Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

I hope these USMB RWers get a handle on this thing and DENOUNCE this radicalism within their ranks.

Put away those damn flags, they are divisive and inciting. They get people riled up for no reason.

When will it STOP!?!?

When will it stop? Never. Americans who love freedom and the constitution will never stop denoucing you traitors who shit on the american flag and those who fought and died to preserve it.

The "don't tread on me" flag is not a radical flag. I suggest you look it up.

Well....right wing militia members laid that flag over the bodies of the two cops they just murdered. Yeah, "not radical" right? Some say the Confederate flag isn't "racist" either. Whatever the truth is....its used a symbol of that, just like the "Don't Tread" flag is used, now, as a radical right wing movement flag, and apparently, as a shroud to lay over the cops that these cowardly right wing militia members killed.

I swear, there are days when I wish the FEMA camps, black helicopters and supposed civilian Army were real things that could round these assholes up and isolate from the rest of society.

These two cowardly yellow-snake-flag waiving scumbags lived in a suburban home, in Las Vegas, in the greatest nation on Earth, with access to anything and everything a person would ever want.

But somehow, they felt "oppressed" by the government and decided to murder some cops. Hmmm. Maybe their participation in the Clive Bundy ranch standoff pushed them over the edge.

We agree on how these assholes should be treated, Do we also agree that left wing assholes who do similar things should receive the same treatment? Yes or no.

As to the confederate flag being racist. It has been made a racist symbol by the radical left, not anyone on the right. Tell me, is the mexican flag racist when it is waved in the face of americans ON AMERICAN SOIL?

You libs are nothing but hypocrites----every fuckin one of you

These scumbags placed the yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag ONTO THE COPS BODY after they cowardly ambushed him.

All you MF'ers who have pushed this anti-government hatred the past 6 years....I wont even say what you deserve.

These weren't conservatives or Tea Partiers. If you ever go to a tea party rally you will see they have nothing but respect and admiration for people in uniform, whether it be soldiers, police officers or firefighters.

See these people were probably national socialist in the way Diablo Blanco demostrates. They hate this government that supports all races and religions, but wants a totaliterian form of all incompassing and very leftist socialst government.

that blanket statement bears no relationship to what we're seeing in actual reality.

i just call them neo-confederate insurrectionists. it's easier that way.
Reminds me of the blood that Bill O'Reilly, in particular, has on his hands for the killing of Dr. George Tiller. WTF does he and FOXNEWS expect when you go on NATIONAL TV everyday day calling someone a "baby killer" demonizing him every day and every night.
Wow nice red herring. The guy that killed Tiller and these two scumbags are in different camps. While it was wrong that Tiller was murder, O'Reilly was more than justified in his characterization of Tiller. He conducted abortions when a woman was a full term. It was DISCOVERED the vast majority took place when the mother's life was NOT in danger nor were any birth defects detected! He was a monster and a baby killer.

While it was wrong he was killed, don't over blow situation. The same amount of abortion doctors murdered is the same amount of BLACKS murdered by other BLACKS on an off weekday in Chicago.

Ferengi It's going to incite some RW radical to go into a church, where the man was worshipping and blow his brains out.[/QUOTE]
How many of those happen you fucking twat! Not many at all and the RW tends to support Churchs!
Oh, I don't know, how about this:

1- They already tried courts. Got rulings...for 20 years.

2- The LEO's thought that the militia members may be armed (yep, they were) and may be willing to KILL COPS. And now, we see, that members of their militia....have murdered cops.

So, yeah, you all who didn't like the SWAT team can go fuck yourselves. That Clive Bundy ranch militia contained members who were future COP KILLERS. I only regret that they died at their own hands, not with a SWAT team member shooting them point blank in the lower spine, then dragging their paralyzed body to court to suffer in a cell for 70 years.[/QUOTE]

Thats what I would have preferred for them as well.

Those murdering bastards did not represent anyone but their diseased selves. To claim that they represented any movement right or left, is absurd. But typical of libtards like you.

Funny how that works for you people. You run around preaching revolution and then when the revolutionaries you've spawned take action,

you preachers throw them under the bus.

there are peaceful revolutionaries and militant revolutionaries. MLK was peaceful, the teaparty is peaceful. The militants on both sides need to be silenced-----do you agree?
I agree. The Gitmo 5 pose less risk to the common American and their day to day life than do nutjobs like these cowards who killed these cops.

Thank God for our military and all that they do, and because of them, the cavemen in Afghanistan pose us almost no daily risk at all.

The nutjobs with guns roaming American streets NOW pose a far more immediate threat, and need to be dealt with and imprisoned the same way the military dealt with the cavemen in the Middle East who wanted to do harm to American citizens.
Also to note, when they went to the Wal-Mart after the cowardly slayings of the defenseless police officers, a brave concealed weapons holder tried to engage them at the entrance, but sadly, he too was killed by these yellow-rattlesnake-flag worshipping, anti-government cowardly freaks.

so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

The left wing Occupy crowd are SUING the cops. Not shooting them.

The far right radical movement is getting more dangerous by the day. To the point that now, members of the Bundy Ranch militia go into a CiCis pizza, and AMBUSH two innocent cops, and lay that stupid yellow snake flag on their bodies....the go to WalMart and kill another- who is a brave CWP holder who tried to stop their rampage- before being too cowardly to face the cops and instead commit suicide.

Thanks to Fox News, Sean Hannity and the rest of the GOP who GLORIFIED these cowardly cop killers militia a couple months ago as they defended a racist rancher.

Yes it will get much worse in the coming few years as the bitter rightwing white Christians realize they have lost their white christian enetitlment :eek:
Assclown lefties can't tell the difference between deranged tweekers and real revolutionaries. What a bunch of propellor-head losers........
The fuck "They weren't "anti government radicals"."

Yes, these are the types that Whitehall and the other cowards encourage with their pussifying hate and rage threads.

Has the overwhelming string of TP primary defeats taught you anything?

America, the sane 95% of it, is afraid of the far right political mutant freaks, who, seeing they are going to lose big time, encourage the crazies among them "to stand up to The Man."

What you don't get, snake, is that the teaparty is NOT far right. The constitution, small federal govt, and lower taxes are NOT far right concepts.

The "mutants" here are assholes like you who cannot tell the truth when it is rammed up their asses.

What you don't get, snake, is that the teaparty is NOT far right. The constitution, small federal govt, and lower taxes are NOT far right concepts.

And anyone who agrees with sentiment is considered to be a whack job...

anyone who does not agree with it has the IQ of a slug. Which do you oppose, the constitution, small federal govt, or lower taxes? Which of those concepts is the concept of "whack jobs"?
I wont clutter this thread by responding to everyone, but many have made excellent posts in response, in acknowledging that we have a DOMESTIC THREAT on our own soil, homegrown, and full of citizens of this country.

Many things threaten US citizens, domestic and foreign. Armed militia members who believe in some fantasy that the government is out to oppress them (HMMM....wonder where they get that idea from) are a serious threat. And, thanks to our military, are MORE of a threat than cavemen in the Middle East now.
so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

The left wing Occupy crowd are SUING the cops. Not shooting them.

The far right radical movement is getting more dangerous by the day. To the point that now, members of the Bundy Ranch militia go into a CiCis pizza, and AMBUSH two innocent cops, and lay that stupid yellow snake flag on their bodies....the go to WalMart and kill another- who is a brave CWP holder who tried to stop their rampage- before being too cowardly to face the cops and instead commit suicide.

Thanks to Fox News, Sean Hannity and the rest of the GOP who GLORIFIED these cowardly cop killers militia a couple months ago as they defended a racist rancher.

Yes it will get much worse in the coming few years as the bitter rightwing white Christians realize they have lost their white christian enetitlment :eek:

the only entitlement we are losing is freedom, and you idiots on the left are celebrating as more and more of YOUR freedoms are taken away from you. amazing and pathetic.
I wont clutter this thread by responding to everyone, but many have made excellent posts in response, in acknowledging that we have a DOMESTIC THREAT on our own soil, homegrown, and full of citizens of this country.

Many things threaten US citizens, domestic and foreign. Armed militia members who believe in some fantasy that the government is out to oppress them (HMMM....wonder where they get that idea from) are a serious threat. And, thanks to our military, are MORE of a threat than cavemen in the Middle East now.

Are the following domestic threats--------OWS, black panthers, Bill Ayers and the weather underground, illegal aliens, domestic muslim terrorist cells?
Also to note, when they went to the Wal-Mart after the cowardly slayings of the defenseless police officers, a brave concealed weapons holder tried to engage them at the entrance, but sadly, he too was killed by these yellow-rattlesnake-flag worshipping, anti-government cowardly freaks.

so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

The left wing Occupy crowd are SUING the cops. Not shooting them.

The far right radical movement is getting more dangerous by the day. To the point that now, members of the Bundy Ranch militia go into a CiCis pizza, and AMBUSH two innocent cops, and lay that stupid yellow snake flag on their bodies....the go to WalMart and kill another- who is a brave CWP holder who tried to stop their rampage- before being too cowardly to face the cops and instead commit suicide.

Thanks to Fox News, Sean Hannity and the rest of the GOP who GLORIFIED these cowardly cop killers militia a couple months ago as they defended a racist rancher.

ill take that as a no....
I wont clutter this thread by responding to everyone, but many have made excellent posts in response, in acknowledging that we have a DOMESTIC THREAT on our own soil, homegrown, and full of citizens of this country.

Many things threaten US citizens, domestic and foreign. Armed militia members who believe in some fantasy that the government is out to oppress them (HMMM....wonder where they get that idea from) are a serious threat. And, thanks to our military, are MORE of a threat than cavemen in the Middle East now.

What you gonna do about it, pussy boy?

Cry like a little bitch?

That's what I thought.
I agree. The Gitmo 5 pose less risk to the common American and their day to day life than do nutjobs like these cowards who killed these cops.

Thank God for our military and all that they do, and because of them, the cavemen in Afghanistan pose us almost no daily risk at all.

The nutjobs with guns roaming American streets NOW pose a far more immediate threat, and need to be dealt with and imprisoned the same way the military dealt with the cavemen in the Middle East who wanted to do harm to American citizens.

As the Taliban just attacked the largest airport in Pakistan yesterday. Don't think much before you post, do you? Are you related to Lurch Kerry? :lol:
so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

The left wing Occupy crowd are SUING the cops. Not shooting them.

The far right radical movement is getting more dangerous by the day. To the point that now, members of the Bundy Ranch militia go into a CiCis pizza, and AMBUSH two innocent cops, and lay that stupid yellow snake flag on their bodies....the go to WalMart and kill another- who is a brave CWP holder who tried to stop their rampage- before being too cowardly to face the cops and instead commit suicide.

Thanks to Fox News, Sean Hannity and the rest of the GOP who GLORIFIED these cowardly cop killers militia a couple months ago as they defended a racist rancher.

Yes it will get much worse in the coming few years as the bitter rightwing white Christians realize they have lost their white christian enetitlment :eek:

I agree it will get much worse. Doubt it is as related to Christianity as some thing. Bitter white males on the FAR right wing? Yeah, that's a big part of it.

We are only halfway through 2014, and police deaths have soared: Two Las Vegas police officers and bystander killed by white supremacist couple | Mail Online

Death of police from gunfire is up 31% from 2013...and we still have 6 1/2 months (and lots of bitter, armed far right wing types who have been convinced the govt is out to get them) to go.
Also to note, when they went to the Wal-Mart after the cowardly slayings of the defenseless police officers, a brave concealed weapons holder tried to engage them at the entrance, but sadly, he too was killed by these yellow-rattlesnake-flag worshipping, anti-government cowardly freaks.

so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

Why ask? Is it a riveting question? Can't help it? Can't look inward even for a moment? Don't want to contemplate how these kind of people are your political bedfellows on a whole range of issues?

why did you ask what you are asking? question must have been riveting for you.....and yea....those people are my political bedfellows....if they are they must be yours too....
I wont clutter this thread by responding to everyone, but many have made excellent posts in response, in acknowledging that we have a DOMESTIC THREAT on our own soil, homegrown, and full of citizens of this country.

Many things threaten US citizens, domestic and foreign. Armed militia members who believe in some fantasy that the government is out to oppress them (HMMM....wonder where they get that idea from) are a serious threat. And, thanks to our military, are MORE of a threat than cavemen in the Middle East now.

What you gonna do about it, pussy boy?

Cry like a little bitch?

That's what I thought.

LOL, the left is losing the american voters and all they can do is make up more right wing boogey men.

liberalism has failed, they know it, we know it, everyone knows it, but their defective liberal gene prevents them from acknowledging it. they are pathetic little creatures. :lol:
I agree. The Gitmo 5 pose less risk to the common American and their day to day life than do nutjobs like these cowards who killed these cops.

Thank God for our military and all that they do, and because of them, the cavemen in Afghanistan pose us almost no daily risk at all.

The nutjobs with guns roaming American streets NOW pose a far more immediate threat, and need to be dealt with and imprisoned the same way the military dealt with the cavemen in the Middle East who wanted to do harm to American citizens.

As the Taliban just attacked the largest airport in Pakistan yesterday. Don't think much before you post, do you? Are you related to Lurch Kerry? :lol:

Hey, I know Dick Cheney and his lobbyists need some more war money; And I know you warhawks want to send more of OTHER people's sons and brothers into a war.

But we have people getting slaughtered right here on US soil.

So forgive me if I don't give a fuck what some cavemen from Afghanistan did in Pakistan.
Las Vegas has THE MOST gun deaths in the entire world.

That's where the Cliven Bundy nutters were camping.
so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

Why ask? Is it a riveting question? Can't help it? Can't look inward even for a moment? Don't want to contemplate how these kind of people are your political bedfellows on a whole range of issues?

Exactly right. They cant. They just CANT get themselves to fathom how the radical right wing militia they glorified and they defended the ranch of a racist rancher from, well, following the members of that very militia that Fox News and Hannity praised and glorified as they pointed rifles at law officers, have now begun to ambush and murder innocent police officers.

I hope and pray that SWAT teams move in on that militia and put them all in an 8x8 concrete cell.

hey Buc...if you cant answer a fucking question...just say so.....and show me any post of mine were i GLORIFIED these people....matter of fact show me a post of mine were i even talk about them....its called being honest Buc....something you are not....

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