Don't want to contemplate how these kind of people are your political bedfellows on a whole range of issues?

Exactly right. They cant. They just CANT get themselves to fathom how the radical right wing militia they glorified and they defended the ranch of a racist rancher from, well, following the members of that very militia that Fox News and Hannity praised and glorified as they pointed rifles at law officers, have now begun to ambush and murder innocent police officers.

I hope and pray that SWAT teams move in on that militia and put them all in an 8x8 concrete cell.
You're wanting the Obama Gestapo to go after law-abiding citizens, now?

I see the usual board leftsts are now doing their best to pretend that finding a right-wing nutcase is "usual" or "common" or "expected"... even though the overwhelming majority of them have always been left-connected. I expect no less from liars such as the leftists present on this board.

Does this mean you are no longer going to insist that a person't political bent has NOTHING TO DO WITH his being a mass murderer?
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The article did not associate the two with the Tea Party or any other group and stated they acted alone but hey never let facts get in the way of hate filled partisan B.S.
Exactly right. They cant. They just CANT get themselves to fathom how the radical right wing militia they glorified and they defended the ranch of a racist rancher from, well, following the members of that very militia that Fox News and Hannity praised and glorified as they pointed rifles at law officers, have now begun to ambush and murder innocent police officers.

I hope and pray that SWAT teams move in on that militia and put them all in an 8x8 concrete cell.

please tell us who on the right has "glorified and praised" far right murderers and assholes.

the answer is no one.

Grow the fuck up and stop the juvenile disengenuous posting.

He gets all nipply when he posts this. He use ta be a Republican, yanno

Oh my...did one of our GOP members butt fuck him against his will?


After some 30-plus mass murderers in recent memory, with almost exclusively leftist connections, who murderered schoolchildren, mothers in their beds, etc., at last we finally get one with clear right-wing connections. And their first victims weren't schoolchildren or mothers, they were armed police officers. It was pretty easy, of course, they shot them in the back.

But your question was: "Who would have fucking guessed it?"?

To answer your question: No one would have guessed that. Because such insane mass murderers have almost always been leftists, or people with connections to leftists. Now we finally have one with rightist connections... which does little to alter the overwhelmingly leftist character of nearly all the mass murderers to date.

Since you brought the subject up in this thread.

I see the usual board leftsts are now doing their best to pretend that finding a right-wing nutcase is "usual" or "common" or "expected"... even though the overwhelming majority of them have always been left-connected. I expect no less from liars such as the leftists present on this board.

Does this mean you are no longer going to insist that a person't political bent has NOTHING TO DO WITH his being a mass murderer? That's not longer true? Despite so many lefitsts insisting that it was irrelevant, all these years when leftists have been gunning down colleges, post offices, shoping malls, and even elementary schools? Now we can finally assume that a murderer's political persuasion CAN be taken into account?

It's about time. So let's see. Dozens of leftist mass murderers, and one rightist mass murderer. Since we now CAN take political persuasion into account, what does that tell us about the FAR more likely political group to be committing mass murders against helpless victims?

No intelligent life remains on the left anymore.......
Why ask? Is it a riveting question? Can't help it? Can't look inward even for a moment? Don't want to contemplate how these kind of people are your political bedfellows on a whole range of issues?

Exactly right. They cant. They just CANT get themselves to fathom how the radical right wing militia they glorified and they defended the ranch of a racist rancher from, well, following the members of that very militia that Fox News and Hannity praised and glorified as they pointed rifles at law officers, have now begun to ambush and murder innocent police officers.

I hope and pray that SWAT teams move in on that militia and put them all in an 8x8 concrete cell.
You're wanting the Obama Gestapo to go after law-abiding citizens, now?

1- Obama has absolutely NO AUTHORITY over any city, county or state SWAT team. He only has power over the Feds and military

2- Pointing a gun a law enforcement is a crime. Therefore, they stopped being "law abiding" when they did that.

All who pointed guns at the cops must be tracked down and jailed. If the militia shelters or hides them, then take down the entire militia for harboring a felony fugitive.

So, yes, I'm tired of seeing these radicals get coddled and hugged simply because they carry guns and act tough. If they wanna break laws then threaten violence or display guns, fuck 'em, SWAT teams have armored vehicles and more personnel and more equipment. And if that wont work, call out the Army National Guard. Enough is enough.
The article did not associate the two with the Tea Party or any other group and stated they acted alone but hey never let facts get in the way of hate filled partisan B.S.

Two Las Vegas police officers and bystander killed by white supremacist couple | Mail Online

They were members of the Bundy Ranch militia.

They talked, acted and had displays (like that flag) consistent with the Tea Party. You know the saying....if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck......its a duck.
Also to note, when they went to the Wal-Mart after the cowardly slayings of the defenseless police officers, a brave concealed weapons holder tried to engage them at the entrance, but sadly, he too was killed by these yellow-rattlesnake-flag worshipping, anti-government cowardly freaks.

so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

More to the point is that not one RW on this board has condemned their actions.

What do you think that says about them?
Oh, I don't know, how about this:

1- They already tried courts. Got rulings...for 20 years.

2- The LEO's thought that the militia members may be armed (yep, they were) and may be willing to KILL COPS. And now, we see, that members of their militia....have murdered cops.

So, yeah, you all who didn't like the SWAT team can go fuck yourselves. That Clive Bundy ranch militia contained members who were future COP KILLERS. I only regret that they died at their own hands, not with a SWAT team member shooting them point blank in the lower spine, then dragging their paralyzed body to court to suffer in a cell for 70 years.[/QUOTE]

Thats what I would have preferred for them as well.

Those murdering bastards did not represent anyone but their diseased selves. To claim that they represented any movement right or left, is absurd. But typical of libtards like you.

Funny how that works for you people. You run around preaching revolution and then when the revolutionaries you've spawned take action,

you preachers throw them under the bus.

you ever hear of NON-violent Revolution? at the ballot box?.....
Exactly right. They cant. They just CANT get themselves to fathom how the radical right wing militia they glorified and they defended the ranch of a racist rancher from, well, following the members of that very militia that Fox News and Hannity praised and glorified as they pointed rifles at law officers, have now begun to ambush and murder innocent police officers.

I hope and pray that SWAT teams move in on that militia and put them all in an 8x8 concrete cell.

please tell us who on the right has "glorified and praised" far right murderers and assholes.

the answer is no one.

Grow the fuck up and stop the juvenile disengenuous posting.

He gets all nipply when he posts this. He use ta be a Republican, yanno

this is like the 6th thread already...good thing Bucs is up to speed and all

He better hope he doesn't 'draw' as slow as he posts.......:lol:.

As in draw a gun? My God, you right wingers have a literally infatuation with guns. You must suck on the barrel of one before you go to bed, huh? I'm so glad I no longer associate with right wing redneck pricks like you anymore.

I've never seen a USMB meltdown before. Are they all this entertaining?
The article did not associate the two with the Tea Party or any other group and stated they acted alone but hey never let facts get in the way of hate filled partisan B.S.

Two Las Vegas police officers and bystander killed by white supremacist couple | Mail Online

They were members of the Bundy Ranch militia.

They talked, acted and had displays (like that flag) consistent with the Tea Party. You know the saying....if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck......its a duck.

Liar........:bs1:. Link or return to your corner with duncecap.
The article did not associate the two with the Tea Party or any other group and stated they acted alone but hey never let facts get in the way of hate filled partisan B.S.

The shooters associated themselves with the tee potty.

Since there is no Tea Party, all it takes to be a "member" is to say you are.
I've never seen a USMB meltdown before. Are they all this entertaining?

After years, decades of left-wingers committing mass murders, the leftists finally have ONE right-wing mass murder to "balance" all that.

What you're seeing is a generation (or two) of pent-up rage, which they couldn't release since the evidence showing their side wrong, was so overwhelming. Finally, now they have found one crack in the dam. And they're pretending there's now a flood.

These people have always lived by the lie and the exaggeration.

Nothing has changed, really.
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