Anti gun protester David Hogg protected by armed guards

Judging by the hate from perpetually obsessed Hogg-Haters perpetually flowing his way - He NEEDS a body guard.
Judging by the 2.3 million prisoners in the U.S. (and the millions more released), I need unfettered access to firearms. Yet you want to restrict or even prevent me from owning one.

Hypocrisy, much?

Hogg and the rest of the Parkland kids support the second amendment.
And I am a gun owner

What else ya got :confused-84: :dunno: :confused-84:

No, they don't....they are lying.

Here is what they want - They support the second amendment for law abiding gun owners but simply want universal checks and a ban on assault-style weapons and high capacity magazines. Neither of those things is guaranteed in the second amendment. Ask the ghost of Scalia.

Here are the laws that student gun-control activists from Parkland actually want to pass

And if they got that passed, the death toll from guns will not go down, since "assault style" (translation: black scary looking) guns are used to kill few Americans in America. School kids will continue to die.

When it becomes obvious they have accomplished little beyond feeling good about themselves because they stuck it to those icky gun people, what do you think they will do?

The homicide rate in gun controlled Britain is up 44%....
Why would he need armed guards, because gun crazy nuts want him dead.
There are nuts who want to shoot up kids in school, but Hogg is against putting armed guards in schools. Hes a hypocrite and youre too uninformed to comment on this.

No sorry - Hogg is not opposed to more highly trained armed guards. He thinks it would be dumb to arm teachers.
This is what he said after the school was protected by numerous cops, "All we have now is more guns and more chances for things to go wrong." Isnt it funny how that that sentiment doesnt apply in his personal life?

Link please ^ If he said that he was referring to teachers.

Okay thanks - fair enough. But I too believe that 50 cops with AR-15s was overkill. Don't think he would be opposed to a reasonable number of armed security.
Link please ^ If he said that he was referring to teachers.

Maybe look something up for a change instead of being like a liberal/progressive, and relying on everyone else to do the work for you. Or don't you know how?

I did look for it and found only the references to arming teachers. BTW, if I had a nickel every time one of you kooks asked for a link to something we've provided you with on the same subject already a thousand times, I'd be richer than Trump. :wink:
There are nuts who want to shoot up kids in school, but Hogg is against putting armed guards in schools. Hes a hypocrite and youre too uninformed to comment on this.

No sorry - Hogg is not opposed to more highly trained armed guards. He thinks it would be dumb to arm teachers.
This is what he said after the school was protected by numerous cops, "All we have now is more guns and more chances for things to go wrong." Isnt it funny how that that sentiment doesnt apply in his personal life?

Link please ^ If he said that he was referring to teachers.

Okay thanks - fair enough. But I too believe that 50 cops with AR-15s was overkill. Don't think he would be opposed to a reasonable number of armed security.
I disagree, but i appreciate the acknowledgement that you were wrong. Very few people do that in political debates and you deserve some points for it.
No sorry - Hogg is not opposed to more highly trained armed guards. He thinks it would be dumb to arm teachers.
This is what he said after the school was protected by numerous cops, "All we have now is more guns and more chances for things to go wrong." Isnt it funny how that that sentiment doesnt apply in his personal life?

Link please ^ If he said that he was referring to teachers.

Okay thanks - fair enough. But I too believe that 50 cops with AR-15s was overkill. Don't think he would be opposed to a reasonable number of armed security.
I disagree, but i appreciate the acknowledgement that you were wrong. Very few people do that in political debates and you deserve some points for it.

Yeah, I've heard him talk about his opposition to arming teachers about a million times.
But not any opposition to armed cops on campus. His Dad was an FBI agent and he has a lot of respect for cops.
I too would have found 50 armed guards to be intimidating and an overkill as well.
This is what he said after the school was protected by numerous cops, "All we have now is more guns and more chances for things to go wrong." Isnt it funny how that that sentiment doesnt apply in his personal life?

Link please ^ If he said that he was referring to teachers.

Okay thanks - fair enough. But I too believe that 50 cops with AR-15s was overkill. Don't think he would be opposed to a reasonable number of armed security.
I disagree, but i appreciate the acknowledgement that you were wrong. Very few people do that in political debates and you deserve some points for it.

Yeah, I've heard him talk about his opposition to arming teachers about a million times.
But not any opposition to armed cops on campus. His Dad was an FBI agent and he has a lot of respect for cops.
I too would have found 50 armed guards to be intimidating and an overkill as well.
He wants to make it illegal for everyone to own arms, moron.
Are the armed guards 18, and carry AK 47s?

Doesn't matter. He wants to take everyone's guns. Is everyone that owns a gun 18 and carry an AK 47?
can you give a reputable link that states he wants to take everyone's guns?

I've NEVER seen him say that....???

Here are the laws that student gun-control activists from Parkland actually want to pass

They want an Assault weapon ban and a ban on the lie of High capacity magazines.

At his young age he has become the master of anti-gun bait and switch.

the AR-15 rifle is not an Assault rifle, it is not a military rifle it has never been used in operatest the exact same way as every single other semi automatic rifle, pistol, shotgun and even revolvers.... one bullet fired for one pull of the trigger.

He knows this because his anti-gun handlers have trained him.....if you ban the AR-15 rifle, then you can ban every other rifle, pistol and shotgun, as well as revolvers because they are the same weapon.....he knows this...that is how he can lie and say he doesn't want to take our guns......just semi automatic ones...

Then he says he wants to ban "high capacity" magazines.....what he means to say is any magazine that holds, for now, 10 bullets.... which is another bait and switch.... the shooter at his school used 10 round what he wants is to ban handguns that are designed to use magazines with more than 10 rounds, since as soon as you ban 10 round magazines, those guns are illegal....until the gun makers decide to make new 10 round magazines for guns not designed for them....

It is another gun ban without calling it a gun ban...

And of course, neither thing that he wants would have stopped the shooter at his school...... he is intelligent, he knows this, which is why he is using the bait and switch...
What a bizarre stick with which to beat this youth.
If you had sensible gun laws he wouldn't need protecting from people like the knuckle draggers on here.

We have sensible gun laws...the criminals do not obey them...just like in Britain where gun crime is up 42% in London....where they have banned and confiscated guns...
And yet an 18 year old survivor of an NRA atrocity needs armed guards to keep him safe from other NRA fucks. Please,cut the bullshit.
And yet an 18 year old survivor of an NRA atrocity needs armed guards to keep him safe from other NRA fucks. Please,cut the bullshit.

Hmmmm. I didn't realize the NRA did the shooting in Parkland, or any of the murders that have occurred, including 8,000 inner city blacks each year.
And yet an 18 year old survivor of an NRA atrocity needs armed guards to keep him safe from other NRA fucks. Please,cut the bullshit.

Hmmmm. I didn't realize the NRA did the shooting in Parkland, or any of the murders that have occurred, including 8,000 inner city blacks each year.
You dont have to pull the trigger to be culpable. You know that though.
What a bizarre stick with which to beat this youth.
If you had sensible gun laws he wouldn't need protecting from people like the knuckle draggers on here.

We have sensible gun laws...the criminals do not obey them...just like in Britain where gun crime is up 42% in London....where they have banned and confiscated guns...
And yet an 18 year old survivor of an NRA atrocity needs armed guards to keep him safe from other NRA fucks. Please,cut the bullshit.
No he doesn't.
And yet an 18 year old survivor of an NRA atrocity needs armed guards to keep him safe from other NRA fucks. Please,cut the bullshit.

Hmmmm. I didn't realize the NRA did the shooting in Parkland, or any of the murders that have occurred, including 8,000 inner city blacks each year.
You dont have to pull the trigger to be culpable. You know that though.
They are in no concievable way culpable. The FBI is more culpable than the NRA.
What a bizarre stick with which to beat this youth.
If you had sensible gun laws he wouldn't need protecting from people like the knuckle draggers on here.

We have sensible gun laws...the criminals do not obey them...just like in Britain where gun crime is up 42% in London....where they have banned and confiscated guns...
And yet an 18 year old survivor of an NRA atrocity needs armed guards to keep him safe from other NRA fucks. Please,cut the bullshit.

What NRA atrocity...... none of the mass public shooters were members of the NRA, however, if you check the police, odds are that many of them who respond to these shootings belong to the NRA or have been trained by NRA instructors....

NRA members are not shooting people....democrats in democrat controlled voting districts are shooting people.... during the election, it was a left wing Brit, like yourself, who tried to murder Trump with a gun...... it was a left wing, democrat, bernie sanders supporter who tried to murder the entire Republican baseball team, criically injuring several members....

So sell you anti-NRA bullshit somewhere else.........

They teach gun safety to children to keep them safe...

They teach civilians how to use guns safely.

They teach police and military.....

They fight democrat policies that put criminals back onto our streets, criminals released by democrats who then go on to shoot people...

The democrat party has actual blood on it's hands you moron, not the NRA..
...and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14.
Gulping Gayturd is SO “proud” that he spends hours on the internet joining progressives arguing against the 2nd Amendment. :eusa_doh:

No he doesn't - Like me he is a gun owner. Kindly cut it with the nonsense.

It is amazing that to the zealots me not carrying a gun with me 24/7 makes me anti-gun and against the 2nd.

What kind of a mind thinks like that?

No... it is your support for anti gun arguments that make you anti 2nd Amendment.....I have debated this issue with you and from what I remember you are one of those...I own guns, want every manner of gun control that will make it harder for law abiding gun owners to own and carry guns and easier for each, next step, toward gun banning and confiscation..... then claim to support the 2nd AMendment....

That is why you are anti-gun and anti 2nd Amendment...

You are a useful idiot for the anti-gun extremists...

Please feel free to link to a single anti-gun argument I have supported.

Fuck, the number of liars on this forum is growing daily
...and a proud gun owner since my dad gave me my first .22 when I was 14.
Gulping Gayturd is SO “proud” that he spends hours on the internet joining progressives arguing against the 2nd Amendment. :eusa_doh:

No he doesn't - Like me he is a gun owner. Kindly cut it with the nonsense.

It is amazing that to the zealots me not carrying a gun with me 24/7 makes me anti-gun and against the 2nd.

What kind of a mind thinks like that?

No... it is your support for anti gun arguments that make you anti 2nd Amendment.....I have debated this issue with you and from what I remember you are one of those...I own guns, want every manner of gun control that will make it harder for law abiding gun owners to own and carry guns and easier for each, next step, toward gun banning and confiscation..... then claim to support the 2nd AMendment....

That is why you are anti-gun and anti 2nd Amendment...

You are a useful idiot for the anti-gun extremists...

Please feel free to link to a single anti-gun argument I have supported.

Fuck, the number of liars on this forum is growing daily

State you positions...I don't have the time to track down our past debates.... you are a useful idiot for the anti-gun extremists..

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