Anti-government radicals murder 2 police officers had "Dont Tread On Me" flags

I agree. The Gitmo 5 pose less risk to the common American and their day to day life than do nutjobs like these cowards who killed these cops.

Thank God for our military and all that they do, and because of them, the cavemen in Afghanistan pose us almost no daily risk at all.

The nutjobs with guns roaming American streets NOW pose a far more immediate threat, and need to be dealt with and imprisoned the same way the military dealt with the cavemen in the Middle East who wanted to do harm to American citizens.

As the Taliban just attacked the largest airport in Pakistan yesterday. Don't think much before you post, do you? Are you related to Lurch Kerry? :lol:

Hey, I know Dick Cheney and his lobbyists need some more war money; And I know you warhawks want to send more of OTHER people's sons and brothers into a war.

But we have people getting slaughtered right here on US soil.

So forgive me if I don't give a fuck what some cavemen from Afghanistan did in Pakistan.

yea we do....and a lot of them have been by Cops....minorities who did not even have guns on them....happens a come you dont do a rant on them when that happens?...
The article did not associate the two with the Tea Party or any other group and stated they acted alone but hey never let facts get in the way of hate filled partisan B.S.

Two Las Vegas police officers and bystander killed by white supremacist couple | Mail Online

They were members of the Bundy Ranch militia.

They talked, acted and had displays (like that flag) consistent with the Tea Party. You know the saying....if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck......its a duck.

Liar........:bs1:. Link or return to your corner with duncecap.

They said there white supremacists, tee potty and were at the Bundy ranch.

A look inside the lives of shooters Jerad Miller, Amanda Miller - Las Vegas Sun News

Online messages of white supremacist couple Amanda and Jerad Miller who gunned down two police officers and a shopper Walmart before taking their own lives | Mail Online
Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.
I hope these USMB RWers get a handle on this thing and DENOUNCE this radicalism within their ranks.

Put away those damn flags, they are divisive and inciting. They get people riled officials for no reason.

When will it STOP!?!?
Get rid of that Obama logo. It's divisive and insulting.
Two Las Vegas police officers and bystander killed by white supremacist couple | Mail Online

They were members of the Bundy Ranch militia.

They talked, acted and had displays (like that flag) consistent with the Tea Party. You know the saying....if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck......its a duck.

Liar........:bs1:. Link or return to your corner with duncecap.

They said there white supremacists, tee potty and were at the Bundy ranch.

A look inside the lives of shooters Jerad Miller, Amanda Miller - Las Vegas Sun News

Online messages of white supremacist couple Amanda and Jerad Miller who gunned down two police officers and a shopper Walmart before taking their own lives | Mail Online

They were booted from the Bundy ranch.......not a member of Bundys militia. Bundy doesn't have a militia, but had the support of various militias. These two tweekers did not belong to a militia but were self-styled tweeker conspiracy type nutters.
I've never seen a USMB meltdown before. Are they all this entertaining?

After years, decades of left-wingers committing mass murders, the leftists finally have ONE right-wing mass murder to "balance" all that.

What you're seeing is a generation (or two) of pent-up rage, wich they couldn't release since the evidence their side was so overwhelming. FInally, now teh have found one crack in the dam. And they're pretending there's now a flood.

These people have always lived by the lie and the exaggeration.

Nothing has changed, really.

Why is it that no RWs here have condemned their actions?
My understanding of Constitutionalism is sharing equal responsibility and respect for police and military who
vow to uphold the Constitution not violate it. And seek to hold all govt officials
to uphold these same laws not violate them.

These antigovernment violent shooters are as off the mark
as the protestors who kill or attack abortion providers and claim to be "prolife."

They clearly contradict themselves.

To be fair, the liberals who claim to be "prochoice," "inclusive of diversity," and against discrimination by religion
also contradict their own principles by pushing mandates and fines that violate these same principles.

So I blame the political hostility and bullying between people IN GENERAL
for abusing power and influence to even contradict their own policies, causing disruption.

Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.
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ok, and they were ANTI-guberment

well we all know if the government had a chance they would of killed them so what would you call that?


you people and and your dramatic titles.................... hell in the other thread about this they are skinheads, meth addict and they became THE TEA PARTY

do you all pray to government every night or something..I mean you make a BIG frikken DEAL over them being ANTI-government
time to get off the tit

They were booted from the Bundy ranch.......not a member of Bundys militia. Bundy doesn't have a militia, but had the support of various militias. These two tweekers did not belong to a militia but were self-styled tweeker conspiracy type nutters.

Oh please.

You demanded links, I gave them to you. And now you wiggle sideways.

I doubt they were 'booted off the Bundy ranch' (LEGITIMATE LINK?)but it doesn't matter if they were.

FACT is they supported breaking the law in Nevada, they supported white supremacy and they supported tee potty nutters.


After some 30-plus mass murderers in recent memory, with almost exclusively leftist connections, who murderered schoolchildren, mothers in their beds, etc., at last we finally get one with clear right-wing connections. So let's see. Dozens of leftist mass murderers, and one rightist mass murderer. Since we now CAN take political persuasion into account, what does that tell us about the FAR more likely political group to be committing mass murders against helpless victims?
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Sheriff's office: Las Vegas couple saw police as oppressors -


The two COWARDLY pieces of human garbage that ambushed and murdered to Las Vegas Police officers, while they sat eating lunch at CiCi's pizza.....had the typical Tea Party yellow rattlesnake "Don't Tread On Me" flag in their apartment. Anti-government radicals with guns, in Nevada. Funny, didn't we have the radical right wing armed protest against law support of the racist Cliven Bundy and his welfare ranch?

We've said that all this far right radical nonsense about government tyranny is going to end with people getting killed, and here we go, with their proud yellow rattlesnake flag that the Tea Party has so proudly flown, they shout about "REVOLUTION" as they murder two innocent police officers as they ate pizza.

I hope every one of you radical morons who preach this shit and helped create this culture of government hatred know that every incident like this when one of your fellow right wing yellow-rattlesnake-flag radicals kills a law enforcement officer, some of that blood is on your hands.

Did they bravely engage law enforcement in a straight on fight? No. They ambushed them. Cowards.
I hope these USMB RWers get a handle on this thing and DENOUNCE this radicalism within their ranks.

Put away those damn flags, they are divisive and inciting. They get people riled officials for no reason.

When will it STOP!?!?
Get rid of that Obama logo. It's divisive and insulting.

Actually, of course, its just the opposite.

Unless you're a Pootarian.

They were booted from the Bundy ranch.......not a member of Bundys militia. Bundy doesn't have a militia, but had the support of various militias. These two tweekers did not belong to a militia but were self-styled tweeker conspiracy type nutters.

Oh please.

You demanded links, I gave them to you. And now you wiggle sideways.

I doubt they were 'booted off the Bundy ranch' (LEGITIMATE LINK?)but it doesn't matter if they were.

FACT is they supported breaking the law in Nevada, they supported white supremacy and they supported tee potty nutters.

The only thing they supported was that druggies are dangerous!
I've never seen a USMB meltdown before. Are they all this entertaining?

After years, decades of left-wingers committing mass murders, the leftists finally have ONE right-wing mass murder to "balance" all that.

What you're seeing is a generation (or two) of pent-up rage, wich they couldn't release since the evidence their side was so overwhelming. FInally, now teh have found one crack in the dam. And they're pretending there's now a flood.

These people have always lived by the lie and the exaggeration.

Nothing has changed, really.

Why is it that no RWs here have condemned their actions?

Who isn't against this shooting as senseless violence?
It's assumed this is lawlessness and is already being treated as such.

The police and law enforcement response already represent the LAW.

Wal-mart and witnesses are already cooperating with the investigation
and the usual process that follows. It looks like more people are focused
on supporting the surviving families of the fallen officers, and paying respects that way.
Also to note, when they went to the Wal-Mart after the cowardly slayings of the defenseless police officers, a brave concealed weapons holder tried to engage them at the entrance, but sadly, he too was killed by these yellow-rattlesnake-flag worshipping, anti-government cowardly freaks.

so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

More to the point is that not one RW on this board has condemned their actions.

What do you think that says about them?

lots of lefties are here just flapping their lips too.....did not mention that did ya?....
This is so funny.

Every time some nutter blows away a group of people, the RWs on this board form a double line to defend them and to insist we don't need to make any effort to get guns away from known terrorists, criminals, mentally ill, illegals. Nope. The RWs here want those people to have easy access to every kind of weapon on the planet.

But now they're saying mass shooters are all liberals?

so Buc would you be saying this if the people were registered Democrats with OWS flags?...just askin.....

More to the point is that not one RW on this board has condemned their actions.

What do you think that says about them?

lots of lefties are here just flapping their lips too.....did not mention that did ya?....

Nope. Across the board, libs here always condemn mass shooters while RWs make excuses for them. And you know it.
This is so funny.

Every time some nutter blows away a group of people, the RWs on this board form a double line to defend them

Can you name even one instance where this has happened?

Or is it just more of your usual lies about conservatives?
As is usual with these mass shootings the perps had some sort of underlying ideology but it was not that ideology alone that made them do it. If the militia paranoiacs have any fault here is it in acting so paranoid and insane for the cameras that really, really insane people think they have found a home and take all the apocalyptic rhetoric to heart. These pieces of shit are not typical of tea party types but the conservative scaremongers are not entirely blameless, been telling people for years to FEAR this and that, bound to be some people who get pushed over the edge, I just wish these poor excuses for patriots had turned their anger and terror on themselves and simply killed each other first.
After years, decades of left-wingers committing mass murders, the leftists finally have ONE right-wing mass murder to "balance" all that.

What you're seeing is a generation (or two) of pent-up rage, wich they couldn't release since the evidence their side was so overwhelming. FInally, now teh have found one crack in the dam. And they're pretending there's now a flood.

These people have always lived by the lie and the exaggeration.

Nothing has changed, really.

Why is it that no RWs here have condemned their actions?

Who isn't against this shooting as senseless violence?
It's assumed this is lawlessness and is already being treated as such.

The police and law enforcement response already represent the LAW.

Wal-mart and witnesses are already cooperating with the investigation
and the usual process that follows. It looks like more people are focused
on supporting the surviving families of the fallen officers, and paying respects that way.

Again, the important question is, who is in favor of taking steps to make these shootings more rare?

As far as I know, the only thing you RWs say is "more guns".

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