Anti Gun Folks. A new phrase for you. Ghost Guns.

The constitution doesn’t say that.
It clearly states- "shall not be infringed"-
actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.).
"making an unauthorized copy would infringe copyright"
synonyms: contravene, violate, transgress, break, breach, commit a breach of, disobey, defy, flout, fly in the face of, ride roughshod over, kick against;

fail to comply with, fail to observe, disregard, take no notice of, ignore, neglect;
go beyond, overstep, exceed;

  • act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.
    "his legal rights were being infringed"
    synonyms: undermine, erode, diminish, weaken, impair, damage, compromise;
A restriction on a right - especially a fundamental right specifically protected by the constitution - absent a demonstration of the necessity for and efficacy of said restriction is an infringement.
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Any sort of firearm registration is unconstitutional you fucking moron
Well regulated militia isn’t the constitution you moron. There is nothing against registration. Stop the lying.
Firearm registration is unconstitutional… Live with it
Please share why? Your posts are a complete waste.
Because no one has to register their firearms, it’s no one else’s business and certainly not the federal government’s business. Live with it
The constitution doesn’t say that.
The constitution says nothing about firearm registration… So firearm registration is unconstitutional
From the link: Such weapons often come in kits and can be acquired at gun shows or by mail.

Hmmm. I wonder how the loophole which allows these parts to be bought at gun shows or through the mail can be addressed. Gosh, that's a real stumper!

they aren’t guns. Polymer80 | Best Glock Accessories |
Then you put one in your mouth and pull the trigger


You understand that they take a lot of work before they go bang right? Also they cost about twice as much to make over just buying one. They aren’t guns. You can’t make it go bang without a lot of work.

I am talking like 20 hours of work. That is if you have a clue about what you are doing. With specialized tools you can probably cut that down some. This is not a gun ready to assemble. It is a kit that requires a lot of precision before it will work.
Look simpleton a gun without a serial number will vent your head just as well as a gun with a serial number.

If you disagree prove me wrong with your face
His link was gun PARTS you fuckin dummy
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you
Then you put one in your mouth and pull the trigger


You understand that they take a lot of work before they go bang right? Also they cost about twice as much to make over just buying one. They aren’t guns. You can’t make it go bang without a lot of work.

I am talking like 20 hours of work. That is if you have a clue about what you are doing. With specialized tools you can probably cut that down some. This is not a gun ready to assemble. It is a kit that requires a lot of precision before it will work.
Look simpleton a gun without a serial number will vent your head just as well as a gun with a serial number.

If you disagree prove me wrong with your face
His link was gun PARTS you fuckin dummy
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you
Then you put one in your mouth and pull the trigger


You understand that they take a lot of work before they go bang right? Also they cost about twice as much to make over just buying one. They aren’t guns. You can’t make it go bang without a lot of work.

I am talking like 20 hours of work. That is if you have a clue about what you are doing. With specialized tools you can probably cut that down some. This is not a gun ready to assemble. It is a kit that requires a lot of precision before it will work.
Look simpleton a gun without a serial number will vent your head just as well as a gun with a serial number.

If you disagree prove me wrong with your face
His link was gun PARTS you fuckin dummy
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you

No. I said the part you buy is not a gun. It is not my opinion. It is the decision of the ATF. I am literally quoting the position of the Federal Government. It is not a gun. If it was a gun that worked and you wanted to buy it you would need a FFL dealer and a serial number.

Ghost Guns: Untraceable firearms in hands of hobbyists, felons and children

I literally stated the official position of the ATF. Now. Would you like to argue it with them? Before you do I suggest you find out why they say it is not a gun. Now. Why am I an idiot for stating the official position of the Government?
Meanwhile in the Yukon... David is a stud!

Then you put one in your mouth and pull the trigger


You understand that they take a lot of work before they go bang right? Also they cost about twice as much to make over just buying one. They aren’t guns. You can’t make it go bang without a lot of work.

I am talking like 20 hours of work. That is if you have a clue about what you are doing. With specialized tools you can probably cut that down some. This is not a gun ready to assemble. It is a kit that requires a lot of precision before it will work.
Look simpleton a gun without a serial number will vent your head just as well as a gun with a serial number.

If you disagree prove me wrong with your face
His link was gun PARTS you fuckin dummy
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you

IQ 130, except when I get pissed off

Ask around
Then you put one in your mouth and pull the trigger


You understand that they take a lot of work before they go bang right? Also they cost about twice as much to make over just buying one. They aren’t guns. You can’t make it go bang without a lot of work.

I am talking like 20 hours of work. That is if you have a clue about what you are doing. With specialized tools you can probably cut that down some. This is not a gun ready to assemble. It is a kit that requires a lot of precision before it will work.
Look simpleton a gun without a serial number will vent your head just as well as a gun with a serial number.

If you disagree prove me wrong with your face
His link was gun PARTS you fuckin dummy
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you

No. I said the part you buy is not a gun. It is not my opinion. It is the decision of the ATF. I am literally quoting the position of the Federal Government. It is not a gun. If it was a gun that worked and you wanted to buy it you would need a FFL dealer and a serial number.

Ghost Guns: Untraceable firearms in hands of hobbyists, felons and children

I literally stated the official position of the ATF. Now. Would you like to argue it with them? Before you do I suggest you find out why they say it is not a gun. Now. Why am I an idiot for stating the official position of the Government?

Here is another gee I wonder thing. Black powder firearms are not covered by firearms laws. So you can order a fully functional rifle or pistol through the mail and have it delivered without a background check.

Shop Black Powder Pistols and Revolvers by Top Brands

If you knew half as much about firearms as you talk you might be an interesting debate opponent.
Then you put one in your mouth and pull the trigger


You understand that they take a lot of work before they go bang right? Also they cost about twice as much to make over just buying one. They aren’t guns. You can’t make it go bang without a lot of work.

I am talking like 20 hours of work. That is if you have a clue about what you are doing. With specialized tools you can probably cut that down some. This is not a gun ready to assemble. It is a kit that requires a lot of precision before it will work.
Look simpleton a gun without a serial number will vent your head just as well as a gun with a serial number.

If you disagree prove me wrong with your face
His link was gun PARTS you fuckin dummy
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you

No. I said the part you buy is not a gun. It is not my opinion. It is the decision of the ATF. I am literally quoting the position of the Federal Government. It is not a gun. If it was a gun that worked and you wanted to buy it you would need a FFL dealer and a serial number.

Ghost Guns: Untraceable firearms in hands of hobbyists, felons and children

I literally stated the official position of the ATF. Now. Would you like to argue it with them? Before you do I suggest you find out why they say it is not a gun. Now. Why am I an idiot for stating the official position of the Government?

Which changes nothing as ghost guns kill just as fast as numbered ones
You understand that they take a lot of work before they go bang right? Also they cost about twice as much to make over just buying one. They aren’t guns. You can’t make it go bang without a lot of work.

I am talking like 20 hours of work. That is if you have a clue about what you are doing. With specialized tools you can probably cut that down some. This is not a gun ready to assemble. It is a kit that requires a lot of precision before it will work.
Look simpleton a gun without a serial number will vent your head just as well as a gun with a serial number.

If you disagree prove me wrong with your face
His link was gun PARTS you fuckin dummy
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you

No. I said the part you buy is not a gun. It is not my opinion. It is the decision of the ATF. I am literally quoting the position of the Federal Government. It is not a gun. If it was a gun that worked and you wanted to buy it you would need a FFL dealer and a serial number.

Ghost Guns: Untraceable firearms in hands of hobbyists, felons and children

I literally stated the official position of the ATF. Now. Would you like to argue it with them? Before you do I suggest you find out why they say it is not a gun. Now. Why am I an idiot for stating the official position of the Government?

Here is another gee I wonder thing. Black powder firearms are not covered by firearms laws. So you can order a fully functional rifle or pistol through the mail and have it delivered without a background check.

Shop Black Powder Pistols and Revolvers by Top Brands

If you knew half as much about firearms as you talk you might be an interesting debate opponent.

Yo moron, a friggin cannon is a blackpowder firearm

You need a mental health check
You understand that they take a lot of work before they go bang right? Also they cost about twice as much to make over just buying one. They aren’t guns. You can’t make it go bang without a lot of work.

I am talking like 20 hours of work. That is if you have a clue about what you are doing. With specialized tools you can probably cut that down some. This is not a gun ready to assemble. It is a kit that requires a lot of precision before it will work.
Look simpleton a gun without a serial number will vent your head just as well as a gun with a serial number.

If you disagree prove me wrong with your face
His link was gun PARTS you fuckin dummy
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you

No. I said the part you buy is not a gun. It is not my opinion. It is the decision of the ATF. I am literally quoting the position of the Federal Government. It is not a gun. If it was a gun that worked and you wanted to buy it you would need a FFL dealer and a serial number.

Ghost Guns: Untraceable firearms in hands of hobbyists, felons and children

I literally stated the official position of the ATF. Now. Would you like to argue it with them? Before you do I suggest you find out why they say it is not a gun. Now. Why am I an idiot for stating the official position of the Government?

Here is another gee I wonder thing. Black powder firearms are not covered by firearms laws. So you can order a fully functional rifle or pistol through the mail and have it delivered without a background check.

Shop Black Powder Pistols and Revolvers by Top Brands

If you knew half as much about firearms as you talk you might be an interesting debate opponent.

Dude these are actually black powder firearms. You know ant NRA tards that own these

Look simpleton a gun without a serial number will vent your head just as well as a gun with a serial number.

If you disagree prove me wrong with your face
His link was gun PARTS you fuckin dummy
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you

No. I said the part you buy is not a gun. It is not my opinion. It is the decision of the ATF. I am literally quoting the position of the Federal Government. It is not a gun. If it was a gun that worked and you wanted to buy it you would need a FFL dealer and a serial number.

Ghost Guns: Untraceable firearms in hands of hobbyists, felons and children

I literally stated the official position of the ATF. Now. Would you like to argue it with them? Before you do I suggest you find out why they say it is not a gun. Now. Why am I an idiot for stating the official position of the Government?

Here is another gee I wonder thing. Black powder firearms are not covered by firearms laws. So you can order a fully functional rifle or pistol through the mail and have it delivered without a background check.

Shop Black Powder Pistols and Revolvers by Top Brands

If you knew half as much about firearms as you talk you might be an interesting debate opponent.

Yo moron, a friggin cannon is a blackpowder firearm

You need a mental health check

A Blackpowder cannon is not covered by those firearms laws. Unless it is prohibited by local or state laws there is nothing to prevent you from buying and firing one. Again. If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.
His link was gun PARTS you fuckin dummy
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you

No. I said the part you buy is not a gun. It is not my opinion. It is the decision of the ATF. I am literally quoting the position of the Federal Government. It is not a gun. If it was a gun that worked and you wanted to buy it you would need a FFL dealer and a serial number.

Ghost Guns: Untraceable firearms in hands of hobbyists, felons and children

I literally stated the official position of the ATF. Now. Would you like to argue it with them? Before you do I suggest you find out why they say it is not a gun. Now. Why am I an idiot for stating the official position of the Government?

Here is another gee I wonder thing. Black powder firearms are not covered by firearms laws. So you can order a fully functional rifle or pistol through the mail and have it delivered without a background check.

Shop Black Powder Pistols and Revolvers by Top Brands

If you knew half as much about firearms as you talk you might be an interesting debate opponent.

Yo moron, a friggin cannon is a blackpowder firearm

You need a mental health check

A Blackpowder cannon is not covered by those firearms laws. Unless it is prohibited by local or state laws there is nothing to prevent you from buying and firing one. Again. If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.

Can you buy gunpowder without an ID? Saying no would allow terrorist to buy their bombs here.

If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.
Yo dummy, any gun can be broken down into it's parts. Furthermore this thread is not about gun parts but ghost guns that do not have serial numbers. Your dopey friend says that a gun without a serial number is not a gun.

I would like to film him proving this with his face.

Ghost guns are why banning guns will never do anything except for stopping good people from defending themselves against demokraps like you

No. I said the part you buy is not a gun. It is not my opinion. It is the decision of the ATF. I am literally quoting the position of the Federal Government. It is not a gun. If it was a gun that worked and you wanted to buy it you would need a FFL dealer and a serial number.

Ghost Guns: Untraceable firearms in hands of hobbyists, felons and children

I literally stated the official position of the ATF. Now. Would you like to argue it with them? Before you do I suggest you find out why they say it is not a gun. Now. Why am I an idiot for stating the official position of the Government?

Here is another gee I wonder thing. Black powder firearms are not covered by firearms laws. So you can order a fully functional rifle or pistol through the mail and have it delivered without a background check.

Shop Black Powder Pistols and Revolvers by Top Brands

If you knew half as much about firearms as you talk you might be an interesting debate opponent.

Yo moron, a friggin cannon is a blackpowder firearm

You need a mental health check

A Blackpowder cannon is not covered by those firearms laws. Unless it is prohibited by local or state laws there is nothing to prevent you from buying and firing one. Again. If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.

Can you buy gunpowder without an ID? Saying no would allow terrorist to buy their bombs here.

If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.

Last time I bought Black Powder I didn’t need any. I can make a Cannon that uses Black Powder and it would be legal.

No. I said the part you buy is not a gun. It is not my opinion. It is the decision of the ATF. I am literally quoting the position of the Federal Government. It is not a gun. If it was a gun that worked and you wanted to buy it you would need a FFL dealer and a serial number.

Ghost Guns: Untraceable firearms in hands of hobbyists, felons and children

I literally stated the official position of the ATF. Now. Would you like to argue it with them? Before you do I suggest you find out why they say it is not a gun. Now. Why am I an idiot for stating the official position of the Government?

Here is another gee I wonder thing. Black powder firearms are not covered by firearms laws. So you can order a fully functional rifle or pistol through the mail and have it delivered without a background check.

Shop Black Powder Pistols and Revolvers by Top Brands

If you knew half as much about firearms as you talk you might be an interesting debate opponent.

Yo moron, a friggin cannon is a blackpowder firearm

You need a mental health check

A Blackpowder cannon is not covered by those firearms laws. Unless it is prohibited by local or state laws there is nothing to prevent you from buying and firing one. Again. If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.

Can you buy gunpowder without an ID? Saying no would allow terrorist to buy their bombs here.

If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.

Last time I bought Black Powder I didn’t need any. I can make a Cannon that uses Black Powder and it would be legal.

If this is true you could also make a pressure cooker bomb to take to the marathon.

Really, so at some point all logic has broken down or you are deluded
No. I said the part you buy is not a gun. It is not my opinion. It is the decision of the ATF. I am literally quoting the position of the Federal Government. It is not a gun. If it was a gun that worked and you wanted to buy it you would need a FFL dealer and a serial number.

Ghost Guns: Untraceable firearms in hands of hobbyists, felons and children

I literally stated the official position of the ATF. Now. Would you like to argue it with them? Before you do I suggest you find out why they say it is not a gun. Now. Why am I an idiot for stating the official position of the Government?

Here is another gee I wonder thing. Black powder firearms are not covered by firearms laws. So you can order a fully functional rifle or pistol through the mail and have it delivered without a background check.

Shop Black Powder Pistols and Revolvers by Top Brands

If you knew half as much about firearms as you talk you might be an interesting debate opponent.

Yo moron, a friggin cannon is a blackpowder firearm

You need a mental health check

A Blackpowder cannon is not covered by those firearms laws. Unless it is prohibited by local or state laws there is nothing to prevent you from buying and firing one. Again. If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.

Can you buy gunpowder without an ID? Saying no would allow terrorist to buy their bombs here.

If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.

Last time I bought Black Powder I didn’t need any. I can make a Cannon that uses Black Powder and it would be legal.

Oh by the way, your homemade cannon could not hit a barn if it was in the barn, so it's basically a 4 year olds noisemaker.

Until it blows up and kills everyone
I have a half dozen "ghost guns".

AR-15 lowers made from 80% receivers. Perfectly legal.

They are no more dangerous or a threat to anybody than the the other 25 ARs that I have that were manufactured with a factory serial number.
I have a half dozen "ghost guns".

AR-15 lowers made from 80% receivers. Perfectly legal.

They are no more dangerous or a threat to anybody than the the other 25 ARs that I have that were manufactured with a factory serial number.
They are more dangerous because when used they can not be traced to anything.

You also do not know the metallurgy of the parts, which means nothing to morons

But you go on babbling
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Here is another gee I wonder thing. Black powder firearms are not covered by firearms laws. So you can order a fully functional rifle or pistol through the mail and have it delivered without a background check.

Shop Black Powder Pistols and Revolvers by Top Brands

If you knew half as much about firearms as you talk you might be an interesting debate opponent.

Yo moron, a friggin cannon is a blackpowder firearm

You need a mental health check

A Blackpowder cannon is not covered by those firearms laws. Unless it is prohibited by local or state laws there is nothing to prevent you from buying and firing one. Again. If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.

Can you buy gunpowder without an ID? Saying no would allow terrorist to buy their bombs here.

If you knew half as much as you talk you would be an interesting debate opponent.

Last time I bought Black Powder I didn’t need any. I can make a Cannon that uses Black Powder and it would be legal.

If this is true you could also make a pressure cooker bomb to take to the marathon.

Really, so at some point all logic has broken down or you are deluded

Bombs are illegal. Unless you are legally allowed to use them to clear tree stumps or something in your state. Many Farmers have Dynamite for such purposes.

You should have watched the video. That homemade cannon was pretty accurate and impressive. It is not the only one.

The last time I bought black powder for my pistol, a .44 Cal cap and ball revolver, I didn’t show any ID. I bought a pound plus the caps. I already had the ball. I have been thinking of getting some more. I would need ffffg powder for the pan on the Flintlock rifle. I would probably want ffg for the barrel. I could probably use fffg without any problem.

Just because you think it is wrong doesn’t make it illegal. I can use Thermite made with ingredients I got from eBay legally on my property. I can fire my guns. I can shoot Armadillo’s pretty much at will. All nice and legal. We hear lots of gunshots around here. And it is all legal so long as you are not shooting at someone.

You should find out what the laws are instead of imagining they are what you think they should be. Georgia law says that Armadillo’s are an invasive and destructive species and can be eliminated without any problem. No I am not out there every night hoping to kill one. I am just pointing out the laws may not say what you think they should.

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